In the corridor outside the ward, Bai Lang walked beside Deng Yougang boredly.

"You go to deal with the Kingdom of Shadows, but what about me? I can't just sit idle, right?"

"If this is really the case, you might as well let me go back to playing games. My "Glory of the North" is only two endings away from being completed!"

Bai Langtu had a hard time expressing his innermost thoughts.

Deng Yougang glanced at him speechlessly, thought for a moment, and took out the ball of light that imitated the Lord God.

"Let's do this, Brother Bai, I'll give you the ball of light. If there is any movement from Suzuki Satoru, you can go to the Neon Islands to cause trouble."

"no problem."

Bai Lang took the ball of light enthusiastically, then glanced at Deng Yougang and asked tentatively: "Nothing else, then I'll go back?"

Deng Yougang sighed: "Go!"

A smile immediately appeared on Bai Lang's face, he speeded up without hesitation, and his figure disappeared in an instant.

At the same time, on the North American continent, civilian neighborhoods on the outskirts of the eco-city were built with the original site of New York as the center.

The black-haired boy in black sportswear walked on the foggy streets with his hands in his pockets and the cheapest gas mask.

Suddenly, five dark-skinned men also wearing gas masks stopped in front of him.

The leader's hands were empty, but dark reflective metal could be vaguely seen between the slightly open corners of his clothes.

The other four boys were holding knives and speaking words mixed with curse words quickly, as if they wanted to force the boy into the dark and narrow alley next to him.

The black-haired boy glanced at them, turned around without hesitation, and walked towards the dark alley.

The five big men showed ferocious smiles on their faces, and they all took steps to follow the young man.

Not long after, the black-haired boy walked out of the alley with a calm expression and his hands in his pockets.


The black-haired boy spit out a ball of mixed-colored magical impurities, looked at it with disgust, and said coldly: "Trash is trash, even the magic tastes like trash."

"You are obviously a human being, but do you like to eat people?"

"No wonder Ainz-sama always says that you and Shalltear get along well!"

A slightly amused chuckle suddenly sounded from behind.

At the same time, there was also a sense of fatal crisis like a needle prick.

Danger! Danger! Danger!

The black-haired boy's pupils shrank suddenly, and his sixth sense kept warning him.

Without hesitation, the black-haired boy decisively turned into a shadow and escaped into the shadow space that belongs exclusively to those with dark attributes.

In an instant, the world around him changed drastically.

The originally foggy street instantly turned into a dark space without any light.

The black-haired boy just stood on a dark platform that was so dense that it couldn't be dissolved, his brows furrowed, and his whole body tensely guarding the surroundings.

...The crisis has not been eliminated, which means that after escaping into the shadow space, he still did not escape the opponent's sight.


There was a sound like the sound of cloth being torn, and a white hole appeared in this dark space.

The black-haired boy's pupils shrank, and he did not hesitate to use his magic power to control countless darkness to gather on the surface of his body.

In an instant, the figure of the black-haired boy suddenly swelled, and his whole body stood up under the dense darkness, transforming into a jet-black armored knight who was more than 20 meters tall, wearing jet-black armor and holding a jet-black sword.

Two purple rays of light bloomed in the V-shaped helmet gap, staring at the white crack that was incompatible with the surroundings.

The next second, a long, white, almost perfect leg stepped through the white crack.

Then there was a figure with a graceful figure and an alluring appearance.

She has long purple-black hair and golden eyes. She wears a long white dress decorated with gold lines. There are two devil-like horns growing between her purple-black hair, and there is a pair of fallen angel-like jet black wings behind her, which are folded together. Wraps the lower body.

In addition, this beautiful woman who looks like an angel and a devil also holds a strange scepter in her hand.

The entire body of the scepter is black, and the handle below is like a black torch, lifting and connecting the suspended black ball at the top out of thin air.

"...The nothingness of reality?!"

The black armor knight's pupils shrank and he looked at the scepter in disbelief.

If he admits correctly, this scepter is one of the world-class props mastered by Ainz Ooal Gown, the real one!

[Real Nothing], also known as [Hell's Abyss], is taken from the original abyss in Nordic mythology, representing the nothingness before the creation of the world.

And its true effect is the most powerful 'object destruction' prop in the game. It is said that even the world itself can be easily split!

With such a world-class item in hand, it is no wonder that the opponent can easily break into his territory without the skill [Shadow Space].

The twenty-meter-tall black-armored knight looked down at his feet in silence.

The beautiful woman raised her head with a smile and looked at the black armored knight lightly opening her red lips.

"...Young man, what are you running for?"

"Do I look so unacceptable?"

