Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 521 Is this eight months?

Ning Yi spoke very calmly, without any reluctance.

When a mortal's spirit reaches his level, he no longer has the ordinary heart to compare.

Even if there is, I will only compare myself with myself. Today is better than yesterday, and tomorrow is better than today...

Looking at Ning Yi who looked calm, Ye Zixun smiled and said: "Your mentality is indeed suitable for cultivating immortals."

Ning Yi also laughed. Just as he was about to speak, he suddenly heard footsteps coming from outside the hospital.

Ye Zixun turned his head and looked at the direction where the footsteps came from, then put away the void jade token, looked at Ning Yi and said with a smile: "It's Grand Duke Hu of Hujiazhuang and Master Li of Lijiazhuang..."

Ning Yi nodded, stood up and said, "Let's go and meet them for a while."

The world of cultivating immortals, Green Carp Island.

Silver light burst out in the quiet room, and Zhou Tianyi walked out with a cheerful smile on his face.

Thanks to Ye Chen and Nie Changchuan, he received more than 36,000 gray mist coins this time.

Coupled with his previous savings and accumulation, it was enough for him to buy the treasures he wanted and make some arrangements on Green Carp Island.

The first is the most basic protective measures.

Zhou Tianyi left the quiet room, found his second uncle Zhou Shengwei and his third uncle Zhou Shengzhi, and took them to the bluestone hall on the highest peak.

There is a restricted area behind the main hall that no one can enter, where the core array of Qingli Island's three-layer island protection array is placed.

Zhou Tianyi came here with two elders, turned over his hand and took out a ball glowing with silver light, and placed it on top of the core formation plate with great care.

This silver ball of light is very magical. Zhou Tianyi has obviously released his hands, but it has not fallen. Instead, it is quietly suspended in the air, as if there is some invisible platform below that is holding it up.

"……What's this?"

Second uncle Zhou Shengwei asked curiously.

Zhou Tianyi turned around, looked at the two elders in front of him and said solemnly: "This is the treasure I got from the Divine Court. You can understand it as a special defensive array. If there is an invasion of Qingli Island by foreign enemies, you only need to use the spiritual energy to If you pour it into it, you can activate a space barrier."

"I have adjusted the scope of the spatial barrier to be enough to cover the entire Green Carp Island."

"With this, and by strengthening the review mechanism for outsiders entering the island, our Qingli Island Zhou family will be impregnable!"

Having said this, Zhou Tianyi showed a confident look on his face.

Zhou Shengwei and Zhou Shengzhi looked at each other, and the former asked cautiously:

"magic weapon?"

Zhou Tianyi shook his head and smiled without saying a word.

Zhou Shengwei swallowed: "Is it difficult... could it be a spiritual treasure?"

"Stop asking!" Zhou Shengzhi quickly stopped Zhou Shengwei, then looked at Zhou Tianyi and said seriously, "Yi'er, if this thing is really a treasure, you can keep it yourself. You shouldn't tell others the news, even us..."

"How can that be done!"

Zhou Tianyi said with a smile: "I also plan to go out to explore the secret realm, look for resources, and interact more with the Divine Court!"

"Second uncle, third uncle, please bear with me and share the burden for me..."

With that said, Zhou Tianyi motioned for the two of them to come forward, and at the same time explained: "I have the only highest authority for this treasure. In addition, there are five secondary authority. I plan to hand over three of them to you and Wen Yuan." Ancestor."

Zhou Shengzhi hesitated and said, "What about Ruoqin?"

Zhou Tianyi shook his head and said, "Let's wait until we officially become Taoist couples."

Zhou Shengwei and Zhou Shengzhi were naturally very satisfied with Zhou Tianyi's attitude.

As the head of the Zhou family's recommendation, you must put the family first. Even a wife like Liu Ruoqin, who has been determined to be the head of the family, must clarify her identity before she can truly become her own.

Afterwards, Zhou Tianyi guided the two of them to leave their soul marks.

"Okay, now you have the secondary authority of this treasure. As long as you pour spiritual energy into it, you can activate the space barrier."

"However, please note that after this treasure is activated, the amount of spiritual energy consumed is extremely large. Each thousand low-grade spiritual stones can only last for half an hour. Therefore, unless there is a life or death disaster, do not activate it at will."

……so much?

Zhou Shengwei and Zhou Shengzhi looked at each other, both shocked by the huge amount of consumption.

You must know that even for a family like the Zhou family, which is in the alchemy stage and is cultivating immortals, the total income from various businesses every year is only tens of thousands of low-grade spiritual stones, which can only maintain this treasure for a few days.

Zhou Tianyi said with a smile: "Don't worry, this treasure itself has an activation time of thirty-six hours. Only after this time does we need to replenish spiritual energy inside..."

"That's good!"

Zhou Shengwei and Zhou Shengzhi both breathed a sigh of relief.

But what they don't know is that the real energy source of this thing is actually Gray Mist Coin.

Low-grade spiritual stones are only inferior substitutes for gray mist coins, so the consumption is so huge.

The full name of this treasure is [Large Space Barrier Core], which is worth 12,000 gray mist coins in the Treasure Pavilion. It is the kind of thing that only traversers with affiliated forces under their command would buy.

Zhao Lihe once bought one, so he recommended it to Zhou Tianyi.

In view of the previous attack on Green Carp Island, Zhou Tianyi gritted his teeth and bought this thing.

