Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 226 The Palace of Thousands of Seats

Dr. Cross was a little disappointed when he heard Daenerys' words.

But then, Daenerys smiled and said: "Although your product still has some flaws, I am very satisfied with the prospects of the project. When you introduced the serum to us, didn't you just want more funds? No problem. , as long as Jade agrees, Zhao and I can invest, and we can even provide you with a safe and risk-free source of experimental subjects..."


Zhao Lihe frowned slightly.

Daenerys whispered: "Since I liberated the slaves, the surviving slave owners have formed a secret organization called the Sons of the Harpy, secretly resisting my rule. Now I have eradicated their influence in Meereen and the Abyss. All the branches of Kai and Astapor have caused the prisons in Slaver's Bay to be overcrowded, and many prisoners on death row are dragged out and beheaded every day."

"Everyone is dead, it's better to recycle the waste. Don't you sympathize with those slave traders?"

Having said this, Daenerys paused, looked at the hesitant look on Zhao Lihe's face, and chuckled: "I know what you are worried about. It's just that you feel that I shouldn't be allowed to do this kind of thing. Indeed, in I may be the youngest sister in your hearts, but in my world, I am the Dragon Queen who rules Slaver's Bay with absolute force!"

Zhao Lihe sighed and said, "Okay, I'm overthinking it."

The conversation between the two was conducted in the common language of Westeros. Dr. Cross could not understand it at all. He could only see that they quickly reached an agreement after a brief conversation.

Dr. Cross said with a smile: "Before the two His Majesty's arrival, the boss said that you are welcome to invest in laboratory projects, but there is an upper limit on the share of investment and the proportion of results shared."

"How many?"

"10% each."

Daenerys was a little surprised: "So generous?"

Zhao Lihe smiled and said: "Brother Zuo has always been very generous - tell me, how much does it cost?"

Dr. Cross was overjoyed when he heard this, and immediately cautiously asked: "The first investment is three billion per person. What do you two think?"

"Three billion?"

Daenerys and Zhao Lihe looked at each other with surprised expressions on their faces.

Dr. Cross quickly explained: "Our project costs a lot, including various cutting-edge instruments and experimental equipment, equipment wear and tear, as well as maintenance costs for laboratories and underwater bases, etc..."

Daenerys interrupted him with a smile: "Dr. Cross, you misunderstood, I mean, only three billion?"

Dr. Cross was slightly startled and nodded quickly: "Yes."

“Can settlement be done in gold and silver?”

"That's the best!"

"Very good, happy to work with you!"

Zhao Lihe and Daenerys smiled and stretched out their hands to shake hands with Dr. Cross respectively.

At this time, Zuo Yu had fixed the portal on the third floor of the underwater base and returned here through the elevator.

Seeing that the three of them were chatting happily, Zuo Yu walked over and put his arms around Zhao Lihe's shoulders with a smile.

"How was the chat?"

"Not bad. I have already invested in your serum project, with a 10% share. I heard that this was your idea. It's really rare. You actually do this kind of loss-making business. How about it? It's still too late to regret it now. .”

Zhao Lihe smiled and joked a few words.

For them, this is indeed a loss-making deal, because [King Hulk Serum] can obviously be exchanged for Gray Mist Coins, but no amount of worldly money can be exchanged for Gray Mist Coins.

Using a mere three billion dollars in exchange for 10% of the results of the serum project would be a sure profit for both of them.

Zuo Yu said with a smile: "It's not like I regret it. I'm not giving you the shares for charity, but because I'm really short of some cash. If you really feel sorry for it, just exchange it with me!"

Zhao Lihe asked: "Exchange for what?"

Zuo Yu said seriously: "The American development rights of the Ming Dynasty, and Danni's Night Shadow Water business."

Zhao Lihe thought for a moment, nodded and said: "No problem, I will give you 20% of the development rights in the Americas, but it will take some time before I can cash it in."

Zuo Yu said with a smile: "Time is not a problem!"

"I can also give you 10% of the shares of Night Shadow Water."

Daenerys said quickly, and then asked with concern: "Jade, are you short of money now? If you are short of money, you can tell me. When I started my business, you gave me five boxes of gold. Now, as long as you say a word, Even if I plunder all the continent of Essos, I will pay you back a hundredfold!"

"So considerate?"

Zuo Yu smiled, and then explained with a smile: "Don't worry, I'm not really short of money, I'm just busy acquiring a bank recently, and I have some cash flow problems. After the acquisition is completed in a while, there should be nothing." Problem."

"Bank, why are you acquiring a bank?"

Daenerys asked confused.

