Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 369: Hope your father will become a dragon

"Who are you?"

Nie Changchuan looked at Zhao Lihe with furrowed brows.

Zhao Lihe smiled slightly and said in a leisurely tone: "The sword comes riding on the wind to slay demons. There is wine and joy in the world. Without wine, I will be drunk. I drink up the rivers in one gulp. Then I drink up the sun and the moon. I can't get drunk from a thousand cups. Only My wine sword——"


Nie Changchuan's head was full of black lines and he couldn't help but complain: "This is Qian... there is no Shushan here, so where does the wine swordsman come from?"

Very good, this fellow couldn't hold his temper, and he exposed the truth after just a few words of probing.

Zhao Lihe smiled slightly and said nonchalantly: "Master Nie, let's talk?"

Nie Changchuan frowned, glanced at Zhao Lihe and the other five, and asked, "Are you the same..."

Zhao Lihe didn't let him finish, he just smiled and said, "I am Zhao Lihe, a master of the Tianshi Mansion in Longhu Mountain."

The three brothers Lu Jianxing next to them also handed over their hands one after another and said their names.

Lu Jianxing, Shen Lian, Ding Xian.

As soon as these three names came out, Nie Changchuan's eyes widened, his mouth opened, and he was silent for a long time.

After a long time, Nie Changchuan swallowed and looked at the only one he had never heard of, Zhao Lihe.

"Are you serious?"

Zhao Lihe smiled slightly and said the same thing: "Let's talk?"

Nie Changchuan glanced at his sister and cousin beside him and fell into deep thought.

Zhao Lihe waved his hand, and the three Lu Jianxing brothers immediately pulled Ning Caichen away.

Ning Caichen's eyes widened and he looked confused: "Hey, what are you doing?"

Ding Xian smiled and said: "Brother Ning, don't panic. My master has something to talk to Master Nie alone."

After hearing this, Ning Caichen immediately stopped resisting and left helplessly with the three brothers Lu Jianxing.

Seeing this situation, Nie Changchuan immediately changed his words and said: "It turns out to be a fellow from Longhu Mountain... Sister, Yuechi, you guys go back to the carriage first. I have something to talk to this fellow from Longhu Mountain."

Want to go back to the carriage again?

Nie Xiaoqian's head was covered with black lines.

However, after catching a glimpse of the smiling Zhao Lihe, Nie Xiaoqian did not use her sister's bloodline suppression. She just nodded lightly and led Fu Yuechi, who was still reluctant to leave, towards the way they came.

Nie Changchuan escorted them all the way until he saw the two women getting into the carriage with his own eyes, then turned and walked towards Zhao Lihe beside the official road.

At this time, neither sisters Nie Xiaoqian nor Lu Jianxing could hear the conversation between them.

But Nie Changchuan was still a little worried, so he immediately took out the talisman and set up a sound barrier.

Zhao Lihe nodded slightly: "You are very cautious."

Nie Changchuan said calmly: "This is a world of ghosts and ghosts. If I'm not careful, I won't survive today."

Zhao Lihe said with great interest: "Then why do you dare to leave them and see me alone? Is it because you are very confident in your abilities?"

"No." Nie Changchuan shook his head and said calmly, "Because I know I can't run away."

"You may not know that I am a person who is born to seek good fortune and avoid misfortune. When I was only ten years old, I ran away from home and traveled all over China alone. Finally, I came to Maoshan. What I relied on was to seek good fortune. The gift of avoiding evil.”

Zhao Lihe laughed and shook his head: "Okay, don't use your master to pressure me. I have no ill intentions towards you. Besides, Maoshan is actually nothing to me. You just invited your ancestor to meet me." You also have to be polite..."

So loud?

Nie Changchuan was a little surprised to see that Zhao Lihe didn't look fake.

After thinking for a moment, Nie Changchuan said seriously: "Are you a time traveler?"

Zhao Lihe nodded and said, "That's right."

"When did you come?"

"A few days ago."

"A few days ago?"

Nie Changchuan had a strange expression on his face. He looked Zhao Lihe up and down and couldn't help but ask, "You grow up so fast?"

The corners of Zhao Lihe's mouth twitched, and his head was covered with black lines.

Nie Changchuan sneered, stopped being funny, and said instead: "Are you wearing one?"

"if not?"

"Interesting, then I guess you must have taken the initiative to time travel?"

"That's right."

"Lu Jianxing, Shen Lian and Ding Xian are all characters in Xiuchundao. You came from the world of Xiuchundao. They call you Master, which means you are their immediate boss - no, Jin Yiwei doesn't have such strong feelings about you. With the dragon-tiger spirit, you traveled through time and became the emperor, which is wrong. Your surname is Zhao, not Zhu..."

Nie Changchuan clapped his hands and said suddenly: "I understand, you rebelled and overthrew the Ming Dynasty!"

Zhao Lihe twitched the corner of his mouth: "Does this level of reasoning still need to be recited?"

Nie Changchuan didn't pay attention to Zhao Lihe's words, and exclaimed in wonder: "It's really amazing. It can overthrow the Ming Dynasty, and it can also take the protagonist of the movie world to travel across the world - Brother Zhao, you don't have a system in your body, do you?"

"That's not true." Zhao Lihe shook his head, and then changed the topic, "But I have stronger support than most systems!"


Nie Changchuan blinked and said hesitantly: "A fearless heart?"

Zhao Lihe laughed dumbly, thinking that if this guy joined the alliance, he would probably have something in common with Zuo Yubailang and others.

But if Nie Xiaoqian were here, she would understand that Nie Changchuan was not as relaxed as he seemed.

He would only be so rude when he was nervous. On weekdays, his words and deeds were quite decent.

