Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 525: Come as soon as you go

"second to none……"

Although he had expected it, Tong Shen was still a little excited when he actually heard such domineering lines.

Soon, Tong Shen calmed down and thought quickly in his mind.

Lu Bu's rank is Rider, which was within Tong Shen's expectations.

As a peerless warrior in ancient China, comprehensive proficiency in bowing and riding is the most basic quality.

With Lu Bu's unparalleled martial arts, many classes can be perfectly adapted. As long as he is not the Lancer (Lancer) of Lucky E, Tong Shen feels that he can accept it.

At the same time, Lu Bu is a Rider, which means that the Rider that originally belonged to the Matou family has been taken away by him.

The Matou family may no longer be able to participate in this Holy Grail War.

Of course, it is also possible that they chose other classes, but it is difficult to say for the time being.

After all, with his presence in this world, the current Fifth Holy Grail War may have changed beyond recognition.

So far, the best news is that he summoned Lu Bu, one of the unparalleled Chinese heroes, and Lu Bu's character does not seem to be as difficult to get along with as he imagined.

Tong Shen originally thought that he would have to waste at least one command spell tonight before he could reach an agreement with Lu Bu.

Being able to save these three precious command spells now is naturally the best news.

The so-called Command Seal is a magic crystal that appears on the back of the magician's hand or wrist. It has absolute command power that can be obeyed by the followers. It is a unique mark of the master.

Before the Holy Grail War begins, magicians who become masters will be given some omens, which are marks called stigmata.

The Command Seal was derived from this transformation.

Although Tong Shen summoned the heroic spirit, he actually had no stigmata.

Not only that, the Command Seal on the back of his hand also matched the Command Seal in his memory.

In his memory of his previous life, the command spells of those masters were all red, but the command spell on the back of his hand was conspicuously silver, and it looked a little strange, much like three twisted lines spiraling into each other.

Although Tong Shen was a little surprised by this, he didn't care.

He actually doesn't know much about the rules of the Holy Grail War. In his previous life, he only watched the two most classic anime, "Fate/Zero" and "Fate/stay night".

Therefore, he only thought that this was the special characteristic of Chinese heroic spirits and did not think much about it.

At this moment, the tall and mighty Lu Bu suddenly turned his head and looked at the wall behind Tong Shen.

Tong Shen was stunned for a moment and asked subconsciously: "What's wrong?"

Lu Bu said coldly: "A hundred steps away, a heroic spirit appears."

Tong Shen immediately realized that Tohsaka Rin, who lived opposite him, also summoned his heroic spirit at this moment.

I just don’t know if the one she summoned is the red A in the original plot...

While thinking this, Tong Shen said with a smile: "Don't be nervous, that is another Master from the Holy Grail War, named Rin Tosaka. Her heroic spirit is most likely Archer, a..."

"I see."

Lu Bu nodded and raised his right hand before Tong Shen finished speaking.

In an instant, an extremely heavy Fang Tian painted halberd appeared out of thin air.

Although the painted halberd was completely black and shone with a dull metallic luster, Tong Shen seemed to be able to see the endless mountains of corpses and sea of ​​blood, and smell the rich and terrifying smell of blood.

While Tong Shen was shocked by the sudden murderous intent and blood energy, Lu Bu in front of him took steps forward without hesitation.

"Wait here for a moment. I'll come as soon as I leave..."


Tong Shen came to his senses and quickly called Lu Bu.

He couldn't let Lu Bu go and kill Tohsaka Rin now. After all, this guy was his sister Tong Ying's sister, and there was still the possibility of forming an alliance with him in the upcoming Holy Grail War.

Not only that, Tohsaka Rin’s Heroic Spirit Red A is also very powerful.

Tong Shen didn't know if Lu Bu could kill Red A quickly. If he couldn't kill him, not only would he make an enemy, but he would also expose Lu Bu's ability, which would affect his plan to return to Matong's house soon.

Hearing Tong Shen's words, Lu Bu stopped in his steps, turned his head slightly, and glanced at him condescendingly.

It was this glance that made Tong Shen stop subconsciously.

But soon, he came back to his senses, suppressed his fear, and said cautiously: "General, don't worry, that person is my friend, and he may be able to be on our side in the future..."

Lu Bu frowned slightly and said in a deep voice: "I remember that if you want to win the Holy Grail, you must defeat the other six masters. All temporary alliances will eventually be abolished."

"A certain person has been betrayed before. He cannot trust this kind of ally, so he should kill him in advance to avoid raising a tiger."

After saying that, Lu Bu was about to turn around again, but Tong Shen quickly walked past Lu Bu and stopped in front of him.

"Tomorrow!" Tong Shen said quickly, "Tomorrow I will transfer to Suiqunyuan Academy. Tohsaka Rin also goes to school there. If I can meet her and her heroic spirit in the academy tomorrow, and the general wants to take action again, I will I won’t stop you!”