The black-armored knight was silent for a moment, then said in a deep voice: "Are you Albedo, the guardian of the tenth level of the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick?"

"That's right." Albedo smiled and looked at the black-armored knight and said, "It seems that Lord Ainz has told you a lot of things..."

"Relax, I have no ill intentions towards you. You and I are both serving the Supreme Being. Although you do not have the honor of being created by the Supreme Being, I am still willing to treat you as a companion."


Albedo's eyes turned cold and she said calmly: "Put down your ridiculous guard and listen carefully to my orders from the Supreme Being!"

Hearing Albedo's words, the black-armored knight seemed expressionless, but in fact, he felt an uproar in his heart.

...The nothingness of reality, Albedo, and the Supreme Being? !

Has the Lord God successfully ruled the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick?

But even so, he should stay in another world to operate. How could he travel back to earth now?

The black-armored knight was filled with shock and confusion, as well as a strong sense of unwillingness.

As the representative of the main god, after the death of the main god, he could clearly feel that the contract deep in his soul had become loose.

If he keeps getting stronger like this, sooner or later, he will be able to break free from the shackles of the contract and gain true freedom.

But now, the Lord God actually appeared again, and even sent Albedo, a class guardian, to find him.

This is really... this is really...

The black-armored knight felt raging anger and unwillingness in his heart.

But on the surface, he still looked at Albedo quietly at his feet, and slowly said, "What is the Lord God's command?"

"Lord God? That's it. This is how you call the Supreme Being."

Albedo thought thoughtfully, then smiled and said: "Although there should be no problem with your title, I can tell that there is no genuine respect in your tone, so..."

Before she finished speaking, the [True Nothingness] scepter in Albedo's hand instantly transformed into a black giant axe, and then she held the giant ax in both hands and slashed forward.


In an instant, the rich darkness was torn apart by the black ax blade.

An extremely huge white crack started from the ax blade and spread forward. In the blink of an eye, the body of the black armored knight and the dark platform under his feet were divided into two halves.

The severe pain felt like his soul was being torn apart, and the black-armored knight let out a painful scream.

But even so, the black-armored knight still did not dare to take action against Albedo. He could only hold on to his body that was torn by white cracks, and while using the darkness to heal the wounds crazily, he fell to the ground like a jade pillar pushing down a mountain of gold. Get down on your knees.

Seeing the lowered head of the black armored knight in front of her, Albedo showed a satisfied smile on her face.

"Very good. If you don't have respect from the bottom of your heart, you can replace it with awe from the bottom of your heart."

"Then now, I will convey the latest instructions to you in the name of the Supreme Being..."

Not long after, the black-haired boy walked out of the shadow space with a gloomy expression.

He glanced at the foggy civilian neighborhoods around him, and suddenly gritted his teeth, releasing dark shadows from all over his body.

Countless shadows are like giant beasts lurking in the darkness, rushing into every house with the anger of the Shadow King. Before all the residents can react, they are completely swallowed up and turned into the magic reserves of the shadows.

In just a few minutes, the entire civilian neighborhood became silent.

Shadows were like rivers flowing into the sea, flowing into the black-haired boy's body from all directions.

The black-haired boy calmed down, put his hands in his pockets, and continued to walk forward slowly with an expressionless expression.

Two days later, in the conference room of the Cultivation Department Building in Jinghai City.

Fu Guojian looked at Deng Yougang opposite and said sternly: "We have thoroughly investigated the matter of the undead forces in the other world. We have not found any suspected locations within the country for the time being. However, we do not rule out that the other party's methods are too clever. With the help of the Ministry of Cultivation, The possibility that the ability cannot be discovered for the time being..."

"However, in this case, the timeline of the search may be stretched out very long."

Deng Yougang waved his hand: "It doesn't matter, we have plenty of time."

Having said that, Deng Yougang still feels that it is more likely that the Great Tomb of Nazarick is not in China.

After all, the Lord God's trip was obviously to escape him and Bailang. In this case, the transfer location required extremely high concealment. A place like China obviously did not meet his needs.

But even so, Deng Yougang still insisted on exploring here.

This is mainly because they are worried that the Lord God will play tricks on them.

Thinking of this, Deng Yougang asked again: "What about the Shadow Kingdom? Is there any news about them?"

Fu Guojian looked solemn and said, "Yes, and there are a lot of them!"

Deng Yougang raised his eyebrows: "Oh?"

Fu Guojian said with a solemn expression: "Just two days ago, many dark attribute awakeners, including Wuying, gathered from all over the world to many ecological cities in southern Asia. They can be photographed in public places without concealment. It looks like he is about to make some big move!"

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