Zhao Lihe didn't know Nie Changchuan's daily words and deeds, but he only thought that this person was very interesting and had a high probability of passing the alliance's review.

But whether it should be said or not, the necessary procedures still have to be followed.

Zhao Lihe smiled and said: "I know, you should be very curious as to why Ning Caichen is by my side. This is because -"

Nie Changchuan said without hesitation: "No, don't mention him, I have no interest in Ning Caichen's affairs!"

Seeing Nie Changchuan's resistant look, Zhao Lihe had a thoughtful look on his face.

Zhao Lihe suddenly said: "Are you a sister-controller?"

Nie Changchuan's head was full of black lines: "You are the sister control!"

Zhao Lihe thought about what Ding Baiying would look like when she grew up, then nodded and said, "Don't tell me, have you heard of my wife Ding Baiying?"

"...Huh?" Nie Changchuan's eyes widened, ""

Looking at Nie Changchuan's envious and jealous look, Zhao Lihe couldn't help but smile.

Not hiding his XP, this is the calmness of a married man!

Looking at Nie Changchuan, Zhao Lihe guessed that this guy might have been a virgin for two lifetimes, otherwise he wouldn't have such a big reaction to his words.

Nie Changchuan suddenly said: "I don't know why, but I always feel like the word "Critical Attack" pops up above my head..."

"It's just an illusion!" Zhao Lihe said without changing his expression, "Since you don't want to hear my story, why not tell your own story first."

Nie Changchuan thought for a while, nodded and said, "Okay, my story will start from when I was ten years old..."

Looking at Nie Changchuan with a serious face, Zhao Lihe said with black lines on his head: "You might as well start from the past life!"

Nie Changchuan curled his lips, immediately reduced his water content, and told his story concisely and concisely.

The reason for being so calm is mainly because his experience has become an anecdote in the capital, and you can find out if you just ask around.

As for Nie Xiaoqian, Lan Ruosi and Pudu Cihang, they were time travellers, so they already knew about it. They could deduce the whole story with a little inquiry, and there was no need to hide anything.

On the contrary, Zhao Lihe has a mysterious origin and a deep city.

Nie Changchuan couldn't figure out his details, so he could only treat him with caution.

Zhao Lihe said thoughtfully: "So you plan to go find Yan Chixia to deal with Pudu Cihang?"

Nie Changchuan nodded and said, "Yes, Brother Zhao, does he know where Master Yan is now?"

Zhao Lihe said without hesitation: "The underworld."


Nie Changchuan blinked his eyes, as if he suspected that he was hallucinating.

Zhao Lihe said with a smile: "Grandma Dryad has been injured by us, and will not be able to come out to harm anyone for hundreds of years. The old demon from Black Mountain was also chased to the underworld by Yan Chixia and I, and was completely eliminated. The city changed hands in vain, and Yan Chixia He is now the new city lord, and he may be promoted to Yama in the future."


Nie Changchuan opened his mouth wide and looked at Zhao Lihe blankly. After a long time, he held back two words——


What a hell!

He only went up the mountain to practice Taoism for a few years, how could he miss so many plots?

Nie Changchuan was speechless for a long time, and sighed: "So, Hero Yan can no longer come to the world to do justice?"

Zhao Lihe chuckled and said, "Why bother looking for Yan Chixia? Isn't there a more powerful thug right in front of you?"

Nonsense, Yan Chixia had seen the movie and knew everything about her, but Zhao Lihe appeared out of thin air. Although he was also a time traveler, it was really difficult for Nie Changchuan to completely trust him.

After hesitating for a moment, Nie Changchuan frowned and said, "You want to help me kill Pudu Cihang?"

Zhao Lihe said calmly: "I not only want to kill Pudu Cihang, but also overthrow this corrupt court. If you want, I can even push you to the throne of the Ninth Five-Year Plan, or if you want to imitate the great man and broaden the people's wisdom. , it’s not impossible.”


Nie Changchuan hurriedly stopped Zhao Lihe and asked in shock: "You want to help me rebel?"

Zhao Lihe smiled and said, "It depends on whether you have the intention."

Nie Changchuan frowned and said, "Why?"

Zhao Lihe said calmly: "Because I can't understand this world... Is this reason enough?"

Nie Changchuan frowned in thought and shook his head: "It's enough to convince Nie Changchuan, but it's not enough to convince the time traveler!"

"You can travel around the world and even take people with you. Why not include this world in the territory of your dynasty?"

Seeing the doubts on Nie Changchuan's face, Zhao Lihe smiled and asked, "Guess who accepted Yan Chixia's position as the city lord of the City of In vain?"

Nie Changchuan thought: "The City of Wasted Death is the underworld city created by Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva to imprison those who died in vain - wait, is it a Bodhisattva?"

Nie Changchuan looked shocked, and then he instantly understood what Zhao Lihe meant.

After all, there are gods and Buddhas in this world. It's okay for Zhao Lihe to interfere in the plot. If he wants to annex this world, he will definitely conflict with the gods and Buddhas.

After understanding this, Nie Changchuan no longer had any doubts and sighed softly: "Unfortunately, now I just want to become an immortal and become an immortal. I have no interest in becoming an emperor. My old man, on the other hand, may be interested in that position..."

As soon as these words came out, Zhao Lihe suddenly looked shocked.

"You want to help your father become the emperor?!"

I have seen people taking the initiative to help their children, but I have never seen people taking the initiative to help their fathers.

And when he could ascend the throne, he took the initiative to give up the throne to his father.

Is this the legendary saying that as long as dad becomes the first generation of rich people, I can become the second generation of rich people?

Zhao Lihe thought for a moment and said thoughtfully: "Actually... it's not impossible!"

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