Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 232 Divine Soldiers Fall from Heaven (5,000-word chapter)

"Dane, face the reality!" Gandalf sighed. "Thorin has been swallowed up by greed like his grandfather. In his eyes, nothing is more important than the countless treasures in the Lonely Mountain, even if they are The lives of you and your dwarf warriors..."

"I believe Thorin, he will never be swallowed up by dragon disease!"

Dain shook his head, turned around with a firm expression, and continued to charge among the orcs with his bodyguard cavalry.

But as Gandalf said, there are too many orcs. Even if the dwarf warriors can exchange one for ten each, they are still powerless in the face of such a huge numerical gap.

Not to mention that Azog also dispatched trolls at this time, which were mutant trolls carefully cultivated by Sauron and were called the Orog tribe.

They have tall bodies like trolls, but they do not turn into rocks in the sun like trolls. Their bodies are covered with horny scales. They can also wear iron armor like orcs and hold heavy hammers. They can be said to be the most powerful half-orcs in combat. The most powerful humanoid steel chariot.

As soon as these giant monsters appeared, the shield array that the dwarves were proud of suffered heavy damage.

Seeing their relatives in Iron Hills retreating steadily, the dwarves in Lonely Mountain could no longer sit still.

They took the initiative to challenge Thorin, but Thorin believed that the treasure in the Lonely Mountain was more important.

For these countless treasures, he was willing to sacrifice everything, including the life of his cousin Dain.

The dwarves were stunned by his cold-blooded words, and they all looked at the familiar king with strange eyes. It seemed that he had changed from a reliable partner who they had adventured with before to a complete stranger.

He was sitting in this magnificent hall, wearing a golden crown studded with gems, but he seemed more humble and ridiculous than ever before.

Finally, Thorin's nephews Kili and Fili threw away the weapons in their hands, looked at him hatefully, and then turned and left angrily.

Facing the disbelieving and resentful looks of his companions, Thorin finally realized his changes.

He looked at the mountains of treasures piled up in the hall, recalled the words of Gandalf and Bilbo, and finally got rid of the dragon disease with great perseverance. He threw away the golden crown studded with gems, put on the armor again, and picked up the weapon. Sword, and the twelve dwarves who traveled to the Lonely Mountain rushed out of Erebor.

Seeing that familiar figure, Dain showed a smile on his face, raised his hammer high and shouted: "For the king under the mountain!"

"For the King under the Mountain!"

The morale of the dwarf army was greatly boosted, and they all charged behind Thorin.

In this way, hundreds of dwarf infantry, with Thorin and his twelve companions as the center, formed an unstoppable front array, piercing the Orcs' front army with overwhelming force.

"This is what hero units are for!"

On the hillside where the Goat Cavalry once lurked, the white-haired witcher let out a sigh.

Legolas, wearing blue-patterned silver armor and holding an alloy composite bow, stood beside Lin Zhongtian, who was transformed into Geralt. He looked at the corpse-strewn battlefield below and let out a faint sigh: "I'm too late..."

"It's not too late."

Lin Zhongtian chuckled and flicked up a gray mist coin and activated it instantly.

In an instant, a long and narrow silver portal appeared behind him.

Legolas turned around and saw on the endless grassland behind the door, thirteen steel warriors were holding up an open-air sedan. The sedan carried a throne engraved with the seal of the void and a three-headed dragon, wearing a dragon The silver-haired girl with a shaped crown sat high on the throne, stroking the head of the white dragon in her arms.

Next to the sedan, there were a thousand taciturn soldiers of the Unsullied in black armor. On the grassland further away, densely packed Dothraki cavalry were already ready to go. They had changed into armor made of harder and sharper materials. He was wearing an arakh scimitar, wearing light steel armor, and he was riding nimbly on a restless horse. He looked at the car in front of him with enthusiasm and admiration in his eyes.


The majestic and rich dragon roar came from the sky above the Dothraki cavalry.

Legolas couldn't help but raise his head and saw two even larger dragons fluttering in the sky above.

