Thinking of this, Deng Yougang had to admit that Bai Lang's adventurous game allowed him to escape.

World-class props indeed have the ability to hurt or even kill him. If they go directly to the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick after entering this world, they may suffer a big loss in front of world-class props.

Just when Deng Yougang was feeling happy, Bai Lang suddenly spoke.

"Gangzi, is the flying squirrel jade you are talking about a red jade?"

"..." Deng Yougang was stunned for a moment, then nodded subconsciously, "Yes!"

Bai Lang raised his hand with a strange expression, pointed forward and said, "Then take a look, is it this thing..."

Deng Yougang came back to his senses and quickly turned around to look around. He saw that in the blackened crater ahead of him that had been bombarded by scarlet energy, there were several shining rays of light. It was Bone King Ainz who had withstood the corrosion of scarlet energy. Powerful props.

One of the gems shining with red light was exactly the same as the [Flying Squirrel Jade] illustration he had seen!

"...Wait, what's going on?!"

Deng Yougang quickly flew over and raised his hand to pick up the red jade.

Bailang followed closely and said with a smile: "What else could it be? I've got explosive equipment!"

Deng Yougang shook his head and said with a serious look on his face: "It's not that simple. Didn't I say it before? Flying Squirrel Jade is the only special existence among all world-class props that can bind the holder. Even if the holder himself dies, as long as it is repeated again Resurrection will also appear instantly."

According to this theory, the Flying Squirrel Jade has not disappeared now, which means that Ainz may not be resurrected yet.

But how is this possible? Ainz carries a resurrection item with him, and it is an ultra-rare krypton gold item that instantly resurrects him with full health at almost no cost.

This information is clearly written in the setting of the novel. Deng Yougang has long read it by heart, and there is no way he can remember it wrongly.

"Could it be... that the void cage blocked the space transfer of [Flying Squirrel Jade]?"

Deng You just thought of this most likely scenario, and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Next to him, Bai Lang was suspended in the air, looking at him amusedly and saying, "Hey, what are you thinking about? Flying Squirrel Jade cannot move in space, of course because he is already dead!"

Deng Yougang shook his head: "It's not that simple. The Ainz I know is definitely not someone who can be defeated with just one death. He must have been resurrected in the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick, and maybe he is currently communicating with Albedo. Our intelligence.”

"But it doesn't matter, we have greatly weakened his power, not only destroyed a large number of artifact-level equipment and props, but also intercepted world-class flying squirrel jade-"

Before he could finish speaking, Deng Yougang's voice stopped abruptly.

He stared blankly at the translucent human soul beside Bailang.

This person has an ordinary Asian face and is wearing a blue suit. He is dressed like an ordinary white-collar office worker. However, his lifeless eyes are a bit dim, as if he has not yet awakened from his chaotic consciousness. come over.

Deng Yougang said in a daze: "He... who is he?"

"Ainz's soul!" Bai Lang glanced at the soul of the human man next to him, and then said with a smile, "Didn't you ask me to put the entire people in the royal capital into the void cage, so I did it, and also returned the favor. Take Ainz’s soul in as well…”

"If Ainz has been resurrected as you said, then who is he?"

Bai Lang's tone was a bit teasing, but Deng Yougang didn't care.

He stared blankly at Suzuki Satoru's soul, as if he still couldn't believe the reality in front of him.

Was the Gu Aotian in the original work really defeated by them so easily?

Bai Lang smiled and patted Deng Yougang on the shoulder, and said with some humor: "What are you struggling with? Ainz and his guild may be really strong, but they are still incomparable in front of us two brothers, right?"

"What's more, I still have Boss Lin's treasure in my hand. Isn't this much better than some world-class props?"

"...Same." Deng Yougang came back to his senses and nodded.

Bailang casually put away Suzuki Satoru's soul and asked with a smile: "What should we do next?"

Deng Yougang calmed down and turned to look at the rays of light in the blackened crater: "Put away these captured rare props, and then find a place to release the people in the void cage!"

"How should I explain it after it is released?"

"You can explain it however you want, or you can just run away without explaining it."

"That's not possible. You have to let me pretend for a while!"

"It's up to you!"

"……how about you?"

Hearing Bai Lang's smiling words, Deng Yougang cast his gaze at the upside-down silver mask not far away.

"Brother Fengxian, the fight isn't over yet. I have to at least wait for him or help him decide the outcome before I can leave, right?"

"That's right." Bai Lang nodded, and then said with emotion, "Boss, this treasure phantom is really strong. Your scarlet breath can corrode even the artifact-level equipment in this world, but it can't shake this silver light shield at all."

"I doubt that even if the planet under our feet is completely destroyed, this Hulao Pass Doujiang barrier will still exist!"

