Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 520 Reward Settlement

"Speaking of the biggest winner, it should be you!"

Bai Youyou floated over from behind, looked at Ye Chen and Nie Changchuan and complained: "You two guys actually hired someone to fight for you, and you are a powerful person like Sanmao Zhenjun, so you are not afraid of being judged by the void for cheating!"

Ye Chen said with a smile: "It's not cheating. The fact that we can invite the two ancestors across borders means that Boss Lin has acquiesced."

Nie Changchuan rolled his eyes and said: "Why, you are allowed to hug me, but we are not allowed to find a backer!"

As soon as these words came out, Bai Youyou's eyes widened immediately. The two of them were noisy, and they heard Zhou Tianyi and Ye Chen's lips twitching next to them, and they calmly stayed away from these two living treasures of the small group of cultivators.

"Oh, right!"

Fang Yuan suddenly turned over his hand and took out a crystal ball, which contained the bodies of many Chitauri soldiers and starship wreckage.

"I have collected a batch of weapons, technology, and ships from the Chitauri fleet. Brother Zuo, do you think the alliance will need them?" Fang Yuan asked, looking at Zuo Yu.

He didn't know if the alliance needed it, but Fangyuan's world definitely needed it.

However, analyzing the technology from the wreckage is time-consuming, laborious, and too troublesome. It is better to leave it to the Alliance and let Void analyze it. At that time, they can directly purchase the finished product from the Alliance, or the complete technology that has been analyzed and supplemented.

Zuo Yu smiled and said: "It should be necessary. You can go back to the alliance first and consult Void."

Fang Yuan nodded, raised his hand and put away the crystal ball again.

Danas said with some annoyance: "Can it still be like this?"

"If I had known better, I wouldn't have destroyed those ships so completely..."

As he spoke, Danas's voice gradually became weaker.

Because he found that of all the alliance members present, only his reaction was more annoyed.

Others either smiled or had calm faces, and some even looked at him quietly, looking a little strange.

"Wait a minute..." Danas reacted and said in surprise, "You haven't collected them all, have you?"

Deng Yougang laughed. Others had different reactions, but none of them refuted.

Danas' head was full of black lines and he couldn't help turning his head to look at Bai Youyou: "What about you?"

Bai Youyou said confidently: "I want to take Brother Lang to the battlefield next door, and I have to leave in time so as not to affect Brother Lang's performance. I am almost on the road from beginning to end, so how can I have time to collect the wreckage of the Chitauri fleet! "

Danas: "..."

Everyone laughed.

Deng Yougang was halfway laughing when he suddenly paused as if he remembered something.

"Wait, did we forget something?"

"What?" Li Yun glanced at the people around him, shook his head and said, "No, everyone is here except Ander who is still collecting corpses... Oh, you are not talking about Lao Bai, are you? "

"He just sent a message to the main group, saying that he had been picked up by Boss Lin, so we don't need to worry."

Having said that, Deng Yougang still felt that something was missing.

But soon, his attention was attracted by another thing.

For things like Chitari Technology, the exchange value in the alliance decreases in a trapezoidal manner. If you want to maximize the value, you must return to the alliance as soon as possible to exchange.

So, after Fang Yuan took the lead in activating the gray mist coins, everyone else looked at each other, activated the gray mist coins one after another, and rushed back to the alliance.

Zuo Yu also followed closely, returned to the alliance, and stored all the Cosmic Rubik's Cube and Soul Scepter in his hands in the Treasure Pavilion.

After doing this, Zuo Yu returned to New York in the Marvel world again, began to deal with the mess left by the alliance members, and made appropriate responses to the reactions of SHIELD and the United Nations.

At the same time, on the broken starry sky battlefield.

The wreckage of the Chitauri mothership, which was floating quietly, suddenly shook.

The black metal armor plate cracked from the inside, and a hammer with lightning splashing flew out of it, then stopped against the inertia and flew upside down into a dark palm.

Immediately afterwards, Thor, whose whole body was charred, tore open the armor plate and came to the outer space.

Recalling the shocking scene of thousands of divine thunders coming into the world just now, Thor's eyes became complicated.

Compared with him, the so-called Thor who needs to rely on a hammer to maintain his strongest combat power, that unknown strong man is the real Thor!

"So... am I the God of Hammers or the God of Thunder?"

Thor looked at Mjolnir in his hand and murmured, seeming to have some realization.

Suddenly, Thor suddenly raised his head, as if he remembered something, his eyes widened, and he looked at the silent universe around him.


"...where are the people?"