With neat and heavy steps, thirteen steel warriors lifted the throne and the silver-haired queen on the throne through the portal.

Lin Zhongtian jumped onto the sedan, grabbed the white dragon Claude's head and escaped from the silver-haired queen's arms, and said angrily: "You are so old, and you are still in your mother's arms!"


Bailong didn't dare to get angry at Lin Zhongtian, so he could only growl aggrievedly at the silver-haired queen.

Daenerys smiled and said softly: "Go, Claude, do what you should do!"

Upon hearing this, the white dragon obediently flapped its wings and flew up, hovering over the lonely mountain, and let out a deafening roar.

The black dragon and the green dragon behind the portal finally couldn't hold back anymore and rushed out of the portal with their dragon wings. Together with their brother, the white dragon Claude, they circled and soared over the Lonely Mountain, making dragon roars one after another.

The sudden roar of the dragon echoed over the Lonely Mountain, attracting the attention of everyone, including Gandalf.

Today's three young dragons are all very large. Even the white dragon, which has always been the thinnest, has a wingspan of nearly eight meters. One head alone can fill Daenerys's arms.

Skye, the largest black dragon, has a wingspan of more than ten meters, and has already begun to possess a mighty appearance that can block out the sky and the sun.

However, compared to the evil dragon Smaug in Middle-earth, who was over a hundred years old, these three little guys were still a bit tender. Gandalf, Thorin and others did not feel too much danger when they saw the three little ones. , but was shocked why three young dragons appeared in Gushan.

"Could it be that Sauron has formed an alliance with the dragon?"

Just when Gandalf was in shock, three young dragons suddenly swooped down and sprayed flames towards the most conspicuous giant in the orc army.

Three surging dragon flames covered the giant monster's head and face, burning the giant monster's entire head into flames. The trebuchet on the giant monster's back and the orcs operating the trebuchet were also turned into balls of fire and ashes in the dragon flames.

A shrill cry came from the flames, and three young dragons fluttered their wings and flew over the orc army, constantly spraying out dragon flames alternately.

"How is this going?"

"The dragon actually attacked the orcs?"

"Could they be on our side?"

Gandalf was full of doubts, but the endless orc army in front of him gave him no time to think. He could only wave his sword with both hands to fight the ferocious orcs in front of him. As for his staff...

What kind of staff? How can a staff be as useful as a two-handed sword!


Gandalf swung the great sword in his hand and slashed the blade into the neck of the orc in front of him.

At the same time, the silver-haired queen wearing a dragon-shaped crown stood up from the throne, pulled out the reforged Valyrian steel sword 'Dragon Queen', and swung it towards the foot of the mountain.


Needless to say, the thousand Unsullied soldiers guarding the throne were beating their shields with their steel swords.

The endless Dothraki cavalry on the grassland heard the roar of the metal collision, as if they had received the signal of attack. They excitedly pulled out their arakh scimitars forged from fine steel, and urged their horses under them to rush towards the silver portal in front of them. go.


In an instant, the roar of mountains and tsunamis came from the slopes of Gushan.

Thorin, Gandalf and others, who were fighting a bitter battle with the orc army, turned their heads to look.

I saw densely packed Dothraki cavalry swooping down from the hillside.

If the goat cavalry of the Iron Hills are the sharp arrows that pierce the defense line, then the Dothraki cavalry rushing down the hillside at this moment are the swords that cut off the formation and the thunder that tears the dark clouds.

With just one charge, the entire Orc army was cut in half by the Dothraki cavalry.

The light-armored cavalry from another world were like an unstoppable rolling torrent, tearing apart the Orcs' military formation with overwhelming force. Immediately afterwards, the torrent dispersed into countless small tributaries, which dispersed into the panicked Orcs' military formation, and used the methods they were most accustomed to. His tactics divided the orc army into countless small battlefields, and then relied on the superiority of the cavalry to divide and cannibalize them.

"It's our reinforcements!"

Dine Ironfoot, riding a porcupine, shouted in surprise.

Thorin frowned: "I don't remember calling for human reinforcements..."

