Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 700: Yata no Orochi in monster form!

Chapter 700: The Spirit-Restraining General: The Yamata-no-Orochi in Monster Form!

Deng Yougang nodded slightly and said casually: "It's not bad, barely under control... What about you?"

Bailang sighed and was about to speak when he suddenly glanced at the angry Irubiai next to him. He hesitated for a moment and converted the language of the local world into Chinese that Irubiai could not understand.

"Oh, it's hard to explain in one word. My dungeon progressed very smoothly, but when I got to the end and killed the final boss, I encountered another, no, two hidden bosses, and one of them was transformed by my teammates."


Deng Yougang became interested and quickly asked: "Who?"

Bailang turned over his hand and took out a silver crystal ball, and said regretfully: "Sebas, do you know?"

Deng Yougang was stunned for a moment, then said speechlessly: "Did you arrest Sebastian?"

Bailang nodded: "Yes, he is also an NPC in the Great Tomb of Nazarick, right? I heard you say that the NPCs in the Great Tomb of Nazarick are basically monsters who enjoy killing people and eating people. I am sure that such a guy We need to take action!”

...This is what happens if you don’t read the guide!

Deng Yougang sighed, then shook his head and said: "Sebas is an exception. His justice value is as high as 300, and he is an extremely good being."


"Ah, not everyone in Nazarick is perverted. When it was originally set, the players didn't know that the NPC would become real. It was only set to be an evil existence because of the players' bad taste!"

Having said this, Deng Yougang paused and then explained to Bailang: "The creator of Sebastian is the player 'Taqimi'. This guy is a good policeman in real life. He has a beautiful wife who was once his childhood sweetheart and a My lovely daughter lives a happy life with normal and friendly outlook."

"Compared with other players who are overwhelmed by negative emotions in life, Tachimi can be regarded as a real winner in life."

"It is naturally difficult for such a person to have any dark psychology, so the NPCs he sets are also righteous beings."

Bai Lang nodded thoughtfully, and then said with a smile: "No wonder I always feel that this guy is quite to my liking."

As he spoke, Bai Lang said enthusiastically: "Fortunately, I didn't kill him. It would be nice to bring such a guy back to the alliance and let the boss cleanse his soul. He would be a regular employee serving the alliance, right?"

Deng Yougang was stunned for a moment, then nodded thoughtfully and said: "I have never thought of this possibility, but it is not impossible. These NPCs in Nazarick are all artificially set characters and wisdom. They just traveled through time. Then he was given a soul.”

"With the boss's ability, it shouldn't be difficult to reshape them."

While the two were chatting in Chinese, Irubiai next to him finally couldn't bear it anymore.

She stood up suddenly, walked over to the three unconscious companions, and sat down against the wall in isolation.

Bailang noticed her behavior and felt a little embarrassed, so he took out a fluffy teddy bear from the storage space, raised his hand and threw it to the poor girl sitting by the wall.

The black shadow came, and Erubiai subconsciously raised his hand to catch it. He stared blankly at the stuffed teddy bear in his arms, and then raised his head, looking at Bailang with some confusion and confusion in his eyes.

Bai Lang smiled kindly and said, "Just hold it and play, you're welcome."

Irubiai hugged the teddy bear: "..."

...You are quite a nice person!

Deng Yougang next to him covered his forehead helplessly, then seemed to remember something, and asked again: "By the way, where is the other one?"

"If I remember correctly, the other one should be the maid Soliuxiang who came to the capital with Sebas, right?"

Bailang was slightly startled when he heard this, then his eyes wandered, and he said with some embarrassment: "Well... I didn't take care of her during the battle. It seems I accidentally killed her..."


Deng Yougang's eyelids twitched and he couldn't help complaining: "Didn't I say, capture as many alive as possible. The Great Tomb of Nazarick has the ability to spend gold coins to resurrect. If they know about our existence, how can we still fish?" ?”

"A person like Ainz would definitely not dare to appear in front of us rashly!"

Before he finished speaking, a sudden change occurred on the battlefield ahead.

A tall warrior wearing pitch black armor descended from the sky, holding two exaggerated black giant swords, and landed between the fighting sword master Wang Yue and the battle maid Yuri.

Seeing this scene, the two people fighting were startled.

One of the maids, Yuri, quickly lowered her arms, as if she was worried that she might accidentally attack the other party.

In the eyes of everyone, the dark warrior slowly stood up and said in a cold and solemn tone:

"So... who is my enemy?"


On the ruins of a broken wall not far away, Deng Yougang and Bailang looked at each other.

Bailang coughed and said with a smile, "What did you just say?"

Deng Yougang twitched the corner of his mouth, then stood up as if nothing had happened, and said calmly: "Wearing warrior-class equipment, there is no strengthening magic and various krypton gold props prepared in advance, and the only world-class prop on his body is a flying squirrel jade."

"Brother Bai, now is the best chance to deal with Ainz Ooal Gown!"

"Thanks to my failure to take action, the heroic spirits created the current balanced situation. This resulted in a key information gap in the intelligence!"

Bai Lang looked at him speechlessly: "Allow me to take back my previous evaluation of you. In terms of shamelessness, you are no worse than me!"

