Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 394 God is a partial god

To be honest, Steve was a staunch atheist for the first half of his life.

Until he came to Paradise Island and saw the beautiful girl angrily wielding two golden whips as thick as buckets and smashing the two cruisers with a displacement of no less than 9,000 tons in half, Steve Suddenly I felt that if there really was an omniscient and omnipotent God in the world, it wouldn't be such a bad thing.

At least when it comes to facing God, everyone is equally powerless.

Unlike at that time, he could only look up at the powerful and beautiful girl in shock.

Of course, these were just Steve's thoughts at the time.

It didn't take long for Steve's mind to completely change.

Because he discovered that if God really exists, then He is really a partial creator.

While He gave this girl beauty and strength, He also gave her an innocent and kind heart.

When he heard the beautiful girl trying to persuade her mother, who was a queen, and blaming all the cruel wars between humans on the bewitchment of Ares, the god of war, Steve was so ashamed that he wanted to find a stone. Killed.

He wanted to tell her that human beings were not all as fair, intelligent, kind and simple as she thought.

But when he met the girl's eyes as pure and clear as the sky, he felt so ashamed that he found it difficult to express them.

So, under the influence of the girl's firm attitude and her beautiful appearance, Steve vaguely admitted her statement, and then fled the paradise island with her in a daze.

Steve didn't wake up until he set foot on a land ruled by humans.

After figuring out what he had done, Steve's clothes instantly became wet with cold sweat.

He actually brought a girl who was comparable to a human tank to the chaotic human world!

Not to mention that the identity of this girl is a mystery and she has a vague divine background. The power she displays alone is enough to subvert the inherent world view of humans outside and arouse the covetousness of countless governments.

After figuring this out, Steve's scalp instantly went numb.

He began to take care of and cover up the girl's power while completing his mission.

But this is obviously a bit difficult.

Because she did not come to the human world with bare hands, but wore a medieval-style exquisite golden-red skirt and armor, carried an extremely exaggerated giant sword on her back, and carried a long box made of unknown wood in her hand.

This style is quite eye-catching in today's human world where suits and windbreakers are everywhere.

Steve asked her to change her outfit several times, but she was not very cooperative.

After finally tricking the girl into changing into a windbreaker, she was unwilling to put down the giant sword. She even said that it was a coming-of-age gift given to her by her most respected teacher.

It is of great significance and must never be left behind.

There was no other way, Steve could only put her in the hotel, and then came to the Intelligence Bureau alone.

In any case, the poison gas plan was too important for Steve to ignore.

He handed Dr. Poison's research notes to his superiors in the Intelligence Agency, but Germany had just agreed to sign a surrender agreement. The top leaders of various countries did not want to cause more trouble at this point in time, so they asked Steve to give up pursuing the matter.

But Steve had seen the power of that poisonous gas with his own eyes, so naturally he couldn't let it go.

So he openly agreed to the request of the top management, but secretly organized his own manpower and brought this powerful girl to the front line of the war, intending to completely destroy this plan with his own hands.

Steve thought this was a very good idea.

With the help of this girl as powerful as a god, they will definitely find the poisonous gas very smoothly and destroy General Ludendorff's conspiracy.

But in this chaotic world, not everything goes as planned.

When he saw with his own eyes that the girl was invincible on the battlefield and forced her way through the no-man's land under a hail of bullets, using that giant sword to easily split the thick barrel and the indestructible tank in half, Steve hesitated again. .

He felt very guilty, feeling that he was dragging a pure and kind girl into the bottomless abyss of war.

However, the girl is obviously more adaptable to the battlefield than he imagined. She is a born warrior with a pure heart, but she will not be merciful to enemies with opposing stances.

After watching Diana destroy another line of German defense, Steve made a decision.

He stopped Diana, intending to be cruel and tell her the real reason for this world war, so that she would not be obsessed with the illusory so-called Ares, the god of war.

But Diana was very determined, saying that she had smelled the power of Ares.

As long as she breaks into Wolfenstein and kills General Ludendorff, who is the incarnation of Ares, she can stop this war.

Steve smiled bitterly, and just as he was about to explain that this was not the case, yellow poisonous smoke drifted from the village ahead.

There is no doubt that Dr. Poison has struck again.

She planned this village as a testing site for new poisonous gases, and tested the poisonous gas on the villagers without mercy.

Seeing this scene, Diana broke away from Steve's restraints like crazy, then threw away the giant sword in her hand, ignored the yellow poisonous smoke floating in the air, and rushed into the village alone, trying to save those innocent people. of villagers.

Steve knew that the gas could break through the gas mask, so he could only wait outside with a wry smile.

Not long after, Diana's soulless figure slowly emerged from the yellow poisonous smoke.

