Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 356 If I don’t go to hell, who will?

Finally, with a shrill wail, the golden giant sword crushed the last tree stump, and then crashed to the ground.

The ground rumbled and trembled, and the giant sword disintegrated into thousands of sword lights, and swooped down together with the surrounding thunder. It drilled into the large hole that suddenly appeared in the ground, and continued to pursue the intricate root system in the ground, trying to kill them all.


There was a roar from the ground, and screams and roars echoed from the hollow.

Zhao Lihe floated to the ground with the divine sword in hand, frowning and looking at the big hole where the tree stump was.

"Master Yan, after destroying the main body, can't you still kill her?"

"Yes." Yan Chixia sighed and said helplessly, "As I said before, this thousand-year-old tree demon's skills are average, but her life-saving methods are excellent. As long as her roots remain, she can Make a comeback.”

"But it doesn't matter. After this incident, I will stay in Lanruo Temple, patrol the mountainous area every day, and clean the roots every day."

"One day, I will be able to uproot it and eradicate it completely!"

Looking at the perseverance on Yan Chixia's face, Zhao Lihe straightened his face, put away the Divine Sky Sword, cupped his hands and said, "Brother Yan is righteous, Zhao admires him!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the screams and roars coming from the ground stopped.

Yan Chixia squeezed the sword secret in her hand, raised her sword finger, and the golden sword suddenly came out of the ground and returned to its sheath.

Zhao Lihe showed admiration and said with a chuckle: "You said my sword is a good sword, but I think your sword is even better!"

"Of course!" Yan Chixia said with a smile on her face, "This is the Xuanyuan Divine Sword that I finally found after searching all over twenty-six provinces in China!"

"Xuanyuan Divine Sword?!" Zhao Lihe looked shocked, "Is it the Xuanyuan Divine Sword?"

Yan Chixia smiled and picked up the sword case, shook her head and said: "Of course it is not the real Xuanyuan Divine Sword. It was a counterfeit made from the last piece of Shoushan copper in the world after the First Emperor unified the world. However, because this sword is The Sword of the Holy King was incompatible with the First Emperor, so it was sealed in the treasure house, and later disappeared when Xiang Yu burned Xianyang..."

"When I found it, it was in the hands of the statue of Emperor Zhenwu, being used to make incense."

Zhao Lihe listened with great interest and immediately asked: "Then how did you discover it?"

Yan Chixia said with a smile: "At that time, I was arresting a criminal thief. The guy was afraid of my reputation, so he threatened the Taoist priests in the temple and asked them to steal my sword. Later, the two sides fought. I didn't have a sword in my hand, so I had to I conveniently snatched the long sword from Emperor Zhenwu's hand, and this allowed the Xuanyuan Divine Sword to finally see the light of day again..."

Why does it sound like an imperial decree...

Zhao Lihe twitched the corner of his mouth and looked thoughtfully at the sword box on Yan Chixia's back.

At the same time, Lu Jianxing and Ding Xian also gathered around.

Ding Xian looked at the sword box on Yan Chixia's back and couldn't help but look envious.

"Brother Yan, your sword control skills are so impressive, you are much better than me!"


Yan Chixia turned around after hearing this, glanced at the two flying swallows surrounding Ding Xian, suddenly raised the corner of her mouth, and asked with a smile:

"What, you want to learn?"


Ding Xian was startled for a moment and quickly shook his head: "Of course not, how could I treat other families' inheritance——"

Before he finished speaking, a dark shadow came towards him.

Ding Xian's voice stopped suddenly and he subconsciously reached out to take it.

Taking a closer look, it was a blue-covered secret book with nine large characters on the cover——

"Taiyi's Curse to Avert Sins, Kill Demons and Protect Oneself"!

Ding Xian raised his head in surprise: "Brother Yan, what are you..."

Yan Chixia said with a smile: "I will give this skill to you once we meet each other, but in exchange, you have to give me the paper umbrella and Miss Xiao Qing's soul, and I will take her to reincarnation."


Zhao Lihe frowned and looked deeply at Yan Chixia.

"Okay!" Zhao Lihe said suddenly, "Since Brother Yan has said so, I will leave it to you, Miss Xiaoqing!"

With that said, Zhao Lihe took out the paper umbrella and handed it to Yan Chixia.

Yan Chixia stretched out her hand to take it, waved her hand and said: "Okay, the tree demon has been destroyed and will not be able to cause trouble for at least five hundred years. You should leave here quickly and do whatever you have to do!"

After saying that, Yan Chixia ignored everyone's reactions, turned around and strode towards Lanruo Temple.

Looking at Yan Chixia carrying the sword box and leaving alone, Lu Jianxing frowned and said in surprise: "Brother Yan, what's going on? Why does he suddenly seem to be a different person..."

Ding Xian looked at the secret book in his hand and couldn't help but add: "And he was suddenly so generous!"

Zhao Lihe glanced at them and said meaningfully: "He is urging us to leave!"

"Urge us to leave?" Ding Xian was slightly stunned, "Why?"

Zhao Lihe shook his head, smiled and said nothing, but took steps to follow Yan Chixia.

Not long after, Yan Chixia returned to Lanruo Temple.

At this time, Xiahou had already left seclusion and was leaning against the entrance of Lanruo Temple with his hands on his shoulders.

Seeing Yan Chixia return, Xiahou immediately stepped forward, blocked the road and asked, "Where are Brother Zhao and the others?"

Yan Chixia suddenly came to her senses, raised her head and said, "They..."

