Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 724 Super Magic Heavenly Sword

As he spoke, Bai Lang held the scepter in his right hand and waved it horizontally, and the dark scepter instantly transformed into a dark sword.

This is the transformation ability of the world-class prop [True Nothing], which can be transformed into various weapons, while retaining the original world-class prop's ability to never be destroyed and its super ability to destroy objects.

It's a pity that this thing is specialized in destroying objects, but it is somewhat inferior to people.

But it doesn't matter, just the ability to not be destroyed is enough to satisfy Bailang.

The reason why he still doesn't have any decent weapons is firstly because his main body's ability is too powerful to use, and secondly because most weapons cannot withstand his long-term energy output.

But [Real Nothing] is different, it will not be destroyed or deteriorated.

No matter how much nuclear energy it withstands, it won't be a problem.

"What a good thing!"

Bai Lang touched the black sword and sighed again.

At the same time, Suzuki Satoru recovered from the shock and quickly jumped towards Bailang.

"Mr. Bai, why are you here?"

"...What do you think?"

Bai Lang glanced at him angrily, then glanced at the nuclear explosion ruins around him and complained: "You have made such a big noise, can I not come over to take a look at the situation?"


Suzuki Satoru twitched the corner of his mouth, and then looked worriedly at the direction of Albedo's fall.


Bai Lang smiled and said, "Don't worry, she won't die."

As the guardian of the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick, Albedo is naturally not easy to get close to.

The reason why Bai Lang was able to kill her easily was because, in addition to crushing her with absolute strength and speed, he also had some unique skills.

The punch he threw did not carry any killing intent, nor did it leak any aura related to living things, just like the clouds floating aimlessly in the sky and the breeze blowing through the forest.

In the words of Xianxia, ​​Bailang has integrated into the world, and his every move does not contain any targeting or hostility.

In game terms, Bailang uses special skills, which reduces his presence by 100% and increases his hit rate by 100%.

This level is far from being considered a magical power. It can only be said to be some humble means belonging to the immortals.

Hearing Bailang's words, Suzuki Satoru breathed a sigh of relief. Just as he was about to continue saying something, he noticed the terrifying magic power fluctuation coming from below.

Suzuki Satoru quickly looked down and saw Albedo floating slowly among the ruins after the nuclear explosion. Her white dress was replaced by a black full-body armor, and she was holding a black giant ax in her right hand. , holding the pitch-black Kite Shield in his left hand, with terrifying magic power rising all over his body that could be seen with the naked eye.

In the V-shaped hollow on the helmet, two dots of fierce scarlet lighted up, staring intently at the white waves in the sky and the real thing in his hand.

"That's the treasure bestowed upon me by the Supreme Being...How dare!"

Albedo's chest heaved violently, her eyes staring at the white waves in the sky with great anger.

The next second, Albedo soared into the sky and struck Bailang's lower body with a giant ax.

Bailang raised his brows, avoided the swing of the giant ax at a faster speed, and then punched Albedo in the body.


Albedo, who soared into the sky, flew back at an even faster speed and crashed into the charred ruins, sending up smoke and dust all over the sky.

Bai Lang held the big black sword upside down in his right hand, raised his fist with his left hand, and pretended to pump his fist while saying seriously: "For the sake of the guy next to me, I don't want to kill you, but you'd better not force me. if not……"

"Go to hell!!"

An angry voice came from the smoke, and a black light shot out instantly, wielding a giant ax to strike at Bailang.

Bailang looked helpless and could only keep dodging the violent swings of the giant ax. Soon, he seized the opportunity, ducked below Albedo, and carefully swung at Albedo in the air. One punch.

In an instant, violent force roared out, hitting the dark armor hard.

The blue power penetrated the armor, started from Albedo's back, and shot toward the sky in a radial pattern.

Viewed from a distance, it looked like a giant blue sword rising from the ground, roaring towards the sky, shattering all the smoke, clouds and even the black fog in the atmosphere into pieces.

"...It's broken. It seems I still can't hold it back."

Just as Bailang was thinking this, Albedo, who was hit from the front, suddenly started to move.

She didn't even spit out a mouthful of blood, and as if she was unscathed, she waved the black giant ax and slashed at Bai Lang's head viciously.


The pitch black ax struck hard on Bai Lang's head, and was blocked by his extremely strong black hair.

Bailang didn't even sway, he just held the pitch-black ax on his head and looked at Albedo in amazement.

"Okay, you can actually resist my punch!"

"This is something that even Sebas in his dragon-like state has not been able to do!"

"...Sebas was also killed by you?"

Albedo's eyes lit up with a fierce red light, and then she roared angrily, swinging her giant ax wildly to slash Bailang's body.

Bailang was no longer too lazy to deal with it now. He ignored Albedo's attack and turned to look at Suzuki Satoru curiously.

"Explain me, what's going on?"


Suzuki Satoru stared blankly at Albedo, who was swinging his ax wildly, and Bailang, who was looking calm.

The word 'be careful' was already on his lips, but he couldn't say it anymore.

