Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 728 Hongmeng Space (Part 2)

"The void gap, I see, that's what you call the void gap..."

Hongmeng nodded thoughtfully, and then said with a smile: "I really didn't expect that a being like fellow Taoist could actually be born in the void gap. I thought that his essence was the same as the endless void. It was absolutely impossible. Giving birth to innate consciousness!”

Lin Zhongtian picked up the tea cup, and while sizing up the suspicious gray liquid in the cup, he said lightly: "It is true that the void gap cannot give birth to innate consciousness. I control that space the day after tomorrow!"

"……the day after tomorrow?"

Hongmeng was stunned for a moment, looked at him in surprise and said, "What do you mean..."

Lin Zhongtian nodded and said calmly: "Yes, I used to be the kind of life you think I am."

Hongmeng stared at him blankly, suddenly slapped his thigh, and exclaimed: "Can the life after tomorrow reach the level of fellow Taoist?"

"It seems that I really underestimate the life the day after tomorrow..."

Lin Zhongtian smiled slightly, picked up the teacup, and took a cautious sip.

In an instant, the rich Hongmeng spiritual energy filled his whole body, constantly washing and sublimating this body. At the same time, it reborn and evolved to a higher level in a way that was far more intense than the gray mist.

Realizing this, Lin Zhongtian couldn't help but be a little surprised.

You know, the main clone is the strongest of all his clones at the moment.

Its body has evolved to such a high degree that even the effect of the gray mist has been weakened. However, such a powerful body actually evolved again after drinking this unknown cup of tea.

Moreover, the scope of evolution is large and the speed of evolution is far beyond the previous level of absorbing gray fog.

"What is this?"

Lin Zhongtian couldn't help but ask while looking at the tea cup in his hand.

Hongmeng smiled and replied: "Hongmeng's Qi, or Hongmeng's spiritual energy."

"It is the most original chaotic force in Hongmeng Space, and it is also the most common thing in Hongmeng Space."

"Of course, pure Hongmeng Qi does not have this effect. It will only be like the gray mist in the void gap, dissolving all matter that enters the Hongmeng space into the original Hongmeng energy..."

Lin Zhongtian looked at his right hand and wondered, "Then what's going on?"

Hongmeng heard the words and said with a smile: "Fellow Taoist should know that before I find a way to leave Hongmeng space, I can only stay in that space full of chaos, and in that space, there is only Hongmeng Qi. .”

"So, the only thing I can do is to continue to study the Qi of Hongmeng for endless years..."

Hearing Hongmeng's words, Lin Zhongtian couldn't help but nodded repeatedly, with a look of empathy on his face.

This time, he could really understand Hongmeng's feelings.

Because when he first entered the void gap, he was 'imprisoned' in the dark and silent space like a Hongmeng. He could only face the boundless gray fog and the endless void all day long...

To be honest, if it weren't for the special nature of the void gap that made him find the new world so quickly, maybe he would be like Hong Meng said, and in the endless years, he could only enjoy studying the gray fog.

But Lin Zhongtian and Hongmeng are different after all. Hongmeng is born sacred. Even if he mentions endless years, his face is indifferent, but Lin Zhongtian has the cognition of being a human being.

If he really had to spend endless boring years, the human part of him would soon collapse completely...

Hongmeng smiled and said: "The cup of tea that fellow Taoist just drank contains a method I developed. It will transform your body into a mysterious physique unique to Hongmeng space. I call it Hongmeng's body."

"Although this physique is not as good as the void body of fellow Taoist, it is stronger than the body sitting here."

"I you like it, Taoist friend?"


love it!

Lin Zhongtian sighed in his heart. Counting the one in front of him, he had met three big creators.

But compared to the previous two, this Hongmeng boss seemed particularly generous, and he actually gave out a gift of the level of the Hongmeng Body right away.

And when Lin Zhongtian heard the words 'Hongmeng Body', he finally knew which world this boss came from.

It is the Hongmeng two-part series of a certain red plant - "The Transformation of the Stars" and "The Coiling Dragon"!

Among them, the Hongmeng space after the protagonist finally transcends, and Hongmeng, the creator of the universe, are no different from what Lin Zhongtian encounters now!

Lin Zhongtian had naturally read these two books, but they were already so long ago in his memory that he did not react immediately.

"Thank you fellow Taoist for the gift."

Lin Zhongtian smiled and thanked Hongmeng.

Hongmeng also smiled and said nonchalantly: "You're welcome, fellow Taoist. The gray mist in the void gap has the same origin as Hongmeng's energy. Even if I don't take action, sooner or later, fellow Taoist will have his own body of gray mist." .”

"However, isn't the word gray fog a bit too...indecent?"

Lin Zhongtian couldn't help but look a little weird when he heard the word "indecent" from Hongmeng's mouth.

After pondering for a moment, he asked with a smile: "Do you have any suggestions, fellow Taoist?"

