Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 503 List of Dangerous Persons

...stealing credit?

Tony looked out the window at the huge crowds of people fighting for life and death. He really couldn't see any intention of grabbing credit. Instead, he felt that all parties were engaged in a life-and-death duel.

Zuo Yu spread his hands: "Believe me, they have been very restrained."

Tony twitched the corner of his mouth and said noncommittally: "You said you are an organization hiding on the dark side of the earth?"

"That's right."

"Then how do you explain the identity of this flame goddess? After all, according to you, she has an entire kingdom of believers, and the number and scale are not small. The belief of such a god should be spread all over the world, but I Never heard of it…”

"It's very simple, aliens, or parallel universes, it depends on how you understand it."

"... Are all the members of your organization here?"

"More or less, you can understand him as the guardian of the earth's civilization in the multiverse."

Zuo Yu said this long name with a smile.

Tony was stunned for a moment. From this name, he learned at least two important pieces of information. First, this organization is a multi-force that spans the multiverse. Second, the purpose of this organization seems to be to protect the earth's civilization in all worlds. …

"As for your third question, who brought us actually already know the answer to this question."

Hearing Zuo Yu's smiling words, Tony was stunned for a moment, and then recalled the mysterious young man who bought the artificial intelligence from him.

"Is it Lin?"

Tony blurted out.

Zuo Yu smiled and nodded: "That's right."

After getting Zuo Yu's affirmative answer, Tony couldn't help but fell silent.

Lin Zhongtian is the most mysterious and powerful being he has ever seen in his life.

If it were Lin, he might really have the power to restrain these powerful super people...

After thinking for a moment, Tony stood up and said: "Okay, since you and Lin are willing to vouch for them, then I can not interfere. As for the Cosmic Rubik's Cube you mentioned and the so-called future that seems to be predicted by the magic stick, I will verify it myself. .”

"However, just because I am willing to believe you does not mean that Nick Fury and SHIELD are also willing to believe you."

"...Give me a deadline, how long will you continue to make trouble?"

Zuo Yu thought for a moment and raised three fingers: "In three days, at most, they will leave this world."

Tony thought for a moment, nodded immediately, and softly ordered Jarvis to close his visor, start all the engines and propellers on his body, and left the Rivers Hotel in a burst of fire.

At the same time, on the street not far away.

Deng Yougang pulled out the big black gun from the ground and glanced at the blond man lying flat on the ground behind him, with his butt raised to the sky, and a slightly restrained smile appeared on his handsome face.

"Better be your American butt, Captain."

"This world is no longer the world you know."

"The super soldier thing... is too outdated!"

As he spoke, Deng Yougang shook his head, and immediately cracked the ground under his feet, turning into an afterimage and running towards the New York Temple.

With the blessing of the so-called protagonist's halo, Steve 55 Kai Rogers can indeed fight on par with the strong, but that is in a life-and-death fight.

As long as Deng Yougang has no murderous intention towards Steve, he will still be the ordinary super soldier.

This kind of American team can't even beat the normal Deng Yougang, let alone his opponent in Godzilla state.

After Deng Yougang drove away from this place, the surrounding pedestrians who had watched the two men fight came out of the bunker one after another, looking at Steve who was unconscious and lying on the ground with expressions that were either excited, disappointed, or angry.

But no matter what their expressions were, everyone's actions were basically the same - they took out their mobile phones and recorded the video.

Some brave ones even held up their mobile phones and cautiously walked towards Captain America who fell to the ground.

It is unknown whether they intend to wake Steve up in good faith and use the video as evidence, or to film Steve's ugly appearance in defeat to mock Captain America or seek benefits.

Because before they got close, a ray of fire fell from the sky, revealing the golden-red steel armor coating.

"It's Iron Man!"

Everyone exclaimed, and the men and women holding mobile phones gathered around excitedly.

"Mr. Stark, can you answer a few questions for me?"

"Is this man on the ground really Captain America, or is the government already planning to cultivate a second generation Captain America?"

"Mr. Stark, I am your fan, can you take a photo with me?"

"Mr. Stark, who was the person who fought Captain America just now, a superhero or a super villain?"

"Mr. Stark..."

Noisy sounds reached his ears, but Iron Man Tony was already used to it.

He casually scattered a wad of banknotes all over the sky, triggering a rush of looting from everyone around him.

After his ears cleared, he looked at the unconscious Steve and muttered: "It seems you owe me once, man..."

Soon, a roar came, and everyone who was grabbing money suddenly woke up. They quickly looked back, only to find that Iron Man had already taken this opportunity to leave with Steve.

Everyone looked disappointed.

But fortunately, they have recorded all the scenes just now, and they only need to post them online...

"Hey, where's my video?!"

Everyone exclaimed and looked at each other in confusion.

As the faint sound reached his ears, Steve finally opened his eyes.

The darkness in front of him was torn apart by the light, slowly opening like a curtain.

The first thing that catches the eye is Tony Stark's face that needs a beating.

Although this guy is the biological son of his old friend Howard Stark, he is not cute at all, let alone shows friendly respect for his uncle who has been extended from his father's generation.

"...Where am I?"

Steve rubbed the sore and swollen back of his head.

Tony leaned against the bulkhead with his arms folded, whistled, and said with a smile: "Your favorite place, fighter jet."


Not-so-good memories came to mind. Steve twitched the corner of his mouth and rolled out of bed.

