Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 526 I came back to repay the favor

At noon that day, Tong Shen came to the rooftop with a lunch box prepared in advance.

At this time, the rooftop was already occupied by the so-called school bullies. Four or five arrogant delinquents gathered together on the rooftop, eating bread and talking and laughing among themselves.

Seeing Tong Shen walking over with a lunch box, the five bad guys looked at each other and came forward with bad intentions.

"You must be the Chinese transfer student who came today, we-"

Before he finished speaking, Tong Shen swung his right hand out like lightning, and suddenly slapped the ear of the delinquent boy at the front with the back of his hand.

The whistling wind filled his ears, and the delinquent boy who was slapped by Tong Shen jerked his head. He felt dizzy and his ears were ringing. He staggered for two steps and fell to the ground suddenly.

The other four delinquents stared blankly at their companions who fell on the ground, seemingly unaware of what had happened.

But Tong Shen would not give them time to react. He took a step back with his left foot, twisted his waist and hips at the same time, holding a lunch box in his left hand, and his right leg bounced off the ground, sweeping the other person's face with the sound of howling wind. head on.


Another figure fell to the ground neatly.

Tong Shen's right leg landed on the ground, then he quickly took a step forward, raised his left foot again, and kicked the chest and abdomen of the person on the far left.


The bad boy flew up upside down and flew two meters away before landing heavily.

In the blink of an eye, three of the five delinquent boys fell to the ground, either covering their heads or curling up into shrimps, moaning and screaming in pain.

Tong Shen straightened his wrinkled sleeves, glanced at the two delinquents who were still standing there, and said coldly: "From now on, this is my territory, do you understand?"


The two people came back to their senses, their expressions changed, and they seemed to want to say something harsh, but they didn't dare.

Tong Shen frowned, placed the lunch box on the edge of the rooftop, and rolled up his sleeves.

The two bad boys were startled and said quickly: "I understand, I understand!"

Tong Shen stopped and said coldly: "Then get out of here!"

The two people quickly helped their three companions up, without even daring to look at Tong Shen, and limped away from here.

At the same time, where ordinary people couldn't see, the tall Lu Bu was putting his hands into the pockets of his sportswear, looking appreciatively at the young man who turned around and opened the lunch box.

“Well done!”

Lu Bu praised, then glanced at the backs of the five people, and said calmly: "The barbarians eat everywhere in the territory, and the winner is the one who controls them. They are just beasts. They are afraid of power but do not have any morality. They need to be intimidated by force. It cannot be said." present."

"When I was in Bingzhou, what I hated the most was the group of Confucian scholars who liked to talk about kingly principles and enlightenment."

"If it weren't for a certain leader of Bingzhou's iron cavalry that shocked the frontiers, sitting and looking around, making all the barbarians and Di people from far and near fear and surrender, how could those so-called Confucian scholars have the opportunity to talk to the unreasonable barbarians and Di people..."

Lu Bu rambled on about some values ​​that have become antiques.

The muscles in the corners of Tong Shen's eyes twitched, and he responded perfunctorily while eating his lunch box.

He took action against these students who were obviously bad boys, not because they were barbarians or Japanese pirates, but because he was too lazy to talk to them and thought this would be the most efficient way.

The rooftop has the best view. If you occupy this place and drive away all the irrelevant people, many things will be easier to do in the future.

Lu Bu rambled for a while, but Deng Yougang couldn't stand it any longer. He immediately took over the control of his body and asked with a smile:

"Good skills, boy, what kind of boxing technique are you doing? Why haven't I seen it before?"

"..." Tong Shen put down his chopsticks and said with a smile, "The founder of Baimei Quan is Taoist Master Baimei from Mount Emei in Sichuan in the late Ming Dynasty. It's normal that you don't know him."

"I see."

Lu Bu or Deng Yougang nodded.

At this moment, Tong Shen was suddenly startled and looked down at the campus with a frown.

At the gate of the campus, a tall girl with delicate features, wearing a red long-sleeved top, a school uniform lining, a black skirt and black knee-high socks, walked slowly towards her.

As soon as he appeared, he attracted the attention of many students around him, both male and female.

Obviously, the other party is very famous in this school.

In addition, I skipped class all morning and arrived late at noon, which made it even more eye-catching.

"Tohsaka Rin..."

Tong Shen frowned tightly as he looked at the face that was somewhat similar to Ying's.

According to the plot of the original work that he knew, wasn't Tohsaka Rin supposed to skip school today and take the heroic spirit he summoned to survey the terrain? Why did he suddenly come to class again?

At this moment, Tohsaka Rin in the campus below suddenly raised his head and looked at Tong Shen on the rooftop.

Tong Shen was slightly startled. Just as he was about to wonder why the other party found him, he noticed the surging fighting spirit surrounding him.


Tong Shen reacted and quickly turned his head.

Lu Bu was seen standing beside him with his hands in his pockets, looking down at Tohsaka Rin below.

