Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 393 The Resurrection Principle of the Mother Box

Hippolyta's startled voice came.

Lin Zhongtian smiled slightly, released his right hand, and let the black cube float above the altar.

Hippolyta's expression changed, but she finally gritted her teeth and stepped forward to stop him: "Your Majesty, this is too dangerous!"

Although she also wants to resurrect her dead sisters, she is the queen of the Amazons after all.

Since she is a queen, she cannot just care about personal relationships...

In the ancient war, the Amazons and the Earth's coalition forces paid a lot of blood to defeat the powerful enemy from the stars.

If the use of the Mother Box attracts powerful enemies that were repelled by the Earth, then the sacrifices of those tribesmen will be in vain.

The sacrifice of a dozen people and the sacrifice of thousands of people, this is a simple mathematical problem, and Hippolyta will naturally not make a mistake.

Lin Zhongtian waved his hand gently, used a space barrier to isolate it from the altar, and said calmly: "It doesn't matter, the mother box is just a tool, and tools are not good or evil. As for what you are worried about, I can tell you clearly, the mother box is just a tool. The box does have the ability to emit signals to the outside world, but I will prevent it from emitting signals, so you don’t have to worry..."

Hippolyta stopped and hesitated: "Are you sure?"


Lin Zhongtian glanced at her and didn't answer. He just spread his fingers and pointed at the mother box from a distance.

In an instant, cyan light bloomed in his palm, and then turned into a turbulent cyan beam and shot towards the mother box.

Activating the Mother Box requires a huge amount of energy, and its favorite energy is heat.

Lin Zhongtian did what he wanted, turning the gray mist into nuclear energy and releasing Godzilla's atomic breath.

The cyan-blue beam instantly poured into the black cube, and black square ripples arose on the surface of the cube, absorbing the nuclear energy released by Lin Zhongtian at an alarming speed, and at the same time emitting the same cyan-blue light as the light column.

Powerful energy surged around, but was blocked by the invisible space barrier and could not break through.

Hippolyta knew that she could not stop Lin Zhongtian, so she could only sigh and retreat with many Amazon female warriors.

Not long after, the blue light beam released by Lin Zhongtian gradually disappeared.

But the mother box was suspended in the air, constantly trembling, rising and falling, emitting hot blue light.

The next second, the light shined brightly, and the cyan-blue light beam shined on the altar like a spotlight.

On the altar, the corpses of more than a dozen Amazon female warriors floated up under the influence of an unknown force field, and quickly reorganized under the microscopic view.

Broken molecular bonds healed rapidly, and organs that had stopped functioning began to work again.

The heart begins to beat again, and nerve signals begin to appear again in the brain...

After a moment, Antiope suddenly woke up in the center of the altar, and then stood up in fear, panting heavily, her black eyes looking around blankly, and then looking blankly at Lin Zhongtian suspended in front of her.

"...Lin Zhongtian, your Majesty?"

"it's me."

Lin Zhongtian smiled slightly, waved his hand to remove the space barrier, and said: "Welcome back, General Antiope."

As soon as the words fell, Hippolyta and many Amazon female warriors who were guarding around the altar rushed over and excitedly helped up those compatriots who had just been resurrected and still looked confused.

Hippolyta held Antiope's hand, her eyes were red, and she was speechless with excitement.

The performance of the other Amazon female warriors was not much better than hers. They were all excited and incoherent, repeating words like 'Thank God for bringing you back' like a repeater.

Lin Zhongtian was suspended in the air, looking at Hippolyta and others on the altar with a smile.

Then he waved gently, pulled the black cube suspended in the air in front of him, and looked at it thoughtfully.

In the process of resurrecting the Amazon female warriors, he discovered that the Mother Box was not able to rearrange and combine the scattered soul factors as he imagined, but could only restore their bodies to their original state and activate their consciousness.

Then, their souls return from some unknown dimension and return to their bodies.

This may be a unique feature and rule of the DC movie universe and does not apply to all worlds.

Lin Zhongtian's plan to use it to resurrect those dead time-travelers may have to be given up...

Thinking of this, Lin Zhongtian couldn't help but sigh and looked at the mother box in front of him with disgust.

The mother box responded with silence.

As Lin Zhongtian said just now, the mother box itself is just a weapon or tool, and there is no distinction between good and evil.

But the intelligent program engraved inside the mother box is not like that.

When it was activated by Lin Zhongtian with nuclear energy, it originally wanted to take the opportunity to send a signal to contact the Apokolips army.

But before it could make any move, the life forms around it unreservedly showed it the terrifying energy source within its body.

Feeling the terrifying energy source that was vaster than the sun, the intelligent program inside the mother box was silent for an instant.

