Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 720 Doesn’t he dare to come himself?

...a big move?

Deng Yougang thought for a while and said in surprise: "They want to go north?"

Fu Guojian solemnly said: "It is possible."

Deng Yougang frowned and said, "But it's too obvious."

Fu Guojian nodded and said: "Yes, so we guess that the Shadow King may want to lure the tiger away from the mountain and attack the east and the west, but we still don't know which tiger he wants to lure away from the mountain..."

Deng Yougang listened to his cautious tone and said thoughtfully: "You don't mean to say that you want to talk to me, do you?"

Fu Guojian smiled coquettishly: "It is indeed possible, but in that case, the question arises, how did he know about your existence?"


Deng Yougang pondered for a moment, then said with a smile: "I understand, that is how you should react. As for the group of people gathered on the other side of the border, I will deal with it for you."

Fu Guojian smiled and said, "Thank you very much, Mr. Deng!"

The residential area of ​​the Cultivation Ministry family, the front yard of the Deng family's villa.

Deng Herong held a square-shaped painted halberd and was swinging it continuously under the guidance of the heroic young man next to him.

As early as two days ago, he had gone through the discharge procedures and was taken home by his sister Deng Heying. He began to practice the Deng family's art of inviting gods and one of the Eight Wonders of the Spirit at home.

Due to the special nature of Ji Ling Qian Jiang, Deng Yougang only let him practice to the beginning, then stopped practicing and switched to the art of inviting gods.

This is mainly because the follow-up training of Ju Ling sent generals requires the cooperation of spirits, and it is impossible for Deng Yougang to take out his own spirit and let him arrest him.

Those spirits who have been with Deng Yougang for a long time may not necessarily like this young boy, so there is a high probability that they will not cooperate.

Therefore, the art of praying to gods with more respect for immortals and spirits in the way of use has become the fastest way for Deng Herong to improve his strength.

Not long after, a stream of light fell from the sky and transformed into Deng Yougang's figure in the front yard.

"Brother Fengxian, how is this guy doing?"

"not so good……"

Lu Bu leaned on the weapon rack with his arms folded and curled his lips and said: "This boy has good talent in cultivation, but his talent in martial arts is really bad!"

Hearing this, Deng Herong couldn't help but smile.

Just as he was about to stop what he was doing, Lu Bu glared at him.

Deng Herong felt nervous and quickly continued to wave the Fangtian Painted Halberd in his hand.

Deng Yougang walked over with a smile: "The halberd technique is not good, but the technique of inviting gods should be fine, right?"

Lu Bu nodded slightly and said, "That's true, but do you really intend to let a certain family become the first soul in his contract?"

"With his current cultivation level, if he signs a contract with a certain family, he will probably not be able to contract with a second person for a long time. And a certain family will follow you to travel all over the world. If you leave this world, then Wouldn't he have to have a long blank period..."

Deng Yougang smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, aren't there still generals who can be sent to the army?"

With that said, Deng Yougang turned to look at Deng Herong and said: "Besides, we are about to take action against the Kingdom of Shadows. You don't want to just sit back and watch in the next battle, right?"


Deng Herong nodded solemnly: "Uncle Bu, signing a contract with you is not only my ancestor's arrangement, but also my choice."

Lu Bu said calmly: "Then there won't be any problem with this family."

Deng Yougang smiled, turned around and walked towards the villa next to him.

"Come on, without further ado, let's start now!"

Deng Herong perked up, quickly stopped what he was doing, put Fang Tian's painted halberd on the weapon stand, and followed quickly.

Five minutes later, a dazzling blue light burst out from all the windows in the entire house.

The blue light lasted for about ten minutes, and then gradually faded away.

Not long after, a brand-new Deng Herong walked out of the villa in high spirits. His original height of 1.78 meters had been raised to 1.85 meters. His muscles, which had atrophied due to being bedridden for many years, also bulged, making the shirt on his body bulge.

"Is this the power of Lu Bu, the best in the world?"

Deng Herong looked at his strong hands and murmured to himself.

Lu Bu, who came out from behind, sneered, shook his head and said, "Boy, you're still far away!"

Deng Herong smiled shyly, raised his hand to grab the square-shaped halberd, and started dancing vigorously.

Compared with before, this time not only did his moves look more impressive, but the halberd was also swung with mysterious force, which could even pull the gravel and dust on the ground to fly up, and draw out lines with his movements. One arc after another.

Lu Bu said proudly: "Although it is just the beginning of a certain method, it is enough for you!"

"...Uncle Bu said yes!"

Deng Herong stopped, paused slightly with Fang Tian's painted halberd in his hand, and poked a hole in the solid floor tile.

At this time, Deng Yougang had also walked up to them, looked at Deng Herong and said with a smile: "Xiao Rong, with Brother Feng here, your current strength is enough to be on par with the level 100 NPCs in the game."

