Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 516 It’s simply a money grab

Outside the teleportation gate, on Mount Everest, Zuo Yu leaned against the teleportation device with an extremely strange expression.

These two Maoshan True Monarchs were able to come across the border, naturally with the permission and help of Lin Zhongtian's original consciousness.

As soon as they arrived, they bowed and saluted around them, also showing respect to Lin Zhongtian.

Lin Zhongtian was very satisfied to see these two true kings being so virtuous.

But they call themselves emperors, which makes Lin Zhongtian a little confused...

What do you mean, when did I get the title of emperor in the heaven of Chinese mythology?

Zuo Yu's expression was extremely strange, and not only him, but also Lin Zhongtian's consciousness, which quietly emerged from the cracks in the void and covered the entire starry sky battlefield to easily calculate the number of kills for the five teams, was also a little confused.

Just like that, the atmosphere of the entire starry sky battlefield suddenly fell silent.

Soon, a great will as vast as the sea and as deep as the abyss stretched out its 'tentacles' from the boundless void and explored Mao Ying and Mao Gu.


The loud voice like Hong Zhongda Lu kept echoing in the minds of the two Maoshan True Monarchs.

The eyes of the two Maoshan True Monarchs changed slightly. After looking at each other, they immediately smiled and bowed respectfully in all directions.

"Thank you, Emperor!"

...So why on earth is he an emperor?

Even if he is an emperor, what kind of emperor would he be?

Emperor Zhongtian?

Or the Void Emperor?

Zuo Yu or Lin Zhongtian felt itchy in his heart and wanted to catch the two Maoshan True Lords right now and interrogate them carefully.

But after thinking about it, he felt that doing so would really undermine the emperor's character...

Just when Lin Zhongtian's body and clones were in a tangle, Gu Yi, who was also staying next to the portal device, suddenly said: "What existence did your people summon?"

Gu Yi frowned tightly: "I can detect that there seems to be existences from other dimensions coming to this world."

Zuo Yu came back to her senses and replied casually: "Oh, Master, please don't worry, it's just two juniors who invited their elders, not some dimensional demon who wants to invade the earth..."


Gu Yi narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at Zuo Yu deeply, and immediately stopped asking.

But soon, she spoke again seemingly unintentionally: "I heard that your mission target seems to include a time stone?"

"..." Zuo Yu subconsciously said in surprise, "Who told you?"

That's really it...

Gu Yi calmly took a step back.

Zuo Yu came back to her senses, and her cheek muscles couldn't help but twitch slightly.

...He was actually deceived!

Among the alliance members who signed up to participate in the mission this time, except for Bai Lang who had not yet come, they were not heartless fools. How could they tell Gu Yi about the special mission to seize the time stone.

The only explanation is Gu Yi's own speculation.

After all, the two main missions are to capture the infinite gems, so it's hard not to think of Gu Yi himself.

If the Alliance covets the Infinity Stones, then the Time Stone must also be on the Alliance's target list.

Master Gu Yi had such concerns, but she had never expressed them before. It was not until she saw Zuo Yu's absent-minded look that she made this test seemingly unintentionally...

But even she didn't expect that the result of this trial would be so good!

If I had known earlier, I wouldn’t have tested it!

It's better to have a tacit understanding than to poke the window paper...

Master Gu Yi felt a little regretful, but he still remained vigilant.

Zuo Yusan smiled and said: "Mage, please don't misunderstand. The task of the Time Stone is actually just a tack. It was put there by our boss. No one will actually take the task. Besides, your two families are so harmonious, and we are so harmonious." How can I bear to attack you!"


Gu Yi was noncommittal.

Zuo Yusan laughed, closed his mouth, and stopped talking.

He has discovered that Gu Yi is now wary of Laman, and is obviously ready to fight at all times.

Not only that, but red lines representing the dark dimension appeared on her forehead regardless of the exposure. She was probably planning to pull the dark dimension over at the critical moment and carry out a plan to drive the tiger away and devour the wolf...

Zuo Yu knew that he was not planning to collect the six Infinity Stones and seize the Space Stone and the Mind Stone, and it was just a coincidence that he happened to run into the plot of the Avengers.

What's more, the Infinity Stones are only effective in the Marvel world, and can only be used as a reference for the power of rules in all the worlds.

With the current good relationship between the alliance and Kama Taj and the major Marvel forces, it is not suitable for the time being to antagonize the Supreme Mage...

Thinking of this, Zuo Yu blinked and looked nonchalantly at the portal in the sky.

Gu Yi also understood what he meant, and he also looked up at the sky, but he still paid attention to Zuo Yu's actions from the corner of his eye.

In this way, the two sides maintain a delicate balance.

At the same time, under the attention of Lin Zhongtian's hidden and restrained consciousness, the five-clawed green dragon with a body length of more than 380 meters was rapidly moving forward in the universe with its teeth and claws.

The dragon claws covered with cyan scales contained blue-white thunder.

