After a while, Gray Worm returned here with a fat and wealthy businessman.

Missandei, the maid standing next to Daenerys, immediately said Daenerys's long title.

Hearing the exaggerated titles, the wealthy businessman couldn't help but swallow his saliva and quickly fell to his knees.

"Pentos merchant, Jerry Draz, has met Her Majesty the Dragon Queen!"

"No gift."

Daenerys said lightly, then looked at Zuo Yu and Zhao Lihe and said with a smile: "Let me introduce to you, this Mr. Jerry Draz is a wealthy businessman from Pentos, and his ancestors are from King's Landing. The illegitimate son of the city's finance minister, Rigo Draz. When my ancestor, Jaehaerys I Targaryen hired Rigo Draz from Pentos, he ushered in the unprecedented prosperity of the Targaryen dynasty. period."

"I have been recruiting talents since I conquered Slaver's Bay. This Mr. Jerry Draz heard about my deeds, so he came to Qarth with all his wealth and wanted to serve me like his ancestors. Effectiveness.”

"For this reason, he not only exchanged all his property for ships, but also changed his ancestor's surname back..."

Having said this, Daenerys looked at Jerry Draz with interest: "Are you really a descendant of Count Draz?"

"Yes, Your Majesty the Queen." Jerry Draz said respectfully, "My ancestor is the illegitimate son of Earl Draz. When Earl Draz died in a mob attack, the wise Jaehaerys originally wanted to My ancestor and the other two bastards chose one of them as the new chancellor, but in the end they were forced to choose between the Lannister, Velaryon, Tyrell and other families due to racial discrimination."

"Because of this, my ancestors left King's Landing angrily and returned to Pentos to continue doing business. All the experiences before and after are in the diary written by my ancestors in my hand. Please check it with Her Majesty the Queen..."

As he spoke, Jerry Draz took out a shabby diary and presented it with both hands respectfully.

Gray Worm reached out and took it, walked up the stairs, came to Daenerys, and handed her the worn diary.

Daenerys took the diary and read it with interest.

Soon, she handed the diary to the maid beside her, looked at Jerry Draz and said lightly: "I temporarily believe that you are a descendant of Count Draz, but if you want to be my finance minister, you don't just rely on blood. Simple, I need you to prove your ability and loyalty to me..."

Jerry Draz was overjoyed, and just about to speak, he suddenly heard a voice coming from Daenerys' left side.

"Leave him to me!" The young man with black hair and red eyes held his chin in his fist and looked at Jerry Draz with interest and said, "I will train a loyal and capable person for you. Chancellor of the Exchequer.”

"Really, that would be great!"

Daenerys agreed without hesitation, with a look of joy on her pretty face.

Hearing these words, Jerry Draz's fat body trembled slightly, but under the cold gaze of the Unsullied Guards around him, he could only lie trembling on the ground, waiting for his fate in agony. judgment.

Soon, two Unsullied walked out of the queue and took Jerry Draz aside.

Daenerys, who was sitting high on the throne, took out the Gray Mist Coin and activated it in the Palace of Thousand Seats.

In an instant, a crack emitting silver light appeared in the center of the hall, and then quickly expanded into a giant portal.

There is no doubt that this is a great miracle that only the noble Dragon Queen can accomplish.

Everyone, including Jerry Draz, Legion Commander Gray Worm and Maid Missandei, all knelt on the ground, worshiping the noble Queen sitting on the throne with piety and awe.

Zhao Lihe was speechless when he saw this, and whispered: "Danny, didn't you tell them the truth?"

Daenerys sighed, glanced at the kneeling maid beside her and whispered softly: "Grey Worm and Missandei know it, but they can't understand it. They can only use their own knowledge as a slave to judge what I did. thing……"

“There is a long way to go to popularize education!”

Zuo Yu sighed with emotion, then reached out to lift up the young maid Missandei, and gave a warm smile in return.

Missandei was slightly startled, and her slightly dark round face quickly turned red.

Daenerys glanced at him angrily, then pulled Missandei and told her to stay away from Zuoyu.

She was very aware of the lethality of Zuo Yu's face, and an ignorant girl like Missandei would definitely not be able to stop it.

At this moment, groups of footsteps came from outside the palace. Zhao Lihe turned his head and saw Feng En, a confidant who had been knighted by Daenerys, leading a group of taciturn Unsullied people into the Thousand Seats. The palace.

