Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 529 The dragon dances wildly, swallowing the sky and the earth

The world where Lu Bu lives is a world that combines romance and official history. Many false legends that do not exist in real history have actually happened in that world.

Of course, due to the butterfly effect of time travellers, many things that are not even legendary have also happened there.

For example, Lu Bu said that he had met Zhao Yun. That was because Tao Qian, the time traveler, invited the three Liu Bei brothers over when he was guarding Xuzhou, and then used Liu Bei's name to lure over a hundred white-horse followers from Gongsun Zan.

The leader of these hundreds of white horse Yi Cong is Zhao Yun and Zhao Zilong.

After that, Zhao Yun and the hundreds of white horse followers followed Liu Bei and participated in many battles in Xuzhou and Yanzhou. During this period, they even fought alongside Lu Bu, which left a very profound impact on him.

Lu Bu and Tong Shen asked and answered questions, looking at Archer and Lancer around them as nothing.

At this moment, Lancer, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly laughed, attracting the attention of everyone present.

"good very good!"

Lancer had a wanton smile on his face, and the spear in his hand lit up with a scarlet light: "Heroes in the world are like the crucian carp crossing the river, which is exactly what I like!"

"I have already made a note of your so-called four masters with guns. If we meet them in the future, we will definitely have a showdown with them."

"As for now, you'd better think about how to take my fatal shot!"

As he spoke, Lancer's gaze became sharp, and a scarlet stream of light visible to the naked eye emerged from the tip of the gun, then spread upwards, quickly covering the entire gun body.

The huge magic power distorts the surrounding air, like red tentacles dancing wantonly, revealing its teeth and claws.

Tong Shen was suddenly startled and shouted loudly: "Be careful, he is about to use the Noble Phantasm. This thing is very strong and has cause and effect..."

"No problem!" Lu Bu interrupted Tong Shen's reminder and looked at Lancer with a wanton smile, "Come on!"


An excited smile appeared on Lancer's face, and the red magic power on the tip of the gun was accumulated to the extreme.

But at this moment, the smile on Lancer's face suddenly froze, and his handsome face became uncertain.

"What did you say?"

"Nonsense! Of course I noticed the humans over there!"

"But that's just an ordinary person. You can silence him anytime you want. Why does it have to be now?"

Lancer said to himself angrily.

Then, as if he heard something, he was silent for two seconds, and whispered with a gloomy face: "I know."

After saying that, Lancer put away the spear, dissipated the magic power, and sighed: "Sorry, we have caused a troublesome Master. I have to deal with the kid who disturbed us first, and then I can duel you..."

Hearing Lancer's words, Tong Shen immediately understood that although the plot was advanced one day, the protagonist Shirou Emiya still stayed in school.


"It's already been this long, why is there anyone still staying in school?!"

Rin Tosaka opened his eyes wide in shock, quickly turned his head and looked at the surrounding buildings, and soon saw a panicked hem of school uniform at the corner of the Kyudo Club grounds not far away.

"……What exactly is going on?!"

Shirou Emiya suppressed the fear in his heart and ran quickly outside the campus.

Just now, he had finished cleaning the grounds of the Kyudo Club and before he put down the mop, he heard a huge roar coming from outside.

Emiya Shirou quickly ran out of the Kyudo Club, and then saw a scene that shocked him extremely.

The four-story teaching building collapsed with a rumble. Three figures, one black, one red, and one blue, fought fiercely on the campus, and then separated from each other as if they had reached some consensus, and stood there confronting each other.

Looking at the battle scene in front of him that was like a dense bombardment of artillery shells, Emiya Shirou's pupils shrank to the extreme, and the horror in his heart could not be increased.

For some reason, the disaster that destroyed the city and burned his home ten years ago suddenly flashed through his mind...

For the same reason, Emiya Shirou accidentally revealed his footsteps.

The three heroic spirits in the field had already discovered his existence, but at that time, Lancer was full of desire to fight and had no time to care about this kid who appeared out of nowhere.

Unfortunately, Lancer's master doesn't think so.

The Holy Grail War needs to be conducted secretly, and no witnesses are allowed to escape.

"Kid, if you want to blame me, I can only blame your bad luck!"

A look of regret appeared on Lancer's face, then he shouldered his spear and chased after the young man.

Lucky E's spearman actually said that others were unlucky...

This scene made Tong Shen, who knew the plot, feel inexplicably happy.

At this moment, a black halberd arrived first and stopped the leaping spearman in mid-air.

Lancer was slightly startled, then gritted his teeth and used the gun body to resist the blow of the euphorbia.


The leaping blue figure suddenly fell to the ground. The blue metal boots carved two deep ravines on the ground. Then, with the help of the gun tail poking the ground, he stabilized his body and suddenly raised his head to look at Lu Bu.

"...Why did you stop me?"


Lu Bu's demon-like figure descended from the sky, causing smoke and dust to fill the sky, and then he slowly stood up with a black painted halberd in his hand.

