Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 517 Godzilla Appears

"Boom boom boom——"

Thunder surged, and the silver-gleaming Mjolnir flew in a circle, smashing dozens of Chitauri soldiers on flying machines, and then passed through the silver cracks that appeared in front of them, returning to the hands of Thor, the God of Thunder.

Thor held Thor's hammer and frowned as he looked at the densely packed Chitauri soldiers ahead like locusts.

After thinking for a moment, he waved Mjolnir in his hand and flew to Danas, who was killing Chitauri soldiers at extremely fast speeds. Because of the previous banquet in Asgard, he and Fang Yuan, Li Yun and Danas have the best relationship with each other.

"...What's the matter?"

Danas smashed the Chitauri soldier in front of him with one punch, and then glanced at Thor with a surprised look on his face.

A familiar voice sounded in Thor's heart. Thor was stunned for a moment, and then he realized that Danas in front of him actually had the ability to transmit telepathy.

This is much more convenient!

Thor quickly pointed to the Chitauri soldiers in front, shook his head, indicating that it was meaningless, and then pointed to the black ship in the distance, nodding to indicate that he should deal with that thing.

Danas immediately understood what Thor meant.

This guy is planning to take him to destroy the mothership of the Chitauri army!

How can this be done?

In the kill side missions issued by the Void, the Chitauri mothership was only worth five thousand gray mist coins, but the number of Chitauri soldiers in front of them was more than 100,000!

Any fool can figure out which one is more cost-effective.

Don’t go, don’t go!

Danas pretended not to understand what Thor meant, dodged to avoid a blue energy beam, then opened his eyes, and shot out two nuclear heat sights entwined with golden-red flames.

"Boom boom boom!"

A series of Chitauri flying tanks were blasted by nuclear heat sights.

Danas, who had received more than a hundred gray mist coins into his account, smiled with satisfaction, and then flew forward, leaving only a perfunctory voice transmitted into Thor's heart.

"You can do whatever you want and don't bother me. Didn't you see that I'm busy?"


Thor was stunned for a moment, looking at Danas's back in surprise.

At this moment, a blue stream of light shot out from a distance, passing in front of him in an extremely violent way, crushing countless Chitauri soldiers along the way, and flying into the distance with lightning flashes from time to time. Area.

...It's Li Yun!

Thor perked up and quickly swung Mjolnir to catch up.

After stopping Li Yun, Thor repeated his old trick and once again signaled Li Yun to follow him to deal with the Chitauri mothership.

It's a pity that Li Yun's performance was more straightforward than Danas. He didn't even have the intention of perfunctory sound transmission. He flew forward directly and turned into a violent blue stream of light passing by Thor.

Thor stepped on the Chitauri soldier's aircraft and looked at Li Yun's tail flames in confusion.

...Did he not express it clearly enough?

Why didn't anyone in this group want to go with him to deal with the Chitauri mothership?

Don’t they know what it means to capture the thief first?

Isn't this too short-sighted?

The expression on Sol's face changed from confusion to anger, and finally to contempt.

After thinking for a moment, Thor cheered up, swung Mjolnir, and flew in the direction of the Chitauri mothership.

——He plans to do what he does best, break into the enemy camp single-handedly, and become the biggest hero in this battle!

At the same time, all alliance members on the star battlefield received a new message.

Void has updated the points lists named [Team Kill List] and [Individual Kill List].

The points on the list are equivalent to the gray fog coins rewarded for killing missions. One gray fog coin is one point.

Everyone cheered up, took out the Void Jade Token and took a closer look, and found that the team ranked first on the team list was all from Fang Yuan's team.

The number one on the personal kill list is Fang Yuan, who no one has noticed. His kill score has reached more than 13,000 points, which is 5,000 points more than the second place. It can be called a cliff. lead.

...This is not bad!

Danas quickly stopped killing, turned on his super vision, and searched for Fang Yuan's figure.

Soon, he saw Fang Yuan, who was holding a group of 'Leviathan' biological weapons, one man and one dragon, as well as the green-blue stream of light flying towards Fang Yuan.

Damn it, Li Yun was one step ahead of him!

Danas quickly jumped up and flew towards the Leviathan biological weapons group in the distance against the surrounding blue energy beams, trying to compete with Fang Yuan and Li Yun for points from this group of Kun-type self-propelled weapons.

And not only him, but other alliance members have also discovered the cost-effectiveness of Leviathan.

All alliance members who thought they had the strength to deal with Leviathan rushed in that direction.

"It's broken. There are too many monks and too little rice to eat. We have to speed up quickly!"

Fang Yuan's heart tightened, and he didn't care to complain about the negative kill list. He turned around and jumped off the dragon's head. One person and one dragon split up, killing the Leviathan in front of him at a faster speed.

Soon, the blue stream of light transformed into Li Yun passed by Fang Yuan and rushed towards the Leviathan further ahead without slowing down.

Looking at the giant metal beast that was a hundred meters long, Li Yun's eyes lit up and he raised his fist high.


