Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 721 Are you the Shadow King?

You should be a member of the Five Shadows level...

A member of the Five Shadows level...

Be a member...

Deng Yougang's sudden voice echoed in the mind of the Shadow King.

The Shadow King stared blankly at the young man in front of him, and then became furious. many years!

How many years have I not been humiliated like this in person?

Anger and shame surged in the Shadow King's heart.

He did not hesitate to use his magic power to shoot out countless shadow threads from the shadow under Deng Yougang's feet.

Thousands of shadow threads were densely intertwined, shooting at the young man's undefended body from all directions.


"Qiang Qiang Qiang——"

As countless sharp sounds broke through the air, all the shadow lines that were shot were blocked by the seemingly thin blue energy shield on the young man's body.

Deng Yougang endured the bombardment of thousands of threads and looked down at the shadows under his feet in surprise.

"I'm telling you, haven't you seen it yet?"

"This level of attack...has no effect on me at all!"

As the last words came out, Deng Yougang suddenly stretched out his right arm.

The palms wrapped in blue light stretched towards the ground with thousands of threads, forcibly bending all the shadow lines on the path, like a piling board inserted into the shadow under the feet.

The Shadow King sneered and spoke while controlling the shadow thread.

"It's useless, my shadow body...what?!"

Before he finished speaking, the Shadow King was shocked to find that the blue light extending from Deng Yougang's palm actually caught his body hidden in the shadows!

"Come out!"

Deng Yougang laughed ferociously, grabbed the creature in the shadow with his right hand and yanked it outward.

In an instant, a human-shaped shadow was pulled out of his own shadow by Deng Yougang.

The originally rich darkness fluctuated violently under the envelope of blue light, and soon returned to human form from the shadow state, transforming into an ordinary-looking black-haired boy.

The black-haired boy fell to the ground and looked at his hands in shock.

" is this possible?!"

"how did you do it?!"

Deng Yougang chuckled and said lightly: "It's just the most basic elementalization method. There's nothing surprising. The flame elementalization expert I know can divide his body into thousands of flames, even if there is only a trace of flame left. , can also be revived to peak condition instantly..."

"Your meager means are still far from enough!"

As Deng Yougang spoke, he looked thoughtfully at the face of the black-haired boy who was obviously Asian.

"Are you Chinese?"

"No, Neon Man!"

"That's not right, oh~ I know, it turns out he is a country thief!"

Deng Yougang denied himself twice in a row, and then suddenly revealed the origin of the black-haired boy.

The black-haired boy's face darkened, and a thick shadow instantly spread out behind him.

Countless darkness filled the entire room, even climbing up to the huge floor-to-ceiling window, preventing the moonlight outside from shining in.

In just an instant, the entire room became pitch black, with only the blue light on Deng Yougang's body still shining slightly.

The black-haired boy looked at Deng Yougang with a cold expression, and retreated into the darkness... Well, why can't he retreat?

The black-haired boy was slightly startled and looked forward in disbelief.

I saw Deng Yougang holding a crystal ball emitting silver light in his hand, looking at him indifferently and saying: "I heard that dark attribute awakeners have some abilities similar to the space system, so I made some preparations in this regard. "

"What a pity, your boss didn't come, only Ponyboy came..."

That’s it again!

The black-haired boy was instantly furious, roared, and controlled countless shadows to surge away.

"The Devouring Shadow!"

In an instant, a stormy sea arose in the dark room, and countless shadows came crashing in like a tidal wave.

Deng Yougang looked calmly at the wave of shadows in front of him. His originally dark eyes gradually turned into vertical pupils, and the muscles on his body also swelled.

At the same time, black scales emerged from his exposed skin, covering his neck, arms and cheeks in the blink of an eye.

Deng Yougang raised his right arm wrapped in black scales, looked at the black-haired boy through the shadow tide, and said lightly:

"You like to eat, right?"

"Then eat more - purifying nuclear light!!"

As Deng Yougang shouted, a bright blue light bloomed in the dark room.

All the shadows illuminated by the cyan light disintegrated into pure dark attribute magic power in an instant.

Countless darkness squeaked under the illumination of nuclear energy, and the shadows on the floor-to-ceiling window glass were all dissolved, allowing the blue light in the room to bloom, becoming the most dazzling place in Jinghai City under the night sky.

At the same time, the black-haired boy collapsed to the ground, struggling and curling up with pain on his face.

Under the illumination of blue light, his originally fair skin turned into a flowing texture similar to pitch black slime, and black smoke emitted from his body like a gathering of shadows.

The dark magic power all over his body boiled under the irradiation of nuclear light, and dark blood flowed from his mouth, nose, and ears.

"This...what is this?"

The black-haired boy screamed in pain, as if every cell in his body was collapsing and dissolving.

Deng Yougang's palms bloomed with blue light, he glanced at the curled up black-haired boy and said with a smile: "It's just a small gift!"

"It's a pity that you can't bear it. If you can really swallow this power, you might be able to surpass your Shadow King!"

Hearing such regretful words again, the black-haired boy finally couldn't bear it anymore.

