Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 519: Subduing Demons and Demons Canopy Ruler

"Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!"

Magnificent waves of mana rippled in all directions.

All affected lives, whether they were Alliance members or Chitauri soldiers, heard a continuous buzzing sound.

This is not a real sound, but an auditory hallucination similar to synaesthesia. What you feel is what you see, and what you see is what you hear.

In an instant, the entire starry sky battlefield was attracted by the huge shadow of the magic ruler.

"……what is that?"

The members of the alliance were all shocked.

Only Bai Youyou, who had just come back from next door and also came from the world of Chinese mythology, recognized the origin of this ruler.

"It's the canopy ruler!"

Bai Youyou revealed Fa Zhi's true name to the group of time travellers.

All the alliance members expressed surprise: "Canopy Ruler?"

"Is it the canopy of Marshal Zhu Bajie?"

Bai Youyou explained: "This canopy is not that canopy. Zhu Bajie's canopy is the marshal in charge of the 80,000 Tianhe navy, and this canopy marshal is the divine general of the Lei Department, ranking among the four Arctic soldiers." The head of the saints.”

"As far as I know, this big guy's surname is Bian Mingzhuang. He is the favorite general of Emperor Ziwei. He is in charge of thirty-six heavenly generals and three hundred thousand heavenly soldiers. He is the title founder of Jiutian Shangfu, the general in charge of the five directions, and the general in charge of the Arctic Zuo Yuan. Grand Marshal True Lord Tianpeng, also known as True Lord Protector and Eliminator of Demons, is much stronger than Second Senior Brother Marshal Tianpeng in terms of strength and status!"

"Of course, in Journey to the West, Marshal Tianpeng is indeed the prototype of Marshal Tianpeng, but in our world, these two marshals seem to be real. I often see Ye Chen and Uncle Jiu using Tianpeng. Peng Chi came to perform fasting rituals and hold the altar to ward off evil spirits..."

Seeing Bai Youyou's explanation, everyone suddenly realized.

But at the same time, they also began to wonder which big boss had summoned the magic shadow of the Canopy Ruler.

Could it be Ye Chen and Nie Changchuan?

How can this be!

At this moment, the four sacred names of the North Pole engraved under the ruler began to shine brightly.

Especially the name of the True Monarch on the top of the canopy was filled with extremely dazzling white lightning at this moment.

"The sky canopy canopy, the child evil Yuan Jiu."

"Wu Ding Du Si, Weng Bei Diao Gao..."

Mao Gu quickly recited a mantra that both Ye Chen and Nie Changchuan were very familiar with.

This curse is the Tianpeng Divine Curse, one of the Taoist divine curses. However, the first sentence of the orthodox Tianpeng Divine Curse is actually "Tianpeng Tianpeng, Jiu Yuan Sha Tong". Here Mao Gu reads the divine curse backwards every other sentence, It changed into another divine curse, the "Demon Demon-Slaying and Swallowing Evil Curse".

Finally, with the words "As urgent as the decree from the Northern Emperor's Mingwei", the phantom of more than 20 kilometers away bloomed with dazzling thunder.

Thousands of thunders fell suddenly, like countless winding white swords, piercing through the Chitauri mothership shrouded in mana.

In an instant, countless explosions of fire burst out from the ship's hull, and streaks of white thunder spread wantonly across the black metal armor plates.

All Chitauri soldiers touched by the thunder were turned into fly ash, and all surrounding frigates were also wiped out.

Of course, the Chitauri hive mind network existing in the mothership did not escape the fate of destruction.

All the Chitauri soldiers connected to the hive mind network, as well as the Leviathans who were also biological weapons, also lost consciousness and drifted quietly in this silent universe.

The sight of such a thunder coming from the sky and clearing the human world made all the alliance members in the starry sky battlefield feel excited.

But it is a pity that the duration of this canopy ruler shadow is too short.

With just one chop, the huge shadow of the magic ruler instantly disintegrated.

Mao Gu, who was standing in the distance, was also shaking and his face became a little pale.

"Sure enough, there is no real magic weapon to use for magic projection!"

Mao Gu's pale face showed a hint of emotion.

Nie Changchuan felt the feeling of weakness coming from the depths of his soul, and said with some shame: "It's because the disciple's magic power is too low, and he cannot let the ancestor use his magical power with all his strength..."

Mao Gu smiled and praised: "It's already very good!"

Mao Ying shook her head and said seriously: "It should be said that the magic power of both of you far exceeds my expectations. I'm afraid it will be difficult for any monks in the world to compare with you..."

"To be honest, if you didn't have each other as Taoist friends, I would have considered taking you to ascend in advance and taking you by my side to teach you!"

At this point, Mao Ying paused, looked at Nie Changchuan, whose temperament and demeanor had changed, and said with a smile: "Okay, it's almost done. Your second ancestor has returned to the immortal world, and Pindao has to say goodbye."

Although Nie Changchuan was pale and weak, he still bowed to Mao Ying respectfully.

"Farewell to the Patriarch!"

