Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 701 World-class props

In the sky above the royal capital, a huge black-red shadow with eight heads and eight tails covered a large area of ​​the sky. Eight scarlet light beams swept across the earth, annihilating the buildings, land and maids standing on the ground into ashes with a crushing force. .

And the protagonist Ainz, who possesses artifact-level equipment and countless krypton gold props, is the one who survives to the end among everyone.

Realizing that the battle maids around him were dying one after another, Ainz's heart ignited with raging anger, and the green light of [Forced Calmness] continued to light up on the skeleton body covered by the artifact-level magic robe.

This shows how angry Ainz is in his heart.

But no matter what, as a magic profession specialized in the necromancy system, Ainz really couldn't resist Deng You's ultimate move without any advance preparation.

After a brief moment of thought that lasted almost an instant, Ainz made a decisive decision.

"Since this time is irreversible, then..."

A faint light bloomed in the eyes of Ainz's skull face, and he said without hesitation: "Death is the end of all life!"

As soon as he said this, the exclusive skill [Solar Eclipse] of the highest-level special profession [Ruler of Death] was instantly activated.

This is a special skill that [Lord of Death] can only learn when it reaches the highest level, and can only be released once every one hundred hours.

Its effect is to strengthen the instant death effect of the next magic and special skill. After the instant death effect is strengthened by this skill, even if the opponent has full resistance to instant death, he will die immediately after 12 seconds.

According to the background setting, this effect can kill even inanimate objects!

Because of this, after reciting this incantation, Ainz raised his head against the bombardment of the scarlet energy beam, crossed a distance of several hundred meters, and looked at the two-hundred-meter-long black and red Yamata no Orochi in the sky with cold eyes. Shadow.

"I remember you... I hope to see you again!"

Before he could finish his words, Ainz's figure was instantly engulfed in a crimson energy beam.

But just before his body was about to be annihilated, a ring worn on the skeletal palm suddenly lit up with blue light, and then, as if all the stored energy had been consumed, it instantly shattered into scattered light spots.

There is no doubt that this ring is one of the life-saving items that Ainz carries with him, the ultra-rare krypton gold item [Resurrection Ring]!

In the game, this ring allows players to resurrect at the guild stronghold with full health without losing almost any experience. When dropped upon death, low-value items will be dropped first.

After traveling to another world, Ainz was not sure whether players like him could be resurrected like in the game.

However, out of concern for his own life, he still wears this resurrection ring all the time to avoid some irreversible major crisis that suddenly occurs in the future.

Clearly, now is one of the worst-case scenarios of all major crises!

Therefore, Ainz decided to risk his own life and die for once in this different world.

At the same time, Ainz's most powerful attack will be released after his death!

In an instant, the red jade located in the abdominal cavity of Ainz's skeletal body burst into dazzling brilliance.

Invisible ripples containing the power of instant death rippled out instantly, spreading rapidly in all directions...

If it were any other opponent, they would definitely be tricked by Ainz's posthumous sneak attack, but Deng Yougang was obviously an exception. He had already read the original plot of this world and knew the Bone King Ainz's information quite well.

Therefore, after noticing that Ainz's aura disappeared, he emerged from the black-red shadow without hesitation, took away the transformed spirit of Yamata no Orochi, and then appeared in front of Bai Lang in an instant.

"Brother Bai, it's now!"


When Bailang heard the code they had agreed upon before, he immediately raised the silver crystal ball in his hand, and the nuclear power in his body poured into it like a free gift, releasing the power of space at maximum power.

In just a short moment, the entire royal capital was swept away by the power of space.

All the lives that existed in the royal capital, except for Bai Lang who was holding a silver crystal ball, and Lu Bu who was still fighting Demiurge in the barrier, all the others were absorbed into the crystal ball by Bai Lang.

At the same time, invisible ripples containing an enhanced version of the power of instant death passed over Bai Lang's body.

Bailang held the crystal ball and looked at the unscathed body in surprise, as if he didn't understand what danger this thing was.

It wasn't until 12 seconds later that his figure froze and his eyes dimmed.

But just for a moment, Bai Lang's eyes lit up again, and he looked at himself with a hint of surprise.

"What did that feel like just now?"

"……very strange!"

"It's death." Deng Yougang's voice came suddenly from the crystal ball.

The next second, the crystal ball bloomed with silver light, releasing Deng Yougang who was hiding inside.

This crystal ball was a prop issued by the War Command, and it was considered a common property between him and Bai Lang.

The two have equal authority, so Deng Yougang can also control it.

After flying out of the void cage, Deng Yougang had a strange expression on his face and looked at Bai Lang like he was looking at a monster.