Just by flying and swimming in the universe, a blue-white thunder grid with a diameter of more than a hundred meters can be swayed, electrocuting all Chitauri soldiers in its path into coke, and detonating the energy source of the flying chariot.

The huge behemoth shuttled rapidly through the universe, with hundreds of small fireworks exploding around it.

But these cannon fodder, worth only one gray mist coin, are not the five-clawed green dragon, or the real target of the beastmaster Fangyuan.

He stepped on the top of the five-clawed green dragon, and his whole body was filled with misty green light, which was connected with the five-clawed green dragon under him. His pair of deep black eyes stared closely at the larger group of black figures in the distance.

Just now, Void suddenly updated a dozen new side missions.

Most of these side missions are kill missions, and the mission targets are various soldiers and biological weapons in the Chitauri army.

A race like the Chitauri that has developed a monarchical society naturally has different classes within its army.

The basic infantry, long-range shooters, tank drivers, and corps commanders who have entered the officer class each have a value of one to five gray mist coins in kill missions.

The most valuable one is naturally the mothership that controls all Chitauri soldiers.

Following closely behind is the secret strategic weapon of the Chitauri Legion-Leviathan.

This is a semi-mechanized whale-like reptile behemoth with bone plates and scale-like alien material armor plates attached to its body surface, giving it excellent defense capabilities and the ability to move in outer space.

The anti-gravity flight system developed by the Chitauri is installed under the behemoth's body, especially the mechanical fins, allowing it to float and swim freely in the air. A large Chitauri cannon is installed behind the front jaw, which has good capabilities. firepower and attack capabilities.

In addition, Leviathan is also a large troop-carrying aircraft. The scale armor on both sides of its body can be opened and closed freely. There is a large amount of metal modification space inside for Chitauri soldiers to eject and land.

Among the Chitauri Legions, 'Leviathans' are primarily responsible for dive sites and planetary landings.

When many indigenous civilizations on living planets faced such huge biological weapons, they were already overwhelmed by the shock of the giant life and were driven into despair before the war even started.

This is why Chitauri soldiers retain some of the Leviathan's intelligence rather than completely transforming it into tools.

Of course, the shock of such a giant thing would definitely be lost in front of a five-clawed blue dragon with a body length of 380 meters.

Fang Yuan stood calmly above the head of the five-clawed green dragon, staring at the 100-meter metal giant charging in front of him.


Two huge behemoths collided silently on the starry sky battlefield.

The five-clawed green dragon swung out its blue dragon claws filled with thunder and lightning, easily tearing apart the thick armor on the head of 'Leviathan'. Flesh and blood mixed with metal fragments were floating in the universe, but before they could float too far, they were caught. The turbulent thunder was annihilated into flying ashes.

Due to the mechanical modifications throughout the body and the chemical stimulating drugs flowing in the body, the metal giant named Leviathan was deprived of the feeling of pain. Even after suffering such a heavy blow to the head, it still slammed into Qinglong's neck without fear of death.

The five-clawed green dragon's eyes showed a fierce light, and it opened its bloody mouth full of sharp teeth without showing any signs of weakness.


The dragon's teeth, as sharp as swords, suddenly closed, sputtering out streaks of blue-white lightning.

The huge metal behemoth's head was bitten into pieces almost instantly, and then the five-clawed green dragon shook its head and pulled out the entire head, including the hundred-meter-long spine.

The scales on the belly of the giant beast all opened, and hundreds of Chitauri soldiers flew out, surrounding the five-clawed green dragon and trying to shoot.

Just as they were raising their forearm cannons and preparing to charge their energy, a ring of blue-red flames spread out, instantly burning hundreds of Chitauri soldiers around them into charcoal.

Fang Yuan withdrew his five fingers wrapped in blue-red flames, as if nothing had happened, and looked at the five-clawed green dragon as if nothing had happened.

At this time, the five-clawed green dragon was proudly chewing the flesh and metal armor of Leviathan, but after a few bites, he quickly spat out the mixture of metal and flesh in his mouth, using his thunderbolt with disgust on his face. Annihilate it.

Seeing this scene, Fang Yuan had a smile on his face.

"I've told you before that this thing can't be delicious."


The five-clawed green dragon let out a silent roar in response, then turned its eyes and stared at the large metal beast rushing in front, and faced it with its teeth and claws.

The lightning surged and the thunder spread.

The five-clawed green dragon, which no longer tortured its prey, finally unleashed its full firepower, like a tiger entering a flock of sheep, slaughtering the Leviathan biological weapons in front of it wantonly.

A Leviathan is worth two hundred Gray Mist Coins, plus the hundreds to thousands of Chitauri soldiers in their belly cavities, the total value is about eight hundred to fifteen hundred Gray Mist Coins.

This is no longer just earning mission rewards, it’s simply robbing the Alliance’s Void Bank!

Feeling the constant vibrations from the Void Jade Tablet, Fang Yuan, who was consciously dragging his family with him, couldn't help but smile, and the more he killed, the more energetic he became.

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