"Hey, is anyone there? Don't leave me here alone!"

"Heimdall, Heimdall, can you hear me? Help!"

Thor's eyes widened and he shouted silently in the universe where sound could not be transmitted.

Until half an hour later, a stream of colorful light suddenly shot out from a distance and engulfed his figure.

At this point, the Marvel world's large-scale expansion pack [Battle for Infinity Stones Part 1] has officially ended.

Void accepted the data transmitted from Lin Zhongtian's main consciousness and released the settlement results of the task rewards.

The first place in the team standings is naturally the team of Bailang, Danas and Bai Youyou.

They killed 178,923 enemy units during side missions, including 3,267 Chitauri commanders of various classes worth two to five Gray Mist Coins. , as well as 317 biological weapons 'Leviathan' and 152 small and medium-sized frigates.

Various miscellaneous branch rewards, totaling more than 263,000 gray mist coins.

According to the rules of the Void, the team reward will be divided into two halves, one half will be divided equally, and the other half will be distributed according to the kill weight.

In the end, Bailang alone got 162,000 gray fog coins, Danas got more than 54,000 gray fog coins, Bai Youyou had the least, but also got more than 46,000 gray fog coins.

In comparison, the second place finishers Fang Yuan, Chen Feng and Xia Yunlong are not so exaggerated.

Their total points total is about 115,000.

After weight distribution, plus the rewards from the main mission, the final result was that Fang Yuan received more than 65,000 gray fog coins, Chen Feng received more than 40,000 gray fog coins, and Xia Yunlong received more than 39,000 gray fog coins. currency

The third-place immortal cultivating trio has a total of around 18,000 points.

About 90,000 of them were attributed to Nie Changchuan, who was possessed by Mao Gu.

Because of this, after receiving the reward, Nie Changchuan took the initiative to equally distribute the portion distributed according to the kill weight to the two companions. In the end, each of them received more than 36,000 gray mist coins.

Li Yun, Daenerys and Deng Yougang ranked fourth, with a total of more than 96,000 points.

These three people are all veteran members and do not care about the gain or loss of thousands of gray mist coins, so they also share the rewards distributed by Void equally. In the end, each of them received more than 32,000 gray mist coins.

As for the final team of Ender, Fana and Legolas, they only got about 38,000 points in the final stage. Counting the rewards from the main mission, each of them got more than 22,000 gray mist coins. currency.

Although this number is slightly less than the previous teams, they are already very satisfied.

After the rewards were distributed to Void Bank, everyone uploaded transfer screenshots to the general group.

Those alliance members who did not participate in the mission expressed their envy when they saw such a huge reward number.

"If I had known I would have gone back too!"

The world of the son-in-law, Dulonggang, Hujiazhuang.

Ye Zixun looked at the Void Jade Tablet in his hand and said with some annoyance: "I thought that the Chitauri army that invaded the earth would only be a few hundred or thousands of people like in the movie. I didn't expect that there were dozens of people." Thousands, even millions!”

Ning Yi smiled and said: "It is true that there are not many invasions of the earth, but... it is not necessarily true that there are no invasions."

Ye Zixun understood what Ning Yi meant. In this alliance mission, everyone did not give the Chitauri army a chance to invade. Instead, they opened the portal directly on Mount Everest and took the initiative to enter the universe.

"But I still regret it so much!" Ye Zixun said with emotion, "The companions who participated in the mission this time have received at least 20,000 gray mist coins. Do you know what this number is?"

"In the Pavilion of Rare Treasures, the price of a godhead with a single authority is probably this!"

Ning Yi was stunned for a moment when he heard this. When he went to the [Exquisite Treasure Pavilion], he only took a stroll, so he really didn't know how precious the treasure at this price was.

Now that he heard Ye Zixun's emotion, he suddenly understood that this was a huge sum of money that could turn a mortal into a god.

Soon, Ning Yi came back from his trance and asked with a smile: "Are you in short supply of these gray mist coins?"

Ye Zixun shook his head: "I'm not very lacking, but aren't you tempted?"

Ning Yi smiled and shook his head: "I don't have that strength. If I go there, I will just be a drag, hugging people's thighs for nothing, and owed favors. Instead of making myself and my teammates feel grudge by then, it is better not to leave from the beginning." Have hope.”

"What's more, I have now reached the third level of Qi training, which means I have half a foot in the path of immortality. Coupled with the gray mist coins that can extend my life, I will definitely become an immortal and have a long life in the future."

"In that case, why rush it?"

Third update at night

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