Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 527 Let’s go together

After the words fell, Tohsaka Rin suddenly became alert. Two precious magic gems slipped from her sleeves and were clasped in her palms, as if they were ready to release magic at any time to fight against Tong Shen and his heroic spirit.

But what she didn't expect was that the heroic spirit did not hide somewhere for a sneak attack, but came out openly.

Looking at the tall figure wearing oversized sportswear, Tohsaka Rin's heart tightened.

The heroic spirit she summoned also emerged from beside her, showing her figure in front of people for the first time.

He has short, pale hair, and his skin is slightly dark, but it exudes an indescribable perseverance. His eyebrows are also white, but his eyes are deep black.

This person is wearing a red and black tight-fitting battle suit. He has a strong body and strong muscles. He is about 1.87 meters tall. He is relatively tall compared to ordinary people, but in front of the heroic spirit opposite, he looks like a skinny chicken. .

After appearing, Archer frowned slightly and stared at the tall figure opposite.

This person is more than nine feet tall, which means he is about two meters tall, which is only a few centimeters shorter than Yao Ming.

For such a huge body, there is an indescribable lightness when walking.

Not only that, the proportions of the opponent's limbs and body are also extremely coordinated, and can even be said to be close to perfect. The strong and coordinated muscles make it full of a tiger-like power and beauty.

"If a fight breaks out later, leave as soon as possible."

The voice of the heroic spirit next to him reached his ears, making Tohsaka Rin feel nervous.

Archer would say such words, proving that he had expected that he was no match for the opponent.

Looking at Rin Tosaka and the man in red with solemn expressions in front of them, the tall figure in sportswear took his hands out of his pockets, looked down at the two of them, and said in a calm tone.

"A certain family's halberd never kills nameless ghosts."

"Where are you from? Tell me your name."

The words spread, but Tohsaka Rin and the red-clothed heroic spirit on the opposite side did not respond.

The atmosphere was silent for a few seconds, and the red-clothed heroic spirit suddenly chuckled: "It seems that he is a serious duel type... but fortunately I am not. The name of a heroic spirit is related to his ability. How could I tell you the name and make it clear to you? Where to get information?”


Lu Bu looked disappointed, shook his head and said: "I thought I would meet an old friend from the history books, but it turned out that he was just a little kid hiding his head and showing his tail..."

Before he finished speaking, an extremely strong momentum suddenly burst out from him.

The strong wind swept away the air currents and easily tore his sportswear to pieces, revealing the mighty armor hidden under his regular clothes.

At the same time, a black-red stream of light appeared on his body, spreading along the surface of his body and quickly condensing into shape.

In just a few moments, the unparalleled warrior wearing a purple gold crown with three prongs on his head, a Xichuan red cotton hundred-flower robe on his body, a beast-faced head-swallowing chain armor, and an exquisite lion belt on his waist appeared in front of the two men.

Then, Lu Bu raised his right arm and waved horizontally.

The black and red air currents spiraled around his arms, condensing into a black Fangtian painted halberd in his palm.

Lu Bu waved his halberd, spreading the black energy and tearing the air current, as if a demon god had come to the world. He looked down at the two shocked people with stern eyes, and said in a calm tone: "Hiding one's face and showing one's face is the work of the weak."

"How can we be afraid of a certain family that is invincible in the world?"

With just two simple sentences, an arrogant and domineering aura was released unbridled.

Although his name was not mentioned in the words, as the most popular Three Kingdoms warrior in the Neon Kingdom, his classic image alone was enough for Rin Tosaka and Archer to recognize his identity.

"Are you... Lu Bu, Lu Fengxian?"

Archer, dressed in red, looked at Lu Bu blankly and said in disbelief: "How is this possible?!"

Lu Bu had a stern look on his face, whistling the halberd in his hand and pointing it in the direction of the red a.

"Show your sword, and you will not kill the defenseless person under a certain halberd."


Hong A fell silent.

After Lu Bu said those words, he suddenly turned his halberd towards the water tower of the academy not far away, and said calmly: "And you, a bunch of hidden people, let's go up together!"

As soon as these words came out, Tong Shen and Tohsaka Rin were startled.

I heard maniacal laughter coming from the water tower not far away, and a blue figure appeared from the shadow of the water tower. After a few leaps, it landed lightly on the rooftop where everyone was.


The stone bricks crumbled and cracks spread.

A muscular man in blue full-body armor appeared in front of everyone.

This man is tall, wearing a blue full-body armor, and has long blue hair tied into a ponytail with a gold hoop. His handsome face is as dazzling as the sun, and his strong body reveals strong muscles. At a glance, he contains powerful the power of.

After landing on the rooftop, the blue-haired man put the spear on his shoulder and looked at Lu Bu and Hong A with a smile on his face.

"Okay, okay, now that you have discovered it, you have to take action, right?"

"The guy in red does not look like a serious one-on-one character, but I am different!"

As he spoke, the blue-armored spearman held the scarlet spear in front of him, with an unbridled smile on his handsome face, exuding a pure and surging fighting spirit.

"bring it on!"