"And such power can already sweep away all members of the Shadow Kingdom except the Shadow King!"

"So, I plan to ask you and Xiaowen to go to the south and eliminate all the members of the Shadow Kingdom gathered there. Are you confident?"

Deng Herong glanced at the noncommittal Lu Bu beside him, nodded firmly and said, "Yes!"

Deng Yougang nodded: "Very good, I have arranged for someone to take Xiaowen to the Cultivation Ministry Airport. You can leave this afternoon!"

Deng Herong held Fang Tian's painted halberd, clasped his fists with both hands, and said respectfully: "I will definitely live up to our ancestors' expectations!"

That night, Deng Herong and Shang Xiaowen had already left Jinghai City on a fighter plane.

Deng Yougang stayed in Jinghai City and took charge, while other members of the Cultivation Department acted as usual according to their supposed reactions.

Many ecological cities, including Jinghai City, have dispatched some of their manpower to the south to defend against the Shadow Kingdom.

In addition, Deng Yougang also specially dragged the reluctant Bai Lang up and asked him to conduct a high-altitude inspection throughout the province.

It can be said that Deng Yougang was quite wary of the Shadow King who was promoted to heaven by the Cultivation Ministry. He believed that he had a powerful combat power comparable to a full-level player in the game, and that he was probably already connected with the main god's soul.

In the dark night, at the mouth of the river on the outskirts of Jinghai City, thick shadows clung to the water flow, quietly climbing up the coast with the ebb and flow of the waves.

Not long after, shadows sneaked into Jinghai City, blending into the darkness between the tall buildings.

For the world's strongest dark attribute awakener, night is his home court, and all the dark corners among high-rise buildings are oceans where he can swim at will.

Relying on the ability to jump at will in the shadow, the Shadow King arrived at the bottom of the Cultivation Department building at an extremely fast speed.

In terms of speed alone, his speed has already exceeded several times the speed of sound, but he can still do it quietly and not attract any attention.

This is the advantage of dark attribute awakeners and the main reason why they are called 'natural assassins'.

It can be said that if Deng Yougang was not there, he could completely avoid the perception of all practitioners, sneak into the Cultivation Department building quietly without anyone noticing, and steal the Cultivation Department's top secrets.

Unfortunately, this time he faced a powerful existence that surpassed his common sense...

In the empty building, Deng Yougang stood in front of the huge floor-to-ceiling window, letting the faint moonlight shine in from the window, forming a trapezoidal moonlight and human-shaped shadow behind him.

Suddenly, the human shadow behind Deng Yougang squirmed.

A dark line as thin as a hair suddenly shot out from it and poked at the back of Deng Yougang's head.


There was a crisp sound similar to the collision of metal, and the Shadow King lurking in the shadows was suddenly startled.

His shadow thread is composed of pure dark attribute magic power, and its strength is comparable to military alloy steel.

Ordinary metal is as fragile as tofu in front of the shadow line, and even the armor plate of a tank can be easily penetrated by it.

But such a hard shadow line actually hit a wall on this seemingly ordinary young man, and even his scalp...

The Shadow King suddenly shrank his pupils and looked at the twisted shadow line with numbness.

‘No, it’s not the scalp, it’s the hair! ’

‘My shadow thread is not as strong as his hair! ’

'How can this be? ! ’

At this moment, the young man with his back turned slowly turned around, looked down at the shadow at his feet and said lightly: "The majestic Shadow King actually sent only one horse boy to sneak into the place I was guarding..."

"Why, doesn't he dare to come by himself?"

The faint words were heard in the empty room, making the Shadow King lurking in the shadows unable to react for a moment.

After understanding the meaning of Deng Yougang's words, the Shadow King felt a trace of long-lost shame and anger in his heart.

The next moment, a more solid shadow line shot out from the shadow under the young man's feet.

The dark silk threads reflected the dark light under the moonlight, accurately shooting into the young man's eyes at a speed that exceeded the sound barrier.


A clearer voice sounded than before.

The dark shadow line stopped in front of the young man's pupils, unable to move any further.

The Shadow King looked at the young man in astonishment. He saw blue rays of light flowing around his body, forming a protective shield of blue rays of light that clung to his body, firmly protecting the rays of shadow that came from him. Fixed in front of the eyes.

Although the shadow line was only one centimeter away from the pupil, the young man didn't even blink.

He just gently raised his hand, pinched the shadow thread that was locked by the blue light and entered part of the blue light shield between his two fingers, and then broke it with a slight force.


In the shadow king's unbelievable eyes, the young man actually broke his shadow thread so easily.

Then, the young man rubbed back and forth with two fingers, grinding the broken shadow thread into powder, and said thoughtfully: "With this level of strength... I understand, you should be a member of the Five Shadows level, right? !”

The plot has been streamlined and the progress needs to be accelerated. There will be two updates today and the second update in the evening.

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