Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 713 Spiritual Qi Depletion Disease

Yes, there is also Xiaorong!

The old man's eyes gradually brightened.

Because of that terminal illness, the Deng family had basically given up on curing Deng Herong. Even his grandfather subconsciously ignored his useless grandson in terms of disciple quotas.

But now, the family suddenly has a supporter that reaches the sky.

My grandson's terminal illness may not be as despairing as before...

Thinking of this, the old man quickly looked at Deng Yougang expectantly: "Ancestor Yougang, Xiao Rong is indeed the number one genius of our Deng family. It was only because of that terminal illness that his talent wasted. Do you... want to go and take a look?"

The former genius has become a useless person and can only spend the rest of his life lying in a hospital bed...

Isn’t this a perfect protagonist template?

Deng Yougang became interested instantly and said without hesitation: "Quick, take me to see it now!"

Jinghai City No. 1 Cultivation Hospital, Ward A 4.

Deng Yougang walked into the ward accompanied by the old man and Deng Heying.

A tall and beautiful girl was sitting next to the hospital bed, smiling and chatting with the young man on the bed.

Seeing Deng Yougang and the others walking into the ward, the girl was stunned for a moment, then quickly stood up and greeted with a smile: "Sister Ying, and Grandpa Deng, are you here too?"

"It's Xiaowen!"

Grandpa Deng stroked his beard with a smile and said kindly: "I'm really sorry for bothering you. You come to the hospital every now and then to chat with my Xiaorong. Even my own grandfather doesn't come as often as you do!"


The beautiful girl named Xiaowen blushed and replied in a sweet tone: "Yes... it should be."

When the young man on the hospital bed saw this scene, a helpless smile appeared on his weak face: "Grandpa."

"Haha, grandpa won't say anymore, grandpa won't say anymore..."

Grandpa Deng laughed happily, obviously very keen on teasing his children and grandchildren.

At the same time, the girl's face was so red that she seemed to be dripping blood. She secretly glanced at the helpless smile of the young man on the hospital bed, then lowered her head and said in a voice as small as a mosquito: "It's getting late, so I won't disturb you guys." Now, I...I'm leaving first!"

With that said, the girl grabbed the bag next to her and ran out of the ward as if running away.

Seeing this scene, Grandpa Deng and Deng Heying couldn't help laughing.

But in the middle of his laughter, Grandpa Deng glared at Deng Heying and said angrily: "Look at your brother, he has known how to find a beautiful wife for himself since he was a child. Look at you again, you are already thirty years old. I haven’t even talked to a boyfriend I could take home!”

The smile on Deng Heying's face suddenly froze, and then he sighed helplessly.

...Well, by accident, I brought the flames of war to myself again!

Seeing Deng Heying's reaction, Deng Yougang couldn't help but laugh.

The young man on the hospital bed was also smiling, but lurking under the smile was his scrutiny and doubts about Deng Yougang.

Based on his understanding of his sister, if his grandfather said this to her in front of outsiders, she would definitely become angry.

But now, she just smiled helplessly, without any feeling of shame.

This reaction usually only occurs in front of family members.

So now the question is, who is this handsome young man?

Just when the young man on the hospital bed was confused, Deng Yougang asked with a smile: "Who was that girl just now?"

Grandpa Deng immediately stopped blaming Deng Heying and explained with a smile: "She is a child from the courtyard, her name is Shang Xiaowen. She and our Xiaorong are childhood sweethearts. They went to school together and grew up together since they were young. They have a very good relationship."

"My son and daughter-in-law are also very satisfied with her, and there is a high probability that she will become my granddaughter-in-law in the future."

Hearing the old man's teasing words, Deng Yougang's eyes became weirder.

The childhood sweetheart of a genius boy, and even after the genius turned into a loser, he still never left her...

What about modern Xiao Yan? You have too many BUFFs, right? !

Deng Yougang couldn't help but complain in his heart.

The old man next to him suddenly sighed and said with some regret: "It's a pity that Xiaowen has no talent for cultivation. If she really gets married with Xiaorong in the future, she may have a harder life in the rest of her life..."

Well, the family tradition is pretty good.

Even though he knew that the other party had no talent for cultivation, he did not try to beat the couple. Instead, he treated her as his own child, worrying that the other party would not be happy because his husband was a practitioner.

This suits Deng Yougang's taste very well.

But...does this girl really have no talent for cultivation?

Deng Yougang raised the corners of his mouth slightly, as if he had discovered something interesting.

At this moment, the young man on the hospital bed said helplessly: "Grandpa!"

"Haha." Grandpa Deng said with a smile, "We are all family members, don't be shy."

"A member of your family?" The young man was slightly startled, then looked at Deng Yougang and asked tentatively, "Are you a brother from your hometown?"