He widened his eyes with black blood flowing, glared at Deng Yougang in front of him who was covered by blue light, and shouted in a broken voice: "What is my shadow king? I am the shadow king!"


Deng Yougang was startled for a moment, then came back to his senses and looked at the black-haired boy rolling back and forth on the ground in surprise.

"...What? Are you the Shadow King?"

"No, didn't that guy swallow up many dark attribute awakeners a long time ago?"

"Even if it is just a simple accumulation of magic power, it must be at least a hundred times that of an ordinary S-level awakened person, right?"

"How can someone be so weak like you?"


He actually called me weak? !

The Shadow King's eyes widened and he looked at Deng Yougang in disbelief.

Immediately afterwards, an extremely oppressive emotion surged into his heart.

Indeed, as the strongest dark attribute awakener in the world, his magical power is comparable to the sum of all the remaining dark attribute awakeners.

But nearly 90% of the dark attribute magic power was stored in his exclusive skill [Shadow Space].

Therefore, his strongest posture can only be shown in the shadow space. Without the shadow space, his strength will be almost useless.

But even so, his power is still far beyond that of ordinary S-class awakeners.

With such strength, as long as it is not targeted by the outside world, the entire earth can come and go freely, but from Deng Yougang, he can only get a surprised comment of "Why are you so weak"...

"...Damn it!"

"If that strange crystal ball hadn't blocked my ability, I would have let you taste the power of the Shadow King!"

The black-haired boy endured the pain throughout his body, gritted his teeth, and glared at Deng Yougang and the crystal ball in his hand.

Deng Yougang raised his eyebrows, looked at the crystal ball in his hand thoughtfully, and then said with a smile: "Don't think about it, we are all adults, don't act so childishly."

"Although I also want to see how powerful you are, in comparison, it's more important not to let you run away!"

The black-haired boy shouted angrily: "Do you think I will escape?"

Deng Yougang glanced at him in surprise, then sneered, shook his head, and turned to look out the floor-to-ceiling window.

Soon, a blue stream of light streaked across the horizon, shattered the glass, and landed next to Deng Yougang.

"Is there any movement on your side?"

Bailang asked casually while turning his gaze to the young man on the ground.

"Yeah." Deng Yougang nodded and said with a smile, "I caught a big fish, well, I should say, maybe a big fish."

Bailang asked in surprise: "What do you mean?"

Deng Yougang looked at the black-haired boy with strange eyes and said: "This guy claims to be the Shadow King, but I'm a little unsure because his mind is too immature, as if he is a minor who has not passed the second stage of high school."


Bailang glanced at him speechlessly, and then hesitantly said: "Is it possible, I mean possible, that the people who established a deformed organization like the Shadow Kingdom have immature minds?"

Deng Yougang was slightly startled and said thoughtfully: "It makes sense!"

Bailang continued: "You think the Shadow King is a mentally deformed pervert, but in fact, he is nothing more than that!"

"Why don't you scold someone!"

The black-haired boy shouted angrily.

Bailang glanced at him and said disdainfully: "Childish."

The black-haired boy's eyes were about to burst, and he was so angry that he opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of dark old blood.

Deng Yougang was amazed and could not help but give Bailang a thumbs up.

Bailang didn't care, looked at the black-haired boy and said calmly: "However, even if he is just a Hanbi, he is still a Hanbi who has killed countless people."

"Gangzi, search the soul and ask for information, and then send him back to the west!"

Deng Yougang nodded, then held the crystal ball and walked over under the frightened eyes of the black-haired boy.

Not long after, Deng Yougang put away his right hand that was shining with blue light, and then leaned over the crystal ball in his left hand.

In an instant, there was a flash of silver light, and the unconscious body of the black-haired boy disappeared from the ground.

Seeing this scene, Bai Lang asked in surprise: "Why not kill him?"

Deng Yougang glanced at Bai Lang and said, "Brother, you have forgotten that I promised my grandson-in-law that I would give her the magic power of the Shadow King. If I kill him now, wouldn't I be breaking my promise..."

Bailang frowned and said, "It's just magic power, can't we just take it away?"

Deng Yougang shook his head: "This guy has a skill called Shadow Space. Normally 90% of the magic power is stored in that space. This time, because of the void cage, he was unable to contact the Shadow Space, so he suffered such an aggrieved defeat. .”

Of course, even if he could use 90% of his magic power, the result would be the same.

Bai Lang understood what he meant and nodded: "Okay, let's keep him alive for now... Where is the other information?"

Hearing these words, Deng Yougang's expression suddenly became strange.

Bai Lang asked curiously: "Tell me, why don't you continue talking?"

Deng Yougang thought about it for a while and said somewhat depressedly: "It's nothing, it's just... I seem to be thinking too much."

"This guy sneaked into Jinghai City under the orders of the Lord God to investigate the fact that the air in the entire province was purified by me some time ago."

"The big move of Shadow Kingdom is just to attract the attention of the Ministry of Cultivation. It has nothing to do with the two of us..."

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