Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 504 The only card on Earth

"Name: Jade Zuo (Chinese name Zuo Yu, doubtful)

Gender: Male (doubtful)

Height: 186cm (doubtful)

Image data: [Mug photo (doubtful)]

Identity: The second largest shareholder of Rivers Industries, spokesperson for the mysterious organization [Guardians of Earth Civilization in the Multiverse]

Ability: Unknown (At the civilian robot conference held by Rivers Industries in December 2011, he used one hand to hold a 157kg housekeeping robot that almost fell to the press box due to a circuit failure. It is speculated that it has super Strong physical fitness, may have participated in genetic experiments or super soldier projects privately led by private companies.)

Description: Appeared for the first time at the Rivers Industrial Shareholders Meeting on July 21, 2010. He claimed to be a third-generation overseas Chinese who grew up overseas. He owned an unlisted mysterious semiconductor company in Singapore. The scale of capital injection and the source of funds were unknown.

After investing in Rivers Industries, Zuo Yu quickly became Rivers Ye's closest partner. From 2010 to 2012, the two frequently attended various upper-class banquets and product launches of military industrial companies.

According to Agent Natasha's observation, this person has an optimistic personality, but has out-of-the-box thinking, is elusive, and has a strange acting style. The initial assessment is that he is 'unscrupulous with a bottom line'...

In three conversations with SHIELD agents, this person revealed a good tendency in the popular sense and was willing to cooperate with the government and SHIELD without harming his own interests. However, when the psychological evaluator proposed to inject funds After Rivers Industries' tentative request, this person changed his previous cooperative attitude and showed an extremely tough refusal attitude.

It is worth noting that this tough refusal attitude is different from other agitated businessmen. It is not mixed with panic, panic and nervousness, but is a very confident and aggressive posture. It seems that the subject does not care about the official attitude at all. with reaction.

After this conversation, we have successively dispatched five elite agents above level seven to infiltrate Rivers Industry. However, so far, except for agent Natasha, all the agents who have successfully infiltrated Rivers Industry have been in one place. He lost consciousness within three days, and then mysteriously appeared in front of the building of the New York branch of S.H.I.E.L.D.

So far, we have not been able to discover the method used by the other party to transfer agents, nor any evidence of targeting agents...

(327 words omitted above)

On August 3, 2012, Zuo Yu, who had mysteriously disappeared for 28 days, reappeared and, as the second largest shareholder of Rivers Industries, booked all the presidential suites in the Rivers Hotel in New York.

Agent Natasha was ordered to sneak into the hotel and found that a total of ten mysterious people had been checking in since 6:27 in the morning.

Unlike Zuo Yu and Rivers Ye, the identities and origins of these ten mysterious people are unknown...

(Correction, on August 3, 2012, at 13:27 pm, the detailed identity information of fourteen American citizens appeared in the databases of SHIELD and the New York Police, including ten mysterious people who stayed at the Rivers Hotel. The person is suspected to be a forged identity by Zuo Yu or a top hacker within Rivers Industries, and agents are currently being dispatched to verify)

Suspect: After the third conversation with S.H.I.E.L.D., this person was taken away from S.H.I.E.L.D. About 13 minutes and 21 seconds later, a red-level data leak occurred in S.H.I.E.L.D.’s New York branch. for.

Initial Hazard Assessment: General Hazards (yellow)

Secondary Hazard Assessment: Extreme Hazard (Red)”

Tony quickly read Zuo Yu's information and entered the information into his database.

As for the fourteen mysterious superpowers ranked behind Zuo Yu, due to too few contact samples, it is impossible to evaluate them in detail. They only described their appearance and superhuman abilities, and gave a dangerous assessment based on the behavior style of the other party.

But whether it is Fang Yuan, Danas, and Li Yun who are fighting in a distant city at the moment, or the people currently fighting in New York, the risk assessment column is all red with extreme danger.

Natasha calmly introduced Tony and Steve to what extreme danger meant.

It is comparable to a humanoid self-propelled nuclear weapon, a personal force that can destroy several cities in a short time, or a super powerful force that can subvert the power of a small or medium-sized country within a week and start a war between countries.

SHIELD was able to assess a group of Alliance members as extremely dangerous in such a short period of time, which shows how profound the shock and threat the Alliance members brought to Nick Fury in the SHIELD underground base at that time.

"You guys like doing risk assessments for others so much, what about me?"

Tony asked with curiosity on his face, shaking the file in his hand.

Steve next to him was also curious, so he and Tony set their sights on Nick Fury.

Nick Fury fell silent, but soon spoke: "You are the yellow controllable risk, and the captain is the green safety risk."

"Huh?" Tony's eyes widened and he said with some dissatisfaction, "You think I'm not their opponent?"

Nick Fury said calmly: "Personal force is only one of the more weighted factors in the risk assessment. In addition, there are also multiple dimensions of assessment such as political leanings, character flaws, and antisocial tendencies."

