"It's really spectacular..."

Daenerys looked at the underwater scenery outside the elevator with envy.

Zuo Yu smiled and asked, "Why, you want it too?"

Daenerys thought for a while, shook her head and said, "Let me take a look. You are the king of the underground world. You built such a base to keep it secret. I have no need for confidentiality. There is no need to spend a lot of money to build such an underwater base. "


Zhao Lihe nodded in agreement.

Soon, the elevator landed at the bottom. As the elevator door slowly opened, a blond man with glasses in a white coat was already waiting outside the door.


The blond man with glasses bowed respectfully.

Zuo Yu walked out of the elevator with a smile, put her hand on the shoulder of the blond man with glasses, and introduced to Zhao Lihe and Daenerys: "This is Dr. Bosco Cross, the chief researcher and general manager of the West Coast base. He is a genius spanning the fields of biology, chemistry and medicine, and he is also my confidant and the general person in charge of future space portal and cross-border cooperation matters."

With that said, Zuo Yu introduced to Cross with a smile: "These two are distinguished guests from other worlds who came to visit the base, Mr. Zhao and Miss Targaryen. I have mentioned their identities to you before, right?"

"Of course, Chairman!"

Cross smiled slightly and bowed again to the two of them.

"I have met the two majesties..."

"No need to be polite!"

Zhao Lihe raised his hand with a smile, his attitude was very friendly.

After all, he will inevitably have to deal with this person in charge in the future, and it is better to have a good relationship with him.

Daenerys thinks so too. She can be a little rude in front of Zuo Yu because she is the youngest sister among the alliance members, but in front of these members of the affiliated forces, she must show the responsibility and responsibility of a queen. .

Dr. Cross also behaved very humbly and politely. Although he knew very well that the technological level of these two worlds was far inferior to this world, he still did not show any arrogance or contempt.

Because he knows that both worlds have a lot of mysterious knowledge and rich resources.

And these resources are exactly what their west coast base needs.

After all, maintaining such an underwater base is extremely expensive.

Zuo Yu can't just invest money in it every year, and requires them to produce certain results every year, otherwise they will have to cut expenses.

With the help of abundant funds and otherworldly resources, various achievements in the laboratory are currently emerging one after another. There is no need to worry about the boss cutting the laboratory's expenses for at least five years, but who can say for sure what will happen in the future?

As the general manager of the West Coast base, Dr. Cross felt that he had to consider himself and his researchers, so it was naturally impossible to let go of the two wealthy men from another world in front of him.

When you ask for help from others, you are naturally polite and humble, and have a warm attitude.

While leading the way, Dr. Cross actively introduced the situation of the west coast base.

"The West Coast base has three floors. Except for the first floor, the other two floors are still under development and have not been officially put into use."

"So far, the West Coast base has built a total of nine biosafety level V laboratories and assigned them to seven scientific research groups. The members of the group are all top-notch scientific researchers in the world. The main research topic is genetic modification. And biotechnology - this is the list of topics and projects studied by our Alpha Group. If you two are interested, you can discuss with our boss and invest together..."

Dr. Cross smiled and handed over two photocopied documents.

Zhao Lihe and Daenerys glanced at Zuo Yu and saw him smiling and nodding, then they reached out to take it and look through it.

As expected, most of the topics were related to Titan beasts, and judging from the progress of their research, it was by no means something that could be achieved in a short time. They should have inherited the results of many years of the Monster World Emperor Organization.

In addition, Zhao Lihe even saw a project called ‘Mechagodzilla’.

It seems that Zuoyu has already visited the monster world and obtained technology and information about Mechagodzilla from apex company.

Zhao Lihe flipped through the documents in his hand thoughtfully, and suddenly saw the words "Top Secret" on the last page.

"Is this a top-secret subject?"

Zhao Lihe raised his eyebrows, looked at Daenerys who also discovered the top-secret topic, and then continued to read.

There are only two subjects classified as 'top secret' in the document. One of them is to study the effect of gray fog on the evolution of life, and the other is somewhat beyond Zhao Lihe and Daenerys' expectations.

"Hulk serum?"