"It's Legolas!"

Gandalf looked at the hillside with piercing eyes. He seemed to be able to span hundreds of meters and saw the throne on the hillside guarded by iron warriors and black-armored soldiers, as well as the stunned Legolas beside the throne.

"This is the reinforcements Legolas summoned!"


Thorin stared at the hillside blankly, with countless complicated emotions welling up in his heart.

The dwarf Kili next to him said happily: "He is back, at the most critical moment..."

His brother Fili added: "Just like the first day we met!"

Amid the roaring shouts of the Dothraki cavalry, Daenerys sat back on the throne with a calm expression, resting her chin on her hands, looking faintly at the handsome elves on the hillside with a blank expression.

"Are you Legolas, the new member of the Alliance?"

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Legolas came to his senses and saluted respectfully and gracefully.

Daenerys looked at Legolas with interest and asked with a chuckle: "My name is Daenerys Targaryen, the Dragon Queen of A Song of Ice and Fire. You should have heard of my name. Bar?"

"...of course I've heard of it."

Legolas nodded slightly while suppressing the shock in his heart.

Daenerys sat up straight, and her whole body seemed to exude a frightening royal aura.

She looked at Legolas, who had become more cautious, and said calmly: "Some people say that the elf king Thranduil's temperament and posture can be regarded as a model for kings. How do you think I compare with him?"

Legolas was startled for a moment, and after considering his words, he said carefully: "Your Majesty, you and the Elf King of the Woodland Kingdom are not the same kind of monarchs. How can they be compared together? The person who raised this question is trying to sow discord between you and the Woodland Kingdom. Regarding the relationship between kingdoms, please do not believe in slander and be a wise and kind monarch..."


After hearing Legolas' words, Daenerys' face gradually became strange.

Suddenly, she chuckled, and the aura of a king she exuded melted like ice and snow, and she turned to look at Lin Zhongtian, who was surrounded by black lines on her head, like a playful girl next door.

"Boss, he said you are driving a wedge between me and the Woodland Kingdom!"

As soon as these words came out, Legolas suddenly looked shocked, as if he didn't expect that the person who made this comment was actually Lin Zhongtian.

Legolas said quickly: "Your Majesty, I don't know..."

"It doesn't matter!"

Lin Zhongtian waved his hand, interrupted his words, then glanced at Daenerys and said angrily: "Don't make trouble, I'm just sharing the noble and elegant king's posture with you, I don't mean to belittle you, Lai Goras is right, you and the elves are not the same kind of kings. You are an overlord, a tyrant, and a dragon that conquers the world. Why must you pursue nobility and elegance and hypocritically sit at the same table with your prey..."

Hearing Lin Zhongtian's seemingly derogatory words, Daenerys puffed up her chest unconsciously, with a proud look on her face.

"Legolas." Daenerys said calmly, "I will give you five thousand cavalry, you can do what you want to do!"

"Thank you, Her Majesty the Queen!"

Legolas thanked him softly, then jumped onto the Dothraki horse brought by the black-armored soldier, and took a Targaryen flag embroidered with three golden dragons from another black-armored soldier.


The horse neighed, carrying Legolas into the dense orc formation at the foot of the hillside.

Legolas held the general's flag upright with one hand, and drew the elven sword with the other hand, slashing at the orcs he could see in front of him.

As soon as the Dothraki cavalry passing by him saw the flag embroidered with a golden dragon, they would spontaneously follow him and charge with him in the orc formation.

Soon, Legolas was followed by thousands of Dothraki cavalry.

There was even a Dothraki warrior who carried the general's flag for him and followed him towards the Lonely Mountain.

With the help of thousands of brave and skilled Dothraki warriors, Legolas easily killed the Orcs' front army and led thousands of Dothraki cavalry to Thorin, Gandalf and others.

Looking at the familiar handsome face on the tall horse, Thorin's eyes became extremely complicated.

After a long silence, Thorin said softly: "I didn't expect you to come."

Legolas said calmly: "I didn't expect that I would come either..."

