Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 729 Creation of the World

...It looks very similar!

Lin Zhongtian looked at the golden list floating in front of him with a strange expression, feeling as if he had been plotted by the Taoist in front of him to get on the list.

But the Hongmeng Golden List is not a list of gods after all, and the Hongmeng Taoist in front of him is by no means a great being that Shen Gongbao can match.

His move to invite Lin Zhongtian to the list was sincere, and the golden list he took out was also the foundation of a great avenue comparable to the Hongmeng Purple Qi.

If Lin Zhongtian remembers correctly, if he is on this list now, he can become a first-level Hongmeng controller alongside Hongmeng. If converted to the prehistoric world next door, he would be a physical saint comparable to Pangu.

Such a temptation, if it were someone else, he might have agreed directly.

But Lin Zhongtian didn't.

Because he remembered the time when he and Hongmeng had just met.

The power Hongmeng possesses is obviously several orders of magnitude more powerful than Lin Zhongtian at the moment, but even so, the speed at which his consciousness spreads in the gray fog sea is still not as fast as Lin Zhongtian.

This shows that the void gap is also quite special in the face of such existences.

Moreover, recalling the two big creators he met before, Lin Zhongtian suddenly felt that inherently divine beings like them might have some inherent responsibilities and restrictions.

Be it God, Ilúvatar, or even Hongmeng, whom I just met, he said, ‘I am destined to create the world.’

They are the first "beings" born from "nothing" in their own world. Even if they control everything, they have to be deeply bound to the world and shoulder the responsibility of creating the world like Pangu.

Taking this into consideration, Lin Zhongtian finally decided to reject Hongmeng's invitation.

It is impossible for him to give up his identity as the Lord of the Void Gap for a Hongmeng Space.

"Really, that's such a pity..."

The middle-aged Taoist transformed by Hongmeng showed a look of regret on his face.

But soon, He put these things behind and began to devote himself wholeheartedly to the great cause of creating the world.

First, He regarded the Qi of Hongmeng that filled the Hongmeng space as one, and then evolved two from this one, that is, Tao generates Yin and Yang.

The two qi of yin and yang interact to form a third harmonious force that balances the two, so it can be called "harmony qi".

And when the Yin Qi, Yang Qi and Harmony Qi interact, the entire dark space is like a splendid big explosion, and thousands of unique powers are derived from the differentiation in an instant.

Metal, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, thunder, light and darkness...

Countless different basic elements turned into a gleaming starry sky, evolving rapidly in front of Lin Zhongtian.

This means that Tao gives birth to one, one gives birth to two, two gives birth to three, and three gives birth to all things. All things bear yin and embrace yang, and inject qi into harmony!

Lin Zhongtian looked at the scene in front of him of Taoism transforming all things in fascination.

Hongmeng, who was creating the world in front of him, seemed to feel a sense of joy and fun that he had not seen for a long time, and began to speed up the creation of the world.

In this way, I don't know how long it took, and the thousands of evolving energies finally intertwined into a chaotic ball like a chicken. This was the first universe created by Hongmeng.

He named this universe the main universe, and evolved the five elements of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth from it as the foundation of the main universe.

Later, He introduced the two qi of Yin and Yang to surround the five elements, forming a closed-loop situation of mutual generation and mutual restraint, which greatly stabilized the basic form and power system of the main universe.

After determining the framework of the main universe, the rest is filled with some boring rules.

The so-called three thousand avenues and eight hundred side doors may be the self-evolution of the way of heaven in other worlds, but in the first world created by Hongmeng, it was filled continuously from scratch by him alone.

As Hongmeng continues to insert the power of various rules into the main universe, the world framework of the main universe gradually becomes clear.

Lin Zhongtian could see clearly from the side that Hongmeng was using the gift package of Chinese knowledge he passed on to create a universe of immortality with his personal understanding and personal taste.

As for why it is said to have Hongmeng’s personal understanding and personal taste, just look at the general structure of the world and you will know.

The world of human beings, the world of immortals and demons, and the world of gods and goddesses ascend one after another, with distinct levels, and the level of gods is still higher than that of immortals.

The knowledge that Lin Zhongtian passed on to him did not have such a clear division of realms. It was entirely Hongmeng's own personal understanding...

Since then, a hierarchical universe of cultivating immortals has been successfully created.

If Lin Zhongtian remembers correctly, the world in which the future novel "The Change of Stars" is set is the world created by Lin Lei, the protagonist of "Coiling Dragon", based on this world.

Looking at the empty main universe, Hongmeng said thoughtfully: "This universe seems a little unstable!"

Lin Zhongtian said casually: "If it's not stable, then create a few more subsidiary universes!"

Hong Meng's eyes lit up: "What a great idea!"

Just as he said, Hongmeng immediately began to create a new subsidiary universe next to the main universe.

At the same time, because the subsidiary universe relies on the main universe, it does not need to be as detailed as the main universe in terms of stability. Therefore, Hongmeng only divided the power of Hongmeng into the four basic energies of earth, fire, fengshui, and gave birth to many derivative energies such as lightning, light, and darkness.

