Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 231 Dwarf Heavy Infantry

A dense army of orcs poured out of the holes drilled by the earth worms, instantly turning the slopes of Erebor into darkness.

Seeing this scene, both the human army and the dwarves of Lonely Mountain and Iron Hills couldn't help but shout in surprise.

Gandalf sighed, looked at Lord Dyne of the Iron Hills who was riding on the back of a heavily armored porcupine, and said: "The Orcs have joined the war, and much faster than I expected. Azog, the King of the Orcs in the North, personally waved The army is heading south to face the real enemy. There is no need for humans and dwarves to start another dispute. Come on, Dain, join our army as soon as possible while we still have time!"

"Join your army?"

Dain looked at the scattered human army and sneered. He immediately pulled the reins and turned the direction of his mount. He looked at the dwarf army behind him and waved the hammer made of fine steel in his hand, and shouted loudly in dwarf language. : "Son of Durin!"

“Always be prepared!”

The dwarf troops slapped their shields in response, and the rich sound mixed with the sound of gold and iron clashing echoed over the lonely mountain.

A flamboyant smile appeared on Daine's face. He held the reins with his left hand and swung the heavy hammer with his right hand towards the densely packed Orc army in front.

"Chinese army attacks!"

"Ouch! Ouch!"

Three hundred dwarf soldiers armed with spears and steel shields immediately came out. They were all wearing knee-length chainmail, nose-protecting helmets, and leg armor made of steel rings below the knees. Almost all their bodies were covered in armor. Covered in steel, even the beard is braided and locked with steel rings. This kind of heavy infantry armed to the teeth can only be assembled by dwarves who are good at forging.

Most dwarves are stocky and stocky. These battlefield veterans are much stronger than ordinary dwarves. Even if they are fully armored, they are still flexible enough to move. With a solemn expression on their faces, they hold spears and steel shields and march from the human army. passing by.

Facing the powerful dwarf army, the human army looked shocked and retreated to the rear.

Bud rode his horse and shouted loudly for everyone to get out of the way. Then everyone suddenly came to their senses and quickly got out of the way.

Looking at the dwarf hoplites who were looking straight and neat, walking through the human formation like a torrent of steel, Bard sighed in his heart.

Changhu Town is already small, and the former mayor is a loser. He only cares about making money and never cares about the development of the town. The effective training time for the town guards is less than three weeks every year. How can they fight against these battle-hardened soldiers? Dwarf armies are on par.

Soon, three hundred dwarf heavy infantry stood in front of the human army. The front row of dwarf heavy infantry squatted down holding a steel shield, and the second row of dwarf heavy infantry held a steel shield forward, forming two rows of steel shields. An indestructible shield formation.

Countless spears emerged from the gaps between the shields, adding a shell of steel spikes to the entire shield formation.


Accompanied by fanatical shouts of killing, the tidal black orc army collided with the dwarves' heavy shield formation.

The orc at the front was instantly pierced by a spear and hung on the spikes of the steel shield formation like fruits on a tree.

The orcs who came later ignored the corpses of their companions and shouted wildly while waving their weapons and slashing at the shield array.


Countless heart-wrenching sounds of gold and iron clashing continued, and sparks splashed across the steel shield array.

The dwarf heavy infantry holding steel shields stood with their feet spread apart, relying on their shoulders and the earth to bear the impact of the orc army.

Behind them, hundreds of companions held spears and kept thrusting at the orcs above who were trying to climb over the shield formation.


Countless spears continuously penetrated the orc's body, and the smelly blood spread in large areas above the shield formation.

Even though there was a huge disparity in combat power between the two sides, the dwarves' shield array could not hold on for long in the face of an army of orcs as numerous as locusts.

Soon some orcs climbed over the shield formation, wielding inferior weapons and rushed into the dwarf army behind the shield formation.

Seeing this, the dwarf infantry in the last row immediately threw away their spears, pulled out their daggers, or pulled out their hammers, shouting "Long live Dyne" and rushed towards the orcs who had climbed over the shield formation.

For a moment, blood and residual limbs flew together, and screams and the sound of gold and iron clashing could be heard endlessly.

Bard gritted his teeth when he saw this, pulled out the sharp sword from his waist, and shouted to withdraw into the ruins of River Valley City.

He knew that the human army under his command would never dare to attack the tide of Orc troops, so he found another way to help these heroic dwarf armies in another way.

Coincidentally, not far outside Gushan City is the former River Valley City.