Zhao Lihe looked at Zuo Yu in surprise.

Zuo Yu said with a smile: "Yes, Ye Zixun sold three Hulk serums to the alliance. I bought them all and gave them to them for research. They have already produced certain results. Do you want to take a look? "


Zhao Lihe nodded without hesitation and returned the document in his hand to Dr. Cross.

Daenerys was also very interested, but she did not return the documents. She was obviously very interested in the above topic and had the desire to invest.

The smile on Dr. Cross's face became even brighter, and he quickly stepped forward to lead the way for the three of them.

Soon, everyone arrived at the laboratory code-named Alpha. Dr. Cross led everyone to put on protective clothing, then took out their access cards and entered the Alpha team's top-secret laboratory through triple security measures.

As soon as they entered, Zhao Lihe and others saw a scene similar to the villain company in the movie.

There are transparent petri dishes and metal-reinforced culture chambers everywhere, with many animals in them. The only animals that can be seen so far are rabbits, mice, chimpanzees and other mammals, and no humans have been seen yet.

Zhao Lihe walked to the transparent glass cabin in the center and frowned at the golden mouse the size of a house cat inside.

"This is the experimental rat injected with Hulk serum? Why is it golden?"

"This is because strictly speaking, what we injected was not Hulk serum, but Ghidorah-Hulk serum!"

Dr. Cross explained, and then led the puzzled people to the metal door at the deepest part of the laboratory. After passing the triple security measures of access card, dynamic password and iris recognition, they entered the layer of high-strength alloy and compressed metal. Protected chamber.

In the center of this secret room, there is a huge metal cabin, which is filled with a thick unknown liquid. There is also a dark golden flesh ball about three meters in diameter floating in the liquid, with catheters inserted all over its body.

Through the reinforced glass on the metal cabin, one can see the blood vessels bulging on the surface of the flesh ball and the dark golden blood flowing in the blood vessels.

Looking at Zhao Lihe and Daenerys who looked stunned, Dr. Cross explained: "Taking into account the rare quantity and non-renewable nature of Hulk serum, we have drawn up five plans to try to multiply it before starting the experiment. And the 'King Hulk-2' in front of us is our most successful experimental subject..."

Zhao Lihe raised his eyebrows: "King Hulk, King Hulk?"

Zuo Yu smiled and nodded: "King Hulk is the name given to Experimental Subject No. 2 by the Alpha Team. This name has no special meaning, it is just a combination of King Ghidorah and Hulk..."

Dr. Cross nodded and said: "The boss is right. In fact, I prefer to call it 'Ghidora-Hulk'. This name is more accurate. King Hulk sounds like it is mainly Hulk, but There is no way, who can make all my subordinates like this name more~"

As he spoke, Dr. Cross shrugged, and then said seriously: "The prototype of Experimental Subject No. 2 is the heart muscle tissue of King Ghidorah. We injected it with Hulk serum and induced its proliferation through various methods. Finally, It became Experimental Subject No. 2, which is now in stable condition. At the same time, the Hulk serum injected into its body produced a wonderful reaction with the original Ghidorah blood..."

"The [King Hulk Serum] currently used in experiments is extracted from the blood of Experimental Subject No. 2."

Zhao Lihe frowned when he heard this, and said with his spiritual sense: "I remember that Ghidorah's whole body is full of neurons, and even the muscle tissue of the heart stores memories belonging to Ghidorah, plus the Hulk serum... … Let me tell you the truth, if you mess around like this, aren’t you afraid that John Wick will turn into Pacific Rim?”

"Don't worry!"

Zuo Yu smiled and explained via voice transmission: "I have used the gray ball to modify the body memory of Experimental Subject No. 2. Now it is just a meat ball used to produce King Hulk serum. It has no memory and no life. It is even less likely to have a soul. Although its appearance looks a bit scary, it is actually a biological machine made by technology, which is not fundamentally different from the various production machines you are familiar with..."

After hearing Zuo Yu's explanation, Zhao Lihe reluctantly calmed down.

Daenerys was not worried, but asked Dr. Cross with interest.

