Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 530 A mere fatal injury

Demonic energy was everywhere, and the wind was howling.

The heroic spirit in red held up a red light screen to block the strong wind roaring in front.

Tohsaka Rin stood behind the heroic spirit in red, staring blankly at the exaggerated scene ahead that was comparable to a cannonball washing the ground.

"Is this... is this a battle between heroic spirits?"

Tohsaka Rin murmured.

Not long after, the raging black energy in the campus gradually dissipated, and an embarrassed figure emerged from it.

The blue-armored heroic spirit, who was originally handsome and sunny, now held the gun with both hands and leaned on the ground. The tail of the gun was deeply inserted into the ground, and even made three ravines on the ground with his feet, two thick and one thin. He looked extremely embarrassed. .

Not only that, the blue armor on the opponent's upper body was completely broken, and the exposed strong muscles were covered with deep or shallow scars.

All the scars had no blood flowing out, but instead showed an extremely strange black color.

The deepest one was on his left chest. Through the narrow black wound, one could even see a beating heart.

Behind him, the originally beautiful campus gate had been razed to the ground, and a huge blank ravine about tens of meters wide and hundreds of meters long lay quietly there, telling the story of the situation that had just happened.

In contrast, the tall dark figure on the opposite side is still tall and straight, standing there as steadily as Mount Tai, which has not been easy for thousands of years.

"Lancer... lost?"

Tohsaka Rin said in a daze.

Hong A said solemnly: "It's not that simple..."

Before he finished speaking, Lancer, who was holding a scarlet spear in both hands, spat out a mouthful of dark blood, then looked at the silent Lu Bu opposite him, and squeezed out a pale but sunny smile.

"What an incredible spear skill!"

Lancer grinned, revealing two rows of teeth soaked in blood: "But... I haven't lost yet!"

"You still didn't dodge my fatal shot!"

Hearing Lancer's words, Tohsaka Rin was immediately stunned.

Tong Shen, who was deliberately protected by Lu Bu, felt nervous and quickly turned to look at Lu Bu.

I saw a blood hole suddenly appeared on the dark armor, and it was right at the heart.

Bright red blood gurgled from the holes, dripping down the armor, and finally pooled at Lu Bu's feet.

"Uncle Bu!"

Tong Shen couldn't help but raise his right hand, trying to heal the scar with a command spell.

But Lu Bu glanced at him, and the calmness in his eyes made him stop his movements.

"Reversal of cause and effect..." Lu Bu chuckled and praised, "He is indeed Ireland's son of light!"

"This shot of yours is the only one I have ever seen in my life. You are indeed worthy of the title of the best spearman in the world!"

Lancer suppressed his injuries and laughed, veins on the back of his hands swelled, and he stood up from the ground with his spear in hand.

"Sure enough, you saw through it..."

His Noble Phantasm is the Death Thorn Piercing Spear (Gáe Bolg), which has a powerful ability to reverse cause and effect against people.

To put it simply, the process of "the gun pierces the heart, so the heart will be penetrated" is reversed to "the heart is pierced, so the gun will penetrate the heart."

This kind of Noble Phantasm involving cause and effect is extremely powerful. If the enemy is not lucky, it is almost an insurmountable and instant death move.

Even facing a powerful enemy like Lu Bu, as long as he is not strong enough to reverse the cause and effect, he cannot avoid this shot.

In the original work, Saber was able to avoid the shot that pierced the heart and transferred the wound to her shoulder because of her high sense of intuition and high luck attribute. The combination of the two is the aura of the protagonist in the popular sense.

But based on Lu Bu's life, his luck value cannot be said to be high.

His historical achievements were all due to his arrogant force and extremely powerful cavalry commanding ability.

Therefore, after realizing that he could not avoid this fatal shot no matter what, Lu Bu simply gave up his defense and showed his overwhelming power in the most violent manner.

"Haha, unparalleled in the world..."

Lancer had a smile on his pale face: "To be recognized by you, my trip is considered worthwhile!"

Lu Bu also had a smile on his face, whistling the halberd in his hand and pointing it at Lancer.

"Irish child of light, you deserve to die under a certain family's halberd!"

Hearing Lu Bu's still arrogant words, Lancer couldn't help but laugh.

"Lu Fengxian, Lu Fengxian!" Lancer shook his head and said in a frivolous tone, "People like you and me just don't like to admit defeat, but people whose hearts have been penetrated should stop showing off, right?"

"Trying to be brave?"

Lu Bu suddenly laughed, and his laughter quickly changed from a chuckle to a laugh, and finally returned to the maniacal laughter like the devil coming into the world.

"It's just a fatal injury!"

"You also want to take someone's life?!"

Before he finished speaking, the ground beneath Lu Bu's feet exploded.

The dark figure stood in front of Lancer in an instant despite the wound that had penetrated his heart. He swung the Fang Tian Painted Halberd in his hand horizontally and slashed straight towards Lancer's neck.

The sound of howling wind came, Lancer's pupils shrank suddenly, and he reluctantly pulled out his spear and held it in front of him.


The crescent branch of the painted halberd struck the scarlet gun body, and Lancer's almost exhausted body instantly flew sideways.

But before he could fly far, Lu Bu smashed the ground again, and caught up with Lancer first. The black Fangtian Painted Halberd in his hand drew a perfect arc and slashed hard on Lancer's back. .


Flesh and bones were easily separated by the halberd blade, and a huge scar was cut on Lancer's waist and ribs that almost ran from front to back, and his body crashed to the ground like a meteorite, stirring up smoke and dust in the sky.