Before he finished speaking, the stone bricks under Lancer's feet cracked, and he disappeared from the spot as if teleporting, and appeared in front of Lu Bu in an instant. The scarlet spear tore through the air in an instant and stabbed Lu Bu's eyes.

"call out--"

The air flow roared, and the red spear tip stopped accurately in front of Lu Bu's eyes.

Lancer, who was holding a spear, shrank his pupils and saw a square-shaped painted halberd blocked between the two of them at some point. The crescent blades on both sides of the halberd accurately blocked the tip of the spear, preventing the spear in his hand from advancing even an inch.

"……too slow."

Lu Bu spoke in disappointment, seemingly not caring about the spear point that was only half an inch away from piercing his eyes.

Such a calm attitude revealed an arrogance that was even more arrogant than verbal humiliation.

Lancer, who was dressed in blue armor, felt that he had been humiliated. He gritted his teeth and suddenly shouted loudly. His powerful arms shook violently, as if he wanted to shake away Fang Tian's painted halberd in front of him, and continued to follow the original trajectory to penetrate Lu Bu. 's eyes.

The surging power exploded instantly, even slightly shaking Fang Tian's painted halberd.

Lu Bu showed a hint of appreciation in his eyes, and the way he held Fang Tian's painted halberd changed from one hand to two hands.

The next moment, the dark euphorbia swung away the spear, like a poisonous dragon jumping out of the night. It instantly attached itself to the body of the red spear and stabbed Lancer in the face along the body.

Lancer's pupils shrank suddenly and he subconsciously turned his head to the left.


With a heart-wrenching sound of metal friction, the jet-black euphorbia passed by the side of Lancer's face and cut off several blue hairs.

"Qiang Qiang Qiang——"

As several indistinct sounds of gold and iron clashing sounded, the two fought several times at a speed that was difficult to discern with the naked eye. Then Lancer held the spear and somersaulted backwards, falling to the ground with some staggering.

In the eyes of Tong Shen and Tohsaka Rin who were watching, the two were almost inseparable.

However, the strength of both sides has been determined in this short battle.

Sure enough, in terms of melee combat alone, Lu Bu is truly unparalleled in the world!

A smile appeared on Tong Shen's face.

Tohsaka Rin, with cold sweat on his forehead, calmly retreated behind Hong A, and whispered: "Are you sure? If not, why don't we leave first and make long-term plans later..."

"But the winner will have to be decided in the end, right?"

Hong A replied lightly, causing Tohsaka Rin to stop retreating.

At the same time, Lancer steadied his figure, raised his head suddenly, and looked at Lu Bu with fiery eyes.

"Flying General Lu Bu is unparalleled in the world... He truly deserves his reputation!"


Lu Bu waved the halberd in his hand and pointed the tip of the halberd diagonally at the ground. He looked at Lancer and said calmly: "You are not bad either. The heart of a gunman is to move forward indomitably. Although I have seen guns faster than you, you are obviously on the right path." On the road..."

"Cut the nonsense!"

Lancer laughed and charged forward again, brandishing his spear.

The scarlet spear swung out and filled the sky with shadows, like blood flowers blooming on the battlefield, attacking overwhelmingly.

Seeing this scene, Lu Bu finally showed a wild smile on his face, and held Fang Tian's painted halberd in both hands to greet him.

The heavy halberd was in his hand, but it was as light as a piece of paper. In an instant, dark shadows danced across the sky, accurately colliding with the gun shadows one after another.

"Boom boom boom——"

The roar that could no longer be considered the sound of the clash of gold and iron continued to play.

The black Fangtian painted halberd and the red spear collided in mid-air.

The violent force far exceeding a hundred times that of humans erupted instantly, forming strong shock waves that were visible to the naked eye, and penetrated in all directions in a circle with the two people at the center.


The roaring air currents set off strong winds, blowing away all the railings on the surrounding rooftops.

The ground on the rooftop also cracked layer by layer under the influence of this force. One round pit after another continued to emerge as the two people fought, and the spider web-like cracks spread rapidly around the two people.

Tohsaka Rin clung to the door of the rooftop stairs, and the red A stood in front of her, resisting the shock wave coming from the front for her, and the red trench coat-like suit rustled in the strong wind.

In comparison, Tong Shen's situation is not so good.

He was standing in front of the concrete stone pillar in the corner of the rooftop, raising his arms to resist the turbulent airflow in front of him.

Looking at the two figures that were constantly colliding, Tong Shen couldn't help but feel helpless.

"Uncle Bu, fight somewhere else, the teaching building is about to collapse!"

Tong Shen shouted against the strong wind. Lu Bu paused when he heard the words. He then grasped Fang Tian's painted halberd with both hands and stabbed him like a poisonous dragon, forcing the blue-armored spearman to defend with the tail of his spear.

At this time, Lancer held the spear in front of him with both hands.

Lu Bu laughed loudly, turned the halberd in an instant, and slapped the gun body with a bang.


In an instant, the air exploded, and Lancer's figure flew upside down like a shell out of the barrel, smashing into the stone pillars on the edge of the rooftop, and then quickly fell towards the campus below.

Lu Bu turned his halberd, laughing and pointing at the red a who was watching the battle calmly not far away.

"One is not enough..."

"You come too!"

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