Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 725 The Forbidden Zone of the Universe

As Bai Lang opened his huge mouth full of sharp teeth, blue light lit up three inches in front of his sharp teeth.

The next moment, a cyan-blue light pillar with a solid texture burst out, radiating wildly towards the sky.

Violent energy fluctuations washed away at the edge of the blue light pillar, causing Suzuki Satoru and others nearby to retreat in shock, not daring to look directly.

In the sky, blue light beams shot from the ground, penetrated the sky, and continued to grow in size on the way to the sky.

When it came close to the heavenly sword falling from the sky, the diameter of the blue light pillar had expanded to tens of kilometers, like a bright river of light flowing straight up against gravity, swallowing up the white holy sword hundreds of meters high in an instant .

The terrifying blue energy penetrated the clouds, shattered the gray fog, and killed all flying monsters existing in the black fog.

Even the seemingly astonishing sword in the sky continued to collapse and disappear under the wash of azure energy, and finally collapsed completely.

And the mighty blue light pillar is still running high into the sky as always, like a golden cudgel stirred by Monkey Sun, piercing all the way from the human world on the ground into the lofty Nine Heavens, and then completely getting rid of the earth and rushing into the universe. .

Looking from the universe, an extremely tall blue-blue lone peak seems to have grown out of thin air on the blue planet, connecting the earth and the universe like a space elevator in science fiction works.

This scene was captured by numerous satellites in orbit.

All humans who observed this scene looked horrified.

"What is this?!"

"Is it magic?"

"Who can have such terrifying means?"

"Quick! Observe its starting point and calculate its path..."

"Report, sir, the result has been calculated. seems to be heading for the moon!"

In ecological cities around the world, all humans who were observing the cyan light beam looked at the calculation results in front of them in shock.

"...the target is the moon?"

"What does it want to do?!"

While humans were shocked and anxiously discussing countermeasures, Bailang excitedly increased his energy output.

After leaving the earth, the blue light pillar finally broke away from its restraints and began to skyrocket crazily horizontally.

After just moving tens of thousands of kilometers in space, the diameter of the blue light pillar easily reached thousands of kilometers, and at the same time, its momentum continued unabated and rushed towards the bumpy moon.

On the moon, the transferred Great Tomb of Nazarick also noticed the energy fluctuations coming from the universe.

Lord God Split Soul No. 3 was holding the 'Staff of Ainz Ooal Gown' and stood on the ground above the Great Tomb of Nazarick. Together with No. 8 beside him, he looked at the blue light on the horizon with shocked faces.

No, it’s a bit outdated to say it’s light, it should be said to be Gwanghae!

No. 3 had only seen energy of this scale in the light ball of the main god himself.

But even the Lord God himself cannot waste the energy in his body like that guy on Earth!

"Damn it, that could he be so powerful?!"

No. 3 let out a desperate roar, but then was forced to calm down by the green light that lit up on his body.

"No. 8, I miscalculated. The opponent is stronger than I thought. We must evacuate the moon immediately."

"But the teleportation magic circle that moved the Great Tomb of Nazarick is still cooling..."

No. 3 interrupted without hesitation: "Then give up the Great Tomb of Nazarick and all the NPCs, and only take away the artifacts and world-class props. Leave the green hills behind and don't worry about running out of firewood."

No. 8 hesitated, nodded and said: "This is the only way..."

"What can I do?"

A slightly smiling voice suddenly sounded.

No. 3 and No. 8 were slightly startled, and then wanted to turn their heads with horror on their faces.

But at this moment, an invisible ripple passed through their bodies, and their magic power, bodies, and even the thoughts that controlled the bodies were firmly trapped in the frozen space.

Subsequently, invisible ripples took this place as the center, swept across the entire moon in just a few seconds, and collided with each other on the other side of the moon corresponding to this place, completing a closed loop of space confinement that affected the entire moon.

In just the blink of an eye, the entire moon was frozen by some kind of power.

In this completely frozen space, only three figures can move.

They were Lin Zhongtian, Yamu and Danas who had just arrived from Mount Olympus next door.

Looking at the huge blue sea of ​​light in the sky, Lin Zhongtian couldn't help but sigh.

"Bai Lang is such a reckless man, he really plans to destroy this moon!"

After discovering the blue light pillar that penetrated the sky and the earth, Deng Yougang, who stayed in China, instantly realized that his good brother seemed to have accidentally had fun again, and actually planned to take action directly and smash the entire moon in the universe!

Although this move also means that Bailang discovered that the location of the Lord God is on the moon, there are many ways to deal with the Lord God, and destroying the moon is by no means the best solution.

On the contrary, this solution is quite bad.

