Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 234 Conquering River Valley City

Soon, everyone at the meeting table reached a consensus on the distribution of the Gushan treasure.

All the treasures of the Lonely Mountain were divided into fifteen parts, one of which was given to the humans in Long Lake Town by Legolas. The remaining fourteen parts all stayed in the Lonely Mountain due to Bilbo, and among these ten One-tenth of the four treasures will be given to Daenerys.

At the same time, because Daenerys demanded only mithril, crystals and gems, these 1.4 shares of treasure accounted for almost 70% of the Lonely Mountain's reserves.

In other words, Daenerys used a war without any suspense to obtain 70% of the mithril, crystals and gems in the Lonely Mountain.

This kind of profit is much more than her capture of the Horse King's City. Daenerys is very satisfied with this.

When the meeting was about to end, Bard, who had remained silent, suddenly stood up, took a deep breath, came to Daenerys, and knelt down on one knee respectfully looking at the silver-haired queen's exquisite and surprised face.

"The noble Queen of Dragons, Bard, the son of the former Lord of Riverdale City, Girion, is willing to offer my loyalty to you!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone, including Gandalf and Legolas, couldn't help but fall into shock.

Daenerys looked at him with interest, chuckled and asked, "Do you want to be loyal to me?"

"Yes, Your Majesty the Queen." Bard said with a sigh, "Now that Changhu Town has been burned by the evil dragon, Lonely Mountain has the King Under the Mountain again, and River Valley City, which was originally a dead place, finally has the possibility of revival - —So Your Majesty, I want to lead the remaining people in Changhu Town to rebuild River Valley City, but this requires your protection and help. If you are willing to accept me and accept the allegiance of River Valley City, then I am willing to represent the human race in Chang Lake Town that will belong to us. Give your share!”

With that said, Bard, who was kneeling on one knee, lowered his head respectfully.

Daenerys looked at him deeply and suddenly said calmly: "You should know that I don't belong to Middle-earth, right?"

Bard nodded slightly: "Yes, but you have the ability to teleport over long distances. The enclave territory is not a burden to you, and River Valley City is located at the foot of the Lonely Mountain. It has a strategic location. Once rebuilt, it can be rebuilt again." To become a transportation hub and trade city in the north, I can guarantee that we will be able to steadily pay tribute to your kingdom every year..."

Daenerys shook her head: "I don't care about tribute, I only care about loyalty... Do you have loyalty?"

Facing Daenerys' indifferent gaze, Bard said without hesitation: "Of course, Your Majesty the Dragon Queen, from now on, your will is the will of me and Riverdale City. Point, this is the direction in which River Valley City and I are heading!"

Daenerys silently looked at Bard, who looked calm and spoke sincerely, and suddenly asked: "Are you a knight?"

Bud was startled for a moment, bowed his head respectfully and replied: "Of course not, Her Majesty the Queen!"

Daenerys nodded, then stood up, drew out the Valyrian steel sword with a dragon's head engraved on the hilt, and looked down at Bard, who was kneeling on one knee.

"Hold up your head, son of Girion."

Bud's eyes widened and he quickly held back his excitement and raised his head.

Everyone at the long conference table seemed to understand something, and their expressions became serious.

Even Bilbo understood what Daenerys meant and his eyes widened in anticipation of what would happen next.

I saw Daenerys raising the long sword in her hand, placing the sword blade on Bard's shoulder, and whispered: "Son of Girion, Bard of Riverdale City, are you willing to swear an oath in front of the gods and the queen, guard The weak, women and children, the loyal king and the people, no matter how difficult or dangerous the future is, they always fight bravely and live up to their mission?"

"I do."

Bud answered without hesitation.

Daenerys nodded, and put the sword on Bard's other shoulder: "I, Daenerys of the Targaryen family, Queen of the Dragon, officially canonize you as a Targaryen knight and the city of Riverdale. count!"

After saying that, Daenerys put away her sword, sat back on the chair, looked at the new Earl of Riverdale City and smiled: "Rise up, your lord, welcome to the Targaryen dynasty!"

This is the world of Middle-earth, so naturally the set of canonization rituals of the Seven Gods cannot be used.

So Daenerys simplified the canonization process and canonized him directly in her own name.

Bud stood up from the ground excitedly and bowed deeply to the smiling silver-haired queen on the seat.

Gandalf, Thorin and others who watched the simple canonization ceremony also smiled.

"Congratulations, Lord Count."

Legolas smiled and congratulated the new Lord of Riverdale, Bard.

At this point, Gushan's treasure that everyone in the world is jealous of has finally been distributed.

Daenerys discussed with Bard about assisting the reconstruction of River Valley City, and then left the Lord's Mansion and came to the largest watchtower still remaining at the ruins of River Valley City.

At this time, a tall figure sat on the edge of the watchtower, it was Lin Zhongtian with white hair.

Next to Lin Zhongtian, there was the black dragon Skye lying on the top of the watchtower, looking obedient and letting Lin Zhongtian stroke the dragon's head.

