Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 706 The Earth Has Been Changed by Demons

At the beginning of the 22nd century, the earth's environment was severely damaged. Agriculture, the primary industry, was the first to collapse. The sky was shrouded in thick black fog, and the sun was almost invisible.

Plants are dying due to lack of sunlight, while birds and insects are also declining rapidly.

The streets outside are surrounded by thick fog containing harmful substances, and ordinary residents cannot go out without wearing gas masks.

Of course, water pollution is also very serious. Rivers have turned into turbid currents that are not like river water. Water purification fields are dysfunctional due to severe pollution. If a purification filter is not installed on the faucet, you cannot drink it.

Under such circumstances, the government's credibility has greatly declined, many functions have ceased to function, and many departments have become ineffective.

As a result, the old plot similar to cyberpunk came online again. Large-scale complex enterprises in various countries took the opportunity to rise, bypass the government, seize power, and become the actual rulers of the local countries.

They built a livable place called [Eco City], which is a paradise completely different from the outside world. People from all wealthy classes and people who work in large enterprises live there.

On the periphery, civilian neighborhoods were established with the eco-city as the center, thus forming a morbid city in the 22nd century.

This is the realistic background of "Overlord", a dystopian society where capitalism has developed to its final form.

Neon, on the outskirts of Hokkaido's eco-city, sewage flows across the street, and there is serious smog in civilian neighborhoods. A man in a black robe walks slowly, followed by two tall men with slightly surprised expressions.

"Gangzi, what's going on?"

Bailang said to Deng Yougang in surprise.

Deng Yougang rolled his eyes and said angrily: "How do I know? I only looked at the part that belongs to the other world and the game data. Who knew that there is such a setting in the real world of the earth!"

Bailang hesitated and said, "Then what should we do with the lies we told?"

Deng Yougang said indifferently: "Just keep it together, even if it is exposed, it doesn't matter. Anyway, as long as the existence of the Traveler Alliance is not exposed..."

The two communicated silently.

Suzuki Satoru, who was leading the way, glanced at them and said lightly: "What, are you surprised?"

"If I guess correctly, you guys have never been to Neon before, right?"

Deng Yougang looked at Bailang, thought for a moment, and followed his words and replied: "Indeed not."

"That's really lucky!" Suzuki Satoru laughed at himself and said with a gloomy look, "Since the Eco-City War, China is the only country in the world where the government is still in actual power."

"Except for China, the governments of other countries have been emptied out by large enterprises, and the gap between the rich and the poor has reached an unprecedented level."

"Ordinary people like me cannot even receive basic education and quality education. They can only receive vocational education and technical education and become cog workers at the bottom of this society."

"But even so, the tuition fees for vocational education are still unaffordable for us."

"My parents died of overwork just to raise tuition fees..."

Is it so miserable? No wonder Suzuki Satoru cherishes his guild partners in the game so much.

For a person like him, compared to the dark and cruel reality, the experience in the game is the only good thing left in his heart, right?

But... is China actually an exception?

Deng Yougang thought about it and couldn't imagine a future in which the Chinese government would be sidelined by large enterprises.

Even in the cyberpunk world with a more detailed setting, the super companies exported by China are all state-owned enterprises.

This is probably the unique tolerance and adaptability of five thousand years of civilization...

Deng Yougang thought so in his heart.

Suzuki Satoru in front stopped, turned to look at the two of them and said, "According to our agreement, as long as I learn rank magic, you will support me in establishing a branch in Neon, right?"

"...That's right."

"That's good."

Suzuki Satoru nodded, then raised his right hand.

In an instant, raging flames burned in his palm.

Bai Lang raised his eyebrows and said with interest: "I actually learned it, it's not bad!"

While Deng Yougang was surprised, he couldn't help but frown.

With Suzuki Satoru's qualifications as a protagonist, he was not surprised that he could learn rank magic, but where did this magic come from?

Could it be that magic exists in the real world?

Considering that asking questions rashly would expose the truth, Deng Yougang did not say anything.

At this moment, Bailang suddenly turned his head and looked at the thick fog ahead in surprise.

Deng Yougang seemed to have noticed something. He also looked in that direction and said with surprise: "Is that... a troll?!"

On the street two hundred meters away, a well-equipped special team was distributed in the narrow alleys and surrounding buildings, holding kinetic rifles and taking advantage of the geographical advantage to continuously shoot at the huge figure on the street.

It is nearly three meters tall, with gray-green skin and yellow eyes. It is holding a twisted metal lamppost that was obviously just pulled out of the ground. It roars while waving the lamppost and sweeping forward with a firearm. of human beings.