Grandpa Deng's face darkened and he said in a deep voice: "What are you talking about? Big or small, please call me Grandpa Taizu!"


The young man's eyes widened and he looked at the three of them blankly.

Deng Heying chuckled. She had long wanted to see her brother's reaction after knowing Deng Yougang's identity.

Although she is ten years younger than her, she always behaves more maturely. Even when she suffers from a terminal disease like spiritual energy depletion, she only feels depressed for a while and then accepts the reality calmly.

She has been unhappy with this chaotic situation where they are more like brother and sister than brother and sister!

"Humph, didn't expect that you would also have today!"

Just when Deng Heying's heart was filled with satisfaction and joy, she suddenly found that her grandfather and Yougang's ancestors were all looking at her.

Deng Heying was stunned for a moment, then came to his senses and began to explain to his brother the origin and identity of Deng Yougang in a depressed manner.

There was no way, why did she and her brother have the lowest seniority in this ward?

If she wasn't allowed to explain, who could?

Hearing the shocking secret revealed by his sister, Deng Herong looked shocked at first, and then frowned slightly, glancing at Deng Yougang from the corner of his eye from time to time, his eyes seemed a little strange.

After listening, Deng Herong nodded.

"I understand, it turns out to be Grandpa Taizu of the parallel universe."

Grandpa Deng said with a smile: "Your grandpa Taizu has great magical powers and will definitely be able to cure your terminal illness. When the time comes, grandpa believes that with your talent and ability, you will definitely be among the two disciples given by our ancestors." A share!”


Deng Herong forced a smile, then turned to look at Deng Yougang.

"Grandpa Taizu, how should I cooperate with you?"

"Tell me what's going on with you first."

"Yes." Deng Herong nodded and said calmly, "The disease I have is called spiritual energy depletion disease, also called magic power depletion disease. This is a symptom that only appears in practitioners and awakened people. The spiritual energy will disappear uncontrollably and inexplicably, leaving the patient's physical condition always in a weak state of exhausted spiritual energy."

"After an incident half a year ago, I unfortunately contracted this disease and became the thirteenth patient in the country suffering from spiritual energy depletion."

"The medical staff from the Ministry of Cultivation conducted a comprehensive examination of my body, but no matter whether they used extraordinary means or technological means, they could not find the source of the disease or the reason for the disappearance of the spiritual energy, so they could only be tentatively classified as a practitioner. terminal illness."

"But fortunately, this disease will only make my spiritual energy dissipate, making my body weak and my limbs weak. It is not fatal."

"So now I can lie here and chat with my family..."

Listening to the young man's words, Deng Yougang had a thoughtful look on his face.

At this moment, the young man suddenly changed the topic: "Old ancestor."


"Before you check my body, why don't you let grandpa and sister out first!"

"...Go out?" Deng Heying looked at him in surprise and said, "I haven't seen anything about you, are you still shy?"

Deng Herong did not answer, but looked at Deng Yougang with bright eyes, and there seemed to be something different in his eyes.

Deng Yougang raised his eyebrows, thought for a moment, then turned around and said: "Xiao Rong is right, extraordinary means are no better than others, they require an absolutely quiet environment, and there must be no interference from strange spiritual energy. You... get out first!"

"...Yes, Ancestor Yougang."

Now that Deng Yougang said so, Grandpa Deng and Deng Heying looked at each other and could only turn around and leave helplessly.

After Deng Heying closed the door suspiciously, Deng Yougang raised his right hand slightly and waved horizontally, and blue energy erupted from his body like a shield, covering the entire ward in an instant.

After doing this, Deng Yougang turned his head and looked at the young man on the hospital bed.

"Okay, now that everyone is gone, I have also set up a soundproof barrier. If you have anything to say, just say it quickly!"

A shy smile appeared on the young man's face, and he said softly: "Ancestor Yougang, if my grandson guessed correctly, you should come from the world of the Chinese comic "Under One Person"!"


Hearing the young man's words, Deng Yougang's pupils shrank and he looked at the young man on the hospital bed in surprise.

The young man smiled and said: "It seems that I guessed it right. You are indeed from that world, and you also know the name Under One Person. This shows that you, like me, are time travelers who have read comics!"


Deng Yougang came back to his senses and looked at him silently. Suddenly he raised his hand and pressed it on his forehead, and a glistening blue light bloomed from his fingertips.

Faced with Deng Yougang's sudden action, the young man was a little panicked at first, but then he realized that Deng Yougang had no ill intentions towards him. This should be a method similar to spiritual detection.

Soon, Deng Yougang let go of his hand and looked at him with complicated and joyful eyes.

"I didn't expect that there was an unexpected gain during this trip."

"Deng Herong, you...are actually a time traveler!"

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