"According to this, you can already produce [King Hulk Serum] continuously, right?"

"Yes, Your Majesty."

"What about the experimental data of [King Hulk Serum]?"

"Please follow me."

Dr. Cross smiled and led the way for Daenerys.

Zuo Yu patted Zhao Lihe on the shoulder and said with a smile: "I'm going to activate the fixed portal first, you guys chat!"

Zhao Lihe nodded and turned to follow Daenerys and Dr. Cross.

Everyone returned to the previous room again.

At this time, the various petri dishes and glass chambers in the center of the room had been emptied by researchers from the Alpha Team.

Only five tempered glass cabins with experimental subject labels were left on the floor to display successful experimental subjects.

Dr. Cross stood in front of the glass cabin labeled 'R-7', holding a tablet computer that recorded experimental data and introduced: "So far, our research on King Hulk serum has five main directions, namely body shape. Proliferation, physical self-healing, energy absorption, muscle strengthening and shape transformation, the T-21 experimental subject is the most successful case in body type proliferation."

"Its normal size increased from the original 14 centimeters to 286 centimeters, about 20 times the previous size, and the weight increased from 18 grams to 388.7 kilograms, about 21,594 times the previous size..."

Dr. Cross introduced the experimental subjects in the reinforced glass chamber in turn.

Except for R-7, which showed obvious performance in body size increase, the other four experimental subjects also performed well in the corresponding fields.

For example, the R-11 experimental subject has a physical self-healing ability comparable to that of the Hulk, and can even regenerate its severed limbs. Zhao Lihe and Daenerys watched with their own eyes as its severed claws quickly grew and healed in just half a minute. .

The R-14 experimental body performs well in energy absorption. It can not only absorb current from high-voltage wires, but also release the absorbed electrical energy.

The body shape of the R-16 test subject has not changed significantly, but its strength has increased hundreds of times, and its body has also been greatly strengthened. Its sharp claws can even leave shallow scratches on the surface of the metal cabin.

The R-23 test subject is more like a lab rat version of the Hulk. It is usually only the size of an ordinary lab rat. Once angered, it can quickly grow in size.

"So, you developed five versions of the King Hulk serum?"

Daenerys asked with interest: "Is there a comprehensive version?"

Dr. Cross solemnly nodded and said: "Of course there is, but this dose of serum is unbearable for laboratory mice. So far, only one chimpanzee subject has successfully absorbed it, and all other subjects have failed."

Daenerys looked around: "What about the experimental subjects?"

Dr. Cross explained: "It was put into an isolation room because it tried to break through the metal cabin. Its normal height reaches 3 meters. It has good physical self-healing and energy absorption capabilities, and can also change when angry. The body, especially in the transformed state, reaches a height of five meters, and its strength and physique have become extremely powerful, even a metal cabin made of high-strength alloy steel can hardly trap it."

"There is no other way. We can only use the magic props given by the boss to contain and imprison him..."

As he spoke, Dr. Cross looked at the counter at the entrance of the laboratory.

There is a fist-sized crystal ball placed on it, with a sleeping golden orangutan lying in the ball.

Daenerys and Zhao Lihe suddenly realized that this so-called isolation room was actually a crystal ball!

Dr. Cross said seriously: "Due to the danger and aggressiveness of the T-3 experimental subjects, we will not sell the comprehensive version for the time being. If your majesties have needs for serum, you can purchase the five special versions that are safer and risk-free. Although the specialized version of the serum may not be as effective, it is safe, stable and risk-free..."

Daenerys suddenly said: "You haven't conducted any human experiments yet, have you?"

"...Yes, it's true that we haven't had time to start yet."

Dr. Cross nodded hesitantly, and then immediately added: "But we have already conducted experiments on chimpanzees, and there has not been even a single failure case. Moreover, I have submitted an application for human experiments to my boss. I think it won't be long before it can be done." Passed—the two majesties also know the identity of the boss, and the origin of the experimental subjects is not a problem for us."

"Even if there is moral distress, it can be replaced by a death row inmate in prison..."

Daenerys said without hesitation: "Then let's wait until the human experiment is successful!"

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