Mao Ying nodded, then turned around and bowed to Sifang Tiandi.

"Your Majesty the Emperor, I have to say goodbye!"

"Send hello to Emperor Dongyue on my behalf... Let's go!"

The majestic voice echoed in Mao Ying's soul.

Mao Ying smiled and nodded, then left Ye Chen's body and returned to the original world under the guidance of Lin Zhongtian's main consciousness.

Both Zhenjun Ermao left, and Ye Chen and Nie Changchuan regained control of their bodies.

Zhou Tianyi, who was stored in Nie Changchuan's sleeve, suddenly appeared, looking at his two teammates with a confused expression.

"……What happened?"

"No time to explain, look at the kill list!"

Nie Changchuan's face was pale, but his expression was quite happy and excited.

Ye Chen reacted and quickly took out the Void Jade Token and checked the kill list.

Sure enough, after the exaggerated attack just now, Nie Changchuan's personal points have jumped to second place, and the team points have also reached third place, second only to Fang Yuan and Bailang's team.

This result has far exceeded the true strength of their team.

But both Ye Chen and Nie Changchuan seemed a little disappointed.

Nie Changchuan sighed and said: "Sure enough, the Chitauri soldiers who died due to the collapse of the hive consciousness were not counted among us."

"That's enough." Zhou Tianyi said cheerfully, "Anyway, I'm very satisfied!"

At the same time, in another star field next door, Godzilla, who was more than 280 meters tall, was wreaking havoc on the battlefield.

Countless blue light beams shot out from all over his body, easily destroying the surrounding biological weapons and frigates.

Just when the white waves were breaking up, the black Chitauri mothership in the distance suddenly shook.

An invisible energy wave spread, causing the space around the mothership to rapidly collapse, and soon it collapsed into a black dot, completely disappearing from Bai Lang's sight.

Noticing the jumping fluctuations in space in the distance, Bai Lang couldn't help but stayed for a moment.

"……what's going on?"

"Run away now?"

Bai Lang's eyes widened, and he quickly drove the nuclear energy to pour out from the dorsal fin behind him, turning into an explosive force, driving him to fly forward quickly.

"Hey, don't run!"

"I'm almost out of energy!"

"If you keep persisting, you might be able to kill me!"

Bailang let out a silent and powerless cry, but could not get any response. Not only that, other Chitauri motherships further away also entered the space jump state and scrambled to escape.


Bailang was hovering in the universe blankly, then suddenly turned his head and glared at the Chitauri army that was still parked.

Within the next minute, a dazzling golden-red light engulfed everything within hundreds of miles.

All matter existing in this area was annihilated by energy, including several asteroids with a diameter of more than ten kilometers, as well as parts of the ship's hull and interstellar dock abandoned by the Chitauri mothership.

After about half a minute, all alliance members received the news that the mission was completed.

Void is receiving data from Lin Zhongtian's ontological consciousness and conducting the final reward settlement process.

Considering that Bai Lang's appearance was likely to stimulate Gu Yi's nerves, Lin Zhongtian opened an extremely huge portal directly in front of Bai Lang after the aftermath of the red lotus pulse dissipated.

Other alliance members gathered next door, laughing with joy or regret.

Soon, many alliance members left the portal one after another, and the portal that existed above Mount Everest was also closed.

Zuo Yu took out the Cosmic Rubik's Cube from the device in front of him, tossed it gently, and then put it away with a smile.

"Supreme Mage, now that the crisis of alien invasion has ended, I won't bother you anymore..."

Is there a danger of alien invasion?

The Ancient One recalled the tragic situation of the Chitauri soldiers and couldn't help but nod secretly.

For the Chitauri fleet docked in that starry sky, this is indeed a huge crisis of alien invasion.

Gu Yi casually opened a golden spark portal. Before stepping into it, he glanced at Zuo Yu and said softly: "Say hello to Your Excellency Lin Zhongtian for me."

"I will."

Zuo Yu watched Gu Yi leave with a smile.

After the golden spark portal closed, Zuo Yu turned his head and looked around at the alliance members who were either hanging in the air or standing on the ground.

"Wait, why is there one person missing, where are Ander and Fana?"

Everyone looked at each other and turned their attention to their teammate Legolas.

Legolas said with a smile: "Andela has gone bad, and he is still here collecting the corpses of Chitauri soldiers!"

"Thanks to those two true kings, there are at least 100,000 Chitauri soldiers and hundreds of Leviathan beasts, all of which have intact corpses. After a simple calculation, Ender felt that he could not survive in a short time. We will collect them all within the country, so we are ready for a protracted war.”

"He borrowed all the extra crystal balls I had on me."

"When I return to the alliance, I will probably buy a batch of the largest crystal balls and send them to him..."

So that’s it!

All the alliance members suddenly realized.

Zhou Tianyi said with a smile: "It seems that Ender is the biggest winner of this mission. After this time, he will be able to recruit at least a hundred thousand undead army, and they will all be technological units like Chitauri soldiers."

"Putting it in the Harry Potter world, it would be enough to start a world war!"

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