Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 730 Reincarnation into Tribulation

After leaving Hongmeng Space, Lin Zhongtian stayed in the second void gap and continued to swallow the gray mist with expectation.

I thought the waiting time would be very long, but I didn't expect that just one year later, Lin Zhongtian would see Hongmeng again.

At this time, Hongmeng was already very different from the person he was a year ago.

Lin Zhongtian could clearly detect the ancient charm of the other person that seemed like the universe itself...

Looking at the body condensed in the gray mist, Hongmeng chuckled and said: "Fellow Taoist, the time has come to enter the disaster!"

Lin Zhongtian seemed to realize something, and immediately frowned and asked: "You closed the Hongmeng space and adjusted the flow of time?"

Hongmeng nodded and smiled: "That's right."

Lin Zhongtian said in surprise: "How long has it been since Hongmeng Space?"

Hongmeng thought for a while and said calmly: "About a thousand generations."

Lin Zhongtian asked doubtfully: "Yan Ji?"

Hongmeng smiled and said: "Oh, this is the time measurement unit I created based on the revolution period of the four subsidiary universes around the main universe. If converted to earth time, the first generation period is about sixty-four billion years!"

Lin Zhongtian: "..."

In other words, he and Hongmeng have not seen each other for a year, and Hongmeng and he have not seen each other for countless billions of years.

Lin Zhongtian didn't dare to think about such a long time, but Hongmeng not only dared to think, but even dared to do it. Not only that, he actually remembered the agreement between the two of them...

This may be the difference between innate holiness and acquired holiness!

Lin Zhongtian sighed in his heart as he followed Hongmeng into the Hongmeng space.

Today's Hongmeng Space is not much different from that of more than a thousand generations ago.

In the nearly infinite space, there is still only a floating land island, with a dilapidated thatched hut and a thick and low laurel tree. There is also a stone table and two stone benches under the laurel tree.

Everything was no different from what Lin Zhongtian saw back then.

Compared to the unchanging Hongmeng Space, the situation in those five universes is very different!

The originally empty universe has now been filled with countless life races.

Among them are the lives and races created by Hongmeng in these endless years, and there are also many results of natural evolution.

Countless lives and races have thrived in the five universes, developing prosperous and splendid civilizations one after another.

But no matter how exciting the development history of these civilizations is, they cannot bring him such a strong surprise and shock as the Chinese civilization that Lin Zhongtian told him back then.

This is not because of how excellent Chinese civilization is, but because Chinese civilization is not what Hongmeng expected.

In contrast, there are billions of civilizations born in the five universes in the past more than a thousand epochs. The fate of each civilization will be as clear as a picture scroll before Hongmeng's eyes.

He could see the destruction of civilization thousands of years later when civilization was just emerging.

When civilization self-destructs due to excessive prosperity, we can see the birth of new life hundreds of thousands of years later...

This sense of destiny that everything is under control naturally cannot surprise Hongmeng in the slightest.

Fortunately, there are still miracles in this world.

"The so-called Great Dao is fifty, Tianyan is forty-nine, and it is one that escapes."

"In the past more than a thousand epochs, many people with uncertain destinies have been born, and my greatest pleasure during this period is to observe the lives of those people with uncertain destinies."

"Every time I see them making a choice that is different from their fate at a critical intersection, I am extremely surprised!"

Looking at the nostalgia and smile on Hongmeng's face, Lin Zhongtian couldn't help but ask: "There should be very few people with uncertain fates like this, right?"

Hongmeng nodded and said: "It is indeed rare, but it is not particularly rare. According to my estimation, there are about ten thousand people in each Era, and there are tens of millions in more than a thousand Era."

...Listen, is this human talk?

There are only ten thousand people in one generation, isn't this considered rare?

Converted to Earth time, that would only appear once every 600 million years!

Lin Zhongtian couldn't help complaining in his heart. Although he didn't know how long he slept after becoming the Lord of the Void Gap, but just looking at his own sense of time, he still had some awe for such a long time.

Compared with him, Hongmeng has obviously transformed into a creator's mentality.

The smile on his face gradually faded, and he said regretfully: "It's a pity that among the tens of thousands of people with uncertain fates that I have observed, none of them can break free from the shackles of the universe..."

"I hope this person with an uncertain fate predicted by fellow Taoist will be an exception."

Lin Zhongtian smiled slightly: "Don't worry, he won't let you down."

That's right, before leaving Hongmeng Space, Lin Zhongtian once predicted a person with an uncertain fate, saying that he would probably become the first being to break through the constraints of the universe.

Because of this, Lin Zhongtian planned to separate his consciousness and enter the universe created by Hongmeng before this person came into the world, and have an experience of reincarnation and practice in the world.