The terrifying power suddenly exploded, and the hundred-meter-long Leviathan came to a standstill in an instant.

The concussive power contained in the fist spread rapidly, shattering all the spine and bones in Leviathan's body. The Chitauri soldiers hidden in Leviathan's abdominal cavity were also shocked to the point of bleeding and staggering.

But it wasn't over yet. Li Yun hovered in front of Leviathan and waved his fist crazily at extremely fast speeds.

Every time he punched, Leviathan's whole body would tremble, and the metal armor plates installed on its body would also break apart, turning into countless metal fragments flying in all directions.

Soon, the hundred-meter-long metal beast lost its life, and the Chitauri soldiers hiding inside it also died.

Realizing this, Li Yun quickly turned around and left, flying to the other side of Leviathan, leaving only the huge, bloody body floating unconsciously in the silent universe.

To be honest, with Li Yun's physical strength, he can penetrate Leviathan's body like tofu.

But in this case, the hundreds of Chitauri soldiers hidden in Leviathan cannot be eliminated simultaneously.

Li Yun had already thought about it on the way here, and believed that it was most efficient to control his strength and use concussive force to attack, so that he could not only kill the biological weapon Leviathan, but also deal with those Chitauri as quickly as possible. soldiers.

In this way, Li Yun destroyed three Leviathans in succession, and finally narrowed the gap with Fang Yuan slightly.

Soon, Danas also fired from a distance, and the three of them divided the battlefield in tacit agreement, each occupying an area.

At this moment, the kill list suddenly changed dramatically.

A name that was at the bottom of the list before instantly surpassed Fang Yuan and climbed to the top of the kill list.


Daenerys looked at the name at the top of the list in shock.

When did this guy get here?

Why was he not seen on the battlefield?

A trace of doubt arose in everyone's mind. Only Danas, who was on the same team as Bailang, laughed and continued to slaughter Leviathan with a mysterious look on his face.

Except for Danas, in the entire starry sky battlefield, only Lin Zhongtian's main consciousness, which overlooked the whole scene from a high-dimensional perspective, knew what happened just now.

As mentioned before, the number of Chitauri troops under Thanos is extremely large, definitely more than just one mothership and hundreds of thousands of troops.

In this star field, apart from the crab-shaped mothership closest to the portal, there are no less than ten motherships in other directions.

Bailang's team was interested in these blank battle zones further away.

Therefore, after entering the portal, Bai Youyou waved the Ten Thousand Ghost Flags, dropped an army of ghost riders to fight for the resources here, and then used the magical power [Tongyou] to quickly rush towards another Chitauri mothership.

Not long ago, Bai Youyou finally arrived at the location of another mothership, took out a crystal ball from the storage space, and released Bailang's body that had been sleeping inside.

Yes, Bailang has always been there.

It's just that because of his huge body and the destructive power of a walking natural disaster, it's difficult for him to participate in battles on the earth.

Now that he has come to Starry Sky, Bai Youyou can finally show his true strength in the team.

In an instant, Ultra Godzilla, who was 280 meters tall and had a tail length of 230 meters, appeared in the universe.

"Wake up!"

Bai Youyou shouted through the voice, waking up Bai Lang from his deep sleep, then turned into black smoke and flew decisively in the direction from where he came.

Bai Lang slowly opened his eyes, and the atomic furnace sleeping in his chest began to hum. A hot breath escaped from his body, easily melting all the small meteorites and floating cosmic garbage that hit Bai Lang's body.

Looking at the black ship floating quietly in front of him, as well as the large number of dense black spots that rushed towards him due to his appearance, Bai Lang couldn't help but blinked and let out a heartfelt sigh.

“I can finally stretch my muscles!”

"After living in the mountains for so long, I don't even know how strong I am now..."

Bai Lang cast his gaze at the dense black spots ahead and grinned, "Let me give you a try!"

Before he finished speaking, a cyan-blue light lit up on the dorsal fin of Bailang's tail, and then spread upward layer by layer until it reached the top, where it accumulated an extremely dazzling light in Godzilla's chest and throat.

The next second, Bai Lang suddenly opened his bloody mouth, and a blue beam of light burst out instantly.

At first, it was only about fifty meters in diameter, but as the distance increased, the cyan-blue light pillar continued to expand radially.

When they approached the Chitauri army flying towards Bailang, the blue light pillar could no longer be called a pillar, but a giant cone with a base covering a radius of a kilometer!

In an instant, a large number of Chitauri soldiers were wiped blank by the cyan-blue light cone.

All affected materials were vaporized and sublimated in an instant.

The surging energy even distorted space, forming a tide of energy that rippled and spread like sea water.

Immediately afterwards, Bai Lang shook his head, and the blue light pillar swept across, drawing a twisted blank area in the starry sky, and then accidentally crashed into an asteroid with a diameter of five kilometers.

Then, under the shocked eyes of the Chitauri soldiers in the distance, the five-kilometer-diameter asteroid was instantly shattered by the energy impact, and then completely disappeared into the empty starry sky...

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