Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 357 Isn’t it just about shaking people? Who can’t do that!

"Ha! Has your life span expired?"

"I bother!"

Yan Chixia's eyes widened, she spat, and said disdainfully: "Master Tao, I am destined to die in vain. Before I die, I want to take in a good, obedient and sensible disciple. Now that I haven't received the disciple yet, how come my life is over?" ?”

The ghost messenger sneered and said: "Yan Chixia, I think you have also served as a servant in the human world, and you can be regarded as a human companion of ours. I will show mercy today and let you know clearly. Listen carefully. That apprentice is yours after your death." The mantle I just inherited died untimely because of my untimely death, and now, you are interfering with the six realms of reincarnation without authorization and disrupting the order of the underworld, why don't you just surrender and follow me back to your fate!"

"Fart!" Yan Chixia said angrily, "Master Taoist was reading "The Supreme Sutra of Resolving Complaints in Three Lifetimes" and followed the orthodox process of salvation. Why did he interfere in the six paths of reincarnation without authorization?!"

"Okay, okay, you two ghosts, you don't distinguish between good and bad, don't check right and wrong, and help the evildoers. Today, Master Dao, I will risk my life not only to cause trouble in the underworld, but to go to the Yama Hall to ask for a clear explanation!"

After saying that, the divine sword in Yan Chixia's palm trembled softly, and a bright golden light bloomed from the sword.

Golden light blew across their faces, and the two ghost warriors showed fear, but at this time Yan Chixia had already stepped forward with a sword, and the golden sword light slashed at the ghost warrior on the left.


The Ghost Head Sword collided with the Xuanyuan Divine Sword, and the gloomy ghostly aura disappeared in the golden light.

The tall ghost on the left couldn't bear it anymore, so he took two steps back and stepped into the mist.

The skinny ghost on the right waved the soul-binding chain in his hand, smashed it at Yan Chixia, and shouted angrily: "Yan Chixia, you have made a big mistake and don't regret it. If you don't surrender quickly, you will be beaten." Enter the eighteenth level of hell and suffer eternity!"

"Stop talking nonsense. If I don't go to hell, whoever does will come again!"

Yan Chixia sneered, swung the long sword in her hand away from the chain, and slashed at Guizha with golden light.

While Yan Chixia was fighting with two ghosts, a group of people faintly appeared on the official road outside the inn.

The man in the lead was wrapped with countless golden thunderbolts, and he looked like a thunder god descending from the sky. He was very majestic. It was Zhao Lihe who hurried back after seeing Ning Caichen away.

He had already guessed Yan Chixia's intention, and just for the sake of the skill, he cooperated with Yan Chixia to complete the drama.

Of course, acting is acting, and it is impossible for Zhao Lihe to really let Yan Chixia go to fight alone.

Coincidentally, he was also very curious about the underworld of this world, so Zhao Lihe would not miss the opportunity to have a glimpse of the whole world.

Looking at the foggy inn on the roadside, Zhao Lihe stopped and frowned slightly.

"Shen Lian, Ah Xian."

"Here!" x2

"Blow open the door."

"Yes!" x2

Ding Xian and Shen Lian accepted their orders.

The former waved his sword finger, and two rays of white light flew out of his arms, carrying a whistling air current and slashing towards the inn door.

The latter opened his five fingers, and countless blue arcs burst out from his body, gathering violently in his palm.

"Five thunder dharma-thunder in the palm of your hand!"


White light and lightning struck the door of the inn almost simultaneously.

The whole inn trembled slightly, and then a layer of dark red light suddenly appeared.

Red light shrouded the inn, not only withstanding the bombardment of thunder and white light, but even a big dark red hand emerged from it, trying to catch the two flying swallows flying in front of the door.

Ding Xian sneered, and the white light of the two daggers surged, instantly cutting off the big dark red hands.

Afterwards, white light and thunder and lightning continued to bombard the inn, but they could not break through the red light.

