"Ha ha!"

Zuo Yu burst into laughter upon hearing this.

Daenerys also smiled, shook her head, and said disdainfully: "Cheap loyalty."

Zuo Yu smiled and shook his head: "The vassal kings of the Ming Dynasty are all virtuous. Just kill them. There is no need to keep them."

Zhao Lihe said with a smile: "Of course I know this. The reason why I stayed with King Qin was to let the outside world see that I treat the Ming royal family well and let them understand that I am different from those bandits, so as to eliminate the resistance in their hearts... …”

"Why bother?" Daenerys asked doubtfully, "You already have the military strength of the United States during World War II, why do you need to care about their feelings? You can just push them flatly!"

Zhao Lihe chuckled softly: "Little Dani, my brother will teach you a saying, a man who is victorious in every battle is not a good person; a man who subdues others without fighting is a good person..."

Zuo Yu said with a smile: "Don't teach me, your strategy is not applicable to Dany. She cares about the enemy's army and the lives of the people under her rule. She feels that they will be her own sooner or later, so she doesn't want to go on a killing spree, but she They don’t care about the lives of those notorious mercenary groups and noble soldiers. Whether it is the slave city-states of Essos continent or the plundering Dothraki warriors, they all need to rely on violence rather than kindness to govern.”

"That's right!"

Daenerys nodded quickly in agreement.

Zhao Lihe smiled helplessly. Zuo Yu was right. In the world of Game of Thrones, kindness is not worth mentioning. Only money and the army are king.

But in the Ming Dynasty, Zhao Lihe still wanted to preserve the population of the descendants of Yan and Huang as much as possible. A healthy young man would need to consume tons of food and take eighteen years to grow up, but killing him would only Need a cheap bullet.

If the tens of millions of people who should have died in the troubled times of the late Ming Dynasty can be relied on to survive, even if it is delayed for several years, it will be profitable for Zhao Lihe.

"Don't worry, when the new dynasty is established, I will deal with these vassal nobles of the old dynasty according to the law. Those who deserve to be killed will be killed, and those who deserve to be imprisoned will be used to give an explanation to the people who have been tortured by the troubled times with their lives... …”

Zhao Lihe said lightly as he walked out of the Qin Palace with Zuo Yu and Daenerys.

On the way to the garrison in the city, young officials could be seen rushing past the three of them from time to time.

They were wearing official uniforms similar to Chinese tunic suits, with young and energetic faces, and a restrained arrogance all over their bodies. When they saw Zhao Lihe and others, they just bowed their hands respectfully, called them "Master," and then left in a hurry.

Zhao Lihe responded with a smile and watched them leave.

Zuo Yu had a strange expression: "Master Fu Zun?"

Zhao Lihe glanced at him and said: "Now the entire north, except for Kyoto, is under my rule. Even most of the Ming Dynasty officials in Kyoto have secretly surrendered to me. Only Chongzhen is still holding on. He made me the prefect of Xi'an, but he made my general the chief envoy. He wanted to use this to alienate the relationship between me and his general. I found it interesting, so I accepted his reward."

Zuo Yu asked with interest: "What then?"

Zhao Lihe said calmly: "Old Liu, who was named the chief envoy, was frightened. That night, he brought the imperial edict to my house with his wife and daughter, and cut Chongzhen's imperial edict in half in front of me. Then he took his wife and children and knelt in front of me, held out the sword with both hands, and said that if he is suspected of betrayal in the future, I will kill his whole family with this sword..."

"You accepted it?"

"Of course not." Zhao Lihe said angrily, "If I want to kill him, do I still need a sword?"

Daenerys listened with great interest, and then asked doubtfully: "Zhao, you have taken the entire north, why haven't you taken Kyoto yet? Isn't it interesting to keep a king from the previous dynasty in the territory?"

"It's really interesting."

Zhao Lihe nodded first, and then said with a smile: "But I didn't keep him here for humiliation or fun, but for other reasons. If I really kill Chongzhen, those corrupt scholars in Jiangnan will immediately support him." If I appoint another member of the Zhu family to the throne, then some people will still use the name of the Zhu family to disgust me. Instead of dealing with those bugs that appear out of nowhere, it is better to keep Chongzhen first."

"It just so happens that he and I have some unresolved grievances. I just want him to watch the Ming Dynasty collapse in his hands..."

Having said this, Zhao Lihe narrowed his eyes slightly, and for the first time his eyes showed the coldness and cruelty of an emperor.

Seeing the look in his eyes, Zuo Yu felt very relieved, and Daenerys finally saw the familiar appearance of the emperor.

"Lord Fu Zun!"

Another young official handed over to the three of them, then turned around and left in a hurry.

Daenerys frowned, looked at his back and said with some dissatisfaction: "Zhao, why do I feel that these people don't respect you very much? Do you need me to help you teach them a lesson?"

