Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 515 Maoshan God fights, the true king descends to earth!

The contract that Deng Yougang signed with Bailang was a serious method of inviting gods, not the method of restraining spirits and dispatching generals that he later learned.

Therefore, in order to maximize the means of capturing spirits and dispatching generals, Deng Yougang captured the soul of the Yamata no Orochi a long time ago and used it as the most powerful 'spirit' in his hand, carrying it with him and nourishing it at all times.

On weekdays, he never disclosed it to the outside world.

It was only now that the Chitauri soldiers, who were fighting against large groups, were finally released.

Looking at the array of Chitauri soldiers causing a small-scale commotion in front of him, Deng Yougang grinned, and a slightly demonic smile appeared on his handsome face that had turned into vertical snake eyes.

The next second, terrifying energy surged out of Deng Yougang's body crazily, spreading upward along the black snake's body.

The scarlet energy formed veins similar to blood vessels in the huge black shadow, and then gathered in the eight black snake-head shadows.

When the energy accumulated in the eight heads reached the limit, all the snake heads opened their bloody mouths and spit out thick pillars of scarlet energy light.

All the Chitauri soldiers who were touched by the scarlet energy beam screamed and turned into ashes.

If a high-speed camera slows down this scene, you can see that the exoskeleton armor of these Chitauri soldiers was first corroded black by the scarlet energy pillars, and then quickly carbonized and turned into fly ash by the energy waves.

The subsequent flesh, blood, and bones basically follow this process.

This is because Deng Yougang merged the energy of Yamata no Orochi and Godzilla to form this kind of breath that contains both high temperature and corrosive power.

"Boom boom boom!"

Countless Chitauri flying chariots exploded in succession.

Eight black snake-head phantoms swayed left and right, causing eight scarlet light beams to sweep wildly, like eight water pipes swinging randomly under the influence of water flow, erasing all the dust of the Chitauri soldiers in front of them.

Not far behind Deng Yougang, Zhou Tianyi, Ye Chen and Nie Changchuan stared blankly at this scene.

Xia Yunlong stood on top of the monster Tiamat, silently looking at the eight-headed and eight-tailed shadow that was raging like a natural disaster, and then at Daenerys, who was not far away and kept throwing incandescent flames.

"...So, they were giving in to us before?"

Xia Yunlong said in a somewhat difficult tone.

Behind him, Chen Feng and Bai Youyou also stood above Tiamat.

After hearing these words, the two of them looked at each other, and Bai Youyou said with a half-smile, "What do you think?"

"Do you really think that these guys who entered the league earlier than you are just wasting their time?"

"They just grew in power too fast and lacked control over it, so they didn't dare to use their trump card against you!"

"If it were to be a life-and-death fight, you, the weaker juniors, would probably be eliminated immediately. You wouldn't have the time to use any strategies!"

Hearing Bai Youyou's teasing words, Xia Yunlong and Zhou Tianyi of the Immortal Cultivation Team all had complicated expressions.

On the contrary, Ender, Fana and Legolas not far away had calm expressions on their faces, as if they had known their true strength for a long time.

"Let's go and find a remote legion to get gray mist coins."

Ender transmitted the message silently, Fana and Legolas nodded upon hearing the words, and the three of them flew away into the distance.

Compared with others, Ender and Fana did not have large-scale killing methods. Legolas did have some trump cards, but Ender did not want him to use them.

"... try to reduce the killing area and maintain the integrity of the body."

"I have consumed too many Inferi in the main mission, so I plan to replenish our troops here."

Ender expressed his thoughts calmly, and the other two quickly understood and decisively attacked according to Ender's arrangement.

Legolas unfurled his bow and nocked an arrow, flying in a roundabout way, dodging the blue energy pillars, while shooting streams of blue light, piercing the heads of the Chitauri soldiers.

Ender and Fana also waved their wands constantly, releasing the Avada Kedavra, taking away the fragile lives of the Chitauri soldiers.

At the same time, Ender was surrounded by cold magic fluctuations, which constantly transformed the dead Chitauri soldiers around him into Inferi.

Gradually, a Chitauri army of hundreds gathered around the three, and the number continued to increase at an extremely fast rate.

On the other side, other alliance members also started to take action.

After Bai Youyou said those few words, he turned into black smoke and disappeared from everyone's sight, leaving only an army of ghost riders riding on black clouds, charging back and forth silently in the vacuum environment of the universe.

Xia Yunlong rushed Chen Feng in another direction and started to buy gray mist coins from the most basic Chitauri cannon fodder soldiers.

The three members of the small group of immortal cultivators also faced a legion of thousands of people head-on. Zhou Tianyi used the Xuanbing Sword Technique and controlled seven blue sword lights to fly between the Chitauri soldiers.

At the same time, he also threw out a defensive array, covering Ye Chen and Nie Changchuan.

The two people seemed to have been stimulated by something. They were building an altar in the void and preparing to perform rituals.

Before they participated in this mission, they had obtained many precious talismans from the Maoshan Ancestral Court.

What they took out at this moment was the divine talisman, which was considered quite precious among these talismans.

The so-called divine beating is a technique of inviting gods that has been spread among the people.

Naturally, there is also inheritance in Maoshan, and it is more formal than the folk magic fighting.

This technique of inviting gods is different from the technique of inviting gods from the Chumaxian family in Northeast China.

The people they invited were not those immortals who had been cultivated by ghosts and monsters, but the true ancestors and the righteous gods of heaven who accepted incense offerings!