Behind the two of them, Irubiai stood up with a teddy bear in his arms and looked at the two of them with a slight frown.

Although she couldn't understand the conversation between the two, she could still sense the faint murderous intention in Deng Yougang.

This murderous intention was not directed at her or the maids on the field, but at the dark warrior who had just appeared.

"You two!" In order to prevent his own people from killing each other, Irubiai couldn't help but remind him, "If I admit it correctly, the newly appeared guy is a steel-level adventurer from Elandir, with the 'Black Hero' 'The warrior named Momo!"

"He is one of our own, don't admit your mistake!"

Hearing Irubiai's words, Deng Yougang did not answer.

On the contrary, Bai Lang turned to look at her, and then appeared next to her as if he teleported. He raised his head with a smile and rubbed her head under the stunned eyes of Irubiai.

"Don't be naughty. Children, please go aside and play. Leave the fighting to the adults!"

As he spoke, Bai Lang pointed at the teddy bear. The teddy bear, which was originally just a stuffed toy, instantly moved, swinging its four short legs in Irubiai's arms.

Seeing this scene, Bai Lang pretended to be surprised and said: "Ah, look, the little bear can move!"

Irubiai: "..."

Who are you trying to trick?

At the same time, Deng Yougang had slowly raised his right arm, and endless blue light flashed across his body.

Black air as thick as a bucket emerged from the surrounding void, rising around Deng Yougang's body, and then gathered and condensed in the sky above Deng Yougang's head at an extremely fast speed.

In a matter of moments, countless strands of black energy formed a huge shadow with a length of more than two hundred meters in the sky above his head.

It was a big snake with eight heads and eight tails, eyes as scarlet as blood, and a cold black energy escaping from the whole body, showing a black and translucent state like Susanoo.

"The General of Juling, in the form of a monster - Yamata no Orochi!"

A terrifying black-red light rose from the ruins, instantly attracting the attention of everyone present.

Ibiruai hugged the struggling teddy bear and stared blankly at the extremely exaggerated huge shadow above his head.

...Is this also the ability of the Heroic Spirit Envoy?

What a liar!

Irubiai's eyes widened, and all the magic power in his body trembled in fear under the pressure of the light.

On the battlefield ahead, Ainz, who had appeared in the form of adventurer Momo, raised his head and stared at the two-hundred-meter-long shadow in astonishment.

"……what's going on?"

"Yamata no Orochi?!"

At the same time, Wang Yue, who was standing not far from Ainz, slowly sheathed his sword, nodded in the direction of the giant black shadow, and then disappeared into a stream of light.

And not only him, except for Lu Bu who was still fighting Demiurge in demon form in the barrier, all other heroic spirits also returned.

Deng Yougang floated into the shadow, his pair of vertical snake eyes looked down at the earth, and a slightly demonic smile appeared on his handsome face.

The next moment, terrifying energy surged out of his body crazily, spreading upward along the black snake body.

The scarlet energy formed veins similar to blood vessels in the huge black shadow, and then gathered in the eight black snake-head shadows.


Eight scarlet rays spurted out from eight bloody mouths.

The black snake-headed shadow swayed left and right, causing eight scarlet beams of light to sweep across the ground in front of them. Almost instantly, it enveloped all the combatants on the Great Tomb of Nazarick, including Ainz.

Many battle maids showed shock on their faces, gritting their teeth and using various means to try to block the bombardment of the scarlet energy light.

But unfortunately, in the face of absolute power, any so-called skills and restraint are a powerless struggle.

In just an instant, the weapons in the hands of many maids were corroded and carbonized, and the high-end equipment and combat maid uniforms they wore were dissolved one after another. The exposed flesh continued to dissipate and collapse with the attack of scarlet energy.

"Oops, I was fooled!"

Ainz panicked, but was soon calmed down by the [Forced Calmness] skill.

Regardless of his identity being exposed, he instantly transformed the jet-black armor on his body into a set of artifact-level equipment, and then without hesitation launched the high-level magic [Group Teleportation] on himself and many battle maids.

In an instant, Ainz and others' bodies were distorted for a moment, and then they seemed to be repelled by space and returned to the torrent of scarlet energy.

"It's too late to run away now!"

Bai Lang hummed and held a silver crystal ball in his right hand.

A bright silver light bloomed on the ball, sealing off the space within a ten-mile radius.

This blocking power is not the active ability of the Silver Crystal Ball [Void Cage], but its passive ability.

When it starts to operate, the power of space within a ten-mile radius will give priority to serving it. Anyone other than it and the user, unless the space authority can compete with Lin Zhongtian, will never be able to mobilize the power of space in this situation.

To be honest, when Lin Zhongtian created this crystal ball, he did not think of such a use.

It was those members of the alliance who invaded the world who discovered this situation when using the crystal ball. This enabled everyone in the alliance to possess Lin Zhongtian-level space blocking capabilities.

Many powerful men from other worlds who control space magic have fallen into the hands of alliance members with such unjust injustice.

"Let's see now whether you will be an exception, Ainz Ooal Gown!"

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