Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 237 The magic machine is obtained with hundreds of refinements

"It doesn't matter."

Li Yun turned his head and looked at Ma Xianhong, whose body was tense and as if facing a formidable enemy, and said softly: "It's me who took the liberty to come here and failed to inform Village Chief Ma in advance. I hope Village Chief Ma doesn't blame him..."

"How could that happen?" Ma Xianhong chuckled, "Brother Li is willing to come to my Biyou Village. It is our honor for Biyou Village. But I don't know why Brother Li came to my little Biyou Village. ?”

Li Yun said calmly: "Of course it's for your magical skills."

At this time, Fu Rong, who heard the conversation between the two, finally understood the identity of the person in front of her, and immediately couldn't help but sarcastically said: "Will the descendants of Qi Jiajun also rob other people's things?"

"Fu Rong!"

Ma Xianhong frowned and shouted softly, then looked at Li Yun and said lightly: "Don't talk nonsense, brother Li hasn't taken action yet?"

Li Yun said calmly: "It would be best if we could get the Divine Machine Hundred Refinements without taking action..."

"Shameless!" Fu Rong said angrily, "Can't you see that we are eager to help our companions, taking advantage of others' danger and stopping them? What is the difference between your behavior and blackmail?"

Li Yun shook his head: "Don't worry, the company is a state-owned enterprise after all. We should do things in a measured manner and will not hurt the lives of innocent people."

Fu Rong glared at him and said, "You fart, you've already set fire to the village, how can you still call yourself measured?"

Li Yun didn't care about Fu Rong's reaction. He just looked at Ma Xianhong and said, "Village Chief Ma, what do you think?"

Ma Xianhong fell into silence and suddenly said with a smile: "It seems that if I don't hand over the Divine Machine Bailian today, I won't be able to pass Brother Li's test. Well, I can hand over the Divine Machine Bailian to you, but I have a condition! "

Li Yun asked thoughtfully: "What conditions?"

Ma Xianhong said seriously: "Help me calm down the riot tonight..."

The man in the suit said in surprise: "You want us to help you deal with the company?"

Ma Xianhong turned to look at him and said calmly: "I haven't asked for advice yet. Who is this?"

Ye Zixun laughed at himself: "He's just an unknown person whose cultivation is so low that he can't even hide his breath!"

Ma Xianhong smiled lightly and said: "Brother Zuo is joking, how can he be a companion with Brother Li, but his cultivation level is low - Oh, by the way, Brother Zuo isn't here?"

Li Yun said calmly: "Here he is, counting the time, he should have taken away your self-cultivation furnace by now."


Ma Xianhong was slightly stunned, as if he didn't expect Li Yun to be so honest.

Fu Rong's eyes widened, and she finally couldn't hold back the anger in her chest, and shouted: "They are indeed a group of bandits, do you want to evacuate Biyou Village?!"

Before she finished speaking, Fu Rong, who couldn't restrain her anger, pulled out the watermelon knife from her waist and swung it in the direction of Li Yun.

Ma Xianhong came to his senses and quickly wanted to stop it, but it was too late.

In an instant, the sharp Qi blade separated from the blade, like a sharp sword, slashing towards Li Yun and Ye Zixun with a whistling sound through the air.


With the sound of gold and iron clashing, the condensed Qi Blade was held in the palm of a hand, unable to move even an inch.

Li Yun stood calmly in front of Ye Zixun, holding the condensed Qi Blade in his right hand. He looked at the astonished Fu Rong and said lightly: "This should be the legendary sword energy. It is indeed a good method!"

"It's sword energy!" Fu Rong came back to her senses and said with wide eyes, "This is sword energy!"

Ye Zixun couldn't help but laugh and said: "Can what is cut with the watermelon knife be considered sword energy?"

"it's the same……"

Li Yun shook his head, and with a little force of his fingers, he instantly crushed the Qi Blade in his palm.

Seeing this scene, Fu Rong couldn't help but take a few steps back and looked at Li Yun with the eyes of a monster without bothering to argue with Ye Zixun.

"You can crush the sword energy in your hand. Are you really a human?"

"Fu Rong, I told you a long time ago not to act rashly. You are not Brother Li's opponent yet."

Ma Xianhong grabbed Fu Rong's wrist and asked her to put down the watermelon knife. Then he turned to glance at Li Yun and said: "You said that Brother Zuo has taken away my self-cultivation furnace. I can't see it. Brother Li, do you think I am that kind of person?" Are there people who won’t leave any protective measures behind?”

Li Yun shook his head and said: "Of course not."

Ma Xianhong smiled and said: "There has been no sound from the direction of Xiu Shen Hall, which means that my protective measures have not been activated - Brother Li, if I guessed correctly, Brother Zuo didn't come with you, right?"