"I remembered, I was fighting that child just now... Where is that child?"

"Run away!" Tony shrugged. "He ran very fast. His running speed on the street was almost close to the speed of sound. He didn't need to slow down when turning, and he didn't hit any pedestrians or vehicles during the process."

"To be honest, even Jarvis would have a hard time perfecting such rapid and continuous reactions in such a short period of time."

"But he did it..."

"I didn't think I could catch up with him without causing a commotion, so I prioritized rescuing you."

Steve couldn't help but fell silent after hearing Tony's explanation.

Recalling the battle scene before coma, Steve's heart was filled with shock and pity.

What shocked him was Deng Yougang's strength and speed beyond ordinary people's imagination, and even his experience and skills, the other party far surpassed him.

As for what he pitied, it was the fate of this child. After all, when fighting him, Deng Yougang was still in Godzilla state, with dark scales covering both sides of his cheeks.

This look reminded Steve of genetic experiments and super soldier plans...

Thinking of this, a flash of anger emerged in Steve's eyes.

He pulled out the needle on his body and said solemnly: "We must stop them."

Tony was stunned for a moment, and then said in a funny voice: "No, I have already communicated with their person in charge. They will stop within three days at most, and there will be no casualties during this period. As for building damage and economic losses, Rivers Industry will pay full compensation..."

"They are using children for human experiments!"

Steve frowned, interrupting Tony.

Tony was stunned: " mean that child?"

Steve said coldly: "What else?"

Tony said amusingly: "Don't you know, there is a kind of people in China called warriors, and that child is a typical Chinese warrior, not a super soldier or the product of genetic experiments..."

"He had black scales on him. He looked like a crocodile or something."

"……Have it?"

Hearing Steve's words, Tony couldn't help but recall.

Unfortunately, by the time he arrived, Deng Yougang had already exited the Godzilla state.

The Deng Yougang that Tony saw was a normal human boy.

The information on both sides is inconsistent, so it is naturally difficult to reach a consensus.

At this moment, several alarm sounds suddenly came from outside the bulkhead.

When he heard the alarm, Tony immediately raised his hand to signal Steve to stop talking, then took out his cell phone and frowned as he read through the information Jarvis had stolen from the SHIELD system.

"Illegal virus intrusion, warning!"

"Illegal virus intrusion, warning!"

Looking at the red words on the surrounding screens, Nick Fury's cheek muscles suddenly twitched.

He knew with his toes that the only person on the fighter plane who dared to invade and could invade the S.H.I.E.L.D. system was Iron Man Tony Stark!

Nick Fury took a deep breath, looked at Natasha, and then turned around and walked toward the cabin.

Not long after, Nick Fury pushed open the iron door and looked at Tony Stark with an evil look.

"Mr. Stark, what are you doing again?"

"What the hell am I doing?" Tony glanced at Nick Fury, then put the phone on the table, pointed at the picture above and sneered, "I should be the one to ask you this!"

"What is the Cosmic Cube, and what is Dark Energy United Action?"

"Jade told me that you secretly researched things that humans cannot master, and this caused dangers beyond your control, causing them to have to come forward to wipe your ass."

"I was skeptical before, but now..."

Tony sneered: "I believe you can do anything."

Nick Fury said calmly: "Is fighting in the United States just wiping your butt?"

Tony curled his lips and said, "What's wrong with employees competing for performance?"

Seeing Tony's obvious attitude towards Zuo Yu and others, Nick Fury frowned and realized something was wrong.

In the past two years, the two shareholders of Rivers Industries have dealt with Tony Stark far more than SHIELD, and their attitude is more like friends than agents or bosses.

This leads Tony to trust Zuo Yu more than SHIELD.

In this case, any explanation seems like quibbling...

Thinking of this, Nick Fury thought for a moment and spoke in a slower tone.

"We may have done something wrong, but now is not the time to worry about that... You said they promised that they would disappear in three days, but what if they are still fighting in New York three days later?"

Tony said coldly: "Then I will naturally stop them."

Nick Fury said calmly: "Look, you have the same idea as us."

"It's just that we don't have your high-performance steel suit. If we want them to hear our voice, we must master the means of checks and balances. The Cosmic Cube is that means, but unfortunately, it is no longer in our hands."

"Mr. Stark, I know that you have a very good personal relationship with Mr. Zuo, but he is now a member of that mysterious organization, and we are your partners standing with you on the earth, or on the human side!"

Having said this, Nick Fury paused, turned around, picked up two documents from Natasha, and handed them to Tony and Steve respectively.

"This piece of SHIELD provides a psychological profile and summary of the abilities of those super-powered people."

"After losing the Cosmic Cube, it is difficult for SHIELD to use conventional means to deter you. You and Captain, the two of you, and those super-powered people I showed you the video, are to deal with - or to use your words. Said to be SHIELD’s final means to check and balance them!”

"So... let's see."

Nick Fury handed the documents to the two of them calmly.

Tony frowned and took the file with Steve.

Turning it over, the first page of the document showed Zuo Yu's handsome smiling face with dark red eyes. Next to this mixed-race face, there was a line of eye-catching red characters -

Extremely dangerous!

I watched the three games this afternoon and couldn't even focus on typing. Today's two updates show that a certain loyalist has taken full responsibility for serving the country. I want to switch to another battlefield to type on the keyboard. I can't stop vomiting.

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