After simple comparison and calculation, the Mother Box found that the probability of the Apokolips army being instantly killed by the life forms around them was as high as 99.99%.

And the remaining 0.01% is the probability that the terrifying life form will not take action against the Apokolips army...

Of course, the mother box only compares to the Apokolips army during the ancient war.

It doesn't know how far Apokolips has developed today, nor does it know how powerful Darkseid is with the power of Omega.

In short, after obtaining this calculation result, the intelligent program inside the mother box decisively fell silent and tried to cover up its existence.

Little did he know that Lin Zhongtian had discovered it a long time ago, but because the current timeline was in the past, he did not erase it.

Lin Zhongtian glanced at the quiet black cube, put it back into the storage space with a wave of his hand, and then looked at Hippolyta and others on the altar.

At this time, Antiope and other newly resurrected Amazon female warriors have learned the truth from Hippolyta.

They stood up with the help of their companions, looked at Lin Zhongtian who was floating in front of them and knelt on one knee, and thanked him with gratitude on their faces.

Lin Zhongtian landed on the ground with a smile, then waved his hand to help everyone up, and said seriously: "According to the normal timeline, you should have died in this accident, but I couldn't bear it, so I intervened and resurrected you. "

"So, you don't need to remind me, you should also know the seriousness of this matter, right?"

Antiope, Hippolyta and others looked at each other, then nodded solemnly.

"Of course, Your Majesty."

"That's good."

Lin Zhongtian nodded, and then seriously warned: "From today on, you are not allowed to mention this matter to the outside world, let alone leave Paradise Island. Even if the end of the world happens outside, you must spend the rest of your life on Paradise Island. Do you understand? ?”

Antiope nodded solemnly and said, "Understood!"

Lin Zhongtian nodded and said: "It's best to understand. However, I still want to tell you the consequences of disrupting the long river of time. It is a destructive ending that your world cannot bear."

"The entire earth, and even the entire universe, will be destroyed by this!"

As soon as these words came out, all the Amazon female warriors, including Hippolyta, realized the seriousness of the problem.

Antiope solemnly nodded and swore: "In the name of the Amazon clan, I swear on the scepter of Themis, the goddess of justice, that I will never leave Paradise Island in this life. If I violate it, I will die without knowing it." place!"

As the words fell, an invisible wave spread out and converged towards the tall tower on the hills of Paradise Island.

Lin Zhongtian didn't look back, he knew what was in the tower.

It was one of the artifacts inherited by Paradise Island, the scepter of Themis, the goddess of justice.

Themis is the goddess of justice and order in ancient Greek mythology.

She was the daughter of the sky god Uranus and the earth god Gaia. She later became the second wife of the god king Zeus and was responsible for many divine powers such as order, justice, law, and justice.

Anyone who swears an oath to the scepter but then betrays it cannot escape death.

Even Zeus, the King of Olympus gods, is no exception.

After Antiope took the oath, other resurrected Amazons followed suit.

Even Amazon Queen Hippolyta solemnly swore that she would never let them leave Paradise Island.

Lin Zhongtian nodded, his feet left the ground, turned around and flew high into the sky

Hippolyta was slightly startled and shouted quickly: "Your Majesty, are you planning to go to the human world outside to look for Diana? I have some information I got from that human here that may come in handy!"


Lin Zhongtian's faint words fell from the sky: "I know where she is..."

Steve Trevor, Air Force Captain, affiliated with the U.S. Expeditionary Force, Army No. 8141921.

During World War I, he was sent to the British Intelligence Agency. Because he could speak fluent German, he was sent to Germany as a spy.

At the beginning, Steve's tasks were only observation and reporting, and he was not allowed to do any unnecessary things.

But as Steve goes deeper and deeper into the enemy camp, he gradually discovers that the German army seems to be secretly researching a new type of poison gas, which is a powerful poison gas that cannot be blocked by all current gas masks.

Once this poison gas is successfully developed, millions of people will die.

This war that affects the whole world will also have two endings——

Or it will never stop.

Or it will stop completely in a way they don't want to see.

So Steve, who was worried about his life, decided to take action.

He took advantage of the visit of General Ludendorff, the German army general, to steal the notes of "Dr. Poison", the general leader of the poison gas research project, and then snatched a plane that was about to take off from the camp and escaped. This is a German camp.

Steve originally thought that he would either bring the notes back to the British Intelligence Agency and expose the German conspiracy to develop poison gas, or he would be shot down by the chasing German soldiers and be buried in the fire together with the notes.

But he never expected that he would actually end up on a beautiful island like a fairyland, where he would experience magical encounters that he had never imagined in his life.

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