Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 518 Could this be a mythical beast?

With just a simple breath, tens of thousands of Chitauri soldiers were wiped out instantly.

Countless flying chariots, small aircraft, and Chitauri officers of all ranks were also wiped out at the same time.

After the calculation of Lin Zhongtian's body consciousness, Bailang instantly had more than 48,000 points, far more than the second place Fang Yuan, and even more points than Fang Yuan's entire team combined.

Just when many alliance members on the battlefield next door were shocked, the eldest and second among the San Mao Zhenjun also stopped and looked in the direction of Godzilla Bailang as if they were aware of it.

Feeling the extremely huge energy, the boss Mao Ying couldn't help but sigh.

The second child, Mao Gu, subconsciously raised his hand, trying to calculate one or two...


Mao Ying quickly stopped Mao Gu and said in a deep voice: "That is the divine beast under the command of the Emperor. Don't act rashly!"

Only then did Mao Gu react and quickly lowered his arms.

As Mao Ying said, many alliance members, including Bai Lang, are connected to Lin Zhongtian's fate.

If you want to pry into their secrets, you must contact Lin Zhongtian's ontological consciousness.

Those so-called semi-immortals, or Western psychic prophets, may escape due to insufficient skills, but the gods of heaven like the two brothers will definitely offend Lin Zhongtian.

This is a situation they absolutely don't want to see.

But... a mythical beast?

Mao Gu couldn't help but murmur in his heart.

Such an ominous aura must be a monster, right?

And it's not just any ordinary monster, it has to be the kind of peerless monster that can take over Kyushu and set up a flag!

"Wangchuan, do you know where that demon...that divine beast came from?"

Upon hearing Mao Gu's question, Nie Changchuan's soul froze for a moment, and he subconsciously asked: "What mythical beast?"

Mao Gu pointed in the direction of Godzilla: "It's the divine beast that suddenly appeared and killed tens of thousands of extraterrestrial demons."

Only then did Nie Changchuan realize that Master Zhenjun said it was most likely Bai Lang who suddenly topped the kill list.

"Back to the two ancestors." Nie Changchuan quickly replied, "That is the disciple's companion, Bai Lang, Brother Bai. His true form is a mythical beast named Godzilla. He is born with nuclear power, unparalleled power, and unparalleled destruction. "

"nuclear energy……"

Mao Gu's eyes moved slightly and he secretly communicated with Mao Ying.

Mao Ying nodded slightly: "This is a unique magical power..."

Hearing Mao Ying's words, Ye Chen and Nie Changchuan were both a little surprised.

They were still waiting to explain what nuclear energy was, but to their surprise, the two founders actually understood it!

Mao Gu suddenly asked curiously: "Does this person have a teacher?"


Hearing these words, Ye Chen and Nie Changchuan were both stunned for a moment.

Ye Chen replied hesitantly: "I don't have a teacher."

While answering, Ye Chen and Nie Changchuan couldn't help but murmur in their hearts.

These two ancestors, are they planning to take Bailang into Maoshan?

Let’s not talk about whether Maoshan’s apprenticeship is suitable for a being like Godzilla. Let’s talk about strength. With Lin Zhongtian’s protective soul, Bailang really may not lose to the famous San Mao Zhenjun.

Fortunately, the two true kings did not think so.

After hearing Ye Chen's answer, Mao Ying said with a smile: "In Buddhism and Taoism, there is a powerful person with similar magical powers, but in recent years, the wizard has disappeared, and no one knows where they are..."

"If you two ascend in the future, you can invite this little friend Bai to come over as a guest. With his identity as a monster and the magical power of the sun, you may be able to make the hidden power take the initiative to show up."

It turned out that he was revealing information to show his favor to Lin Zhongtian and the Traveler Alliance!

Ye Chen and Nie Changchuan suddenly realized it and said quickly: "My disciple, I will remember it."

On the other side, the cyan-blue light beam raging across the starry sky suddenly stopped and disappeared.

The ferocious monster, which was nearly three hundred meters tall and covered in black scales, couldn't help but belched. Then the scales on its body opened, and cyan-blue energy lasers sputtered from its pores.

"Ah~ I feel comfortable!"

Bai Lang stretched his body, restrained the surging beams of light all over his body, and looked refreshed.

He hasn't released energy for too long, causing the energy pathways in his body to become blocked.

Now that the nuclear energy beam has been used to clear it, the entire huge body has finally become looser...

At the same time, the middle and upper-level commanders of the Chitauri army in the distance also took this opportunity to get a glimpse of Bailang.

Looking at the ferocious and majestic beast in the starry sky, like a war weapon, the Chitauri's deep-rooted fear of the strong began to sprout.

The hive consciousness existing in the mothership thought very quickly for 0.01 seconds and made a decisive decision - to escape!

The group of organic lifeforms containing powerful energy in the star field next door can only be regarded as scabies. The Chitauri's hive consciousness is confident that they will be consumed to death by using the human sea tactic.

But the starry sky behemoth in front of me is different.

The Chitauri mothership has been scanning the opponent's body. After this guy outputted a huge amount of energy that was enough to explode an asteroid, there was no change in the energy reserve in his body, not even a slight sign of dimming.

