Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 711 You are my great-great-grandson according to seniority

Fortunately, Deng Yougang didn't dwell too much on this matter. After mentioning it casually, he turned to look at Fu Guojian and asked: "Mr. Fu, let me take the liberty of asking, what is the approximate rank of the Jinghai City Cultivation Department?" Position?"


Fu Guojian hesitated.

Deng Yougang spoke again: "Then let me ask another question, do you have direct authority to reach the higher authorities?"

Fu Guojian hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

Deng Yougang asked again: "Are these six real-person practitioners qualified to hear national top secrets?"

The six practitioners were stunned for a moment when they heard this, and looked at Fu Guojian hesitantly.

Fu Guojian nodded without hesitation: "The twenty-seven real-level practitioners who have joined the Cultivation Department are our backbone. In theory, they are qualified to observe all top secrets related to extraordinary events."

Deng Yougang nodded and said: "That's no problem. Let me introduce myself again. My name is Deng Yougang. I come from a parallel universe. I passed through your world this time and saw your situation. I plan to help you. By the way, I will represent another Chinese and You build long-term cooperative alliances.”


Fu Guojian stared blankly at Deng Yougang, struggling to digest the shocking news he had just heard.

The six practitioners next to them also opened their eyes wide and looked at Deng Yougang and Bai Lang in disbelief.

"Parallel universe?"

"Another China?!"

Everyone looked at each other and could see the shock in each other's eyes.

Fu Guojian reluctantly calmed down, frowned and said in a deep voice: "Mr. Deng, personally, I am very willing to believe what you say. After all, even things like portals and monsters from other worlds will appear, and there is another one." Parallel universes are not surprising."

"But something of this magnitude is too important, and I can't answer it right away..."

"It doesn't matter!" Deng Yougang waved his hand and said with a smile, "I just put forward an intention first. We can wait for you to report the specific matters to those old gentlemen before we talk about it slowly. We have plenty of time."

Fu Guojian nodded solemnly and said, "Thank you, Mr. Deng, for your understanding."

Deng Yougang continued: "This is the first thing I propose as a Chinese."

"As for the second thing, it is my personal behavior and has nothing to do with the Pan-Chinese Alliance."

Pan-Chinese Alliance?

Fu Guojian was shocked by this concept, and then solemnly said: "You say it."

Deng Yougang smiled and said: "The organization behind me plans to develop offline here. I hope you can help me cooperate."

Fu Guojian hesitated and said, "This..."

Deng Yougang smiled and said: "Don't worry, the downline we develop belongs to a public welfare organization. As long as it can achieve the goals the headquarters wants, we will not care about other things."

"You can put in practitioners you trust. Whether it's using the power of the organization to do your own thing, or letting members of downline organizations take advantage of the headquarters, we will not interfere."

...Can you actually say it so openly?

Fu Guojian was confused by Deng Yougang's calm words.

After hesitating for a while, he cautiously asked: "Mr. Deng, can I ask about the name of your organization?"

Deng Yougang shook his head and said: "I can't tell you the name of the organization, but I can...well, let's tentatively call it the Space-Time Management Bureau!"

Time and Space Management Bureau...

Upon hearing the name, everyone in the conference room reacted quickly.

This so-called offline organization obviously came for the frequent out-of-control phenomenon of portals!

Master Changchun's eyes lit up and he quickly asked: "Is it the kind of transcendent force that hides behind the scenes and silently protects the earth?"

"That's right!" Bai Lang snapped his fingers and looked at him with an encouraging face and said, "How about it? Are you excited? Do you want to join?"

Master Changchun nodded repeatedly and said expectantly: "If you really don't interfere in the political and business circles and just want to maintain the stability of time and space, then please let me join!"

"Brother Yan..."

Fu Guojian looked at him helplessly.

Master Changchun said with a smile: "Brother Fu, don't you understand my character? I'm just moving my position, there won't be any problem, and I can help you explore the way."

Fu Guojian hesitated for a moment and said softly: "I'm sorry, Mr. Deng, but I have no right to make the decision on this second matter."

"If you two have nothing to do, please stay in Jinghai City for a few days. I will report your opinions to the headquarters immediately, and I will definitely give you a reply within forty-eight hours at the latest!"

Deng Yougang nodded and agreed. He didn't think these two things could be achieved so easily.

At least we have to give China in this world some time to hold a meeting and discuss it in detail.

Later, Deng Yougang and Bai Lang asked Fu Guojian about some situations in the world. Most of them were similar to what the professor said, except for some minor differences.

For example, when the portal phenomenon appeared.

On the Neon side, the first portal appeared on the day the game "YGGDRASIL" was closed, while on the Huaxia side, it was seven days later.

