Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 368 The haunting Ning Caichen

"Nie Changchuan!"

Hearing Nie Changchuan's arrogant and domineering words, Nie's father could not hold back and shouted angrily: "You are a Taoist priest who slays demons, not a traitor who assassinates the king!"

Nie Changchuan said calmly: "Which civil and military man in this dynasty is not more hateful than a demon?"

Father Nie sneered: "You are scolding me and your Uncle Fu as well."

Nie Changchuan shook his head and said: "Uncle Fu has always been upright and hates evil. You used to have a clear mind, but you have only recently been associated with wealthy businessmen in the capital. The number of servants in your family has also increased visibly."

Father Nie didn't care about Nie Changchuan's sarcasm and said coldly: "Don't you know why I did this?"

Nie Changchuan sighed and softened his tone: "I know that you entered the tiger's den just to save the country and make the demon monk retract his comments about my sister. But I cannot agree with your method."

Father Nie sarcastically said, "Do you have a better way?"

"Of course!" Nie Changchuan's eyes flashed coldly and he said coldly, "Pudu Cihang... I will accept this demon monk sooner or later!"

Father Nie glanced at him and said calmly: "Don't talk nonsense. If you really have this ability, how can you let him grow up all the way and make your sister unable to get married after so many years?"

Hearing these words, Nie Changchuan's eyes grew colder.

Back then, relying on the Maoshan Patriarch behind him, he slandered Pudu Cihang in front of everyone.

This demonic monk was not a national master at that time, so he did not dare to fight with him in front of others. He actually turned the target of his attack on his sister Nie Xiaoqian, and even made a very vicious negative comment about his poor fortune and short life, destroying his family and causing death.

It is precisely because of this comment that Nie Xiaoqian is still unmarried.

Nie Changchuan said coldly: "To tell you the truth, I came down from the mountain this time just to go to Lanruo Temple outside Guobei County and ask a hidden hero to come out and help me slay demons!"

Father Nie frowned and said, "What kind of hidden hero?"

Nie Changchuan said: "Yan Chixia, I wonder if dad has heard of it."

Father Nie frowned, muttered a few words, nodded and said, "Don't tell me, I have heard of this name."

"It is said that this man was once the chief arrester of a county. He had excellent swordsmanship and was known as the best swordsman in the world. He was famous in six provinces for arresting thirteen criminal thieves in one night and bringing him to justice. He also had a dangerous skill. The name of the judge."

"But isn't this person a master of martial arts? Can he also deal with Pudu Cihang?"

Nie Changchuan smiled and said: "Dad, I don't know. Hero Yan is not only a master of swordsmanship, but also a practitioner. I heard that he also has one of the most powerful weapons in China."

"With his help and the treasures I brought from my master's ancestral court, it's easy to conquer Pudu Cihang!"

Father Nie hesitated and said, "Is this really true?"

Nie Changchuan asserted: "There is absolutely no lie!"

Father Nie pondered for a moment and nodded: "Okay, then I will believe you again, but remember, before the matter is completed, you must not tell your uncle Fu about Pudu Cihang's true identity. Monsters are in power and bring trouble to the imperial court. I can tolerate this kind of thing, but he can’t!”

"I see!"

Nie Changchuan nodded solemnly.

He could imagine that after Fu Tianchou found out Pudu Cihang's identity, he would rush to the palace angrily and ask the emperor to kill the evildoer.

But before he does these things, Pudu Cihang will definitely cut him into pieces first.

For the safety of Nie and Fu's family, and to avoid alerting the enemy, Fu Tianchou must be stabilized first.

After leaving the capital, Nie Changchuan sat on the carriage, looking out the window and thinking about killing Pudu Cihang.

Nie Xiaoqian sat opposite him, quietly studying his expression.

Soon, the carriage arrived.

Nie Xiaoqian asked the driver to stay here, and she took her younger brother out of the car and walked towards the half-hidden stone pavilion in the forest not far away.

There, a beautiful girl with a slender figure and a monk's robe was looking forward to it.

Seeing the two siblings coming, the girl showed surprise and hurriedly ran out of the stone pavilion, shouting happily: "Brother Xiaochuan!"

Nie Changchuan came to his senses and sighed. Just as he was about to speak, a gust of wind suddenly blew from behind him.

Nie Changchuan frowned, turned around and saw five extremely handsome bay-red horses galloping on the official road.

One of the stallions seemed to smell the scent of the two mares in front of the carriage on the roadside. He suddenly neighed, slowed down, and rushed towards the two mares in front of the carriage with red eyes.

The man on the horse was caught off guard and flew straight out, accurately flying towards Nie Changchuan... Nie Xiaoqian beside him.

Nie Xiaoqian looked shocked, and Fu Yuechi outside the pavilion exclaimed. Only Nie Changchuan reacted in time, flew up and blocked the person in front of him, put his hands on his shoulders, and released all the momentum with a burst of energy.

After landing lightly, the man hurriedly touched his body with a look of shock on his face.

Nie Changchuan frowned: "Brother, are you okay?"

"...It's okay, it's okay, thank you brother, thank you brother!"

The visitor came back to his senses, his face was full of gratitude, and he thanked him repeatedly.

Nie Changchuan looked at him for a while and found that although this man had a beard, he had fair skin, regular features, and a very obvious bookishness in his words and deeds. He was obviously a handsome scholar who was not old.

...Wait a minute, handsome scholar?

Nie Changchuan suddenly came to his senses and asked with a vigilant face: "What's your name?"

The scholar swallowed, and after calming down, he handed over his hands gratefully.

"Ning Caichen, I live at home - oh, brother, it's fine, why are you pushing me?"

