Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 731 Dragon Blood Warrior

Time flies. Six years later, in the open space east of Wushan Town, the warm sunshine in the morning shines from the sky, passing through the dense canopy of trees, leaving mottled tree shadows on the open space.

The rising sun is the moment when the town wakes up.

The vast majority of residents in Wushan Town have already gotten up to work.

Even children as young as six or seven started the traditional morning exercises in Wushan Town early.

As a country adjacent to the Warcraft Mountains, Finlay Kingdom has many cases of Warcraft attacks almost every year.

Under such circumstances, the citizens of the Kingdom of Finlay naturally became full of martial virtue. Even in a remote town like Wushan Town, all the men in the town would be summoned to train from an early age.

Just like this, there were about two hundred young children standing in the open space east of Wushan Town.

All children are divided into three groups according to age. The northernmost group is for children aged six to eight, the middle group is for children between nine and twelve years old, and the southernmost group is for children between thirteen and sixteen years old. juvenile.

In front of all the children, there were three sturdy middle-aged men wearing coarse vests and trousers.

These three people are all members of the guard team of the Baruch family, the lord of Wushan Town. The leader of the man is muscular and has a stronger aura than the two next to him combined. He is the captain of the guard team, the sixth-level warrior Xi Mann.

At this time, Hillman held his head high, walking among the children walking in Zama, while scanning the children with cold eyes.

"In the early morning, when the sun rises and is full of vitality, it is the critical moment to absorb the essence of heaven and earth and improve our body's potential!"

"So, according to the old rules, first stand in the sun for an hour in the 'Qi Yun Pose'. Pay attention to spreading your legs shoulder-width apart, bending your knees slightly, keeping your hands at your waist, focusing on keeping your mind calm. Breathe naturally…”

Hillman and two other middle-aged men were talking about the key points of the 'Yun Qi Style' while looking back and forth among the three groups of children.

The results are also obvious. The boys over thirteen years old in the south have been training for several years. When they stand up in the 'Qi Accumulation Style', they have basically met Hillman's requirements. It is obvious that they have achieved some achievements.

In comparison, the group of children with an average age of about seven years old seemed a bit too stretched.

But this is a matter of course. After all, they have just come into contact with the 'Yun Qi Style'. It would be really outrageous if they could really be compared with teenagers who are more than five years older than them.

Thinking of this, Hillman couldn't help but cast his eyes on a child in the crowd.

While other children of the same age stood slouched, he was the only one with a standard posture and firm eyes.

A smile appeared on Hillman's face, because he recognized the identity of this young man. He was none other than the eldest son of the patriarch Hogg, Linley Baruch!

This child is only six years old this year and has only been participating in morning exercises for a week. He is actually able to perform at a better standard than some children who have practiced the Qi Accumulation Style for two years. I can only say that he is truly worthy of being a child of the Baruch family!

The Baruch family is an ancient family with a long heritage. It is said that it was once prosperous for thousands of years, but now, there are only four family members in the entire family.

These four members are the patriarch Hoge Baruch, the eldest son Linley Baruch, the second son Wharton Baruch, and Hoge's cousin, Linley and Wharton's brother-in-law, Haven Baruch. gram.

When he thought of Haven Baruch, who was the same age as Lin Lei but a generation older, Hillman couldn't help but froze, and subconsciously looked at the figure at the back of the team.

This child has been different since he was a child. He not only likes to read, but also loves mathematics very much.

When he was five years old, he once despised Hillman over the calculation of the family's ledger, which made Hillman very embarrassed for a time.

"But now... you have fallen into my hands, right?!"

Hillman had a ferocious smile on his face and immediately walked over aggressively.

At this moment, the child glanced at Hillman, lowered his arms and stood up directly.

Hillman was startled for a moment, then couldn't help but frown.

Although he wanted to tease Haiwen, it was only a prank and did not contain any malice. But now, Haiwen's actions have involved the most serious attitude problem.

Hillman felt that he needed to have a good chat with him and make him realize that this morning exercise was not child's play.

Thinking of this, Hillman immediately walked over and asked seriously: "Master Haven, what's your problem?"

Hai Wen or the clone of Lin Zhongtian who had not retained his memory after reincarnation glanced at him, shook his head and said: "No, Uncle Hillman, there is nothing wrong with me. It's this Qi Accumulating Style that has a problem."

Hillman was slightly startled when he heard this, and then said with a smile: "Yunqi style? What's wrong with it?"

The Qi Accumulating Style is the simplest and most widely spread body-refining technique on the Yulan Continent. It is also the crystallization of wisdom accumulated and improved by our ancestors over the years. Hillman really can't think of any problems with such a thing.