After flattering Boss Lin every day, Bai Lang immediately jumped up and planned to find a place to release all the people in the void cage.

Just after Bai Lang left for a while, the flying squirrel jade in Deng Yougang's hand suddenly trembled, and then disappeared instantly.

At this time, Deng Yougang was spying on the fighting situation in the barrier through his connection with Lu Bu. By the time he reacted, the red gem he had obtained had completely disappeared.

"……what's the situation?"

Deng Yougang's pupils shrank suddenly, and immediately his face changed slightly. He jumped up and turned into a stream of light and rushed to where Bailang was.

At this time, Bailang had released the residents of the royal capital from the void cage in batches.

All Blue Rose members, including Irubiai, as well as Princess Lana, Guard Climb, Warrior Gazef and others, were also placed back in the square where they had gathered before.

After regaining mobility, many people collapsed on the ground as if exhausted.

Irubiai hugged the stuffed teddy bear tightly, his body trembling slightly, as if he was still immersed in the powerlessness of being imprisoned in space just now.

Looking at the expressions of everyone who were either frightened or struggling to survive, Bai Lang couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed.

He only wanted to save everyone's lives, but he forgot how terrifying the Void Cage was to humans.

It was a frozen world that could not move, breathe, heart beat, or escape. Except for the holder, only the soul and thinking could operate in the entire world.

In addition, even the light is frozen in space. Without the vision of the soul, nothing can be seen at all.

"I didn't think carefully...forget it, let's stop pretending!"

Bailang sighed, then waved his hand, and the nuclear power surged out. In the simplest and most crude way, he released a small spell that could make people forget their recent memories.

Of course, even a small spell, in Bai Lang's hands, is enough to cover all human species in the entire royal capital.

For just a moment, the eyes of everyone in the square became blank.

Bai Lang glanced at them silently, and was about to turn around and leave when he suddenly looked at the sky in surprise.

Deng Yougang was seen flying towards him very quickly. Regardless of everyone's eyes falling on him, he asked anxiously: "Where is Ainz's soul?"

Bailang was stunned for a moment, then checked the crystal ball, frowned and said, "It's still there, what's wrong?"

Deng Yougang's expression changed for a while, then he slowly exhaled and said in a deep voice: "Flying Squirrel Jade has disappeared."


Bai Lang's face was full of surprise.

Deng Yougang explained in detail: "After you left, the effect of the space blockade disappeared, and the flying squirrel jade was teleported away."

Bailang frowned and said, "Who did it?"

Deng Yougang asked, "Who else could it be?"

Bai Lang's eyes widened and he said, "You mean, Ainz is resurrected?"

As he spoke, he turned over his hand and took out Suzuki Satoru's soul, frowned and asked, "But if he has been resurrected... then who is this?"

The two looked at each other with confusion and confusion on their faces.

After thinking for a moment, Deng Yougang turned his head and looked at Suzuki Satoru's soul.

"Find a place to ask him!"

Bailang nodded and said, "Okay!"

The next moment, under the hesitant gazes of everyone in the square, the two men soared into the sky and disappeared into the horizon.

The Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick.

An amorphous mass of pitch-black ancient slime stood in the magnificent hall.

On the circular magic array in front of him, a tall skeleton that had lost all its equipment stood there, and two scarlet lights suddenly bloomed in the dark eyes.

The next second, the tall skeleton stepped out of the magic circle and stood in front of the dark ancient slime to look at him.

Suddenly, the skeleton opened its mouth, vibrated with magic power, and let out an extremely hearty laugh.

And the pitch-black ancient slime-like body was constantly changing its shape, and the same hearty laughter came from within.

At this moment, a green light lit up on the skeleton, and the passive skill [Forced Calmness] suppressed his joy and joy.

After being forced to calm down, the 'resurrected' Ainz said calmly: "Now I can finally understand Suzuki Satoru's feelings. This forced calmness is indeed not a good skill. He will suppress and even distort this body. The humanity of the soul.”

But fortunately, he doesn't care about human nature, and it can even be said that he has abandoned these things long ago.

The dark ancient slime 'Hero Hero' on the opposite side smiled and said: "Okay, don't sigh anymore, let's talk about what to do next. If I guessed correctly, that should be the one who killed Suzuki Satoru. A bunch of guys who forced me to kill myself, right?"

"Yes, it must be them."

'Ainz', or the Lord God's 'Ainz', was distracted and nodded.

Kuro Kuro said softly: "You have now occupied Suzuki Satoru's body. The Great Tomb of Nazarick completely belongs to us. Do you want to take out all the world-class props and let the NPCs in the entire Nazarick prepare for the battle?"

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