Putting the plot into "X-Men", Ye Zixun immediately understood the company's good intentions. They just didn't want to see what happened to the mutants in "X-Men", so they worked hard to maintain the population red line. .

Zuo Yu said with a smile: "But we are not afraid of this happening, so we must get the Slimming Furnace."

Deng Yougang nodded and continued: "The next plot is what we see before our eyes. Six temporary workers formulated a plan to destroy Biyou Village and the Self-cultivation Furnace, and it is now being implemented..."

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's get going!"

Zuo Yu flicked the cigarette butt in his hand, and the hot flame instantly turned the cigarette butt into ashes.

He smiled and said: "I'm going to take care of Zhang Chulan who stayed behind to destroy the self-cultivation furnace. What about you?"

Li Yun said softly: "I'm going to find Ma Xianhong and the superior weapon who has learned the magical machine and hundreds of refinements."

Ye Zixun nodded and said: "My goal is also to be perfect, so let's act together with Brother Li!"

Zuo Yu turned to look at Deng Yougang and said with a smile: "Come with me. You are here to interfere with the plot, right? After I take away the drawings and finished products of the self-cultivation furnace, we will go find Chen Duo... …”

Deng Yougang scratched his head in embarrassment and turned to look at Lin Zhongtian: "What about the boss?"

Lin Zhongtian smiled slightly: "Don't worry about me, I have something serious to do when I come here this time, you can just act on your own!"

After a brief conversation, everyone determined their goals and began to act separately.

In addition to the ordinary people who have been transformed into aliens in Biyou Village, the most important fighting force is the village chief Ma Xianhong and the twelve superior weapons.

It is said that there are twelve superior weapons, but in fact there are only eleven. In the original plot, the twelfth superior weapon is Zhuge Qing, the descendant of the Wuhou sect who was invited to Biyou Village by Ma Xianhong. But in this world, due to Due to the interference of time-travelers and the authorities, Zhuge Qing returned to the family early and is now in a state of avoiding guests along with the entire Zhuge family.

Not only him, but Taoist Wang Ye, who originally appeared in the plot, also lost his whereabouts to avoid Zuo Yu and Li Yun.

But even so, the remaining eleven root masters are still difficult to deal with.

Zhang Chulan discussed with the six temporary workers for a long time and formulated a plan to defeat them one by one. Due to their own reasons, the second strong man from the Northeast could not come to the scene in person, so he could only provide information and intelligence to everyone outside the scene. The remaining five temporary workers each All were assigned more than two opponents.

As for Zhang Chulan, the "hands-on ghost" of Feng Baobao, a temporary worker in the North China District, his mission is to hold Ma Xianhong down by virtue of his identity as a descendant of the Eight Wonders.


In the self-cultivation hall behind Biyou Village, Ma Xianhong hung up the phone, stood in front of the improved self-cultivation furnace, looked at Zhang Chulan and said lightly: "Zhang Chulan, why did you stay so late with me today... you guys Are you finally going to rob someone?"

"Is this your plan, to stay here to hold me back so that others can take action?"

"Old Ma..." Zhang Chulan sighed and said, "Why can't you think about the good things? I stay here not to hold you back, but to keep an eye on you. Do you think you are the only one who cares about the origins of your ancestors? , the same goes for me, I can ignore other people in Biyou Village, but you, I really don’t want to see you standing on the opposite side of the company!"

Zhang Chulan shook his head and said in a sincere tone: "You have done this for Chen Duo, which is already the most benevolent thing. Why do you have to fight the company to the end for her?"

Ma Xianhong said calmly: "Then what do you want me to do?"

Zhang Chulan said without hesitation: "Wait here, waiting for your superior weapon to decide the winner with the people in the company."


Ma Xianhong fell silent, seemingly moved by the sincerity in Zhang Chulan's words.

But at this moment, a woman with short hair ran angrily from the side.

"Leader! Those guys went too far. They injured Zihuan and Xiaolong, and then let go..."

Before she finished speaking, the short-haired girl saw Zhang Chulan next to Ma Xianhong.

Without hesitation, she immediately angrily pulled out two watermelon knives from her waist, intending to chop them.

Ma Xianhong stopped her quickly and shouted angrily: "Fu Rong, calm down, what happened?"

"Calm down?!" Fu Rong glared at Zhang Chulan, "Leader, do you know what the crazy woman this guy brought here is doing? She is setting fires everywhere and wants to burn down our village. How can I calm down?"


Ma Xianhong suddenly turned his head, glared at Zhang Chulan who looked calm, gritted his teeth and said: "It seems that I thought too well of the company. I didn't expect that you are so despicable that you actually set fire to the village. Don't you know Are there any ordinary people in the village?!"

It was okay if Ma Xianhong didn't say it, but when he did, Fu Rong suddenly became even more angry.

"No, I'm going to give this kid a knife!"