Zuo Yu explained with a smile: "That bank is not actually the key. The key lies in the 16.48% shares of United Industries held by the bank. What I am interested in is these 16.48% shares and the United States' third military industrial giant United Industries. status as a major shareholder.”

"I see!"

Daenerys suddenly realized.

Afterwards, the two of them, led by Zuo Yu, walked to the third floor of the West Coast base, preparing to go to the Game of Thrones world through the fixed portal.

Before leaving, Dr. Cross, on behalf of the West Coast Base and the Alpha Group, presented two serums to the investors Mr. Zhao and Miss Targaryen, namely King Hulk Serum No. 2 (specialized version of physical self-healing) and No. 4 serum. (Specialized version for muscle strengthening).

These two serums are the most stable finished products among the five specialized serums and are compatible for use.

Zhao Lihe and Daenerys happily accepted it. After returning to the alliance, Daenerys couldn't wait to inquire about it and found that the exchange price of these two serums was around 300 gray mist coins. Although this price was not bad, compared with The efficacy is obviously still a little too low.

Daenerys asked her doubts and learned that the exchange prices for serum items continued to fall.

The first three exchanges have the highest price, which is 1,000 Gray Mist Coins. After that, the exchange price will become lower each time.

Now that the price of the serum has dropped to 300, it shows that Zuo Yu has already exchanged the King Hulk serum to the alliance.

Daenerys was a little speechless. No wonder this guy was so generous. It turned out that he had already eaten up most of the profits.

Zhao Lihe also discovered this, so he went to the [Exquisite Treasure Pavilion] to check, and found that there were indeed serums for sale in a complete range, with prices ranging from 800 to 1,000 gray mist coins.

Not only that, there are also samples for sale at [Wanjie Technology] jointly opened by Zuo Yu and Ye Zixun. The price is 799 Gray Fog Coins, which is firmly stuck in the price bottom line of [Exotic Treasure Pavilion].


Daenerys' almond-shaped eyes widened and she stared at Zuo Yu angrily.

Zuo Yu laughed loudly: "You still have to learn to do business with me!"

In any case, this transaction is not actually a loss, but the benefits are not as great as imagined, so there is a slight gap.

Soon, the three of them entered the time travel hall again and came to Daenerys' Game of Thrones world.

Standing in front of the marble palace in Qarth, looking at the bright and fragrant garden in front of him and the silver-haired girl beside the flowers who were more delicate than the flowers, Zuo Yu asked with a chuckle: "Have you made your decision?"


Daenerys nodded, picked off a violet that was similar to the color of her eyes, and said softly: "Qarth is the largest and richest city in the Essos continent, and its geographical location is superior. It is also the Essos continent. The largest port in the world is enough to serve as my future capital in the Essos continent, and it is qualified to occupy one of the three fixed portals."

"What about the location? Is it also chosen at the port terminal?"

"No." Daenerys shook her head and whispered, "The Palace of a Thousand Seats!"

Not long after, the three of them arrived at the Palace of Thousands, guarded by hundreds of Unsullied soldiers and thirteen iron guards.

This was once the center of power in Qarth. The royal family of Qarth sat high on the huge wooden seats of their ancestors. The wooden chairs were arranged in an arc, rising from the marble floor in a ladder-like manner, to the high circular The zenith depicts the glorious past of Qarth.

As the host and Queen of Qarth, Daenerys naturally has to sit on the throne at the top of the stairs.

Zuo Yu and Zhao Lihe sat at the lower left and right of her, looking at the huge chairs beneath them with interest.

These chairs are not only huge, but also beautifully carved. The gilded surface is bright and brilliant, inlaid with amber, agate, jade and emerald.

"Sure enough, these ancient slave owners were more luxurious!"

Zuo Yu looked at the huge wooden chair and the surrounding palace, and couldn't help but sigh.

The luxury he was talking about was not just luxury in terms of value, but also spectacles and human lives. In this era, if you wanted to build such a tall palace, you would have to sacrifice the lives of many slaves and laborers.

It can be said that every brick and every crack here contains the flesh and blood of an unknown innocent soul.

Zhao Lihe also understood what Zuo Yu meant and couldn't help but let out a subtle sigh.

Daenerys didn't notice their actions. She just looked at the Unsullied guards in the hall below and whispered: "Gray Worm."

The commander of the Unsullied Legion with a serious face immediately stepped out and bowed respectfully: "Your Majesty the Queen."

Daenerys said calmly: "Go and call Mr. Draz over."

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Gray Worm respectfully accepted the order, then turned and left the hall.

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