After hearing the news, Deng Yougang speculated that the so-called portal phenomenon should be inspired by the time-travel between the Lord God and Suzuki Satoru, and then spread around the world with Neon as the center.

The farther away you are, the later the portal will appear.

…but why?

Deng Yougang communicated with Bailang Yinchuan for a while, and then agreed that the problem should arise with the Lord God.

Since this guy can travel back from another world, it means that he has set up a space anchor point on the earth, and this space anchor point may be the culprit that caused the collision and fusion of the two worlds.

If this is the case, then there are only two questions left. One is how many spatial anchor points the Lord God has set up, and the other is which spatial anchor point the Lord God has teleported to the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick.

The first problem is easy to solve, just check the time when portals appear around the world.

The second problem is a bit troublesome, because the Lord God has the ability to travel between stars. If he does not put the real evacuation anchor point on the earth, it will be a bit difficult to find it.

"...Anyway, let's check out China first!"

Bailang and Deng Yougang exchanged messages and decided to investigate in China first.

Soon, the first exchange between the two and China in this world ended. Fu Guojian asked Xiao Zhang to entertain the two distinguished guests, and then hurriedly left the conference room, preparing to report the news he got from Deng Yougang to those Old gentlemen.

Afterwards, Bailang and Deng Yougang, led by Xiao Zhang, checked into the most exclusive hotel specially designed to entertain state guests.

And when Bai Lang saw the top game cabin displayed in the suite, he was so excited that he couldn't move his feet.

He couldn't wait to try the virtual game in this world, so he abandoned Deng Yougang without hesitation, lay down in it happily, and started his own game journey.

Although in this world, due to portals and awakeners, there are only ten online games on the market.

However, the virtual game market that has flourished in recent years has still left many high-quality stand-alone games, enough for Bailang to enjoy playing.

Looking at Bailang's figure lying in the game cabin, Deng Yougang sighed, turned to look at Deng Heying who was standing at the door and said: "Let's go, Xiaoying, take me to your house..."


Deng Heying looked at Deng Yougang's handsome young face with black lines on his head, and couldn't help but asked politely: "How old is Sir?"

Deng Yougang glanced at her and said, "Don't worry about how old I am. If I guess correctly, you should be considered my great-great-grandson in terms of seniority."

Deng Heying: "...?"

Not long after, in the floating car, Deng Yougang sat next to the car window, looking at Deng Heying who was starting to feel a little reserved opposite and smiled.

"Don't be nervous. Although your family's generation and skills are matched, who can say clearly about the parallel world? Maybe we are not related, it's just a coincidence!"


Deng Heying forced a smile, but still felt a little complicated.

Whether it's the sudden emergence of ancestors from multiple parallel universes or the loss of this mysterious and powerful relative, something doesn't seem right.

But in general, having multiple ancestors is better.

After all, this seemingly young visitor from another world in front of me is actually a peerless powerhouse who can purify the entire province with a wave of his hand!

Seeing Deng Heying become silent, Deng Yougang asked casually: "How did you move here?"

Deng Heying came back to her senses and explained softly: "When the country was building eco-cities in various places, my grandfather worked here, so he stayed nearby, married and had children with my grandmother, and started a family."

"After all, we haven't been back to our hometown for many years."

Deng Yougang nodded, visually checked her bone age, and asked with a smile: "Are you thirty-two this year? Are you married?"


Deng Heying's face became stiff, and it seemed that he saw the look of grandpa on Deng Yougang's face in an instant.

Deng Yougang frowned and said, "You haven't gotten married yet. Isn't it a little late?"

"Do you have a boy you like? Do you want me to help give you some ideas?"

Deng Yougang began to imitate his elders in the family and chattered endlessly, which made Deng Heying feel stiff and on pins and needles.

I have to say that the feeling of urging others to get married is still very satisfying. At least Deng Yougang enjoys this feeling.

But for Deng Heying, this was undoubtedly hellish suffering.

Finally, after twenty excruciating minutes, the aerial vehicle finally flew into the destination community.

As a sixth-level real-person practitioner, Deng Heying's treatment is naturally extremely high.

Her family also benefited from this and moved into a high-end residential area protected by Cultivation Ministry personnel.

Not long after, Deng Heying's famous brand floating car fell into the yard of a villa.

An old man who was boxing in the yard saw this scene and immediately lowered his arms and walked over with a smile.

"Xiaoying, why are you back today free? Oh, it turns out you brought..."

Halfway through the words, the smile on the old man's face suddenly froze, and he turned to Deng Yougang with a look of disbelief and exclaimed:

"Gao...Grandpa Gaozu?!"

Three updates tomorrow

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