Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 707 The spiritual energy is really revived

As expected of you, you have easily accomplished what we cannot.

Using the common sense of the game as a theory, and deducing the correct result through a process of all mistakes, this is probably Suzuki Satoru's magical power of the law of cause and effect.

Deng Yougang looked at him speechlessly.

Bailang next to him breathed a sigh of relief, then turned to look at the members of the special operations team with different expressions.

"Anyway, let's find someone to ask what's going on now!"


Suzuki Satoru stopped him quickly, then looked at the group of people with disgust, shook his head and said: "I don't recommend asking these people for questioning. If you really want to know what happened during this period, I have a more suitable candidate. ."

Deng Yougang reacted immediately: "A former member of the Ainz Ooal Gown Guild?"

Suzuki Satoru smiled and nodded: "That's right."

After the three people reached an agreement, they immediately rose into the sky and disappeared from the sight of everyone around them.

The surviving vice-captain of the special operations team came to his senses and turned on the microphone with a complicated expression.

"Sir, the third-party magic source is not a monster, but three unknown magic awakeners!"

"I saw."

On the high building, a middle-aged man in military uniform looked bright and said in a deep voice: "According to the latest magic tester, the awakened person who just took action is at least S-level. Such talents cannot be attracted by other companies. Find his information as soon as possible and let him join our Watanabe Club!"


Not long after, in the eco-city, a private university was opened and operated by a super company.

A middle-aged and elderly professor with black and white hair and a slightly solemn face opened the door and walked into the office.

After arriving at the familiar chair, the professor took off his glasses tiredly, opened the drawer on the right, and looked at the portable VR game equipment inside that he had not touched for a long time.

"Sure enough, I still prefer the world in the game to the cold reality..."

The professor sighed in his heart, but then he shook his head and closed the drawer with some regret.

Since the incident a year ago, the landscape of the world has changed subtly. The prosperous game companies in the past no longer have exaggerated financial investment.

All resources and funds have been invested by major companies in the research of military industry and surreal power.

In other words, even if he wants to play now, he can't find any suitable games on the market.

However, even if he could find it, he probably wouldn't be able to indulge in it like he did back then.

"I'm really old..."

The professor smiled and shook his head, and immediately reached for the gold-rimmed glasses on the table.

At this moment, a slightly smiling voice came from the shadows in the corner of the office.

"Long time no see, Professor!"

The professor was startled, quickly put on his glasses, and looked in the direction of the sound with a frown.

At the same time, his right hand dropped slightly, reached into his pocket, and grabbed a disposable stun gun for self-defense.

"……who is it?"

"It's me, don't you recognize my voice, Suzaku-san?"

As a slightly familiar voice came, a young man in a black robe stepped out of the shadows, raised his hand to lift his hood, and looked at the middle-aged and elderly professor behind the desk with a smile.

Seeing the slightly unfamiliar face, the professor was stunned for a moment, and then said with some uncertainty:

"You are... Momonga?"

"It's me, you really still remember me, Death Beast Sky Suzaku!"

A smile of joy appeared on Suzuki Satoru's face.

After hearing the name ‘Death Beast Sky Suzaku’, the professor finally confirmed Suzuki Satoru’s identity.

His eyes widened, he suddenly stood up from the office chair and looked at Suzuki Satoru in front of him in disbelief.

"You...are you really Momonga?"

"Replacement guaranteed."

"But didn't I hear that you are dead?"


Suzuki Satoru was stunned for a moment, and then realized that the professor should be talking about the body he left in this world.

In this regard, Suzuki Satoru not only did not have any negative emotions, but also felt very happy.

"I never expected that, Suzaku-san, you would actually care about my current situation."

"...Don't blame me for opening the box privately and invading your privacy."

The professor gave a wry smile and said with emotion: "When people get old, they like to miss the past. Our experience in the game back then is also a good memory for me. Therefore, in my spare time, I will also quietly pay attention to yours. real situation."

"However, I know that many of you don't like to be pried into reality, so I have never mentioned it to you."

Having said this, the professor paused and looked at Suzuki Satoru with some surprise.

"But President, what's going on with you?"

"You died suddenly in the game warehouse, and it took a long time for you to be discovered by the landlord. Originally, the landlord planned to cremate and bury you directly. It was Peroroncino who paid for you to take care of your funeral. I even attended your funeral. , confirmed that you are indeed dead, but now..."