"Leader, don't stop me!"

Fu Rong waved the watermelon knife in her hand and kept shouting.

But Ma Xianhong still grabbed her wrist, held back his anger and looked at Zhang Chulan and said: "You have delayed me for so long, so your mission is completed. I understand your good intentions, but Biyou Village is my hard work. Everyone is fighting desperately for the village, and I can never stand idly by... Zhang Chulan, didn't you say that you don't want to be my enemy? Then get out of the way, stop interfering, and wait for me to decide the outcome with the company! "

After saying that, Ma Xianhong turned around, grabbed Fu Rong who was still wielding the knife angrily, and strode away.

Zhang Chulan suddenly said: "We have evacuated the ordinary people in the village."

Upon hearing this, Ma Xianhong paused slightly, and then continued to pull Fu Rong forward.

Looking at the two people leaving, Zhang Chulan sighed quietly, then took out the cigarette and lit it.

"Old Ma, Old Ma, why are you so kind?"

"It will make me embarrassed to smash your stove later..."

Zhang Chulan exhaled a puff of white smoke and turned to look at the self-cultivation furnace in the self-cultivation hall, with a smile on his face.

At this moment, a slightly familiar voice suddenly came from the roof.

"Hey, isn't this the runner-up contestant of the Luotian Dajiao, Zhang Chulan!"

Zhang Chulan was slightly startled, and quickly raised his head. He saw a handsome young man with black hair and red eyes standing on the roof of the Self-cultivation Hall, with his hands in his pockets, looking at him with a half-smile. It was Zuo who had quietly come here. Jade.

"Brother Zuo?!"

Zhang Chulan seemed to be surprised and said: "Aren't you and Brother Li in Wudang Mountain? Why are you here?"

Zuo Yu jumped down from the roof, looked at Zhang Chulan and said with a faint smile: "It seems that you are very concerned about the whereabouts of our two brothers!"

Zhang Chulan laughed sarcastically: "Of course, you two are the top masters of the younger generation. What young stranger wouldn't care?"

Zuo Yu was noncommittal, her eyes moved to his right hand behind his back, and he chuckled: "Don't think about sending a message to your companions. Now that I'm here, I can't let you destroy this stove..."

Zhang Chulan's pupils shrank and he said with a sneer: "Brother Zuo, what are you talking about? Who said I was going to destroy this stove?"

Zuo Yu smiled and shook his head: "Zhang Chulan, go and join your companions. Leave the stove alone. If the company asks about it later, just say that Lao Li and I took the stove away - You Gang, Is it done?"

"It'll be... ready soon!"

Another young voice came from the Xiu Shen Hall.

Zhang Chulan's face changed slightly, and she quickly turned to look at the Self-cultivation Hall. She saw a shy black-haired boy walking out of the Self-cultivation Hall, raising his right hand and making an OK gesture to Zuo Yu outside the door.

And behind him, the self-cultivation furnace that was originally standing in the room had suddenly disappeared.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Chulan's face was gloomy and he said in a deep voice: "Brother Zuo, although I don't know your purpose of planning the self-cultivation furnace, there is one thing I must warn you. Once you use this furnace to transform too many The strange person is likely to lead to..."

Zuo Yu said calmly: "I understand the population red line!"

Zhang Chulan frowned tightly: "Since you all understand, why are you still planning this furnace?"

Zuo Yu said with a smile: "You don't have to worry about this. Listen to me and report it honestly when you go back. The people above will give you an explanation."

After saying that, Zuo Yu waved his hand, turned around and jumped up to the roof. The shy black-haired boy smiled kindly at Zhang Chulan, also jumped up, and disappeared into the dim night with Zuo Yu.

Looking at the two people leaving, Zhang Chulan's expression changed.

After a moment's hesitation, Zhang Chulan took out his cell phone and sighed with a voice: "The plan has changed, the Slimming Furnace... has been taken away!"

On the other side, Fu Rong was still feeling aggrieved for not being able to kill Zhang Chulan just now.

Ma Xianhong suddenly stopped, looked at the street corner in front of him and said calmly: "Come out, friend hiding there, your breathing has exposed your position..."

Before he finished speaking, two figures walked out from the corner.

Among them, the young man in a suit whispered awkwardly: "Is my breathing really obvious?"

The heroic young man in a black T-shirt nodded and said seriously: "It is indeed obvious."

The young man in a suit sighed: "Well, it seems that I will have to practice harder after I go back!"

While the two were talking as if no one was around, Ma Xianhong acted like he was facing a formidable enemy.

He stared hard at the face of the heroic young man, pulled the confused Fu Rong behind him, and said calmly: "It turns out to be Brother Li, the leader of the Luotian Dajiao. I didn't expect that even Brother Li came to my place quietly. Biyou Village, I am the head of Biyou Village. I am unable to welcome you from afar. I hope Brother Li will forgive me..."

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