Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 712 Recognizing the Ancestor and Returning to the Clan


Hearing the old man's words, Deng Heying's face was full of astonishment and he couldn't help but exclaimed.

Deng Yougang raised his eyebrows and looked at the old man in front of him with some scrutiny.

After the initial shock, the old man came back to his senses, looked at Deng Yougang with a complicated face, and then pulled Deng Heying aside.

"Xiaoying!" the old man whispered, "Grandpa knows that it's time for you to get married, but this young man is not ready to get married. He looks very similar to an elder in our family. Maybe he is the one who left descendants."

"If you test the genes, you can tell that we are cousins ​​within the fifth server..."

Deng Heying said in astonishment: "Grandpa, what are you talking about!"

The old man ignored his granddaughter's words, turned to look at Deng Yougang and smiled gently: "Sorry, young man, this man gets confused easily when he gets old. You look very similar to one of my elders. The old man didn't realize it for a while. I just admitted my mistake.”

Deng Yougang smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, but Gaozu should be the fifth generation ancestor. He is your grandfather's grandfather. Even though we are so far apart, have you seen his young appearance?"

The old man smiled and said: "There are ancestral graves in my hometown. When I was a child, I often visited the graves of my ancestors. My great-grandfather was also a wonderful man. After other ancestors passed away, the descendants were basically responsible. He left his last words and insisted on I had to use a photo of him when he was young, and I also left a QR code next to the photo. Just scan it and you can hear the epitaph he left during his lifetime..."

Deng Yougang burst into laughter, thinking that if he hadn't traveled through time, his original body might have had the same character.

Thinking of this, Deng Yougang asked softly: "Are you his direct descendant?"

If other young people asked these questions presumptuously in this tone, the old man would definitely be a little unhappy.

But the young man in front of him could not arouse his disgust at all. Instead, he felt an inexplicable closeness to him.

The old man shook his head and said with a smile: "Strictly speaking, that is my fourth great-great-grandfather. My close great-great-grandfather and him are brothers. As for the name, I remember it is Deng Youfu..."

Deng he a qualified person?

Deng Heying was slightly startled and couldn't help but look at the smiling young man in astonishment.

She remembered the name of this powerful man from the parallel world, it was Deng Yougang!

A smile appeared on Deng Yougang's face: "It turns out that he is a direct descendant of the eldest brother. No wonder he lives in Jinghai City. The eldest brother studied abroad and always had some problems with his family. If it hadn't suddenly appeared, a general who restrained the family immortals would appear. , he has long wanted to move to a southern city!"


The old man looked at Deng Yougang blankly, thinking for a moment that he was hearing hallucinations.

"You...what did you say?"

The old man asked in surprise.

Deng Yougang smiled, turned to look at Deng Heying and said: "Xiaoying, it would be a bit offensive for me to explain this kind of thing, so you should tell your grandpa!"

The old man came back to his senses, looked at Deng Yougang with a frown, and then turned to stare at his granddaughter.

"...Xiaoying, what does he mean by this?"

"When it comes to the name of our great-grandfather, you have to explain it clearly to me!"

Deng Heying glanced at Deng Yougang with complicated eyes, then sighed and said softly: "Grandpa, it's like this..."

As Deng Heying slowly told about the parallel universe, the old man's expression kept changing.

After hearing all the information, the old man took a long breath, looked at Deng Yougang, and asked with some hesitation: "You... no, are you... the ancestor of Yougang from the parallel world?"

Perhaps because Deng Yougang looked so young, the old man felt a little embarrassed when he said the word ancestor.

But this is human nature, and Deng Yougang doesn't care.

He smiled and said, "If the genealogy can match, then that's probably it."

The old man was surprised and happy, but he also had a sense of caution and concern in his heart.

After all, this kind of parallel universe situation had never happened before, and he didn't know whether he should regard the person in front of him as a clan member.

After a moment's hesitation, the old man asked doubtfully: "Why are you so young? Is the timeline of the parallel world different from this one?"

Deng Yougang nodded and said: "There are indeed some differences, but that is not the main reason."


"Because there has been extraordinary power similar to magic since the beginning of my world, and the fairies enshrined in my family are all real. In total, my natural lifespan has already exceeded four digits. Even if it takes a few hundred years, it will still be It’s still the same.”

Deng Yougang said calmly.

The old man and Deng Heying next to him were shocked when they heard this.

If your lifespan exceeds four digits, doesn’t it mean you can live for thousands of years?

This young ancestor from a parallel world is really amazing!

The old man's eyes were shocked, and he calmed down after a long time. He looked at Deng Yougang steadily and said: "Ancestor Yougang, your identity is of great importance. My grandson needs to discuss it with the elders of his hometown..."