As for the identity of this person, yes, it is Linley Baruch, the protagonist of the novel "Coiling Dragon"!

Looking at the world sphere called the 'Magic Universe' next to the main universe, Hongmeng couldn't help but frown.

He had seen the father of that uncertain man, a mortal named Hog Baruch.

This person's fate is extremely ordinary in His eyes. It can be said that he can see it from beginning to end at a glance. Except for giving birth to a person with an uncertain fate like Lin Lei in the future, there is nothing outstanding about this life.

Hongmeng would never pay attention to such a person before giving birth to Lin Lei.

But Lin Zhongtian could predict from the beginning of his creation that he would give birth to a person with an uncertain destiny.

Hongmeng has been thinking about this issue for a long time, but has never come up with any results. He can only blame it on Lin Zhongtian's special identity as the Lord of the Void Gap.

Thinking of this, Hongmeng turned to look at Lin Zhongtian and said: "Hog Baruch's wife Linna is pregnant. If fellow Taoist intends to commit suicide, now is a good time!"

Lin Zhongtian was slightly startled and said quickly: "Wait a minute, I have no intention of replacing Lin Lei!"

Hongmeng smiled and said: "Fellow Taoist, you have misunderstood. If Lin Lei really gets on the list in the future, how could I be willing to let him disappear..."

After saying that, Hongmeng waved his sleeves and said with a smile: "Fellow Taoist, wait and see!"

In an instant, a water mirror condensed in front of the floating island. In the water mirror, there was a beautiful and pregnant lady. She was quietly recuperating in the mansion of the protagonist's family.

"who is she?"

Lin Zhongtian asked with a frown.

Hongmeng said with a smile: "She is the mistress that Hog Baruch's uncle kept outside during his lifetime, named Fran Carson, and the child in her belly is Uncle Hog's posthumous son, Haven Baruch. "

"In her original fate, she and her posthumous son Haiwen died in Finlay King City a month ago. It was me who resurrected her and allowed her to stay in Magnolia Continent in exchange for being reincarnated into a wealthy family. Fortunately, not long after Later, I gave birth to a Taoist friend who was reincarnated."

"Don't worry, fellow Taoist, once you are born into the world, she will return to the underworld without leaving any ties of cause and effect..."

"Wait!" Lin Zhongtian interrupted Hongmeng's words and asked in surprise, "You want me to be reincarnated as a member of the Baruch family?"

"……Any questions?"

"This is a big problem!"

Lin Zhongtian said angrily: "Aren't you afraid that my appearance will prevent Lin Lei from transcending the universe?"

Hongmeng said lightly: "If he can be affected so easily, it only proves that he is not worthy of being on the Hongmeng Gold List, let alone entering the Hongmeng Space and walking side by side with you and me!"


Lin Zhongtian frowned, thought for a moment, and nodded: "Okay, I understand what you mean!"

Wushan Town is an ordinary town in the Finlay Kingdom in the west of the Magnolia Continent's first mountain range, the 'Warcraft Mountains'.

In just two days, in this ordinary town, two babies destined to be different were born to the Lord Baruch's family.

One of them is the eldest son of the patriarch Hoge Baruch and the future legal heir of the Baruch family.

As for the other one, although he was only the posthumous son of Uncle Hogg and the illegitimate son of his mistress, as soon as he was born, he showed his extraordinary qualities in front of everyone——

Because he won't cry.

When Hoge and Linna entered the delivery room with little Lin Lei in their arms, the baby who could not cry was looking at his cheap mother who passed away after giving birth to him with his big dark eyes in confusion, even with a smile on her lips.

Seeing this scene, Hogg and his wife Lina looked at each other, feeling a little sympathy and a sense of responsibility for the child.

On the one hand, this sense of responsibility is due to sympathy for the child who lost his mother at birth, and on the other hand, because Fran died with a smile on his face, Hogg and Lina mistakenly believed that the other party entrusted the child to them because of maternal love.

After a midnight discussion, the couple unanimously decided to officially include the child into the Baruch family.

Although the nobles attach great importance to legitimacy, the Baruch family has now declined to the point where only the Hogg lineage is left. Counting the newly born eldest son Lin Lei, there are only two real members of the clan.

Under such circumstances, even if the child was just an illegitimate child, it was still an important member that Hogg had to take care of.

Because of this, they spent a lot of money to bribe the bishop of the church in the big city next door and asked him to testify to rectify the name of the new-born child.

Since then, his mistress Fran has become the cheap wife of Hoge's dead uncle. The newly born baby boy, Xiao Haven, has also officially received the surname of Baruch and has become the cousin of the patriarch Hoge...

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