Back then, Smaug came to the Lonely Mountain and destroyed Riverdale City. More than half of the humans in the city were killed or injured. The surviving humans had to evacuate because Smaug often flew here to hunt humans for food.

Riverdale has since gone from a prosperous city to a lifeless ruin.

But even in ruins, Riverdale City was still a prosperous giant city.

There are thick and tall city walls, streets extending in all directions, and buildings as dense as a honeycomb.

All of these can amplify the combat power of the human army as much as possible and cover up their lack of training.

At the same time, the withdrawal of the human army will definitely attract the attention of the orc army. These bloodthirsty orcs will never let go of the fat meat that has reached their lips. They will definitely separate a group of front troops to pursue the humans. In this way, humans can share the frontal pressure on the dwarf army in another way.

Sure enough, seeing the human army rushing towards the ruins of River Valley City, most of the orc army immediately separated and pursued the humans.

The biggest reason why the Orc army has extremely low combat power is that they are bloodthirsty and warlike and do not obey orders. Because of this, Azog, the King of the Orcs in the North, who has the ability to command, will become the most important in Sauron's hands. chess piece.

But even Azog makes mistakes common to half-orcs.

Standing on the observation deck in the distance and taking charge of the command, he clearly saw the former army's pursuit in batches, but did not issue an order to stop it, because he brought more than 25,000 orc troops with him on this trip, even though Sending out thousands of troops to pursue the human army will still not affect the final battle situation.

But at this moment, Dyne waved the heavy hammer in his hand again and shouted loudly.

"Goat Cavalry out for battle!"

The goat cavalry guard next to him immediately took out his horn and blew it with all his strength.

The sound of the horn echoed over the Lonely Mountain, and a thin line of silver and white appeared from the top of the hillside. It was the three hundred goat cavalry brought quietly by Dai, Lord of the Iron Hills, for this trip.

Three hundred goat cavalry appeared on the top of the slope, holding lances, shouting "Don't forget Moria" and "Long live Dyne" and rushed down the hillside. Like a sharp arrow, they instantly pierced the flank of the orc army, disrupting half of the orc army. The orcs' front army caused a commotion like a roaring mountain and a tsunami.

The sturdy goat used its two sharp big horns to continuously push the orcs in front of it into the air. The cavalry on its back vigorously waved its spears and hammers, and the orcs continued to charge into the already unreliable front army formation.

Seeing this scene, Dain laughed loudly, pulled the reins, and rushed towards the orcs under the protection of a dozen goat cavalry guards.

The dwarf never runs away from any war, and he is going to fight with his soldiers!

In the generally short battlefield, a tall gray-robed wizard holds a staff and a sharp sword, charging alone in the orc army. The sharp sword in his palm is like the scythe of death, constantly harvesting the lives of the surrounding orcs.

Although there were many orcs besieged nearby, none of them could survive a single round from the gray-robed wizard.

Looking at the gray-robed wizard who was as invincible as the God of War, Dain, the Lord of the Iron Hills, couldn't help but be stunned.

After coming back to his senses, Daine laughed and pulled the reins, riding a heavily armored porcupine and charging forward. The hammer made of fine steel in his hand slammed into the head of the orc behind Gandalf. The strong muscle power instantly The iron helmet worn by the orc was dented together with the head under the iron helmet.

A dozen goat cavalry guards followed closely, knocking the orcs around Gandalf off their backs.

Dain grabbed the reins and stopped in front of Gandalf. He looked at the old man who looked nothing like a wizard and said loudly: "Gandalf, why don't you retreat with those humans?"

"Because I'm waiting for you to make a decision."

Gandalf wiped the blood from the sword blade, looked at Daine and said softly: "Daine, come with us to retreat into the river valley city. There are too many orcs. Even if one of the warriors under his command can be worth ten, they can't." It’s impossible to kill them all, so why not retreat with me into River Valley City, where there are tall and thick walls and streets extending in all directions, which can maximize our combat power..."

"Impossible!" Dain refused without hesitation. "There is no word retreat in the dwarves' dictionary. Besides, the lone mountain is behind me, and the king under the mountain is in the lone mountain. You want me to abandon my own King, do you want to live alone?"

"What about your king?" Gandalf asked, "Dwarves never run away from any war, so why hasn't your king appeared yet?"

Gandalf's sharp words caused a look of hesitation and hesitation on Dain's face.

Yes, we have been fighting for so long, why hasn't Thorin appeared yet?

Could it be that he, like his grandfather, was engulfed by the dragon disease?

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