"Bang bang bang!!"

The sound of a large number of bullets colliding with metal was heard.

The three-meter-tall troll roared angrily and charged forward despite the hail of bullets, waving a thick lamppost and smashing the frightened humans one after another into pulp.

"Puff puff--"

Countless bullets collided with the troll's skin. Most of the bullets with inappropriate angles were bounced off by the tough skin, while a small number broke through the skin and were then stuck tightly by the same tough muscles.


At this moment, a large-caliber bullet flew from a distance, carrying terrifying kinetic energy, and instantly penetrated into the troll's neck, forming a bloody hole the size of a fist, penetrating from front to back.

Seeing this scene, the expressions of everyone who besieged the troll did not improve.

Because in the next second, the hideous blood hole healed quickly and became intact as before in the blink of an eye.

The pain caused not only did not scare the troll, but made him even angrier. He kept swinging the lampposts and slaughtered the weak humans who besieged him at a faster speed.


The middle-aged man on the tall building in the distance punched the railing, gritted his teeth, and looked angrily at the battlefield ahead through the AR lens with the ability to focus and zoom.

"It turns out to be the most difficult regenerative monster. The special tactics team is no match for it. The mecha troops must be dispatched immediately!"

"Yes, Daitengu No. 3 and No. 4 have been dispatched and are expected to arrive on the battlefield in one minute and seventeen seconds... Wait, multiple levels of magic power fluctuations suddenly appeared 287 meters to the right. Sir, a new monster has appeared. Got it!"


The middle-aged man in military uniform turned his head sharply.

I saw three figures emerging from the mist in the direction mentioned in the communication channel.

The man currently was wearing a black suit. He had a handsome appearance and a cold expression. His black hair was fluttering in the wind. His black eyes were staring at the troll on the street. His long and powerful right hand was slowly placed on his waist. On the hilt of the sword.

The next moment, the young man in a suit pulled out his long sword at a speed that was difficult to discern with the naked eye.

A dark blue sword energy instantly separated from the blade and turned into a long and narrow sword slashing towards the troll's back.


Blood splashed, and the dark blue sword energy tore apart the troll's body in an instant, and then continued to fly diagonally forward, cutting off countless lampposts on the roadside in an instant, and plowing an extremely long and deep ravine on the ground.

At the same time, violent blue light raged across the sections of the troll's two halves, destroying his muscles and cells crazily.

In just a few seconds, the troll, which killed or injured dozens of humans, completely lost its vitality. Its huge body was torn in half and fell to the ground, splashing a lot of smoke and dust.

On both sides of the road, all the members of the special operations team hiding behind the bunkers looked at the three people in confusion.

But the three people obviously didn't pay attention to their gazes.

The young man in a suit who drew the sword casually put the sword into its sheath, then walked towards the body of the troll, frowning slightly as he looked at this monster that should not have appeared on earth.

"...It's really a troll, and a fighting troll of the same species as the 'Giant of the East'!"

"Shouldn't these guys live in the Tob Forest in another world? How could they appear on Earth?"

"Is it another so-called world collision, dimensional passage, spiritual energy recovery and other scripts?"

Deng Yougang's face was full of doubts, and his heart became increasingly incomprehensible to this real world that had been changed by the Lord God and Demon.

At the same time, Suzuki Satoru, who was wearing a black robe, had already inspected the body of the troll.

He stood up from the corpse, looked at Deng Yougang and nodded: "It's confirmed, they are species from another world. I have captured a few of them in the Tuobu Forest for research. Their magic factors and muscle shapes are all the same as those in front of me. It’s just completely consistent.”

Bailang said with great interest: "It's interesting. What happened on earth during the time we left?"

"...the period of time you left?" Suzuki Satoru turned to glance at him and asked, "Isn't it only a dozen hours?"

Bai Lang was startled for a moment, then coughed awkwardly, and said seriously: "That's right, there is no regularity in the proportion of time flow between the earth and other worlds, and we don't know how far we have left..."

"Okay, Brother Bai."

Deng Yougang reluctantly interrupted Bailang's feeble explanation, glanced at Suzuki Satoru and said calmly: "To tell you the truth, the place where you were interrogated just now was just built by us in a different world, and it is not the real earth."

"This is also our first real return after traveling to another world."

"I see." Suzuki Satoru nodded and said calmly, "It seems that I guessed it right."


Deng Yougang and Bailang looked at him in surprise.

Suzuki Satoru continued: "How can the cooldown time of a skill that can travel across the world be so short? It must be at least a hundred hours, right?"

Deng Yougang and Bailang: "..."

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