This time, with the experience of the main universe, Hongmeng's creation speed became faster and faster, and his techniques became more proficient.

I don't know how much time passed after that, but four smaller subsidiary universes finally appeared next to the main universe.

At this moment, the middle-aged Taoist transformed by Hongmeng also had a powerful aura that was difficult to describe in words. It seemed that his body of Hongmeng had been further upgraded and evolved into a more powerful existence.

Lin Zhongtian looked at him with interest.

"Fellow Taoist, what is this?"

"Xuanhuang Immortal Body."

Hongmeng slowly opened his eyes and explained with a smile: "After the creation of the world, a special power condensed in my body. This special power is the strongest limit that Hongmeng's space can contain, so I named it Xuanhuang Qi."

"And the body transformed by Xuanhuang Qi is the 'Xuanhuang Immortal Body' that surpasses the 'Hongmeng Body'!"

Having said this, Hongmeng smiled, summoned the Hongmeng Golden List again and asked: "Fellow Taoist, do you want to think about it again? I have already understood the complete means of creating the universe. As long as you are willing to be on the list, I can use these means." It is passed down to you in its entirety.”

"At that time, as long as my fellow Taoist also creates a universe, he will be able to obtain a Xuan Huang Immortal Body equal to mine!"

To be honest, Lin Zhongtian was indeed a little moved by Hongmeng's invitation.

Because he could sense that the Hongmeng Taoist in front of him brought him more oppression than Iluvatar and God.

This shows that Hongmeng's foundation is stronger than that of the previous two creators. The Xuanhuang Immortal Body at the same level as him may be a very powerful magical skill among existences at the creator level.


Lin Zhongtian pondered: "Does being on the list require me to give up my identity as the Lord of the Void Gap?"

Hongmeng smiled and said: "Before I created the world, there was no need, but now, it is necessary."

Lin Zhongtian frowned and said, "Why?"

Hongmeng said sternly: "Because I have sworn that the life after tomorrow can only be on the Hongmeng Golden List by breaking through the constraints of the universe."

"As the master of the void gap, fellow Taoist, the subject consciousness has already returned from acquired sacredness to innate sacredness, so it is no longer within the constraints."

"But if fellow Taoists list on the list with their subjective consciousness, they will be rejected by the void gap and will instead focus on the Hongmeng space."

"Only by dividing the consciousness and allowing distractions that are not the Lord of the Void Gap to be on the list will they not be rejected. However, in this way, the differentiated consciousness of fellow Taoists belongs to acquired life and will be bound by the oath."

"That's why I said that to be on the list now, you need to give up your identity as the Lord of the Void Gap..."

So you could actually have sex for free before?

Lin Zhongtian felt a dull pain in his heart, feeling that he had missed a great opportunity to possess the Creator's clone.

Hongmeng saw the undisguised look on Lin Zhongtian's face and understood that the other party had actually rejected his invitation, so he waved his hand regretfully and made the golden inscription in front of him, which represented the foundation of the avenue, disappear again.

But even so, Hongmeng is still unwilling to give up.

He still persistently wanted to find a companion for himself.

So he said again: "Fellow Taoist, if you are really unwilling to give up your identity as the Lord of the Void Gap, there is nothing you can do. You just need to separate part of your consciousness and walk in the universe I created."

"In the future, if you break the shackles of the universe and step into the Hongmeng space, you can be on the Hongmeng Golden List as a clone!"

Lin Zhongtian glanced at him and said, "You want me to create a trumpet? Isn't this too cheating?"

Hongmeng laughed and said: "If you want to pursue fairness, fellow Taoist, you can seal your memory yourself~"

As he spoke, Hongmeng's face straightened and he explained: "Fellow Taoist, please don't refuse in a hurry. I don't just want to trick you into being on the list. Reincarnation is also a good thing for you. According to my observation, fellow Taoist and creation are not the same." Like me before, I only know the Avenue of Chaos. Although it has thousands of different powers, it is still like a castle in the air, and there is a lot of risk."

"It was also during the process of creation that I sorted out all the power systems from scratch, and then created the Xuanhuang Immortal Body."

"If you don't mind it, fellow Taoist, you can travel around my universe and use my insights to improve your own power..."

Hearing Hong Meng's words, Lin Zhongtian was really moved this time.

As Hongmeng said, although he has countless powers and methods at his disposal, those methods are basically based on gray mist. He himself has never practiced any kind of power system as Hongmeng said.

Even the Purple Spirit Bamboo clone in the world of immortality actually relies on gray mist to directly become an immortal.

The so-called cultivation to the golden elixir, Yuanying, and divine transformation is actually just the gradual unfolding of the original immortal body and has nothing to do with cultivation.

After thinking for a moment, Lin Zhongtian smiled and said: "Since fellow Taoist has kindly invited me, I would be disrespectful to refuse!"

"However, I don't plan to enter the universe created by fellow Taoist right now..."

Hongmeng was startled for a moment, then his mind suddenly moved, and he suddenly said: "So that's it!"

"In this case, please ask fellow Taoists to leave Hongmeng Space first!"

"When the time comes, I will go to the void and visit fellow Taoists..."

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