After the words fell, the atmosphere between the two became silent again.

"Legolas, my friend, I am very pleased that you are willing to come to our aid, no matter what."

Gandalf smiled and smoothed things over, and looked at the thousands of Dothraki cavalry behind Legolas and asked: "I'm just curious, where are these warriors carrying the dragon flag the reinforcements you called from?"


Legolas did not answer directly, but turned to look at the three black-armored warriors behind him among the Dothraki cavalry.

One of the black-armored warriors jumped out on horseback, looked at Gandalf and said softly in fluent Middle-earth Common Tongue: "Your Excellency Gandalf, an adult has asked me to give you a gift. He said that as long as you see this gift, , you will naturally know his identity..."

Before he finished speaking, two other black-armored warriors came over carrying a long blade with a ferocious shape.

This is a Guandao about two meters long. Its entire body is bright silver in color. The blade and handle are both forged from alloy. They are hard and heavy. The blade is inlaid with seven holy white crystals. The edge of the blade sparkles with cold light. The blade is sharp and sharp, and there is a silver wolf head wrapped around the root of the blade, forming the shape of a wolf swallowing the blade.

Seeing the shape of the sword and the silver wolf head in front of him, Gandalf still didn't understand the identity of the gift giver.

“It turns out you are Livia’s reinforcements!”

Gandalf laughed loudly, put the big sword in his hand back into the scabbard, grabbed the thick alloy sword and swung it.

For a moment, the whistling air flowed around him, and the heavy Guandao was swung freely in his hand like a wooden staff.


Gandalf slammed the sword in his hand on the ground, cracking the hard stone road. Then he looked at the Unsullied who was responsible for delivering the message and said with a smile: "Tell Sir Geralt that I am very satisfied with what he sent." Staff!"


Thorin and the dwarves looked at each other.

Is this a magic staff? !

Not only Thorin and the dwarves, Legolas couldn't help but complain in his heart.

Seeing the gift delivered, the three Unsullied got on their horses and ran towards the hillside.

Gandalf looked towards the hillside and smiled at Lin Zhongtian next to the throne from a distance of several hundred meters.

Later, Legolas led thousands of Dothraki cavalry towards Riverdale City, preparing to rescue Bard and the human army in Lake Town.

He has promised Bayin to bring his father back intact...

After Legolas left with his troops, Gandalf, who had obtained the new staff, rushed towards the orcs and escorted Thorin and his dwarf companions forward.

They planned to penetrate the enemy formation, rush up the south slope, kill Azog, the northern orc king who was in charge of commanding the orc army on the high slope, and completely end this sudden battle of five armies.

On Dongpo's throne, Daenerys, who had witnessed everything, couldn't help but complain: "Boss, is this your gift to Gandalf?"

"Yes!" Lin Zhongtian said with a smile, "Isn't this better than that broken piece of wood?"

Looking at Gandalf who was starting to kill everyone at the foot of the hillside, Daenerys had to nod in recognition.

From the perspective of the efficiency of killing enemies, this thing is indeed much easier to use than that wooden staff...

In this way, tens of thousands of Dothraki cavalry from other worlds rushed into the battlefield with the force of divine soldiers descending from the sky, instantly reversing the situation and crushing the aggressive army of more than 25,000 northern orcs, even on the southern slope. Azog kept ordering his men to wave the command flag, but was unable to reorganize the orc army that was trapped in fear and despair.

Three giant dragons circled and soared above the heads of the orcs, constantly spitting hot dragon flames, bringing more fear and despair to the orcs.

The more than twenty giant monsters that came with the army were all killed by the scorching dragon flames. The trebuchets and battering rams carried on their backs were turned into charred wood and ashes in the scorching flames before they could be used.

Thorin and his dwarf companions wielded battle axes, rushed up the south slope under the cover of Gandalf and the Dothraki cavalry, and fought Azog, the King of the Orcs in the North, on the top of the south slope, and finally succeeded in killing Azog. die.

With the death of Azog, this unique Battle of the Five Armies finally came to an end.

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