After a moment of silence, Suzuki Satoru suppressed the shock in his heart and explained: "Albedo has a special skill that can completely transfer the damage he receives to the armor. If he is attacked by an attack that exceeds the durability of the armor, the armor will Destruction starts from the innermost layer.”

"And this set of artifact-level armor on her body is composed of three layers of inner, outer and inner armor. Therefore, in theory, she can withstand three infinitely powerful attacks without any damage..."


Bai Lang's eyes lit up, and then he looked at Albedo with interest.

Albedo's pupils shrank, and she instantly sensed an extremely deadly sense of crisis.

She quickly stopped swinging the ax, ducked and distanced herself, and kept breathing under the armor.

" is this possible?!"

"Who the hell are you?!"

Bailang smiled and said, "Tell me the location of the Great Tomb of Nazarick, and I will answer you."


Albedo's eyes lit up with a fierce crimson light, and her figure continued to grow under the armor.

Suzuki Satoru was startled for a moment, and immediately understood that Albedo had been forced to activate her true form.

Although Albedo's race is that of a succubus, his true form is not.

In the original novel, Shalltear once mocked Albedo, calling her a big-mouthed gorilla. Based on this word, readers of the novel speculated that Albedo's true form might be the Gaga Titan in the Cthulhu Mythos.

It was a huge black monster with black hair all over its body, four arms, two eyes growing on both sides of its head, and a ferocious huge mouth that grew vertically, splitting vertically from the top of its head to its chin.

From the appearance, it fits the description of a large-mouthed gorilla very well.

Moreover, this kind of ugly real body is also in line with the bad taste of the creator "Cuiyulu" in terms of contrast.

"Suzuki Satoru." Bailang suddenly asked, "Are you sure she can withstand three infinitely high attacks?"

Suzuki Satoru came to his senses and said hesitantly: "That's the theory."

"very good."

A smile of eagerness appeared on Bai Lang's face.

Just when he was about to give Albedo a big one, a white star suddenly lit up in the sky.

Bailang noticed the terrifying magic power fluctuation, immediately stopped his movements, and turned his head to look at the sky in surprise.

In the night sky that was washed away by the blue power, a white light that was more dazzling than the surroundings lit up from the bright moon, and then grew bigger and bigger in everyone's field of vision.


The field of vision was zoomed in, and an extremely huge white holy sword was falling down with a crushing force.

Accompanied by a loud roar like a falling meteorite, an extremely terrifying wave of magic power fell from the sky and locked onto Bailang...

Suzuki Satoru looked at the sky in shock and couldn't help but exclaimed.

"It's super magic [Sword of Heaven]!"

The Heavenly Sword, as the name suggests, is a super-magic that imitates the space-based weapon 'God's Staff', and is also a cosmic weapon that specializes in attacking buildings.

After releasing the magic, the white 'Sword of Heaven' will fall from the universe, superimposing the magic and falling damage at the same time, causing super-wide AOE damage that far exceeds that of a nuclear explosion.

In the game, this move does the highest damage to buildings.

But in reality, it's definitely more than just architecture.

Based on Suzuki Satoru's previous performance in releasing the ninth-level magic [Nuclear Explosion], if this [Sword from the Sky] really fell, it would definitely sink the entire Neon Island in an instant.

Thinking of this, Suzuki Satoru couldn't help but look at Albedo.

I saw that she had stopped changing her body shape and looked at the sky with some confusion.

Immediately afterwards, Albedo's jet-black armor dissipated and she put on a pure white dress, looking at the sky with a smile.

Seeing this scene, Suzuki Satoru couldn't help but have a complicated expression on his face.

The super magic that can sink Neon Island will naturally kill Albedo.

But judging by Albedo's appearance, she seems to have accepted her fate and is ready to die with her enemies...


At this moment, a blue teleportation magic circle appeared out of thin air.

The figure of the professor walked out and anxiously grabbed Suzuki Satoru's arm.

"Come on, Momonga, Neon Island is going to be over, it's not too late to leave now!"


Suzuki Satoru did not move, but turned to look at Bailang first.

Now that Albedo is his enemy, he has no obligation to save her, but Mr. Bai is different, he... huh?

Suzuki Satoru was slightly startled and found that Bailang's reaction seemed a bit strange.

Because he didn't care at all about the white holy sword falling from the sky. Instead, he stared at the bright moon behind the giant sword with some surprise.

On that heroic face, the corners of his mouth suddenly raised slightly, revealing a hint of mockery that seemed to be a smile but not a smile.

"Finally...finally found you!"

"Lord God, Lord God, do you think that the most difficult thing for us is the decisive battle with you?"

"No, the most difficult thing is the process of finding your lair!"

As Bai Lang's hearty laughter spread, his figure, which was already nearly two meters tall, skyrocketed again. Dark scales sprouted from the skin all over his body, floating in the air like a hornless dragon.

Then, he opened his mouth full of sharp teeth and aimed at the holy sword and the moon in the sky.

"Supernatural power—exploding star nuclear light!!"

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