The professor did not continue, but Suzuki Satoru already understood what he meant.

Suzuki Satoru smiled and said: "It turns out that Peroroncino helped me handle the funeral. Yes, I have his phone number and friends. It is not strange that the landlord would contact him first."

The professor stared at Suzuki and said, "President, you know that's not what I care about."

Suzuki Satoru smiled and said: "I understand, I understand, I will explain to you about the resurrection from the dead later, but now, if you are still willing to believe me, please tell me what happened this year! "

"You are a professor at Watanabe University and a senior intellectual in Eco-City. You must know more inside information than ordinary people, right?"

The professor looked at him deeply, was silent for a moment, and finally said: "The matter started a year ago..."

Following the narration of the guild member ‘Death Beast Ten Suzaku’, Suzuki Satoru and the two people hiding in the mirror space finally learned about the situation in this world.

A year ago, almost three days after the server of the super-popular phenomenon-level game "YGGDRASIL" was closed, some blue portals suddenly and inexplicably appeared all over the world.

Many monsters that appear only in fantasy works emerged, as well as a kind of omnipotent and surreal energy named "magic".

At the beginning, most of the monsters emerging from the portal were very weak.

Even if this world has not developed much military-industrial power in the past few decades, it can still easily defeat those weak monsters with the modern firepower of the 21st century.

After killing the monsters, their bodies were transported to the research institute and laboratory.

Major companies around the world have begun to study the corpses of monsters, trying to master the power called magic.

But perhaps it is because of mankind's more in-depth research that the connection between the earth and other worlds has been greatly deepened, and the frequency of those blue teleportation ports has become more frequent.

The monsters that emerged from it began to develop from weak existences like goblins to demon wolves, giant snakes, trolls...

"I heard that on the other side of the sea, there was even an adult frost dragon in China. It's just that there are always hidden dragons and crouching tigers in that place. The largest population in the world gives them the largest number of awakened people in the world."

"There are a total of twenty-seven S-class awakened ones on the surface alone."

"The frost dragon that appeared in Jinghai City was defeated by five S-class awakeners, and the body was returned to the official..."

"Wait!" Suzuki Satoru frowned and asked, "What is the Awakened One?"

The professor said with a somewhat envious expression: "They are those with extraordinary magical talents. Their bodies can independently absorb the magical factors floating in the air, and thereby master the magical power and acquire many powerful skills."

"S-class awakened people are currently the strongest group of awakened people in the world."

"Of course, Awakened is just a unilateral name for us. Over in China, they call such people practitioners, and the standards for classifying levels are also different from ours..."

As he said that, the professor looked at Suzuki Satoru intently: "Although I don't have the talent of an awakened person, I have seen many powerful awakened people. I will never forget that kind of oppression that belongs only to awakened people in my life... "

"So, President, you also have magic power!"

Suzuki Satoru digested the information given by the professor, then nodded with a smile and said, "That's right."

The professor frowned and said, "What exactly have you experienced this year?"

Suzuki Satoru smiled and said: "To put it in the simplest terms...I went to the world on the other side of the portal!"


The professor's face was full of astonishment, and then he frowned and said: "Impossible! When the portal first appeared, all the major eco-cities tried to enter that world in reverse, but the portal only allowed exit, not entry. You are how……"

Halfway through the words, the professor suddenly reacted and murmured: "No, when you died, the portal had just appeared, and I saw your body buried with my own eyes. Could it be that... the key condition for entry is the soul?"

"I don't know about that."

Suzuki Satoru shook his head, then looked at him and smiled: "But if you really want to explore the truth, you might as well join me!"

"……join you?"

The professor looked at Suzuki Satoru blankly.

Suzuki Satoru smiled and said: "Well, I joined a powerful organization that can travel back and forth between the two worlds. They call themselves the Space-Time Administration, but I think this name may be made up by them casually."

"After all, according to you, the Awakened One only appeared a year ago."

"Before this, they had already mastered the method of time travel and had powerful power..."

"Of course, although they made it up very carelessly and the flaws are obvious, it is obvious that they don't care whether the lie will be exposed."

"Similarly, I don't care, because their power is real, and their means of time travel are also real."

"That's enough for me."

Having said this, Suzuki Satoru paused and looked at the professor with piercing eyes: "Having said all that, have you thought about it? Do you want to work with me to recreate the glory of Ainz Ooal Gown?"

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