Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 703 Something happened to you!

"Prepare for war with all your strength?"

'Ainz' glanced at him in surprise and said, "Are you crazy? Haven't you noticed how terrifying the enemies that have come to this world are?"

"The person who took action to kill Suzuki Satoru is nothing. World-class props and Origin Magic can both cause harm to him, but the other guy who didn't take action is the opponent's real trump card!"

"That guy is even easily immune to the forced instant death effect of the Flying Squirrel Jade!"

"This is something that even the top combat forces in this world cannot do."

"With him here, the world-class props we have at our disposal can only cause him some trouble at most, and will never be able to get rid of him. If we really confront him head-on in this world, we will be destroyed in the end..."

‘Hero Hero’ looked gloomy and said: “So you plan to avoid the war?”

"No. 3, have you betrayed me?"

Hearing this, No. 3 sneered, glanced at him and said, "Look at what you look like now. What's the difference between you and the NPCs in Nazarick?"

The expression of 'Heiluo Heiluo' changed, and the fluctuations of mental power coming from the ancient pitch-black slime began to show a trace of hesitation and wavering.

No. 3 looked at him and said calmly: "Not to mention whether he is still the original deity, even if he is, he will never deny my judgment. On the contrary, your brain has been completely corroded by this ancient jet black slime, right?"

"Otherwise, how could you forget our ultimate goal?"

Hearing this, Heiro Heluo couldn't help but fell silent.

But No. 3 had no intention of letting him go. Instead, he stared at him and asked, "Tell me, what is our ultimate goal?"

Hei Luo Hei Luo was silent for a moment, then slowly said two words: "Go home."

No. 3 opened his black skull mouth and laughed, and said in a pleasant tone: "That's right, go home!"

"Now that I am dead, all the world coordinates on the surface have been exposed. As a part of Him, we must make the worst judgment on the current situation."

"If the souls of all other worlds have been wiped out and we are the only ones left in the world, are you still planning to die?"

Heiro Heluo was silent for a moment, then slowly said: "So, what do you want to do?"

No. 3 said decisively: "Evacuate this world, first carry out strategic transfer, and then plan for it slowly!"

Heiluo Heiluo said in astonishment: "Evacuate this world? Do you have the spatial coordinates of another world?"

No. 3 laughed and said: "Of course, don't forget, I am the main force in this world, you are just my deputy!"

The pitch-black slime on Heiro Heluo's body continued to flow silently, without refuting No. 3's words.

Because what No. 3 said is indeed true.

When the Lord God Mu Sheng gained the ability to divide souls and give them personalities, he created three divided souls at once.

Number 3 has the worst personality among them, possessing many negative personalities including rebelliousness, bloodthirsty, and possessiveness.

In order to restrict No. 3's independent actions, after the Lord God himself sent him to this world, he specially assigned a deputy to him, the split soul of No. 8 who is currently arguing with No. 3.

By the way, when the Lord God first found this world, the Bone King and his Ainz Ooal Gown Guild had not yet crossed over.

If it were another time traveler, he might have taken this opportunity to master the origin magic in this world that could compete with world-class items, but the main god himself did not do so.

It took him about three years to find the space coordinates leading to the earth, and then traveled in reverse direction. Just before the game YGGDRASIL was about to close its server, he urgently caught the last train for this journey.

Of course, as a powerful being who has ruled many worlds, the Lord God naturally has a very high level of hacking.

As long as he wants to, delaying the closing time of the game and tampering with key game data are not a problem.

But in this way, the originally certain time-travel event may have waves.

Therefore, the Lord God chose the safest way, which was to seize the body of a top player belonging to the Ainz Ooal Gown guild, use his memory to play this role, and then travel to a different world with the protagonist Suzuki Satoru.

The reason why I chose Suzuki Satoru's companions instead of Suzuki Satoru himself is mainly because the protagonist has too much causality.

It would be easier to seize the body after time travel, but before time travel, any operation involving the protagonist may cause the world line to change.

As for why it was Kuro Kuro, the main reason was that time was tight. The Lord God only found the address of the last offline player in the game, that is, Kuro Kuro who went offline after saying hello to the protagonist Suzuki Satoru.

Afterwards, the Lord God ordered No. 8 to seize the soul of Kuro Kuro and bring him back online to travel to a different world with Suzuki Satoru.

At the same time, this operation also made No. 8 the most powerful main god clone in the world, resulting in a situation where the main force was weak and the deputy was strong. Most of the judgments and actions of No. 3 clone were restricted by No. 8. and supervision.

But now, after No. 3 successfully seizes the Bone King's body, No. 8 can finally be suppressed no longer.