"...What's the difference?"

Lu Bu frowned and asked in confusion.

Tong Shen solemnly nodded and said: "Of course there is - haven't you discovered the spiritual power in the underground of this residential area? It is the Fuyuki City ground that can contain the Holy Grail. With your force, if you attack here, it is very likely to affect Until the arrival of the Holy Grail!"

"……is that so?"

Lu Bu asked suspiciously.

Tong Shen nodded repeatedly, with a confident expression on his face.

Lu Bu thought for a moment, then released his right hand, and Fang Tian's painted halberd, exuding endless blood and murderous energy, immediately dissipated.

"Then let's wait until tomorrow!"

"I think so too!"

Tong Shen nodded quickly and felt relieved.

Finally the trick has passed!

That night, Tong Shen was half lying on the bed leaning on the pillow, holding his mobile phone in both hands, and replied to his sister in China.

After doing this, he put his mobile phone on the bedside, lay flat on the bed, and stared at the ceiling.

"Finally... I have finally waited for this day!"

"Matō Zōyan, Makiri Zolgen..."

"I will take Lu Bu to find you in two days. You must not die in the hands of others..."

Tong Shen murmured to himself, then gently closed his eyes, and soon fell into a deep sleep.

In the living room, Lu Bu's spirit body was sitting on the sofa, playing with a black object in his hand.

"……What's this?"

"PS2, it's an antique... Oh no, this is 2004, it should have just been released this year."

Deng Yougang became interested and controlled Lu Bu's right hand to open it: "Anyway, I have nothing to do. I see this guy also has the commemorative cassette for the 15th anniversary of Street Fighter. Find the controller quickly and let's get two of them!"

"Is it that kind of arcade fighting?"

Lu Bu asked with interest.

"Yes, that's it."

"Shan, I'm very interested. Come on, let's have a fight!"

Not long after, the sound of 'hahahaha' sounded in the living room of the villa.

But the strange thing is that all the sounds are firmly locked in the living room and cannot be heard at all.

The next morning, when Tong Shen walked out of the bedroom, what he saw was Lu Bu fighting each other with a handle in each hand.

Looking at the fighting scene between Long and Chunli on the TV, Tong Shen couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth slightly.

"Woke up……"

Lu Bu said without raising his head.

Tong Shen nodded: "I'll clean up, have breakfast, and then go to school. Uncle Bu, as a summoned heroic spirit, you should have a heroic spirit form that ordinary people can't see, right?"

...Uncle Bu?

Hearing Tong Shen's words, Lu Bu was stunned for a moment, then nodded.


However, this form has nothing to do with the heroic spirit, because the spirit body of Ju Ling Sen Jiang is originally invisible to ordinary people.

Tong Shen didn't know this, so he just nodded and said, "That's good. Uncle Bu will go to school with me later!"

Lu Bu frowned. He was having fun and didn't want to go to private school with this little brat.

Fortunately, before he refused, Deng Yougang took over his body and responded for him.


Tong Shen showed a smile on his face and turned towards the toilet.

Not long after, Tong Shen, who had put on the uniform of Suiqunyuan Academy, walked out of the black iron door, locked the door, and then glanced at the motionless villa and manor diagonally opposite.

Sure enough, Tohsaka Rin overslept due to excessive consumption of magic power, just like in the original work.

I probably won't run into her in school today, so I won't have to fight Red A so early.

Tong Shen was convinced and turned to look at the tall young man wearing the largest sportswear next to him.

"Let's go, Uncle Bu!"

Lu Bu nodded, and the two figures, one large and one small, took steps towards the street ahead.

"Dear classmates, this is a transfer student from China, Tong Shen, who will be a member of our class from now on - Classmate Tong, please come over and introduce yourself first..."

Looking at the smiling teacher, Tong Shen nodded, stepped onto the podium, and calmly introduced himself to the eyes of the students below.

On the windowsill not far from him, Lu Bu, wearing a large sportswear, was half sitting on the window sill, with one leg hanging out of the window, looking at the campus scene with interest.

"Is this what the private school will be like two thousand years from now?"

"To be precise, one thousand eight hundred years later..."

Deng Yougang emphasized in Lu Buling's body.

Lu Bu said nonchalantly: "It's all the same."

Deng Yougang smiled and sighed with Lu Bu's vision: "Fengxian, I have taken you away from the Eastern Han Dynasty for so long, and this is the first time for you to take a closer look at the future world, right?"

"Indeed, but I don't care. Compared to the so-called leisurely daily life, I want to see the heroes of the world."

"Haha." Deng Yougang said with a chuckle, "Then you have to become stronger as soon as possible, otherwise, before long, you may not even be able to see my shadow..."


Lu Bu was silent for a long time, then nodded slightly and said, "I will meet you."

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