Because in the long process of evolution, the earth-moon system has achieved a delicate balance and harmony.

If the entire moon were suddenly destroyed, the impact on the earth or life on earth would be catastrophic.

The first is that the tidal force brought by the moon will disappear, and the oceans on the earth will lose the ability to rise and fall. As a result, various marine and amphibious creatures that rely on tides for survival, and even the entire biosphere, will be greatly damaged.

At the same time, the disappearance of the moon's gravity will cause the tilt angle of the earth's rotation to change.

Regardless of whether this change becomes larger or smaller, it will make the earth's environment no longer suitable for human habitation.

To give the simplest example, if the earth tilts more sharply, the consequence is likely that the South Pole or the North Pole will always face the sun...

Of course, the above are only part of the effects of the destruction of the moon.

In addition, the four seasons disappear, the climate becomes unstable, the earth's rotation speed slows down, the time of each day becomes shorter, and many biological clocks, including humans, will be disrupted and many other major impacts.

Considering the above influences, Deng Yougang took out the Void Jade Card without hesitation and chose to contact Boss Lin.

There is no way, although the earth is not that fragile, life on the earth is quite fragile. Even if life as a whole has strong self-healing ability and adaptability, it will take a lot of time and even lives to accumulate.

Deng Yougang didn't want to see mankind suffer such a disaster, so he had no choice but to shake people.

Lin Zhongtian obviously attached great importance to this matter, and immediately rushed over with Yamu and Danas.

Looking at the vast blue sea of ​​light in the sky, Lin Zhongtian turned his head and said with a smile: "Yamu, how about you come?"

Yamu was startled for a moment, then nodded, and slowly floated up.

Soon, from a cosmic perspective, a violent blue light beam shot out from the moon, and violently collided with the cyan blue light beam against the backdrop of the vast universe.

In just an instant, all matter at the center of the collision was annihilated.

The violent energy swept away in all directions, easily destroying a large number of meteorites and cosmic floating objects with a radius of tens of thousands of kilometers.

Such a terrifying impact range, if placed on the earth, would be enough to cleanse the entire surface in an instant.

But on the scale of the universe, it is not even one-tenth of the distance between the earth and the moon.

On Earth, Bailang noticed the force that was competing against him. He was slightly startled at first, and then quickly stopped the energy output.

Not long after, the weak cyan-blue light pillar was finally completely offset by the blue energy.

But the energy will not disappear just like this. The impact of the collision and annihilation of the two still remains in the universe between the earth and the moon, forming a death zone filled with dangerous energy rays.

The terrifying energy even distorts the space, making the energy tide in this space become radiant.

If observed from the outside, the space with a radius of tens of thousands of kilometers seems to be as magnificent as a colorful ocean.

But Lin Zhongtian knew that hidden under this magnificent spectacle was a deadly murderous intention full of death.

Not to mention the cultivators and awakened people on earth now, even a star-class battleship capable of interstellar navigation will be torn into countless pieces the moment it enters this ocean of energy.

Considering the danger of this forbidden land of death, Lin Zhongtian took a step forward, and his body instantly crossed the space and came into the violent ocean of energy.

Then, he waved his hand and used his space authority as the Lord of the Void Gap to seal off this tens of thousands of kilometers of energy ocean, forming an absolute forbidden area that life could not enter.

But after doing this, Lin Zhongtian thought for a moment and raised his hand to add a threshold standard setting to this restricted area.

From now on, only those strong enough to reach the threshold standard can enter this restricted area of ​​the universe and practice with the help of the energy ocean.

Thinking of this, Lin Zhongtian couldn't help but smile.

He can already imagine that in the future, a powerful person from the earth will step into the universe and practice with the help of this ancient ocean of energy.

But they would never have thought that these seemingly terrifying energy oceans were actually just the aftermath of the fight between two people...

Lin Zhongtian thought happily as he took another step across space and returned to the moon.

"What's wrong, boss, are you so happy?"

Danas asked curiously.

Lin Zhongtian came back to his senses, shook his head and said: "It's nothing, I just remembered some happy things..."

With that said, Lin Zhongtian turned his attention to No. 3 and No. 8, who were imprisoned in space.

"The two separated souls also took away the bones of the Bone King and Heiro Heluo respectively, plus the full-level NPC in the Great Tomb of Nazarick. Not to mention, the power of the main god in this world is really strong. Even Mr. Even Zhao’s Daxia Dynasty may not be able to handle it.”

"But it's a pity that you met Bailang's hanging wall."

"And...there's me too!"

Lin Zhongtian looked at the two of them indifferently, and with a slight raise of his hand, he pulled out the two souls and locked them in the void cage.

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