In other words, he had been so bewitched by No. 3 that he began to have some doubts about his last order.

Of course, this situation may also be considered by the Lord God himself.

Otherwise, why would he let No. 3 be the main player and No. 8 be the auxiliary?

At this moment, a crimson jade instantly appeared in the abdomen of No. 3's skull.

No. 3 glanced down and nodded with satisfaction: "Very good, everything is as I expected. The world-class item is bound to the body of the ruler of death, or the game account 'Flying Squirrel'. "

"In this way, I also have the right to use Momonga's other equipment and props."

This situation is not their guess, but an inference that can be followed.

In this different world, players have traveled through it in the past, but no matter whether those players are powerful or not, and no matter what race they are, their life span is always the same as the original human soul.

Even the elf player who gave birth to the Elf King only lived a hundred years before dying.

This shows that their souls are still human in nature, but they are just covered with a layer of game account skin!

Thinking of this, No. 3 turned to look at Heiro Hero: "I will go to the Nazarick Treasure Hall and take out the useful world-class props. You can prepare and travel back to Earth with the Great Tomb of Nazarick."

"I have left several agents there, and they should be developing well now."

The earth here and the other worlds belong to the same multiverse, and can be traversed without passing through the void gap.

No. 8 nodded and immediately asked: "Will the dead battle maid group be resurrected?"

No. 3 said without hesitation: "Resurrecting them is a waste of resources. Just take care of these level 100 NPCs with top combat power!"

On the other side, in a remote mountain forest, a high-rise building rose from the ground.

The room on the top floor was decorated like a modern office. Deng Yougang and Bai Lang put on black suits and sat behind neatly decorated desks and on the leather sofa in the center of the room respectively.

After making the hot tea, Bai Lang and Deng Yougang behind the desk looked at each other, and both of them nodded.

Immediately afterwards, Bailang took out the silver crystal ball and released the confused soul of Suzuki Satoru inside. Then with a wave of his hand, he used his magical power to solidify his soul and restore his sanity.

As soon as he woke up, Suzuki Satoru was still immersed in the anger before his death.

So after seeing Deng Yougang behind his desk, he subconsciously raised his hand and shouted angrily: "Time stops!"

The roar like that of a middle-aged teenager echoed in the office, but nothing happened.

Deng Yougang crossed his hands on his desk and looked at Suzuki Satoru in front of him expressionlessly.

Bai Lang, who was sitting on the sofa, couldn't help laughing, then coughed twice and took some tea to cover up his laughter.

At this time, Suzuki Satoru also realized something was wrong.

Regardless of the embarrassment, he quickly looked down at his palm, and then saw the human flesh and blood palm in his memory, but compared to the real flesh and blood, his body at the moment seemed more illusory.

But at this time, Suzuki Satoru no longer cared about these details.

"What...what's going on?"

Suzuki Satoru stared at his palm blankly and murmured: "Is this a dream?"

At this point, he seemed to have come back to his senses. He quickly raised his head and looked at the familiar modern office environment around him. He then turned to look at Bai Lang who was sitting on the leather sofa drinking tea, and then slumped down in the chair. .

"Yes, there is no experience of traveling to another world, no miracle of NPC coming back to life."

"Everything is just a fantasy created by me, a die-hard player, who cannot accept the fact that the server has been closed!"

Suzuki Satoru muttered to himself sadly.

Then he seemed to wake up. He looked at Deng Yougang with strange eyes behind his desk and smiled bitterly: "So, where is this place? Is it the XX Mental Hospital?"

"I'm sorry for causing you trouble, but now that I'm awake, you don't have to lock me here anymore. If you don't believe me, you can ask me to answer the test questions. I know you have such a thing..."

Looking at Suzuki Satoru opposite who thought he had 'insighted' the truth and was explaining endlessly, Deng Yougang suppressed his laughter and interrupted him expressionlessly: "That was not a dream."

"My lawyer's contact information, what?"

Suzuki Satoru, who was chattering endlessly, finally stopped and looked at Deng Yougang blankly.

"What did you say?"

"I said, that was not a dream."

Deng Yougang looked solemn and said solemnly in Japanese: "Suzuki Satoru, something happened to you!"

"You are suspected of three major crimes including illegal travel, illegal creation, and destroying the time and space stability of the earth and other worlds. You are now arrested by the special personnel of our Space-Time Administration in accordance with the law. According to the rules, you must accept our interrogation and investigation here!"

No, the fantasy beast Palu has obsessed my mind. I have to ban it for a few days and I can’t play it anymore. No matter how late it is today, I will update it three times. I will never stay up late playing this b-game again.

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