Hearing the footsteps behind him, Lin Zhongtian turned his head and asked with a smile: "Has everything been discussed?"

Daenerys nodded and said: "Well, I received 70% of the mithril, crystals and gems in the Lonely Mountain, and about one-fifteenth of the gold and silver."

Lin Zhongtian was a little surprised: "So many?"

Daenerys smiled, patted her breasts, which were beginning to take shape, and said, "Don't worry, Boss, if you give me a try, I will definitely repay you. Let's do this. All gains except gold and silver will be shared by me and the Alliance." How about a split of four and six, four for me and six for the alliance?”

Lin Zhongtian smiled, shook his head and said: "Give me half of the mithril, and keep the rest for yourself!"

Daenerys blinked and did not refuse Lin Zhongtian's arrangement. She walked to Lin Zhongtian and sat on the edge of the watchtower. She looked at Lin Zhongtian's profile and carefully tried: "Boss, Bard wants to rebuild River Valley City. Plan to be loyal to me."


Lin Zhongtian stroked the head of the black dragon Skye and said without looking back: "Then just accept him!"

"I have already accepted it." Daenerys said with a wink, "There should be no problem, right?"

Lin Zhongtian glanced at her: "What's the problem? Didn't I tell you? After this battle, as long as you don't interfere too much with important plots, you can develop in this world. Don't say you just take over River Valley City. There is no problem in leading hundreds of thousands of Dothraki cavalry to unify all the human kingdoms in the north - of course, provided that you can complete the plot of "The Lord of the Rings" in their role..."

Daenerys said thoughtfully: "So, as long as the main line of the general direction is correct, everything else won't be a problem, right?"

Lin Zhongtian nodded and said, "That's right."

Daenerys breathed a sigh of relief: "Then I'm relieved! I plan to leave three thousand cavalry and one hundred Unsullied to help Bard rebuild Riverdale City. By the way, they will serve as the military force of Riverdale City to deter the coveted treasure of Lonely Mountain. Xiaoxiao."


"Then can you fix the alliance's portal in Riverdale City?"

"After taking advantage of Gushan, you still want to take advantage of the alliance, right?" Lin Zhongtian rolled his eyes and said angrily, "River Valley City has been included in the category of affiliated forces by you, and has the qualifications to activate fixed portals. If you want to open the portal here, just spend a quota yourself, don't think about gathering the alliance's wool all day long..."

"All right."

Daenerys nodded obediently, like the girl next door, but she still looked like the previous queen.

Meanwhile, Legolas and Bard walked through the empty streets of Dale City.

"Bard, I still don't understand. Riverdale City's geographical location is so advantageous. As the future lord of Riverdale City, you have maintained good relations with the dwarves of Lonely Mountain and the Woodland Kingdom of Mirkwood. Even if you develop independently, you can still develop very well." If we are going to be prosperous, why do we have to be loyal to Her Majesty the Queen?"


Bard stopped and looked at Legolas with a complicated expression: "Do you really not know why?"

Legolas frowned and said: "Is it because of the orcs... Indeed, the power of darkness continues to spread, and the north will become very dangerous in the future. The population of River Valley City is too small. Even if it absorbs the refugees from the north, it will be difficult for them to survive." You have become powerful in a short period of time, so you need external help, but the Lonely Mountain and Woodland Kingdom can also help you, so why must you sacrifice your freedom in exchange for the help of Her Majesty the Queen?"

Bard looked at him deeply and said calmly: "Legolas, for the sake of you and me being friends, I will speak frankly. The Lonely Mountain belongs to the dwarves, and the woodland kingdom belongs to the elves. Between the dwarves and the elves, In the meantime, River Valley City will still be controlled by others. Instead of letting River Valley City be coerced by you and become an appendage of the Lonely Mountain and Woodland Kingdom, it is better for us to personally choose our own backers."

"Those who are not of my race must have different hearts. Although this sentence is unpleasant to hear, it is a wise saying. Especially for us, the remnants of River Valley City, it is a personal experience that we can relate to."

"Yes, I participated in the Battle of the Five Armies, and I also slayed a dragon with you, the Elf Prince, and sent a message to the Woodland Kingdom for you. It can be foreseen that before my death, River Valley City will fight with the elves and dwarves. Maintain good friendships, but there are limits to those friendships.”

"Just like a few days ago, when faced with the powerful evil dragon Smaug in the Lonely Mountain, the elves only wanted to protect themselves, and the dwarves only wanted to conquer the Lonely Mountain. Who would really care about the city of Riverdale that was also destroyed in the hands of the evil dragon?"

Hearing Bard's calm words, Legolas couldn't help but fall silent.

Bard said softly: "As your friend, I know you are completely trustworthy, but as the lord of River Valley City, I must be responsible for River Valley City and the people under my rule. There is nothing wrong with self-protection, and there is nothing wrong with giving priority to my own family members. Wrong, so that’s what I think too. We have already tried relying on elves and dwarves, but the results were not ideal, so now I plan to rely on my own kind, just like you..."

After saying that, Bard patted Legolas on the shoulder and turned to leave.

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