To be precise, it was the figure hidden next to Tohsaka Rin.

"There are indeed other Masters in the school!"

Tohsaka Rin whispered to the invisible spirit beside him, with an indescribable solemnity on his delicate face.

Beside her, the heroic spirit that was not visible to ordinary people was looking at each other from a distance with the tall man on the rooftop.

Hearing this, he sighed softly: "Yes, and it looks very difficult to mess with..."

Tohsaka Rin frowned and said, "Aren't you sure you can deal with him?"

"..." The heroic spirit beside him didn't answer.

Tohsaka Rin sighed inwardly, immediately looked away, and hurriedly walked into the teaching building.

On the rooftop, Tong Shen rubbed his temples with a headache.

"Uncle Bu, it's better not to fight here. The Holy Grail War is a secret war, and there are many people in the school..."

"Then let's wait until school is over." Lu Bu glanced at him and said, "Go and stop her."

After speaking, Lu Bu ignored Tong Shen's reaction and turned around and walked towards the rooftop stairs.

Looking at Lu Bu's back, Tong Shen smiled bitterly, shook his head, and continued to eat the bento in front of him.

Soon, dusk was approaching, and as the classroom bell rang, many students got up, packed their things, left the classroom chatting and laughing, and walked towards the outside of the school gate.

Tohsaka Rin also packed her things, and then stood up under the gaze of boys that she was accustomed to.

But before she could take a step forward, the figure appearing at the door caught her attention.

Looking at the handsome young man with blue curly hair at the door, Tohsaka Rin couldn't help but frown slightly.

"What's up?"

She walked up to the young man and asked with a somewhat cold expression.

Tong Shen looked at the face that was somewhat similar to his sister Ying's and said softly: "Let's talk."

Tohsaka Rin shook his head and whispered: "This is a school. If you want anything, we can wait until the war officially starts."

Tong Shen also shook his head: "I don't want to tell you this, let me introduce myself first. My name is Tong Shen, from China. In addition, I also have a name that I hate very much, called Matou Shinji... …”

Tong Shen lowered his voice and said the name word by word.

Tohsaka Rin, who had a cold face at first, was startled when he heard the word Matou.

"Are you the traitorous eldest son of the Matou family?"

Tohsaka Rin looked at Tong Shen in disbelief, then gritted his teeth and grabbed his collar.

"...Where did you take Sakura?"

Tohsaka Rin tried his best to suppress his voice, but the anger and anxiety in his tone were still revealed unabashedly.

Tong Shen grabbed her wrist, pushed it open with a little force, then glanced at the students passing by in the corridor, turned to look at Tohsaka Rin and said calmly: "If you want to know, come with me... "

After saying that, Tong Shen turned around and walked out of the classroom without hesitation.

Tohsaka Rin's expression changed, as if he was hesitating whether to follow her or not.

The invisible heroic spirit next to him said softly: "If you want me to give you advice, I suggest you not to go there."

"Sakura is my sister." Tohsaka Rin said suddenly, and his expression returned to calm, "There are only two famous magic families in Fuyuki City, one is our Tosaka family, and the other is his Matou family."

"But unlike the Tosaka family, the Matou family gradually declined. In this generation, they even lost qualified heirs. It just so happened that the Tosaka family had two talented heirs, but in the end only one person could succeed the Tosaka family. Magic circuit, so in order not to waste Sakura's talent, her father adopted her into the Matou family when she was very young."

"I was not sensible at the time and thought Sakura was just going to live with someone else for a while."

"But who would have thought that it would take ten years..."

"After that, I never saw Sakura again, and I couldn't even get any news about her..."

The heroic spirit hiding next to him sighed and said: "Master, I'm not interested in your family's past. In short, you have made up your mind to go with this guy, right?"

Tohsaka Rin didn't speak, just took steps and walked out of the classroom.

The heroic spirit next to him sighed: "Okay, then I will go with you to meet that guy who is not easy to mess with..."

Soon, Tohsaka Rin followed Tong Shen to the rooftop and stopped at the door of the rooftop stairs.

"Can you tell me now?"


Tong Shen stopped, turned around, looked at Tohsaka Rin's complicated face, and said lightly: "Ying is very good. She and I spent a wonderful childhood in China, and now she has forgotten this place. , I advise you not to disturb her."

Tohsaka Rin's face changed, and he couldn't help but said: "What about the Matou family?"

Tong Shen's face turned cold: "Don't mention this name to me... I will destroy it sooner or later!"

Tohsaka Rin seemed to realize something and frowned: "Are you coming back for revenge?"

"Wrong!" A smile appeared on Tong Shen's face, "I came back to repay the favor!"

Hearing Tong Shen's words, Tohsaka Rin couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

Tong Shen tilted his head, suddenly raised his voice, and said with a smile: "Uncle Bu, I have brought them here. Don't you want to meet them? Now is the time!"

Third update at night

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