"In many areas of the latter, we scored much higher than them."

So that’s it…

Tony nodded, immediately pulled out four pieces of information from the file, and said: "Although I really don't want to admit it, I'm really not sure of winning these people... Don't there still be some candidates for the boy band you mentioned? Where are the people?”

Nick Fury said calmly: "Professor Banner is rushing to New York on a fighter plane. Agents Patton and Natasha are on standby at any time."

"As for the last one..."

Having said this, Nick Fury paused and turned sideways with Natasha, revealing the burly figure behind him with blond hair and blue eyes, wearing armor and holding Mjolnir.

"This is my friend from Asgard, Thor Odinson."

“Or I’ll introduce you by a more familiar name, the God of Thunder in Norse mythology!”

Hearing Nick Fury's words, Thor rolled his eyes and said: "Hey, Black Bald Head, I never said I wanted to join your little band. I came to Midgard to find my useless brother Lo Ji——Didn’t you say you know where he is? Can you tell me now?”


Nick Fury glanced at Thor, then pulled out a copy from the file and handed it to him.

"This person's name is Chen Feng. His identity and origins are all false, and even his name is questionable. So far, we only know that he has the ability to become invisible and have a body of steel..."

Sol frowned as he looked at the photo on the file.

"...Is he the one who took Loki away?"

"Yes." Nick Fury nodded, "I saw it with my own eyes."

Meanwhile, Kamal Taj.

Deng Yougang, who came here through the New York Temple, sat on a chair with some restraint and looked at Master Gu Yi who was pouring tea for him in front of him.

Opposite him, Ender, Fana and Legolas were sitting on the same chairs, quietly drinking tea poured for them by the Supreme Mage.


Deng Yougang politely thanked him, picked up the hot tea cup and took a sip, then blinked and looked at Master Gu Yi.

"Supreme Mage, if I'm not mistaken, the mage apprentice in the yard just now seems to be the famous neurosurgeon in New York, Stephen Strange, right?"


Gu Yi glanced at him and said with a smile: "Yes, he is the student I recruited last year. Why, do you know him?"

Deng Yougang sneered and said, "I don't really know him, I just heard his name."

Even so, Deng Yougang's heart was still full of doubts and surprises.

Wasn't Doctor Strange supposed to be in Karma Taj five years later after a car accident?

Why are you so many years ahead of schedule in this world?

And...what about the car accident?

Could it be that Gu Yi directed and acted in a car accident?

Just when Deng Yougang was muttering in his heart, Master Gu Yi glanced at him and said with a half-smile as if he could see through his mind.

"The future has changed beyond recognition. I am just preparing for a rainy day and taking advantage of the situation..."

"Anyway, if the sky falls, Mr. Lin will help me hold it up, right?"

Hearing the light words of the ancient master, the four alliance members present froze.

Gu Yi didn't care at all and said with a chuckle: "Just like you, you came to visit me, Kama Taj, in a grand manner, and I, the supreme mage, had to make tea for you. Isn't it because there is Mr. Lin Zhongtian standing behind you? ?"


Deng Yougang blinked and said with a sneer: "You know everything?"

Gu Yi sat at the top position holding a tea cup, his eyes scanning Ender, Fana, Legolas and Deng Yougang on both sides.

"Your Excellency Lin has talked to me before." Gu Yi said with a chuckle, "As long as you abide by Your Excellency Lin's rules and do not hurt innocent people, I will not interfere in your fight, but similarly, you are not allowed to interfere with my card. The inheritance of Ma Taiji, otherwise..."

As he spoke, Gu Yi gently placed the teacup in his hand on the table.


With a soft sound, the world in front of everyone was shattered layer by layer.

A familiar figure fell out of the broken space and looked at Master Gu Yi in shock.

"Xia Yunlong?"

Deng Yougang looked surprised: "I asked you why you disappeared while you were being beaten. It turns out you sneaked here!"

Xia Yunlong couldn't help but sneer when he heard this. Chen Feng had eavesdropped on the hidden rules at the Rivers Hotel, so he sent a message to his teammates before taking action.

After receiving the news, Xia Yunlong immediately turned around and used the ability of the space beast to sneak into the New York Temple.

Perhaps because of his presumptuous infiltration, Xia Yunlong received completely different treatment from the other four in the New York Temple.

While he was quietly searching for the temple portal leading to Kama Taj, he accidentally stepped into a magical corridor.

Recalling what happened after he stepped into the corridor, Xia Yunlong couldn't help but feel scared. That corridor seemed to be solidified with some dimensional magic. Not only would the road under his feet extend infinitely as he walked or flew, but the walls on both sides would also be completely unreachable.

It was as if he was on an omnidirectional treadmill and was tightly bound in the center by some invisible chain.

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