These people are all unsullied people who have performed well in military education and have high learning abilities.

Daenerys purchased memory items [English Proficiency] for them, and planned to send them to the John Wick world to receive officer training from Zuo Yu's Kunlun training camp.

When they return from the other world, Daenerys can use them as the backbone to form a new army of hundreds of thousands.

At that time, she will drive a steel ship, lead three giant dragons and hundreds of thousands of troops, cross the Narrow Sea, and rule Westeros.

Looking at the neat and taciturn Unsullied officers below, Daenerys smiled and waved gently. Two teams of maids holding brocade boxes walked out from behind the stone pillars on one side of the hall.

Zuo Yu took a closer look and found that the faces of these maids were all childish, and their necks were too long, which should be the result of wearing shackles for a long time.

These slave girls are all bed slaves trained by Yunkai. They have no parents and no strengths. Even if they are liberated, they have no ability to survive in this world. Daenerys has no choice but to accept them as maids and use them as maids. His own fame and prestige protected these poor girls.

The young maids stood in front of the Unsullied holding brocade boxes.

Gray Worm walked out from the side, opened the brocade box, took out the silver dots inside, and placed them on the foreheads of these future officers one by one.

In an instant, silver dots of memory poured into their minds, making them inexplicably master a new language.

This kind of miracle that is difficult to explain with common sense made the usually taciturn Unsullied people couldn't help but be filled with surprise. Even the eyes looking at the noble Queen at the top became more reverent and fanatical.

Soon, all future officer candidates received memory blips.

Gray Worm picked up the last memory dot and glanced at the uneasy Jerry Draz in the crowd.

The next second, the Unsullied next to him pushed Jerry Draz out and asked him to join the ranks of the Unsullied.

Gray Worm held Jerry Draz's restless shoulders, placed the memory light spot on his forehead, and explained a few words lightly.

Only then did Jerry Draz suddenly learn that he would enter a magical place with these future officers and receive a lot of knowledge and training that did not belong to this world.

It turns out to be reuse!

Jerry Draz was surprised and delighted, not knowing what he was about to face.

These fellow Unsullied received officer training, and what he received will be the most unique loyalty training...

After everyone accepted the memory light, Daenerys spoke again.

She looked at Gray Worm, who was standing at the front of the crowd, and said with a chuckle: "Gray Worm, as the commander of the Unsullied Legion, I see your loyalty and bravery. I know that you don't seek wealth. You don’t seek power, you don’t seek family glory, you just want to be loyal to me, so I will respond to your loyalty and give you what you want most!”

Gray Worm said without hesitation: "Thank you Your Majesty for the reward. Being able to continue to serve Your Majesty is what I want most!"

Daenerys smiled and said, "What else?"

Gray Worm looked confused, because even he didn't know what he wanted.

Daenerys made the decision for him, and she took out a brocade box and gave it to Missandei.

Missandei took it respectfully, walked down the stairs to Gray Worm, and presented the brocade box.

Gray Worm glanced at her, stretched out his hand, and placed it hesitantly on the brocade box.

Finally, the brocade box was opened, and inside were soft velvet and two syringes containing pale golden liquid.

Seeing this scene, Gray Worm couldn't help but be startled.

Missandei whispered: "Inject it and you will be reborn. These are His Majesty's exact words."

Gray Worm's eyes were firm and he picked up the syringe without hesitation and injected the pale golden liquid into his body.

There are already medical soldiers in the Unsullied Army, and he knows how to use things like syringes.


The empty syringe fell to the floor.

Gray Worm frowned tightly and knelt down on one knee, his expression seemed a little painful.

Missandei, who was holding the brocade box in her hand, was slightly stunned and couldn't help turning her head to look at Daenerys on the throne.

Daenerys motioned to her to calm down and not panic.

The Unsullied next to them obviously trust their queen more than Missandei. Even if there is pain on Gray Worm's face, there is no expression fluctuation.

The next second, a faint golden color appeared on Gray Worm's body, which was the blood vessels under his skin and the blood flowing in them. The originally short black hair quickly turned golden under the influence of the serum, and his pupils gradually shrank. It turned into snake-like vertical pupils.


Gray Worm let out a beast-like roar from his throat, and suddenly raised his fist and hit the ground.


The hard marble tiles were instantly dented and broken, and the cracks spread like spider webs.

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