Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 233 Distribution of Gushan Treasures

In the camp at the ruins of Riverdale City, the comatose hobbit Bilbo Baggins slowly woke up.

As soon as he woke up, Bilbo quickly reached into his pocket. When he touched the cold metal ring, he finally breathed a sigh of relief and began to struggle to recall what happened before he fell into coma.

At the beginning of the war, the panicked Bilbo put on the Lord of the Rings and used the Ring's invisibility ability to avoid everyone's attention. However, this did not mean that he could avoid all dangers. The Lord of the Rings could only make him Invisible, unable to provide magical protection, let alone protection from swords and arrows.

However, relying on his flexible posture and short stature, Bilbo still managed to avoid the frontal battlefield and hid in the ruins of Riverdale City.

Hiding on the tall city wall of Riverdale City, Bilbo had the opportunity to watch the entire battle. He saw the bloody battle between the dwarves and the orcs, and also saw the three giant dragons hovering in the sky and the divine soldiers descending from the hillside. At the end of the memory, Legolas personally led troops to support Riverdale City and rescued Bard and the human army who were struggling to resist the attack of the orcs.

Seeing the familiar face of Legolas, Bilbo excitedly took off the Ring and wanted to step forward to recognize him.

But just as he walked down the steps of the city wall, he was knocked unconscious by the Dothraki cavalry who suddenly rushed into the city gate.

Fortunately, the Dothraki cavalry entering the city had slowed down their horses, and he was wearing mithril chain armor with strong defense and shock-absorbing effects. This allowed him to survive the sudden car accident.

After sorting out his thoughts before unconsciousness, Bilbo quickly stood up from the bed and opened the curtain of the camp tent.

In an instant, bright sunlight shone in from outside the tent.

Bilbo subconsciously squinted his eyes, covered them with his hands, and looked at the sky through the gaps between his fingers. He saw that the dark clouds in the sky had long disappeared, and the sun at noon hung brightly in the sky, exuding comforting warmth and warmth. bright.

Outside the camp, hurried figures came and went. Those brave and skilled human cavalry were cleaning the battlefield under the command of a group of black-armored soldiers, cleaning up the corpses of humans and orcs in the ruins.

The melancholy elf prince and the silent dwarf king sat on two stones at the entrance of the camp, each wiping their blood-stained swords and battle axes, as if waiting for him to wake up from his coma.

"Legolas, Thorin!"

Bilbo had a smile on his face and waved to the two of them quickly.

Legolas and Thorin stood up together, looking at the lively Bilbo and smiling.

"My friend, it's so good to see you're okay!"

Thorin laughed loudly and stepped forward, hugging Bilbo into his arms and holding him tightly.

Legolas was more reserved in his expression, but Bilbo could feel his genuine joy.

After celebrating the rest of the war and their reunion, Bilbo asked with concern: "How is the war going now?"

Legolas smiled faintly and said: "It's over. The King of Orcs in the North died at the hands of Thorin. More than 25,000 Orcs were defeated by the combined army of dwarves and humans. Most of the Orcs were defeated. They were wiped out on the spot, and there are only two thousand orcs left who are still fleeing. I have ordered people to pursue them, and I will surely capture all those defeated troops before sunset."

"That's great!"

Bilbo breathed a long sigh of relief.

A smile appeared on Thorin's face, and his strong arms hugged Bilbo's shoulders: "Let's go, my friend, it's time to meet our partners and discuss the distribution of the Lonely Mountain treasure!"

Hearing these words, Legolas stopped, looked at Thorin and said softly: "Are you really planning to distribute the treasure of the Lonely Mountain?"

Thorin glanced at him and said calmly: "Of course, I have already said that I am not my grandfather, and I will never be swallowed by the dragon disease."

Legolas raised the corner of his mouth and shook his head: "You have already been swallowed, but you just pulled out your feet from the whirlpool..."

Thorin curled his lips: "You gloating elf, I advise you not to be too happy. The treasure of Gushan has nothing to do with you anymore. Your share was given to the humans in Changhu Town. Now you regret it." It’s too late!”

Legolas said calmly: "I will not regret it. I was not interested in your stinky rags from the beginning."

Looking at the elves and dwarves bickering and taunting each other as they did during the initial adventure, Bilbo couldn't help but have a knowing smile on his face.

As a hobbit who loves peace and good food, nothing could make him feel more gratified than the scene before him.

Soon, the three of them came to the largest building ruins in River Valley City, which was the former Lord's Mansion of River Valley City.

The hall of the Lord's Mansion had been cleaned by the soldiers. Although traces of nature such as vines were still hanging on the walls, the conference table and stone seats had been cleaned and made brand new. At least Bilbo would not mind sitting down to discuss issues.