Zhou Tianyi was paying attention to the movements of Ye Chen and Nie Changchuan while fighting Qitarui soldiers.

As a traveler into the world of online literature, he is very curious about the methods of this traditional Chinese mythological world.

He wanted to know who Ye Chen and Nie Changchuan, as descendants of Maoshan, could invite across borders.

It's a pity that there is a vacuum in the universe, and there is no medium for sound transmission. Zhou Tianyi can only see Ye Chen and Nie Changchuan standing in front of the altar, holding peach wood swords, doing some strange dancing postures, and muttering words in their mouths, but he cannot hear them. Specific mantras.

Suddenly, the two stopped, their eyes widened, and a sword penetrated the divine talisman in front of them.

The flames ignited out of thin air, and in this vacuum environment, contrary to common sense, the divine talisman was reduced to ashes.

And as the two talismans turned into ashes, a slightly strange but extremely powerful aura filled the air.

...It's coming, it's coming!

Zhou Tianyi perked up and quickly turned most of his attention to Ye Chen and Nie Changchuan.

I saw that the magic power of the two people began to surge, and the temperament exuded by their bodies was also changing rapidly.

Soon, the powerful aura on the two people became restrained, and their originally tense expressions began to gradually relax.

Although the facial features of the two people did not change at all, their temperament suddenly became elegant and calm, and the smallest movements also changed with every move.

Especially the expressions and eyes on their faces, it was like they were completely different people.

Zhou Tianyi understood that this was a successful invitation to God.

It's just that for this divine fighting technique, most of the people invited are the guardian gods of various religions and sects.

The worst thing to do is to have a golden armored general or a yellow scarf warrior.

But the people in front of Ye Chen and Nie Changchuan don't look like those mighty and domineering guardian gods!

Just when Zhou Tianyi was confused, 'Ye Chen' and 'Nie Changchuan' looked at each other, then smiled slightly and bowed respectfully to the void in all directions.

……What is this doing?

Zhou Tianyi was a little surprised. After thinking for a moment, he expanded the array and flew to the two of them.

"May I ask you two... what is the surname of the Supreme Immortal?"

Zhou Tianyi hesitated for a moment, but decided to use Shangxian as the title.

After hearing Zhou Tianyi's words, the two looked at each other and smiled.

'Ye Chen' bowed and saluted, and said with a smile: "Little friend, please don't be too polite. My surname is Mao Ying, my courtesy name is Shushen, my Taoist name is Taiyuan Zhenren. This is my second brother Mao Gu, my courtesy name is Ji Wei." , Daohao Juqushan Zhenren..."


Zhou Tianyi was slightly startled, as if he thought these two names were familiar.


Zhou Tianyi's eyes suddenly widened and he looked at the two smiling people in front of him with shock.

If he remembered correctly, when he attended Ye Chen's wedding in Jiu Shu's world, he had indeed seen these two names. They were the shrines of the Maoshan sect's founders stored in Jiu Shu's Yi Zhuang...

The three founders of the Maoshan sect seem to be named Mao Ying, Mao Gu and Mao Zhong!

...What do you mean, San Mao Zhenjun personally descended to earth? Is this?

Zhou Tianyi couldn't help but swallowed.

These three big guys are not some unknown bastards.

Let’s just talk about the boss Mao Ying. His full title is [Shangmao Jiutian Shangqing Siming Taiyuan Miaodao Chongxu Shengyou Zhenying Zhenjun], but the more widely circulated title is [Dongyue Shangqing Siming Zhenjun] .

Listening to this title, you will know that this big boss is the beloved general of Emperor Dongyue. He assists Emperor Dongyue in managing the affairs of the three realms. He has great powers, such as protecting the country and the people, being a blessing official, and even taking charge of life and death in the world. During this period, many underworld matters, such as conferring magical spirits, coming to control hundreds of ghosts, and controlling the gates of the underworld, are also within his authority.

Zhou Tianyi came back to his senses, suppressed his shock, and quickly saluted the two true kings.

"...Why are you two here in person?"


Mao Ying waved her hand with a smile, and the extremely condensed magic power gathered into a whisk in his palm.

With a gentle sweep, the space to the right of everyone collapsed layer by layer, and dark cracks spread rapidly, instantly engulfing the Chitauri soldiers who pursued them beyond the defensive array, causing them to be crushed before they could react. For the powder.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Tianyi couldn't help but swallow.

Mao Ying didn't even look at the fate of those Chitauri soldiers. She turned her back to the dense space cracks and said pleasantly: "Yuanchen and Wangchuan are the future hopes of our Maoshan faction. Pindao has been paying attention to them. These two Zhang Shen’s talisman was also handed down by Pindao, so it was natural that Pindao and his second brother would be recruited together..."

"Besides, after staying in one world for a long time, Pindao also wants to visit other worlds and see the scenery outside."

Having said this, the boss turned to look at the Chitauri army outside the formation, and sighed: "It's just that the extraterrestrial demons in the outer world don't seem to be very friendly to the poor disciples..."

Hearing his brother's words, Mao Gu next to him smiled and said: "I was called by the younger generation to be a thug, so I can just kill him at will!"

"Second brother, don't be rude!" Mao Ying shook her head, "We have been invited here. If we want to fight back, we are free to do so. But if we take the initiative to attack, we must first obtain the consent of the master..."

As he spoke, Mao Ying paused, looked at the void above his head and whispered softly.

"My lord, what do you think?"

Three updates will resume from tomorrow

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