Hongmeng's eyes lit up, and he quickly wrote out the draft he had already prepared: "Ashes are the embers of fire, mist is the origin of earth's energy, fire is flame, and earth is yellow, why not call it the body of Yanhuang!"

"...Can this also be involved?"

Lin Zhongtian looked at Hongmeng speechlessly.

Hongmeng said with a smile: "Don't care if it's far-fetched or not, fellow Taoist, just say, this name is inelegant!"

Lin Zhongtian gave a thumbs up and accepted Hongmeng's name unceremoniously.

Afterwards, the two sat on both sides of the stone table, looking at the endless sea of ​​gray fog, and began to talk.

Of course, talking about Taoism is actually two great beings with similar experiences communicating with each other.

Lin Zhongtian, as the more 'knowledgeable' senior among the two, would use all kinds of means in the world from time to time to let the big man who had just left the Hongmeng space see the world and the lives of hundreds of millions of people. The crystallization of wisdom.

Hongmeng will comment on this, or praise it, or help confirm and improve this method.

After that, no matter how much time passed, the middle-aged man transformed by Hongmeng suddenly stood up from the stone bench.

There was still a ball of blue light condensed in Lin Zhongtian's palm, and he looked at him with a somewhat surprised expression: "Fellow Taoist?"

Hongmeng turned his head, looked at Lin Zhongtian and said solemnly: "Fellow Taoist, please come with me!"

Lin Zhongtian frowned and asked subconsciously: "What do you want to do?"

Hongmeng said solemnly and solemnly: "Open the sky and create the world!"

Lin Zhongtian was startled for a moment, then couldn't help but stand up and stared at Hongmeng blankly.

From the exchange just now, he already knew the timeline of Hongmeng Universe. At this time, Hongmeng had just found a way to leave the world and had not yet created the universe in Hongmeng space.

Of course, the plots of the novels "The Change of Stars" and "Coiling Dragon" have not yet been staged.

In the original work, Hongmeng once personally told Linley Baruch, the protagonist of "Coiling Dragon", that he suddenly thought of creating the universe in a flash of inspiration.

But in this world, Hongmeng was actually reminded of the idea of ​​creating a world by him.

Thinking of this, Lin Zhongtian couldn't help but smile, and he became more and more interested in this matter.

Without hesitation, he immediately accepted Hongmeng's invitation and stepped into Hongmeng's space, preparing to watch Hongmeng's creation.

Hongmeng Space is a floating island of the same style that was just created.

The clone of the God in the Forest, which had evolved into the body of Hongmeng, stood on the edge of the floating island, looking at the middle-aged Taoist transformed into Hongmeng beside him.

At this time, the middle-aged Taoist held the Hongmeng Qi in his hand, and while dividing the Hongmeng Qi into thousands of energies, he explained softly to Lin Zhongtian.

"Actually, I have had the idea of ​​creating a world before, but every time such an idea comes out, the fate of countless worlds and countless lives will clearly appear before my eyes."

"From that moment on, I knew I was destined to create the world."

"And all the worlds created by me will be completely under my control."

"Whether it is material energy, rules and authority, or the fate of individual lives, everything is in my eyes."

"This boring world that can be seen to the end at a glance really makes me lose the slightest interest."

"So, I have not started to create the world for so many years until I met fellow Taoist."

After saying that, Hongmeng turned his head and glanced at Lin Zhongtian: "Since fellow Taoist is also an acquired life, it means that the potential of acquired life is by no means as simple as what I see in my eyes."

"As long as there are enough and the time is long enough, sooner or later there will be life that is not under my control!"

Lin Zhongtian frowned and said, "Is this the purpose of your creation?"

Hongmeng nodded and said: "Yes, I created the world just to find life that can break the constraints of the universe!"

"If such a life really appears, I would like to let it be on the gold list and become the same existence as you and me!"

As Hongmeng made a declaration, a golden inscription appeared in front of the two of them from scratch.

This golden list is about six meters long and half a meter wide. It has a mysterious mark printed on it. Behind the golden list, there is also a blurry special mark about the same size as the golden list, like flowers in the mist.

These two marks were originally similar to the Mark of the Void.

But when Lin Zhongtian saw them, the two marks suddenly began to change, gradually transforming into the two traditional Chinese characters "Hong" and "Meng".

Seeing this scene, Lin Zhongtian had already guessed the identity of this thing.

But he still asked: "Fellow Taoist, what is this?"

Hongmeng said with a smile: "This is my companion treasure, called the Hongmeng Golden List. It is originally my right-hand man to control Hongmeng Space, but I am willing to open it to all lives in Hongmeng Space in the future."

"As long as there is a life that can break the shackles of the universe, it can be listed on the Hongmeng Golden List and become the 'Hongmeng Controller'!"

"And once he becomes the controller of Hongmeng, he will share my authority and power and become the supreme existence in this world!"

Having said this, Hongmeng turned to look at Lin Zhongtian and asked with a smile: "Fellow Taoist...are you willing to be on the list?"

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