Nie Changchuan had no expression on his face and pushed Ning Caichen towards the official: "As long as you are not injured, don't you have to hurry up? Hurry up and get on your way. Don't stay here for too long. I'm not afraid that you will know that there are female ghosts around here. I like to harm handsome scholars like you the most..."

"Is there a female ghost?!"

Ning Caichen perked up and said quickly: "Then I can't leave anymore. I have four companions. They have strong magic powers and are the best at exorcising ghosts. You wait here, I will call them over to help!"

After saying that, Ning Caichen ran to the official road and waved to the four people who stopped in front.

The corners of Nie Changchuan's mouth twitched and he almost slapped himself.

Why did he mention the female ghost so rudely?

Looking at Ning Caichen's back on the official road, Nie Changchuan decisively turned around and came to the two women. He took his sister Nie Xiaoqian with his left hand and his cousin Fu Yuechi with his right hand, and walked quickly into the forest.

Nie Xiaoqian looked confused and asked quickly: "Oh, what are you doing?"

Nie Changchuan said without looking back: "Let's go, we can't stay here anymore, let's talk somewhere else!"

Nie Xiaoqian's face was full of surprise. She couldn't help but look back at Ning Caichen's back. Just when she was about to ask more questions, Fu Yuechi next to her gently tugged on her sleeve.

Nie Xiaoqian was slightly startled, then turned around and saw that Fu Yuechi's face was red, she was biting her teeth, and her eyes were fixed on Nie Changchuan's hand holding her wrist.

Seeing this scene, Nie Xiaoqian suddenly realized it, shut up decisively, and smiled without saying a word.

On the other side, when the red bearded horse lost control, Ding Xian jumped up, landed on the horse's back, and controlled the red bearded horse that was out of control.

The two brothers Zhao Lihe and Lu Jianxing got off their horses, ignoring the frightened coachman and two ordinary mares beside them, and kept circling around the red-bearded stallion under Ding Xian's crotch, exclaiming in admiration.

"It's strange and's strange and strange!"

"Geldings can also go into heat?"

Lu Jianxing and Shen Lian looked at each other, and they could see the surprise in each other's eyes.

Shen Lian reached out and touched the crotch of the red bearded horse, then looked strange, turned around and cupped his hands and said: "Master, this horse is born with a strange nature. There are two other progeny bags shrinking in the body. It must have been not gelded at that time."

...This is okay too!

Zhao Lihe silently looked at the sky, complaining in his heart that this plot development was too outrageous.

Ning Caichen hurried over and shouted: "Brother Zhao, Brother Zhao, there is a ghost here, here..."

Ding Xian took out two gold leaves from his arms and threw them to the coachman as compensation for the shock. Then he smiled and got off his horse, stopping Ning Caichen who was rushing over.

"Brother Ning, don't be anxious, speak slowly."


Ning Caichen took a breath and repeated what Nie Changchuan said just now.

Zhao Lihe smiled when he heard this. Naturally, they had noticed Nie Changchuan and the others.

And it was precisely because Nie Changchuan subconsciously helped that Zhao Lihe stopped Ding Xian from using his telekinesis to help.

Hearing Ning Caichen's words at this moment, Zhao Lihe couldn't help but chuckled: "You said that person wants to drive you away as soon as he hears your name?"

Ning Caichen nodded in confusion: "It seems so."

Zhao Lihe laughed loudly and patted his shoulder: "Sure enough, it was right to bring you with me!"

After saying that, Zhao Lihe waved his hand, and the five handsome red-bearded horses disappeared out of thin air.

The coachman next to him suddenly looked shocked.

Ding Xian smiled and cupped his hands and said: "Don't panic, old man. My master is a master of the Tianshi Mansion in Longhu Mountain. These five horses are just talismans, not real living creatures..."

"That's it." The coachman breathed a sigh of relief, and then said in a friendly tone, "What a coincidence, my young master is a high disciple of Maoshan, and he belongs to the same sect as yours in Longhushan!"

"Oh?" Zhao Lihe raised his eyebrows and said with a smile, "What a coincidence?"

Ding Xian also smiled and said: "Old man, you know a lot."

The coachman said sheepishly: "Miss likes to recite Taoist scriptures when she goes on an outing. I have been exposed to it and know a little about it."

Zhao Lihe asked with a smile: "Your lady's surname is Nie?"

The coachman was about to reply when he suddenly realized what was going on. He closed his mouth and looked at Zhao Lihe and the others warily.

Zhao Lihe already knew the answer to the question, so he immediately smiled and cupped his hands, turned around and left with a confused Ning Caichen.

At the same time, Nie Changchuan had brought Nie Xiaoqian and Fu Yuechi to the forest.

Perhaps because he felt that walking was not fast enough, Nie Changchuan took out three talismans, kneaded the spells with his hands, recited the incantation, and quickly placed them on the legs of the three of them.

In an instant, the wind started blowing on the ground. The three people's steps became faster and faster, but their bodies became lighter and lighter.

Fu Yuechi's face was full of surprise, while Nie Xiaoqian's face was astonished and she couldn't help but said: "What are you hiding from?"

Of course I'm hiding from you!

Nie Changchuan rolled his eyes, and just as he was about to find an excuse to excuse himself, he suddenly noticed several prying eyes coming from the front.

"……So fast?!"

Nie Changchuan looked shocked and immediately stopped, looking forward with furrowed brows.

I saw a heroic young man in a white shirt walking out from behind a tree with a smile on his face, followed by three knife-wielding guards and the lingering plot protagonist Ning Caichen.

Nie Changchuan frowned and stared at the young man in white shirt who was obviously the leader.

The incident happened suddenly, and Nie Changchuan didn't react for a while.

Now that he had calmed down, a very serious question suddenly popped up in Nie Changchuan's mind.

——Who is this young man in white shirt?

Why doesn't he remember that such a character exists next to Ning Caichen!

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