"Although I already knew you were confident, I didn't expect you to actually be able to handle it!"

Bailang asked in surprise: "Carry what?"

Deng Yougang was startled for a moment, then his eyes widened and he said in disbelief: "Brother, you didn't listen to a word of the information I told you about popular science before, right?!!"


Bai Lang scratched his face in embarrassment and said with wandering eyes: "That...which time?"

Deng Yougang: "..."

After an unspeakable silence, Deng Yougang sighed and said weakly: "Just before the mission started, I told you that Ainz might appear, and that if he used a large-scale instant death magic, he would be killed. Let you put me and everyone in the royal capital into a void cage..."

Bailang stared at him blankly, and then exclaimed in hindsight: "Instant...instant death magic?!"

Deng Yougang looked at Bailang speechlessly. At that time, this guy even patted his chest and assured him that he would complete the task, which made him think that Bailang was disdainful of instant death magic. He didn't understand his feelings at all!

Bailang couldn't help complaining: "Why don't you tell such important information a few times?"

...So you still blame me!

Deng Yougang twitched the corner of his mouth, and then asked curiously: "By the way, brother, can you tell me how you felt just now?"

"Do you feel it?" Bai Lang thought about it for a moment, then shook his head and said, "It's not easy to describe. To put it in more abstract terms, it's probably that the fire of my life was extinguished for a moment, and the world in front of me also changed from the original freshness to a cloud. An indescribable dark filter..."

At this point, Bai Lang laughed loudly and said quite proudly: "But you also know that I am the master who lit the fire. If he puts out the fire, I can just light it up again!"

"...Is this okay?"

Deng Yougang looked at Bailang with the corner of his mouth twitching.

Bai Lang smiled and said: "Of course the specific situation is not that simple. Let me think about how to explain... Yes! Have you played the game? The power of instant death just now seemed to change my health bar to zero in an instant, and then It locks and prohibits all means of restoring blood volume."

"But I still have the magical power [Immortal Nuclear Body]. Ainz's instant death magic cannot completely prevent me from using [Immortal Nuclear Body] to restore my blood volume. It can only greatly reduce the blood recovery effect."

"However, this is of no use to me. It just consumes a little more energy!"

Deng Yougang was already immune to Bailang's Versailles, so he immediately shook his head and said, "To correct you, this is not an instant death magic, but the effect of the world-class item [Flying Squirrel Jade] held by Ainz."

Bailang asked in surprise: "Flying Squirrel Jade?"

Deng Yougang nodded and said, "Well, this is a world-class prop named by Ainz after the game name 'Flying Squirrel'. It is also the only world-class prop among all world-class props that cannot be lost once it is bound to the holder."

"It can consume level 5 experience points to cause huge damage to enemies, especially dragons. At the same time, after the holder dies, it can force the death of enemies within a certain range around itself, causing them to die together with the holder."

"In the original game, most of the player guilds that attacked Nazarick were killed by this effect."

Bailang said thoughtfully: "So, the power of death that I feel is this thing..."

Deng Yougang nodded, and then asked curiously: "By the way, how much energy did you consume to invalidate this instant death effect?"

Bailang said enthusiastically: "Let me see...ah, it's amazing. No wonder this is a high-energy world. A mere instant death magic can consume one hundred thousandth of the energy in my body!"

Bai Lang had a look of surprise on his face.

Deng Yougang next to him didn't think this was Versailles, but frowned tightly.

"One in 100,000, how come there are so many?!"

Bailang frowned and said: "It should be due to the large consumption after the effect is reduced, and my own body is too large. It is far from simple to rekindle the fire of life as ordinary life..."

"Gangzi, fortunately you are cautious enough. If you had not hid in the void cage in advance, you might have died for once."

Deng Yougang nodded solemnly and agreed with Bailang's judgment.

He knew that Bailang, as the second strongest person in the alliance, had surpassed the ordinary star explosion level. Even if he did not use magical powers, just releasing all the energy stored in his body would be enough to destroy several planets the size of Saturn.

Saturn is the second largest planet in the solar system, with a volume 745 times that of the Earth.

If it were replaced by the moon, the ratio would be even more exaggerated, about 5960 times!

In other words, as long as one ten thousandth of the energy stored in Bailang's body is released, he can easily destroy a planet about the size of the moon.

Although one hundred thousandth is only 10% of the former, if placed on the earth, it can also destroy the world!

Deng Yougang believed that he could not reach one hundred thousandth of Bailang's level. If he really faced this death-defying power, I'm afraid the result would not be too good...

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