"In front of someone, how can you just leave if you want?"

"A certain person has been fighting for many years and has dominated the world. He has never been invincible. Even if he is as strong as Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, we have to join forces to fight against a certain person."

"So, this is the first time that a certain person has felt such a strong crisis in a one-on-one situation."

"The consciousness of a warrior tells me that your spear is so brilliant that even me may die..."

As he spoke, Lu Bu's eyes widened and he shouted: "Come on, release that shot you just fired!"

Lancer's expression changed.

From his true heart, he also wanted to fight Lu Bu, but at the same time, he was a heroic spirit loyal to his master. No matter how much he complained, he would resolutely and ruthlessly carry out all his master's orders.

Just when he was full of tangles, Lu Bu said coldly again: "Tell your master, if he dares to stop this battle, even if he is in Qiongbiluo or Jiuyou, he will definitely take his head!"


Words with cold murderous intent spread in all directions.

Everyone present felt Lu Bu's determination and murderous intent.

A strange smile appeared on Lancer's face, and he whispered softly: "You heard me, this is not my intention to disobey orders..."

After the words fell, the atmosphere was silent for a few seconds, and then Lancer raised his head with a heartfelt smile on his face.

"Thank you...he agreed."


Lu Bu's expression was cold, and he silently placed the halberd in his hand in front of him, assuming a fighting posture.

Lancer also turned the gun upside down again, and the sharp scarlet gun tip ignited with a dazzling red light that was constantly swaying like a flame, and his whole body became extremely fierce.

Although the two sides facing each other had different postures, the suffocating momentum was released unscrupulously.

Both Tong Shen and Tohsaka Rin subconsciously held their breath and stared at the two people in the field.

Soon, Lancer narrowed his eyes slightly, and the magic power on the tip of the gun was accumulated to the extreme.

"Rider...I'll take your heart!"

With a sharp shout, the ground beneath Lancer's feet suddenly cracked.

The scarlet spear roared forward like a dragon covered with scarlet scales.


"Death Thorn Spear!"

The huge magic power contained in the tip of the spear formed a ribbon-like stream of red light, which spread rapidly in the space in front of the tip of the spear, and in an instant it snaked towards the demon-like black figure in front of it.

Red light came into view, and a wanton smile appeared on Lu Bu's Yingwu face.

While savoring the sense of fatal crisis contained in the red light, he waved the black painted halberd in his hand.

As the most powerful general in the Three Kingdoms, Lu Bu was naturally proficient in all kinds of martial arts, but his most powerful move was still the unknown halberd technique that he acquired by chance when he was young and later improved by himself.

There are seven moves in this set of halberd techniques, each of which contains three variations, totaling twenty-one moves.

These twenty-one moves are all-encompassing and powerful, and can be said to be the pinnacle of mortal martial arts.

After that, Lu Bu died in Baimen Tower, and his soul was unwilling to die. It was taken away by Deng Yougang who came and became his martial arts spirit.

Deng Yougang valued Lu Bu's ability very much, so he often used gray mist to nourish his soul. At the same time, he bought the souls or memory spots of many powerful warriors from all over the world and fed them to Lu Bu.

To this day, Lu Bu has become the strongest martial arts spirit in Deng Yougang's hands.

Whether it is technique or strength, it is far beyond the comparison of previous mortal bodies.

In particular, these seven styles of nameless halberd techniques have gradually changed from the original low-level martial arts to high-level martial arts and even immortal martial arts.

At this time, facing Lancer's fatal blow, Lu Bu decisively used the most powerful one among the seven halberd techniques.

He had noticed that no matter what moves he used, he seemed unable to stop this blow that sounded like a red dragon roaring.

Therefore, he decided to give up his defense and use the most violent method to raise a stormy sea and extinguish the delicate red streamer.

"Nameless Halberd Technique, Seventh Form——"

"Swallow the sky and the earth!"

In an instant, black and red aura surged wildly from the euphorbia.

Countless black and red air currents spiraled up, surrounding Lu Bu's body, forming a black and red magic dragon that was tens of meters high.

The next moment, the huge demonic dragon opened its bloody mouth and poured out like a torrent, rushing towards the red streamer in front of it.


The red streamer belt collided with the black and red magic dragon.

Although the size difference between the two is huge, like an ant and a monster, the energy contained in them is stalemate in mid-air.

Countless complex energy reactions occur at the junction, and dazzling red fragments of light and black-red air flow continue to escape.

Until a certain moment, the black-red dragon's arrogance surged, instantly engulfing the streamer of red light, and then surged towards the ferocious-looking Lancer in front of him with unabated force.


The black and red dragon roared past, not only engulfing Lancer, but also destroying everything behind him.

Whether it's the iron fence, the collapsed remains of the security room, or the trees growing at the gate of the campus.

Everything was destroyed by the roaring dragon, and swept into the sky by the subsequent strong wind...

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