Li Yun did not answer directly, but said lightly: "I know that there are many puppets you refined around your self-cultivation furnace, but these puppets of yours should only have protection mechanisms set up in advance, and they will only attack Qi who are close to the self-cultivation furnace. Have a reaction..."

Ma Xianhong's face was gloomy: "What do you mean?"

Ye Zixun smiled and explained: "It means we have many ways to bypass your protective measures."

Hearing Ye Zixun's explanation, Ma Xianhong's heart finally sank to the bottom.

He suppressed his anger and said: "Brother Li, I have no enmity with you, and you are not on the same side as the company. Why do you have to make things difficult for me?"

Li Yun said calmly: "Everyone is not guilty, but he is guilty of having a jade. You have one of the eight magical skills, a magical machine, but you act in a flamboyant way. Not only did you establish Biyou Village and the New Jie Sect, but you also dared to blatantly build the company To act against someone like this is no different than a childish person who has a lot of money but shows off..."

Ma Xianhong sneered: "So you guys want to step on me too?"

Li Yun shook his head and said: "No, we plan to give you a chance..."

Ma Xianhong was slightly startled, frowned and asked, "What chance?"

Li Yun chuckled and said: "Didn't you say that as long as we help you quell the riot tonight, you will hand over the magic machine to us? Okay, I will give you an answer now. To quell the riot, no, but I can help you get through this disaster!"

Ma Xianhong frowned and said, "Help me get through this disaster. Is this the opportunity you mentioned?"

Li Yun nodded and said, "That's right."

"How to survive this disaster?"

"Accept our help, break and build again, break the whole into pieces."

Hearing Li Yun's words, Ma Xianhong was thoughtful. After thinking for a moment, he took out a ball and threw it to Li Yun.

"This is the capsule, which contains the secrets of the magic machine. I hope you can keep your promise..."

Ma Xianhong said calmly, and then strode past the two of them with Fu Rong, who was confused.

Ye Zixun stood there blankly, his eyes wandering between the backs of Ma Xianhong and the blue-skinned secret book in Li Yun's hand.

"That's it?" Ye Zixun couldn't help but said, "You got it now?"

"Otherwise?" Li Yun glanced at him, "You still want to beat Ma Xianhong to death?"

Ye Zixun said helplessly: "I thought we were on the company's side."

Li Yun put away the bag, patted Ye Zixun on the shoulder and said seriously: "Yes, I am on the side of the company, so I can't take action. If there is a need to take action later, then I can only rely on you! "


Ye Zixun's eyes widened. Didn't he come to join in the fun? Why did he suddenly become the main force?

After leaving this place, Ma Xianhong quickly jumped up a tree and looked at the village with flames soaring into the sky.

Through the red lens worn on his left eye and the scattered flying insect puppets, Ma Xianhong observed the situation in the village and outside the village.

Qiu Rang, one of the twelve superior implements, was running back and forth in the village with many people, shouting and extinguishing the blazing flames. The other superior implements were led into the forest outside the village by temporary workers, and It was divided into several battlefields and defeated one by one.

As Zhang Chulan said, none of these temporary workers are easy to mess with.

Even though his masters are already rare masters among strangers, they still look immature and weak when facing these temporary workers.

At this time, four superiors, including Liu Wukui, Ding Zihuan, Zhong Xiaolong, and Hari Chagai, had been defeated by the temporary workers, and the remaining superiors were either missing or at a disadvantage in the hard battle.

Looking at his subordinates who had fallen into the hands of temporary workers, Ma Xianhong sighed quietly.

"Sorry, everyone, I shocked everyone..."

Ma Xianhong spoke softly and spread the word to everyone through the scattered flying insect puppets: "Tonight, Biyou Village was attacked by the enemy. The ones who took action were those who entered the village a few days ago. They came to arrest Chen Duo. I refused, and I won’t explain the detailed reasons. What I want to say is that I will protect Chen Duo and will go to war with them for this!”

"This battle has nothing to do with you. From a standpoint, you can't judge good from evil. Remember, fighting is only my personal choice. The only ones who should really face the battle are me and Chen Duo..."

"Listen carefully to what I'm going to say next. This place is about to turn into a battlefield. Everyone, including the superiors, should all come down the mountain. Don't have any psychological burden. Listen to me and leave immediately!"

Hearing Ma Xianhong's sharp shout, Fu Rong couldn't help but look shocked under the tree.

"Teacher, do you want to leave too?"

"..." Ma Xianhong glanced at her and sighed softly, "Leave. Brother Li is right. I act too openly, and this will happen sooner or later. You are just innocent people who have been affected by me. There is no need to do anything for me." Pay for the fault.”

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