"Here it is!"

Ding Xian's slightly smiling voice came from behind, interrupting Yan Chixia's words.

Yan Chixia frowned, turned around in shock and said, "Why are you back again?"

"My second brother is still here!" Ding Xian smiled and pointed at Lanruo Temple behind Yan Chixia, and then asked curiously, "Brother Yan, what happened to you? Why did you lose your mind after defeating the tree demon? , we followed you all the way, didn’t you notice?”


Yan Chixia twitched her lips and did not answer. She just waved her hands and said angrily: "Okay, don't talk so much. Pack your bags and leave here with that Ning Shusheng as soon as possible. I will see Xiaoqing off later." The girl is going to be reincarnated!"

After saying that, Yan Chixia pushed Xia Hou away and walked into Lanruo Temple.

Xiahou stepped back in shock and couldn't help but look at Ding Xian at the foot of the stone steps.

"……How is this going?"

"We don't know either." Ding Xian shrugged and said helplessly, "It happened suddenly."

Zhao Lihe walked over with a smile, patted Ding Xian on the shoulder and said, "Okay, Ah Xian, don't worry about it. Go call your second brother and Ning Caichen. We will go down the mountain later."

"Yes, sir."

Ding Xian and Lu Jianxing respectfully accepted the order, and then strode into Lanruo Temple.

Two quarters of an hour later, slightly noisy footsteps gradually faded away from the entrance of Lanruo Temple.

Yan Chixia held a paper umbrella and appeared at the temple gate carrying Xiaoqing's urn, looking at the people leaving with a complicated expression.

"I'm really leaving." Yan Chixia muttered in a low voice, "You don't know how to say goodbye to me first, it's rude..."

Yan Chixia muttered a few words, and then sighed, with a complicated expression on her face.

It's good to go, at least you don't have to go through hell with him...


A horse neighed suddenly, and Yan Chixia suddenly turned her head and looked in the direction of the sound with some surprise.

Half a minute later, Yan Chixia took out a horse from the woods next to Lanruo Temple and stroked the horse's head with a complicated expression.

There is no doubt that this should be left by Zhao Lihe and others for Yan Chixia to use on their behalf.

"I still have some conscience..."

Yan Chixia chuckled lightly, then got on her horse, stuffed the paper umbrella into the luggage on her back, held the urn in her left hand, and grabbed the reins in her right hand. She suddenly laughed, and galloped towards the opposite side of Zhao Lihe and others. Speeding away in the direction.

About two hours later, Yan Chixia appeared on the official road leading to Lanruo Temple on horseback.

The urn that was originally on the left hand side has disappeared, and it has obviously been successfully reincarnated.

On the way back, the road became longer and longer, and it seemed that we couldn't see the end at a glance.

Until it was dark, Yan Chixia failed to return to Lanruo Temple. Instead, she came to a secluded mountain forest.

But for some reason, even though the road was so eccentric, Yan Chixia didn't have any impatience or surprise. Instead, she sat cross-legged on the horse and began to close her eyes and concentrate on gathering energy.

Suddenly, thick fog filled the road, and an inn appeared on the roadside.

Yan Chixia opened her eyes and looked coldly at the inn that suddenly appeared in the fog on the roadside.

Without hesitation, Yan Chixia got off her horse, slapped the horse's butt hard, and let it go. Then she pulled out the Xuanyuan Divine Sword and walked towards the evil inn in front of her with a sneer.

If Granny Dryad fails to be uprooted during the day, she will inevitably seek help from her backer, the old demon from Black Mountain.

It just so happened that the old Black Mountain demon had accepted the wedding invitation and wanted to marry Xiao Qing as his concubine, so whether it was for the sake of Grandma Dryad or for himself, he would definitely stand up for Grandma Dryad.

And as long as he steps forward, the first person he will deal with will definitely be the person with Xiaoqing's soul.

Because of this, Yan Chixia exchanged her skills for the paper umbrella that carries Xiaoqing's soul.

Of course, it's not that other things cannot be exchanged, but the old demon from Black Mountain has great magic power and is quite powerful. Yan Chixia felt that she had no chance of winning, so she exchanged the skills, which can be regarded as leaving a bit of inheritance in disguise.

Suddenly, there was a gust of evil wind, and the door of the inn suddenly opened.

Yan Chixia held the Xuanyuan Divine Sword, sneered, and stepped into the inn without fear.

The moment he stepped into the inn, a dark wind suddenly picked up behind him and blew the door shut.

Thick white fog filled the inn, and two black figures emerged from the white fog, stepping into the world with the sound of chains mopping the floor.

Yan Chixia took a closer look and saw the two figures wearing black clothes and black hats. The one on the left was strong and holding a ghost-headed sword, and the one on the right was thin and holding a soul-binding chain.

Both of them have the word "Ghost" on their chests and the word "Pawn" on their backs. They are obviously ghosts from the underworld.

Yan Chixia sneered: "Looking at the majestic aura of the two of you, you should be real ghosts on the register. Even you will obey the orders of the old monster from Black Mountain. It seems that this underworld is just like the human world, where monsters are rampant. Ghosts everywhere!”

"Stop talking nonsense!" The ghost on the left brandished the ghost-headed sword and said with a ferocious smile, "Yan Chixia, your life has expired. We are here to capture your soul on the orders of the Ghost King. Why don't you put down the sword quickly? Capture him without mercy!"

Today I accompanied my mother to the hospital for a review. Save the manuscript - 2

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