Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 224 I am the high table

Seeing the giant portal emitting silver light, both Pan Yunpeng and the soldiers around him couldn't help but look shocked.

Although they had known information about other worlds for a long time, this was the first time they clearly understood the meaning of traveling through all the worlds.

Zhao Lihe communicated a few words with the void of the Traveler Building through the portal in front of him, then nodded, turned around and walked down the high platform.

"I have already asked Void. This portal can currently only connect void gaps, but Void will not allow non-travelers to enter the alliance, so now only we are qualified to use it. When your world also has a fixed portal, we can Let members of affiliated forces teleport between different worlds..."

After hearing Zhao Lihe's words, Zuo Yu and Daenerys looked at each other and nodded.

"I understand, let's go to our world now!"

"Don't worry, wait until I make arrangements."

Zhao Lihe smiled, then walked up to Pan Yunpeng, put his hand on his shoulder, and said seriously: "Old Pan, you were born in Shunfeng Escort Agency, and you are extremely proficient in transportation and trade, both in terms of character and ability. They are all the best choices, and they are the most suitable to take over this fixed portal and the subsequent cross-border transactions, so I will leave it all to you!"

"Don't worry, Mr. Fu Zun, I will never let you down!"

Looking at Pan Yunpeng's firm and moved eyes, Zhao Lihe smiled, reached out and patted his shoulder, then turned around, walked up to the metal platform with Zuo Yu and Daenerys, and disappeared in the sparkling silver light. in the giant portal.

John Wick World, Los Angeles, Beverly Hills.

Daenerys took off her veil and stood in front of the huge floor-to-ceiling window with a glass of red wine. She looked out the window at the courtyard full of ancient Chinese garden style, as well as the stone bridges, rockeries, green trees, bamboos, and brocade in the courtyard. The carp's pond couldn't help but let out a sigh.

"Is this Beverly Hills, known as the most exclusive residence in the world?"

"Like it?"

Zuo Yu put on a white Italian suit, walked up from behind with Zhao Lihe, and said with a smile: "If you like, I can give you a house. If you have nothing to do, you can come here to escape the summer heat and relax... "

"Do I still need to escape the heat?"

Daenerys rolled her eyes at him, then turned and walked to the bar, placing the wine glass on the marble table.

Zhao Lihe said with a smile: "What little Dani is feeling is just what Beverly Hills represents. You don't really think she lacks a manor, do you? The aristocratic residences in the Free Trade City are much more luxurious than yours!"

"Of course I know that!"

Zuo Yu pouted, then took out the vibrating mobile phone in his arms and answered the call.

Half a minute later, Zuo Yu hung up the phone and said with a smile: "Okay, the car is ready, it's time for us to leave."

Soon, the three of them got into a stretched Lincoln and drove away from Zuo's Manor under the protection of five black bulletproof cars.

Zhao Lihe leaned on the leather seat, looked at the escort vehicle outside the window and joked: "You are quite grand!"

While Zuo Yu was drinking expensive red wine, he said casually: "I'm not as good as you. I always bring three hundred personal guards with me when I travel. I only bring these people with me to ward off some annoying flies - you know, like Chinese families like mine, which have a few rich people, often have inheritance disputes. No, last month I had an uncle who died of primary brain cancer."

"Several of his children, that is, my cousins, have been quarreling over the family property for three days. They even came to my house a few days ago and wanted me to comment. That is to say, I was not there at the time, otherwise they would definitely be in trouble. All the shares in their hands are taken back, allowing them to have a taste of self-reliance.”

Speaking of this, Zuo Yu's hand movements suddenly stopped.

"By the way, I'm back, it's time to take care of it!"

As soon as he thought of it, Zuo Yu took out his cell phone and dialed the number under the strange looks of Zhao Lihe and Daenerys.

"Master, are you back?!"

Butler Vlad's surprised voice came from the phone.

Zuo Yu said with a smile: "Don't be in a hurry to be happy. I will leave soon. The main reason for coming back this time is to fix the teleportation gate. I mentioned it to you!"

Vlad said solemnly: "Yes, you mentioned it, so now you want to formally establish cooperative relations with other worlds?"

Zuo Yu nodded and said: "Yes, the fixed portal is placed at the West Coast base. I have already contacted the person in charge there. You don't need to worry about it for the time being. You can handle the matter at hand and buy all the aircraft carriers and warships I want. come over."

Vlad said respectfully: "Yes, Master."

Zuo Yu smiled again and said, "I received news when I came back, saying that Zuo Qing and the others came to my house?"

Vlad said: "Yes, Master Qing wants his father's 7% stake in a large Asian supermarket..."

Zuo Yu frowned and interrupted: "Didn't I tell you that the Zuo family is not a Korean chaebol? You have more shares than Zuo Qing and the others combined. You don't need to consider yourself a servant of the Zuo family. I am the only one in the entire Zuo family. We have a master-servant relationship with you, and you don’t need to care about anyone else.”

"...I understand, Master."

"Okay, let's get down to business. What Zuo Qing and the others are fighting for is this 7% share, right? Who did Uncle Lu leave it to?"