Deng Yougang nodded and said: "Then let's come together. It just so happens that I also want to talk to them about the Deng family's main sect."

...the head of the Deng family?

The old man frowned slightly.

Deng Yougang glanced at him and said calmly: "You don't think that I have only been to your parallel world, do you?"

The old man's pupils shrank, and he couldn't help but said excitedly: "What do you mean..."

Deng Yougang nodded and smiled without saying a word.

After Deng Yougang joined the alliance, the Deng family in the northeast of the world under one person became the main sect of the Deng family in all the worlds.

In almost every world, the Deng family and the Chumaxian family in the Northeast are related to the Deng family where Deng Yougang lives, and because of their strong strength, they actively regard them as the main sect of the Deng family in all worlds.

Nowadays, every time Deng Yougang walks through the modern world, he basically has to contact the Deng family.

If the other party is interested, then accept it as a branch of the world and provide various resources and support.

If the other party doesn't have any intention, then he won't care and just treat it as a separate family that stands on its own.

After thinking clearly about Deng Yougang, the old man suddenly became excited.

After the portal phenomenon appeared, they discovered that the Jia Xian'er enshrined in their family actually began to have spirits, and the exercises passed down from their ancestors had also changed from their original purpose of strengthening the body to a real cultivation method.

Because of this, Deng Heying, the most talented young man, quickly became one of the twenty-seven strongest people in the country.

Other tribesmen who practice Kung Fu also progress much faster than ordinary people, not to mention the existence of family immortals in their families. The clan elders have secretly tested their strength and found that even the weakest family immortals have enough. Level five.

The strongest one even surpassed Deng Heying and became their trump card.

But even so, they only developed for just one year.

As for the Ancestor Yougang in front of him, spiritual energy existed in their world from the very beginning.

...The power to destroy a country, a thousand years of life!

The temptation is simply too great.

The old man only thought for less than a second before decisively deciding that he must get in touch with the Zong family!

Thinking of this, the old man solemnly said: "Ancestor Gang, please come with me!"


Deng Yougang nodded.

The old man turned aside respectfully and asked Deng Yougang to go first. Then he turned to look at Deng Heying and said: "Xiaoying, come here too. Grandpa's one-sided words may be regarded as the ravings of a crazy old man by those old people."

"If I want to convince these old stubborns, it's up to you!"

"...Yes, Grandpa."

Deng Heying sighed helplessly and took steps to follow.

That afternoon, the old man stayed with Deng Yougang and talked enthusiastically with the young ancestor from another world.

They had already contacted their hometown. After digesting this shocking news, the clan elders quickly found connections to confirm the facts, and then decided on the future policy of 'recognizing their ancestors and returning to their clan' in just one hour.

There is no way, who made Deng Yougang show such strength?

With such a thick thigh, anyone would hug it without hesitation, right?

Deng Yougang happily accepted the surrender of these Deng clan members and promised to go to the Northeast soon to fix a portal in the ancestral land for contact and communication with the main clan members.

In addition, he also promised to accept two disciples in the branch sect and teach him the main sect's skills.

There are also three family immortals worshiped by the branch clan who can contract with Deng Yougang for seven days. After Deng Yougang nourishes them with Qi for seven days, he will terminate the contract and let the three family immortals return to the clan.

These things were just a piece of cake for Deng Yougang.

But for the Deng family in this world, and even the entire Chumaxian family, this is an unprecedented opportunity.

Deng Heying's grandfather joked that there would definitely be a fight for these spots in his hometown.

Some clan members who are married to other members of the Chumaxian family may also reveal the news to gain support from other families and spread the war to the entire Northeast.

At this point, the old man couldn't help but sigh and said frankly that it was a pity that he couldn't go back to watch the fun.

Deng Yougang smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, just fight, as long as the junior sent over has real materials."

Speaking of real materials, the old man immediately thought of his genius granddaughter, and couldn't help but whisper: "Ancestor Yougang, look at my Xiaoying..."

Deng Yougang shook his head and said: "She is a genius and has already found her own way. I can help her take a step further, but I will not let her modify her skills specifically for this. This is for her own good. I hope you can understand."

"I understand, I understand..."

The old man nodded repeatedly, but a hint of disappointment could still be seen deep in his eyes.

At this moment, Deng Heying, who had remained silent, suddenly showed hesitation.

After thinking about it for a while, she said: "Grandpa Taizu, actually, I have a younger brother who is more talented than me. During the time when the portal first appeared, his cultivation progress was always ahead of the younger generation. First."

"Just because of something, he contracted a terminal disease unique to practitioners, and he is still lying in bed today."

"People in the Cultivation Department say that this terminal disease cannot be cured for the time being, but if it's you, there may be hope!"

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