"Don't!" Zhao Lihe stopped him quickly and said angrily, "It took a lot of effort for me to cultivate their pride, but you must not break it for me. Besides, it's not like they don't respect me. It's just that in the Qin Prince's Mansion, they are not themselves, but officials representing the country. Only when you leave the Qin Prince's Mansion can you see their admiration for me..."

Zhao Lihe spoke with great confidence, which made Daenerys feel a sense of envy.

"It seems that I really need to learn how to govern the country from you!"

"You've learned a lot, little Danni!"

Zhao Lihe smiled and rubbed her head, then turned around, laughed and left with his hands behind his back.

Soon, the three of them arrived at the military camp stationed in the city, where Zhao Lihe's most trusted three thousand personal guards were stationed.

Most of the soldiers in the army were members of the Tongmenghui who originally followed Zhao Lihe. Among them were the children of Qi Jiajun and the folks from Hanzhong Prefecture. These people were loyal to Zhao Lihe and had no second thoughts.

In return for their loyalty, Zhao Lihe also gave them the best equipment and treatment.

The military camp not only has the most cutting-edge modern firepower configuration, but also the steel soldiers and steel puppets he bought.

Behind the military camp, there is also a Wujing Pavilion, which contains the secrets of martial arts that Zhao Lihe obtained from the official under one person. All members of the Guards have access to the Wujing Pavilion and can choose a book of martial arts to practice. The right to practice.

Even if they don't have the talent to practice Qi, they can still be strengthened through the four strengthening machines installed in the military camp.

Each gray fog strengthening machine stores five hundred gray fog coins, which adds up to a total of two thousand gray fog coins, which is considered a considerable expenditure.

Having said this, I have to mention that due to the nature of the time traveler, the time traveler can absorb nearly twenty gray fog coins per day at the beginning, while ordinary people can only absorb 1-5 wisps of gray fog per day, which is converted into gray fog. coins, that is, 0.2-1 gray mist coins.

Every few days of continuous absorption, a period of rest is required.

This results in the gray fog enhancement efficiency of ordinary people being extremely low, far inferior to practicing exercises or relying on technology.

The four gray fog strengthening machines placed by Zhao Lihe in the military camp have been used by more than 700 people so far. Among them, the only ones who are still insisting on strengthening them are the 39 people who have the highest talent, that is, they can absorb one gray fog coin every day. .

Most of the rest have given up and tried to practice Qi Gong instead, or rely on technology.

However, practicing Qigong also requires talent, which means that a large part of the three thousand personal guards are relatively powerful ordinary people, and only 184 people can truly master inhuman power.

"I have read the comic book Under One Person. I am very interested in the self-cultivation furnace in it that can turn ordinary people into strange beings. When you meet Ma Xianhong and get the thing, you can sell it to me and I will give it to you. A price you are satisfied with.”

Zhao Lihe patted Zuo Yu on the shoulder and said.

Daenerys said quickly: "That's not possible. I want this too. Let's compete fairly!"

Zuo Yu said with a smile: "Don't worry, if you want to sell it, you must sell it to the alliance first. After Void and Boss Lin have finished their research, you can then buy a more cost-effective and improved version from the alliance. That'll be fine!"


Daenerys nodded and stopped fighting with Zhao Lihe.

Next to the three people, a heroic young man in white shirt listened silently, with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

Zhao Lihe turned his head and said with a smile: "Old Pan, please lead the way!"

"Yes, Mr. Fu Zun!"

Pan Yunpeng smiled and held his hands, then walked ahead to lead the way for the three of them.

He is the leader of these three thousand personal guards and the supreme leader of the secret espionage organization and intelligence network under Zhao Lihe.

As a member of the Tongmenghui who is not a descendant of the Qi family army, to be able to sit in this position, apart from his loyalty to Zhao Lihe and the Tongmenghui, the most important thing is his own character and ability.

Because of this, Zhao Lihe decided to put him in charge of cross-border transactions and gave him the management of the first fixed portal.

Soon, Pan Yunpeng stopped, turned sideways, and said softly: "Master Fu Zun, this is it."

Everyone looked up and saw in front of them a metal platform with a length and width of thirty meters and a height of about two meters.

The entire high platform is made of alloy, with the seal of the void and magic spells engraved on it. It is strong and durable, not corroded by wind and rain, and requires no maintenance, so it will remain unchanged for tens of thousands of years.

There are nine steps on the front of the platform, and the remaining three sides are gentle slopes for vehicles.

Zhao Lihe stepped forward and stepped onto the nine-level staircase in front.

Zuo Yu and Daenerys stood there, surrounded by Pan Yunpeng and the three hundred soldiers he carried.

And these people will become the first batch of members and armed forces of the new department that Zhao Lihe will establish next.

Under the gaze of everyone, Zhao Lihe climbed onto the high platform, took out a cup of gray mist coins, and activated it.

"Void, open the fixed portal!"

As the soft words fell, silver light burst out in front of Zhao Lihe's eyes.

A silvery space crack appeared out of thin air, and then rapidly expanded in four directions, up, down, left, and right. In an instant, the crack turned into a giant portal about ten meters wide and twenty meters high.

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