Bilbo happily hugged Gandalf, who was full of relief, and then sat next to him.

As the new king under the mountain, Thorin opened the stone seat and sat at the top of the long table.

Opposite him is the silver-haired queen wearing a dragon-shaped crown, Daenerys Targaryen.

At this point, all interested participants have sat on the long conference table. They are Daenerys, the Queen of Dragons, Bilbo the Hobbit, Gandalf the Gray Robe Wizard, Legolas the Elf Prince, and the King Under the Mountain. Thorin, Lord Dain of the Iron Hills, Bard of Lake Town, and the twelve dwarf companions who worked with Thorin to regain the Lonely Mountain, a total of nineteen people.

Looking at the people with different expressions on the conference table, Thorin endured the reluctance in his heart and solemnly announced: "According to the contract signed previously, except for the gray robe wizard Gandalf, the remaining fifteen people in the team are all Having the right to distribute the Lonely Mountain treasure, Legolas took the white diamond necklace and gave one-fifteenth of the share to the humans in Long Lake Town..."

Having said this, Thorin looked at Legolas and Bard, as if asking them if they were sure.

Bard was a little hesitant. After all, one-fifteenth of the treasure in the Lonely Mountain was too much. They couldn't use so much money, but it would bring disaster. However, Legolas nodded without hesitation and confirmed this. allocation accuracy.

Stimulated by Legolas's attitude, Thorin's tone became more and more natural.

He continued: "Her Majesty Daenerys Targaryen, the Queen of Dragons, and my cousin Dain, Lord of the Iron Hills, came to help and saved the Lonely Mountain and Lake Town during the Battle of the Five Armies. To express my gratitude, I will take one-tenth from each of my share and that of my twelve companions, and give it to you two as a thank-you gift..."

"I don't have to!"

Dain said with a smile: "As a dwarf lord, it is the right thing to respond to the call of the king under the mountain. There is no need to be polite!"

Thorin shook his head and said: "You still have to be grateful. If you are not willing to accept the gift of gold and silver, then stay with your army. I will hold a grand banquet for you to reward you for serving in the Five Armies." Contributions and sacrifices made in the war!”

Dain laughed loudly: "That's it!"

Thorin smiled slightly and turned to look at the silver-haired queen opposite, who was silently sizing them up.

"What do you think, Her Majesty?"

"Okay." Daenerys nodded and said softly, "But I don't need gold and silver. It would be great if all my shares could be exchanged for mithril, crystals and gems!"

"no problem!"

Thorin happily agreed, then he looked around the long conference table and said softly: "If everyone has no objections, then I declare that the remaining Gushan treasure will be distributed completely in accordance with the previous contract..."


Bilbo mustered up his courage, raised his hands and said, "I have an objection!"

Thorin and everyone were slightly startled and looked at Bilbo in confusion.

Bilbo swallowed his saliva and said softly in front of everyone's eyes: "I want to give up my fifteenth share."

"Why?!" Thorin stared at him with his eyes wide open and said incomprehensibly, "Do you know how much wealth that is? Not even many kings of Middle-earth can own such a huge property. With it, You will become the richest hobbit in the world!"

"That's the problem!"

Bilbo pursed his lips and met Thorin's eyes and said seriously: "I am just a hobbit from Bag End. Happiness, food, and a carefree life are what I pursue. For me, It would be easier not to take anything, because I really can’t figure out how to transport the treasure home without encountering ugly scenes of fighting and intrigue on the road..."

"Mr. Baggins." Daenerys said with a smile, "I admire your courage and kindness. If these are the only problems you worry about, then I can help you. You only need to spend a very small part of your wealth. You can hire my soldiers to escort you back home."

Bilbo was flattered, but he still shook his head and said softly: "Thank you Her Majesty the Queen for your kindness, but I still don't need it. Even if I can really take these treasures home, I don't know what to do with them."

Thorin frowned and said, "Then you just want to return empty-handed?"

"Returned empty-handed? How could it be!" Bilbo showed a smile on his face, "Compared to me who just walked out of Bag End, now I already have precious chainmail made of mithril, and a stinging sword forged by elves. There is also an exciting adventure and wonderful memories, which are enough for a hobbit who has never left Bag End!"

Hearing Bilbo's sincere confession, Gandalf showed a happy smile on his face.

The others looked at each other, feeling regret, guilt and vague happiness at Bilbo's choice.

After all, not everyone can belittle gold and silver treasures. Although they admire Bilbo's decision very much, it is absolutely impossible for them to follow Bilbo and give up their due share.

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