In the test of the Traveler Alliance, the space barrier activated by this object was enough to resist any attack below level six.

Converted to the realm of the world of cultivating immortals, that is, monks at the Void Refining Stage and below.

In the Tianhua Realm, with such a space barrier core, Green Carp Island becomes a turtle shell that is absolutely impossible to break through. Only monks from the upper realm come down to earth with treasures or talismans to attack Green Carp Island head-on.

However, during the stalemate before this, it was enough for Zhou Tianyi to shake people in the league.

"and this……"

Zhou Tianyi took out a crystal ball, and there was a strange-looking monster sleeping in the ball.

Zhou Shengwei and Zhou Shengzhi looked at it carefully, but they couldn't recognize what kind of monster it was.

Zhou Tianyi did not explain, but just took the two of them to the back mountain outside the palace, and in a relatively spacious valley, he released the sleeping monster in the crystal ball.

In an instant, a hairy giant beast that was thirty-eight meters tall and weighed over ten thousand tons appeared in front of everyone.

It has an appearance that resembles a mammoth, but its body structure is completely different from that of a mammoth. It is more like a prehistoric giant sloth. There are two huge and hard teeth like ivory growing on both sides of its mouth, and its claws are as sharp as swords. , the hind legs can stand upright, and the jagged spine on the back is made of indestructible granite and reinforced with metal and minerals.

In addition, this monster also has thick brown hair growing on its body, and its whole body exudes a strange but extremely comfortable aura.

There is no doubt that this mammoth-like monster is the [Behemoth] in the Godzilla world!

Since Green Carp Island is located in the Sea of ​​Stars, Zhou Tianyi originally planned to purchase the water monster [Leviathan] from the [Sacred Beast Pavilion].

But later, he discovered that there was actually a record of [Wood Aura Interaction Experiment] in [Behemoth]'s information.

Zhou Tianyi quickly called up the experimental record and found that [Behemoth] showed a strong affinity for spiritual energy during the experiment. The natural radiation energy in its body merged with the spiritual energy to form a special Radiant aura.

This situation has never happened to any other kind of monster.

Thinking that the radiation of [Behemoth] can make plants grow wildly and restore the characteristics of natural ecology, Zhou Tianyi was instantly moved and bought this Behemoth cub...

That's right, what Zhou Tianyi purchased was a Behemoth cub that was only eight months old.

It is a product of the Kunlun Group's "Monster Cloning Breeding Program" and is also the first batch of second-generation monsters since the opening of the "Sacred Beast Pavilion".

Compared to the first-generation monsters, these second-generation cubs are more capable, have higher potential, and most importantly, are more affordable.

Zhou Tianyi only spent four thousand gray mist coins to buy this Behemoth cub.

"This beast is a prehistoric alien species, named the Long-tusked Mammoth. Although it looks fierce, it is actually gentle in temperament and has amazing potential. It has a strong affinity for wood spiritual energy..."

Zhou Tianyi was talking nonsense seriously.

Zhou Shengwei and Zhou Shengzhi were stunned for a while.

However, after sensing the aura of this so-called ancient alien species, Zhou Shengwei couldn't help but wonder: "Is this really an ancient alien species? Why, in my perception, is it not even a first-order monster?"

Zhou Tianyi said with a smile: "Of course, it is only eight months old, and it has been in the secret realm before and has never absorbed spiritual energy."

"...Only eight months old?!"

"And never absorbed spiritual energy?!"

Zhou Shengwei and Zhou Shengzhi were shocked. When they looked at the sleeping long-tusked mammoth again, their feelings instantly changed.

A half-year-old demonic beast could grow so tall without ever absorbing spiritual energy. Based on its flesh and blood body, it could probably be compared to a monk in the foundation building stage.

Such a powerful physical talent is indeed worthy of being a prehistoric alien species!

Zhou Shengwei and Zhou Shengzhi felt more and more delighted as they watched.

Zhou Shengzhi quickly asked: "Nephew Tianyi, have you signed a contract with it?"

Zhou Tianyi smiled and replied: "The contract has not been signed."

Zhou Shengzhi frowned: "...why?"

Zhou Tianyi turned to look at the 'cub', which was nearly forty meters tall, and said with a smile: "This child is still young, and he has been sleeping for half of the time before. He is extremely ignorant of everything in the world. I plan to help him Be smart and train him as a member of the Zhou family. Now I have even chosen a name for him, he will be called Zhou Yuanmeng, what do you think?"

Zhou Shengwei and Zhou Shengzhi were both stunned when they heard this.

The latter frowned slightly, but after thinking about it, he nodded and said: "You are the head of the family, you have the final say."

Zhou Tianyi said with a smile: "That's good, second uncle and third uncle, you go to the spiritual field, find a first-order wood spiritual vein and transplant it, and then open up about ten acres of spiritual field where Yuan Meng sleeps. Plant some of the various spiritual plant seeds in our inventory."

"Also, Third Uncle, you are practicing wood-based skills and you were a spiritual planter in Fangshi during the foundation building period. I would like to ask you to live here for a while. While taking care of the spiritual field, you can also take care of Yuan Meng..."

Zhou Tianyi rambled on, but the eyes of the two people opposite him became intense.

"Yi'er, you mean, this monster... bah, our Yuan Meng can ripen spiritual plants?"

Another few hours wasted on me (talking about the League of Legends game)

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