This shows that the attack just now was not the ultimate move of this monster, but a simple flat A...

After making this judgment, the hive consciousness of the Chitauri mothership quickly understood that this ferocious and terrifying monster was capable of destroying the entire interstellar fleet!

Without hesitation, the hive consciousness decisively sent a warning signal to other motherships, then started the engine and prepared for a space jump.

At the same time, a large number of frigates and Leviathan biological weapons guarding the mothership were dispatched one after another, flying in the direction of Bailang, seemingly intending to delay time and allow the mothership to escape.

Bailang didn't realize that the Chitauri mothership in the distance was trying to escape.

After discovering that the group of frigates and Leviathans were flying towards him, he used nuclear energy as the driving force and happily rushed towards them. At the same time, he stored the energy of his next breath in advance and prepared to give a warm welcome to the enemy.

At the same time, the warning from the Chitauri mothership was relayed to the battlefield next door.

Since the Chitauri mothership used encrypted electromagnetic signals, many Alliance members intercepted the passing electromagnetic waves but were unable to decipher the messages.

Only the two true masters, Ye Chen and Nie Changchuan, easily obtained the information through calculation.

"They want to escape!"

Mao Ying said with a smile: "It seems that these extraterrestrial demons were frightened by Little Friend Bai."

Mao Gu also smiled and said indifferently: "Huanghuang Yaori is the natural nemesis of demons and evil bandits. It is normal for it to intimidate these extraterrestrial demons who have been refined into weapons."

Hearing the conversation between the two ancestors, Ye Chen and Nie Changchuan both hesitated to speak.

They wanted to explain to the two ancestors the difference between nuclear fusion and nuclear fission.

But before they spoke, Mao Ying seemed to have read through their thoughts and explained with a smile: "The so-called nuclear fission and nuclear fusion are actually the recombination of elements, whether it is the splitting of big ones into small ones, or the small ones merging into large ones. The energy released is all neutron energy, which is nuclear energy.”

"The so-called three thousand avenues lead to the same destination through different paths. For immortals, everything depends on the essence, not the process."

"In terms of the nature and properties of energy, whether it is nuclear fusion or nuclear fission, they are actually the same..."

Immortal spirits are floating in the air, and the immortals with extraordinary temperament stand in the air and talk eloquently.

But what he said was scientific knowledge that was completely different from the immortal painting style.

Such a contrast made Ye Chen and Nie Changchuan stunned.

Mao Gu laughed loudly and said: "You two brats, you don't think your ancestors don't understand science, do you?"

"I don't know how many of the universes in the ten directions and the three thousand worlds are in the Age of Ending Dharma. Mortals in those Ages of Ending Dharma cannot practice cultivation and can only explore the truth and the great road in a scientific way."

"Your ancestor assists Emperor Dongyue in governing the affairs of the three realms. How could he have never seen a world like this!"

Ye Chen and Nie Changchuan suddenly looked embarrassed and remained silent.

Mao Ying smiled and stopped Mao Gu: "Okay, stop teasing them. Now that we know the movements of the demons outside the territory, you and I will help them fight for the top three!"

Mao Gu suppressed his smile, nodded and said seriously: "Brother is absolutely right!"

After all, it was the Patriarch who took action and the True Lord came down to earth. If he still can't help the two juniors fight for a good ranking, wouldn't he laugh out loud if he told it?

Hearing the words of the two ancestors, Ye Chen and Nie Changchuan were delighted, and they quickly observed the magical powers of the two ancestors attentively.

Mao Ying waved her sleeves, and a suction force was born out of thin air, sucking Zhou Tianyi, who was still dealing with the Chitauri soldiers not far away, into her sleeves.

"Is this...the universe in one's sleeves?"

Ye Chen and Nie Changchuan's faces were full of excitement.

Mao Ying laughed, shook her head and said: "This is not a secret, it is just a simple storage technique. In Buddhist terms, Xumi hides mustard seeds, and mustard seeds contain Xumi."

"If you want to learn this kind of magic, you must first understand the changes in space..."

Mao Ying carefully taught the two people the relevant Dharma principles, while Mao Gu next to her stretched out a hand and condensed the Dharma power into a four-sided ruler. The six sides of the ruler were engraved with the sun, moon, stars, twenty-eight constellations, and the six stars of the South Dipper. Pattern with the Big Dipper.

The names of Emperor Ziwei and the Four Saints of the North Pole are also engraved on the front and back.

After condensing the ruler, Mao Gu pinched the magic formula and shouted loudly.

"Summon the gods and send generals to drive out demons and bandits!"


After speaking, Mao Gu gathered all the magic power in Nie Changchuan's body and threw the four-sided ruler in his hand vigorously.

In an instant, the ruler broke through the air, crushing a dark space crack along the way, and after easily tearing apart countless Chitauri soldiers, it appeared on the Chitauri mothership.


Invisible mana fluctuations spread.

The hive consciousness in the mothership was horrified to find that they were stopped by an invisible force on the eve of a space jump.

The next moment, the ruler burst into dazzling brilliance. The ruler, which was originally only the size of a palm, instantly expanded and turned into a giant ruler with a diameter of more than 20 kilometers, covering the entire Chitauri mothership.

Sorry, it's a bit late

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