The originally innocent and pretty face was now filled with a look of confusion and helplessness.

Steve sighed softly, walked forward with a wry smile, grabbed Diana's silver wristband and comforted: "Diana, calm down, their deaths are not your fault, you don't have to blame yourself so much..."

"Of course it's not my fault!"

Diana forcefully broke away from Steve's hand and glared at Steve's stunned face.

"It's your fault, you!"

"I had a chance to save them. If you had not stopped me and allowed me to enter the castle and kill the incarnation of Ares, those soldiers would not have released poison gas in the village, and they would not have been poisoned. poison!"

Steve smiled bitterly when he heard this, shook his head and said: "Diana, you can't sneak into the enemy camp directly to assassinate the German generals. We must first find the storage location of the gas bombs. Otherwise, even if you really kill Luden General Dolph is of no help!”

"How come it doesn't help?"

Diana looked at Steve in disbelief: "Don't you still believe what I say?"

"All of this was caused by Ares. He bewitched the Germans and Dr. Poison, so humans..."

Before she finished speaking, Diana's pupils shrank suddenly, and then she took two steps back under Steve's confused and distressed gaze, muttering: "I understand, I finally understand... Ares didn't just bewitch the Germans. , and you, all of you!”

"I'm going to find Ares, kill him, and end all wars in the world!"

Diana's face was firm, then she turned around and bent her knees, stepped on the ground, jumped up, and disappeared from Steve's sight.

Looking in the direction of Diana leaving, Steve opened his mouth, but finally closed it and leaned weakly against the tree next to him.

"Diana, haven't you ever thought that maybe human beings are not all kind..."

"Perhaps there is no Ares in this world?"

Steve muttered to himself, with a complex look mixed with many emotions on his handsome face.


Calm words suddenly came from the poisonous smoke.

Steve was instantly alert, quickly pulled out his pistol, and pointed it in the direction of the sound coming from the yellow smoke.

"Who? Who is where?!"

"Relax, kid."

A slightly magnetic voice came from the poisonous smoke, and a tall figure slowly emerged.

This man was wearing a gray close-fitting suit. He was tall, handsome, and had an extraordinary temperament.

Under Steve's vigilant gaze, the young man in a suit strode out of the deadly yellow poisonous smoke, just like the powerful girl from the wonderland just now, ignoring the poisonous smoke around him.

"You...who are you?"

Steve swallowed, his tone trembling.

Although he knew that this mysterious figure who walked out of the poisonous smoke was likely to have the same power as the girl who walked out of it before, he still held up the pistol firmly and pointed the muzzle at The forehead of the young man in a suit.

There was no other reason than that the young man in a suit was holding an infant baby in his arms.

"Put the kid down!"

Steve shouted loudly, the arm holding the gun shaking slightly.

Obviously his inner fluctuations are not as calm as he appears.

On the contrary, the young man in suit facing Steve's gun looked very calm.

He shook his head and said: "If you put her down, she will die..."

Steve was startled for a moment, then gritted his teeth and took a step forward.

"Then give her to me!"


Lin Zhongtian glanced at Steve's raised gun, and then actually handed over the swaddle in his arms.

Steve quickly took it, while checking the condition of the infant, he was wary of Lin Zhongtian's actions.

But for some reason, the baby who was sleeping peacefully in Lin Zhongtian's arms just now burst into tears when he got into Steve's hands.

Looking at Steve who was busy comforting the baby, Lin Zhongtian raised the corner of his mouth and said softly: "It seems that you have never taken care of a child..."

Steve subconsciously replied: "Of course, I'm not married yet!"

Lin Zhongtian seemed to have thought of something, the smile on his face faded, and he said expressionlessly: "Give it to me!"

Steve looked at him in surprise, thought for a moment, and returned the baby to Lin Zhongtian.

Sure enough, in Lin Zhongtian's arms, the crying baby quickly regained his composure and then fell into a deep sleep.

Steve looked amazed: "Awesome! How did you do it?"

"It just requires a little experience and skills." Lin Zhongtian replied lightly, and then looked at the baby's sleeping face and said softly, "I'm sorry, I came a little late and couldn't save your parents..."

Steve was slightly startled when he heard Lin Zhongtian's slightly apologetic words.

When he came back to his senses, he couldn't help but ask: "Who are you?"

Lin Zhongtian glanced at him and said in a calm tone: "My name is Lin Zhongtian. If you have a good relationship with Diana, you should have heard my name from her..."

Lin Zhongtian...Lin?

Steve's eyes suddenly widened and he blurted out in disbelief.

"Are you Lin, Diana's teacher, the god who taught her thousands of years ago?!"

Third update at night

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