Zhao Lihe frowned, ordered the two of them to step back, then spread his fingers, and golden thunder lit up in his eyes.


A golden thunderbolt as thick as a bucket shot out from his palm in an instant, hitting the red light shrouding the outside of the inn.

The lightning dissipated, and golden arcs danced on the red light cover, causing its surface to tremble endlessly.

Zhao Lihe struck while the iron was hot and blasted open a gap about three meters in diameter.

Seeing that the red light at the gap was constantly fluctuating, and seemed to be healing, Lu Jianxing jumped up and fell into the gap. Then his skin turned into the color of brass, and his whole body was washed away by endless Tiangang Qi.

"Your Majesty, take advantage of the moment!"

Lu Jianxing shouted loudly, and Zhao Lihe and the others immediately stepped forward, entered through the gap, opened the door and entered the inn.

Entering the inn lobby, the three Lu Jianxing brothers immediately drew their swords and stood guard beside Zhao Lihe, looking at the surrounding fog with vigilant expressions.

"Where's Brother Yan?"

"Maybe he has entered the underworld..."

Zhao Lihe replied softly, then pushed away Lu Jianxing who was blocking him, and put one hand into the fog in front of him.

As the arm went deeper, a wind whistling sound similar to a ghost's howl suddenly came from the mist, and a cold and cold feeling came from the fingertips and spread throughout the body.

Zhao Lihe retracted his arm, looked at the ice particles hanging on his fingertips, and nodded gently.

"It seems that this fog is the road to the underworld."

Lu Jianxing immediately said: "Your Majesty, let your humble position go first!"

Zhao Lihe shook his head: "No, let's go together so as not to appear in different places after entering the underworld."

The three Lu Jianxing brothers thought for a while and felt that His Majesty's words made sense, so the four of them walked into the fog together.

In an instant, the cold air poured in, and the fog in front of him opened like a curtain, and will-o'-the-wisps lit up from the darkness ahead.

Zhao Lihe narrowed his eyes slightly and took a closer look.

I saw that the evil spirit was filled in front of me, and it was so strong that it was visible to the naked eye.

In the place where the evil spirit is strongest, a big black mountain sits on the cracked black soil. The hillside is crowded with dense black shadows. The dark ghost soldiers spread out their military formations and stare at them with their eyes like will-o'-the-wisps. The battlefield below.

In the battlefield, countless ghost soldiers were holding spears, shields and wearing black armor, constantly surrounding Yan Chixia in the center.

At that time, the golden light shone and the air exploded. Yan Chixia's tiger eyes were wide open, holding the Xuanyuan Divine Sword, like a tiger entering a flock of sheep, and with the blessing of golden light, she continued to slaughter the ghost soldiers around who were not afraid of death.

Accompanied by the wails and screams of the ghost soldiers, hundreds of ghost soldiers continued to turn into ashes in the golden light.

But even so, the number of ghost soldiers around Yan Chixia still did not decrease. On the contrary, they killed more and more.

Seeing this situation, Lu Jianxing couldn't help but whisper: "Your Majesty, do you want to help?"

Zhao Lihe didn't reply, he just narrowed his eyes and looked at the black mountain intently.

On top of the Black Mountain, among the dense ghost soldiers, stands a high platform. On the platform is a ghostly sedan. Outside the sedan, there are eighteen ghost generals wearing shawls and armor, riding skeleton horses.

Among them, the two ghost generals at the front were wearing black iron masks, each holding a black formation flag with the word "Black Mountain" written on it.

"It is indeed the old demon from Montenegro!"

Ding Xian couldn't help but yell: "This stinky old woman can't afford to play with her. If she can't beat her, she will shake her!"

"Isn't it just shaking people? Who can't!" Zhao Lihe sneered, and then finally ordered, "Lu Jianxing, Shen Lian, Ding Xian!"