"That's the problem. No one wrote anything in his will. He only wrote that he would leave it to his children who were with him at the end. But that day, his three children were not with him, so the person responsible for inheriting the inheritance The lawyer doesn’t know who to hand over the shares to…”

Upon hearing this, Zhao Lihe and Daenerys looked at each other with expressions of interest.

Zuo Yu nodded and said: "I understand, please give me the phone number and information of the estate lawyer."

Vlad immediately said: "Yes, Master."

Zuo Yu hung up the phone and then dialed another person's number.

Zhao Lihe and Daenerys looked forward to it, thinking that Zuo Yu would use some subtle method to seize the 7% of the shares.

The next second, Zuo Yu said bluntly: "I will give you the information of a lawyer later. Find a few people to talk to him and ask him to change the will of my cousin Zuo Lu and transfer the 7% Leave all the shares to me - Oh, by the way, check Zuo Qing's financial situation, find a way to freeze the bank cards, let those three idiot rich second generation go and be self-reliant, when will they start from scratch and earn enough 1 million US dollars? Come back again!"

"Don't mention anything about lawyer professional ethics to me. Put a gun to his head and he will naturally agree. Can't you think of such a simple method?"

"That's it, I'll give you three days. If you can't finish it within three days, you don't have to come back. I will book a room for you at the Port of Los Angeles."

After saying that, Zuo Yu hung up the phone.

Zhao Lihe and Daenerys looked at each other.

This is not the helm of a chaebol, he is clearly the godfather of Los Angeles!

Zuo Yu saw the expressions on their faces and said with a smile: "Don't get me wrong, this is a world of rapid pursuit and killing. It's very kind to not see blood!"

The high table acts in such a domineering manner!

Zuo Yu not only allowed the Zuo family to join the Gaotai Table, but also took control of all Gaotai Table members with non-government backgrounds.

Now he holds more than half of the power of the High Table. It is no exaggeration to say that he alone represents the High Table that is chasing the world. The orders he issues must be obeyed by the entire High Table and the world of killers under the High Table.

Soon, the stretch Lincoln escorting the motorcade was parked in the Port of Los Angeles.

Four tall men wearing black suits and black sunglasses came to the car and opened the door respectfully.

Zuo Yu stepped out of the car and snapped his fingers. The man in a suit next to him immediately handed over the cigar, turned on the lighter and lit the cigarette respectfully.

Zhao Lihe and Daenerys, who then got off the car, were speechless when they saw this.

Zhao Lihe walked to Zuo Yu and couldn't help but complain: "Where did you learn these bad habits?"

Zuo Yu said in astonishment: "Isn't it always like this in movies?"

Zhao Lihe shook his head: "It's too embarrassing. It doesn't suit your identity. You'd better change it!"

Zuo Yu blinked: "Are you embarrassed? I think it's fine!"

Daenerys sighed and patted Zuo Yu on the shoulder, saying that it was indeed embarrassing.

Zuo Yu shrugged, holding a cigar in his mouth nonchalantly, and motioned to the man in suit next to him to lead the way.

The man in the suit nodded respectfully, and then led everyone onto a cruise ship.

Half an hour later, the cruise ship stopped next to a miniature island. It was more of an island reef than an island. Not only was it very small, there were no trees or vegetation growing on it. Only a few crabs could be seen on the island reef. Beach crawling.

Zhao Lihe and Daenerys followed Zuo Yu while admiring the surrounding scenery.

Not long after, everyone stopped in front of a wet reef about twenty meters high.

The man in a suit stepped forward and pressed on the rock. The black rock suddenly opened, revealing an alloy door.

Zuo Yu stepped forward, took out his mobile phone, and entered the ten-digit dynamic password.


The alloy door slowly opened, and Zuo Yu walked in first, turned around and smiled and waved to everyone.

Zhao Lihe and Daenerys looked at each other and walked into it.

Looking at the four metal buttons marked with Arabic numerals in front of her, Daenerys couldn't help but be slightly stunned.

"Is elevator?"

"That's right!"

A smile appeared on Zuo Yu's face.

The next second, the elevator fell rapidly.

Zuo Yu took out her mobile phone and pressed it lightly. The metal walls of the elevator except for the door suddenly changed. The device embedded in the wall projected the scene outside the elevator onto the wall, as if the elevator had turned into transparent glass. They saw the scene outside the elevator——

The blue water with a hint of green, the swarms of swimming fish, the seaweed floating in the water, and the colorful coral bushes, everything can be seen at a panoramic view.

The sunlight refracts through the sparkling sea surface, dyeing the creatures and rocks in the sea with various strange colors in the spectrum.

Zuo Yu walked up to Zhao Lihe and Daenerys and smiled slightly at the entranced expressions on their faces.

"This is my West Coast base!"

"How about it? The underwater base is spectacular!"

The recent pacing problem is really my fault. As I write, I will write it to the rhythm of the single-player world. From now on, I won’t go into detail about the unimportant plots of the new world. I’ll just go over them in one stroke and focus more on the time travellers, as well as the interactions between worlds.

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