Lu Bu didn't pause at all. He was surrounded by black and red air and landed next to Lancer again.

Lancer's pupils shrank suddenly, his face full of disbelief.

He tried his best to turn his head and look at Lu Bu, but in the end he could only see a dazzling cold light, which grew brighter and brighter in front of his eyes...

"call out--"

There was a scream in the air, and the dark Fangtian Painted Halberd whizzed towards Lancer's eyes, seemingly not holding back at all.


The ground exploded, and the smoke and dust in the sky was swept up by the strong wind, filling the surroundings of the two people.

Tohsaka Rin stared blankly at the scene ahead, his mind agitated.

"...The Holy Grail War has not yet begun, and the seven Masters have not yet assembled. Lancer just quits?"

Tohsaka Rin murmured to himself, obviously still unable to believe what was happening in front of him.

Soon, the smoke and dust dissipated, and Lu Bu stood in front of a five-meter-diameter pit, holding a Fangtian painted halberd, looking into the pit silently.

Tong Shen recovered from the shock and quickly took steps to come to Lu Bu's side.

"Uncle Bu, Lancer is dead?"


Lu Bu frowned and was silent for a while, then shook his head and said, "I don't know."

Tong Shen was slightly startled, and quickly looked into the pit, only to see that there was nothing at the bottom of the pit. Not to mention Lancer's body, not even the extraordinary scarlet spear or even the fragments of the blue armor remained.

"How is this going?"

"It's a command spell."

A calm voice suddenly came from behind.

Lu Bu tilted his head slightly and glanced at the heroic spirit in red walking behind him.

Just listen to the red-clothed heroic spirit calmly say: "The so-called command spell is by no means as simple as the master's absolute command power to command the servants. The master can use this great magic crystal that exceeds the limit to order the heroic spirits to do many things that they cannot complete on their own. action.”

"For example, let the heroic spirit teleport to the master from a very far away place instantly."

"Ordinary heroic spirits cannot do this kind of thing by themselves, but the Master can use the command spell to make it succeed."

Lu Bu frowned and said, "You mean, Lancer's master summoned him back to him urgently?"

Tong Shen complained: "Then this reaction is beyond human, right?"

Even he, who has been practicing martial arts for ten years, looked down on Lu Bu's actions. The master behind Lancer was able to react and urgently summoned his heroic spirit back at the critical moment...

"No!" Tohsaka Rin walked over slowly, shaking his head and said, "No human can have the reaction ability that surpasses the heroic spirit. I think Lancer's master should have warned before Rider took action, but the reaction was too slow, so it was too late. One step forward."

Tong Shen sighed: "That's a coincidence!"

... Is it a coincidence or fate?

Tong Shen and Deng Yougang couldn't help but murmur in their hearts.

Lu Bu nodded thoughtfully, and then suddenly raised his halberd and pointed it at the red axe.

"Now that Lancer has left, you will be my opponent next!"

"Wait a moment!"

Two anxious voices sounded at the same time.

Lu Bu frowned, ignored Tohsaka Rin who also made a sound, and turned to look at Tong Shen.

"What's the matter?"


Tong Shen glanced at Tohsaka Rin and sighed inwardly, then moved closer to Lu Bu and explained a few words in a low voice.

Lu Bu frowned: "You mean, this girl is your sister's sister... isn't that your sister?"

Tong Shen shook his head and said, "My sister is adopted."

Lu Bu nodded: "It turns out she is the adopted sister."

"That's right." Tong Shen smiled and nodded, then looked at Tohsaka Rin and said, "Anyway, with Sakura as our partner, we are natural allies. You have also seen Uncle Bu's power... …How about it, do you want to form an alliance?”

"..." Tohsaka Rin was silent for a while, then nodded slowly, "That's okay before defeating the other five masters!"

"Finally survived!"

At night, in the Tosaka family's mansion, Rin Tosaka sat on the soft sofa and let out a long sigh of relief.

Hong A crossed his arms and stood at the door, glancing at the girl on the sofa and said: "That guy is indeed a bug in terms of combat power. Being able to form a temporary alliance through this relationship is indeed the best result for us. "

"But... we still have to decide the winner in the end, right?"

Tohsaka Rin sighed: "We can only take one step at a time!"

At the same time, in the villa diagonally opposite, Lu Bu glanced at Tong Shendao who was making tea.

"Boy, you should know very well that I don't need allies."

"But I need to."

Tong Shen turned around, handed the cup filled with hot tea to Lu Bu, and said calmly: "In a head-on confrontation, Uncle Bu is naturally invincible, but there are still many evil and ghostly tricks in the world, which you are not capable of. Something to be good at dealing with.”

"The old monster I'm looking for is a master in this field."

"You may be able to defeat him easily, but you may not be able to kill him."

Lu Bu frowned and said, "So you want to aim for revenge first, and then take the Holy Grail War seriously after the great revenge is avenged?"

Tong Shen nodded lightly and said: "That's right... Before that, I can only aggrieve Uncle Bu first. After I kill that old monster, I will let you participate in the battle between the heroic spirits without any scruples!"


Lu Bu was silent for a long time, then suddenly drank all the hot tea in the cup and placed it on the table with a thud.

"It's a deal!"

A smile appeared on Tong Shen's face, and then as if he remembered something, he quickly asked: "By the way, Uncle Bu, are your injuries okay?"

Lu Bu glanced at his chest, which had stopped bleeding, shook his head and said, "It doesn't matter, it's just a fatal injury, it'll be fine in a while!"

Tong Shen: "..."

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