"Here!" x3

"The three of you are going to help Hero Yan, and you must protect him from the siege."

"Yes!" x3

The three brothers accepted the order, then turned around excitedly, jumped up, and killed in the direction of Yan Chixia.

At the same time, Zhao Lihe soared into the sky, wrapped in golden thunder, like a golden sun, rising above the sky.

Golden thunder light shone high in the sky, instantly attracting the attention of many ghost soldiers and even the eighteen ghost generals on Black Mountain.

The tall ghost figure in the sedan frowned and said calmly: "Ghost Ying."

"The general is here!"

"Take down that Taoist priest who doesn't know what he means, and I will use his soul to sacrifice the flag!"


The tallest ghost general among the eighteen generals immediately accepted the order, waved his halberd in his hand, and rode the skeleton horse into the air. The tip of the halberd was pointed directly at the dazzling golden thunder ball in the air.

At the same time, the three brothers Lu Jianxing had broken through the many ghost soldiers and reached Yan Chixia's side.

Seeing the familiar faces of the three people, Yan Chixia was happy and surprised, and quickly waved her divine sword to kill in front of them.

"Brother Lu, Brother Shen, and Brother Ding, didn't I tell you to leave quickly? Why are you back?"

Ding Xian controlled Shuang Feiyan to cut off the heads of the two ghost soldiers, and said with a smile: "Brother Yan, you want to be a hero yourself, but you haven't asked our brothers if we are willing!"

The golden light in Yan Chixia's palm was brilliant, and she cut all the ghost soldiers in front of her in half. Then she looked at Ding Xian and the other three and sighed: "Three brothers, you did not hesitate for the sake of Yan. Yan was very moved, but this is the underworld after all. You rashly When you came here, didn’t you ever think that you might not be able to go back?”

"Don't worry, Brother Yan!"

Shen Lian laughed loudly, and thunder surged all over his body, splitting many ghost soldiers into ashes.

"There is no place in the world that can trap my master!"

"Your master?"

Yan Chixia was slightly startled, and then she remembered that they still had a master, so she quickly asked: "Brother Zhao is here too?"

Ding Xian smiled and said: "Of course, it's right there!"

Yan Chixia followed Ding Xian's gaze and saw the thunder shadow shining with golden light.

Of course, the ghost figure that was charging towards Raikage did not escape his sight.

Yan Chixia was immediately shocked: "No, someone is looking for your master!"

Shen Lian glanced at the ghost in the sky and smiled lightly: "No problem, just looking for death!"

Before he finished speaking, a deafening loud noise suddenly came from outside the battlefield.

Dozens of streams of light pierced the sky, piercing through the demonic mist in an instant and hitting the speeding ghost figure.

Countless firelights exploded instantly, forming a huge fireball with a diameter of more than tens of meters in mid-air.

The scorching flames surged and burned in mid-air, forming billowing heat waves that spread in all directions.

In an instant, it was like a bright sun rising in the sky, illuminating the entire battlefield shrouded in white mist as if it were daytime.

Yan Chixia stared blankly at the 'scorching sun' and couldn't help but move her gaze downwards, looking in the direction of the sound.

I saw huge figures appearing on the endless black plain.

It was a giant steel beast that looked like it had stepped out of the Book of Mountains and Seas. Black scales were attached to it, glowing with metallic luster. Next to it could be vaguely seen countless shadowy figures, as well as the black dragon flags waving in their hands. .

Looking at the word "Xia" shining brightly on the dragon flag, Yan Chixia couldn't help but be stunned.

"...What is that?" Yan Chixia asked in confusion.

Ding Xian chuckled, puffed up his chest, and said proudly: "That is my righteous teacher in Daxia!"

Before he finished speaking, a black shadow fell from the fire and fell downwards.

In the sky, Zhao Lihe was surrounded by golden thunder. He stood there, watching with cold eyes, and then shouted loudly.

"All officers and men obey orders!"


"Give me a blast!"

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