If there is really a problem, it is simply that the body refining efficiency is not high enough...

"It's so inefficient!"

Lin Zhongtian looked at Hillman, who looked stunned, and said in a serious tone: "When I was doing the Qi Yun pose, I always felt that the warm currents in the body were not flowing smoothly enough, especially in the lower body and the core triangle area of ​​the abdomen. 'Qi' When flowing through here, it will always sink unconsciously, causing the speed of the entire body's circulation to be delayed."

"It seems like it could be faster if I could change it to this position."

"Also, I found that when the Qi flows through various acupuncture points in the body, it always separates at a touch, and the stimulation effect is too poor. So I thought, if I can make corresponding adjustments when the Qi flows through the acupuncture points, Can movements better stimulate acupuncture points and exercise the body..."

"Also, there are too few places where you can exercise in the 'Yun Qi Style'. I feel that there are still many meridians in the body that have not been developed. If we can find a way to let the Qi flow through these undeveloped areas, can we exercise the body more comprehensively?" Woolen cloth?"

Xiao Lin Zhongtian talked about his understanding of the 'Yun Qi Style' while making various gestures.

Hillman's brows furrowed at first, then gradually relaxed and turned into a look of horror.


He couldn't help but swallowed, and asked tremblingly: "Master Haiwen, don't tell me, you have already tried it?"

Lin Zhongtian nodded, and then said with some dejection: "I did try it, and the effect was indeed better, but I didn't expect that the 'qi' produced in this way would be completely discharged by my body, just like I It’s like my body is rejecting them..."


Hillman couldn't help but raise his voice, causing the children around him to cast doubtful glances.

The other two members of the escort also looked over in confusion: "What's wrong, captain?"


Hillman replied quickly, then took a deep breath, looked at Lin Zhongtian and said seriously: "Master Haiwen, please stop practicing today. Come back with me to see the master and repeat what you said!"


Xiao Lin Zhongtian was a little surprised, but after thinking about it, he nodded and returned to the Baruch family's mansion with Hillman.

Not long after, Lin Zhongtian recounted his morning exercise experience again in front of his cousin Hogg.

After he finished speaking, Hillman said excitedly: "Did you hear that, sir? Master Haiwen...he improved the Qi Accumulation Style and created a high-level Dou Qi secret book!!"

"Listen...I heard it!"

Hogg nodded subconsciously, his face also showing shock and excitement.

Lin Zhongtian frowned. He didn't seem to think this was a big deal. Instead, he looked at Hogg doubtfully and said, "Cousin, judging from Uncle Hillman's reaction, my improvements are correct, right?"

Hogg nodded solemnly: "Yes."

Xiao Lin Zhongtian became even more confused: "Then why can't the Qi I refined be preserved in my body?"

A smile appeared on Hogg's face, and he said in a tone that was both proud and melancholy: "Because you are a Baruch!"


Lin Zhongtian raised his eyebrows, still a little confused.

Hogg rubbed the child's head, turned to look at Hillman and said, "Hillman, please call Lin Lei back. There are some things I should tell them."

"Yes, sir."

Not long after, in the ancestral hall behind the Baruch family mansion.

Hogg, Lin Lei, Lin Zhongtian, and the butler Xili who was holding Little Wharton all appeared here.

Hogg lit the rows of candles in the ancestral hall and stood silently in front of the densely packed memorial tablets. Behind him were the butler holding Little Wharton, and Lin Lei and Lin Zhongtian standing side by side at the door.

Looking at his father's silent back, Lin Lei felt a little nervous and couldn't help but ask in a low voice:

"Uncle, do you know why father called us here?"

"..." Lin Zhongtian thought for a while and said calmly, "They should tell us that the Baruch family is a family of dragon-blooded warriors."

"Dragon Blood Warrior?!"

Xiao Linlei's face was filled with astonishment.

Lin Zhongtian said lightly: "I read in the book that there are four powerful beings called the ultimate warriors in the Magnolia Continent, namely the Dragon Blood Warrior, the Purple Flame Warrior, the Tiger Stripe Warrior and the Undead Warrior."

"And the dragon-blooded warrior's name is Baruch, so I guess that our Baruch family is the descendant of the dragon-blooded warrior. I just don't know what this matter has to do with what happened just now..."

Lin Lei looked at his uncle in shock. After digesting the news, he looked at his uncle in confusion and said, "What happened just now?"

Lin Zhongtian glanced at him and calmly recounted what had just happened.

Although Xiao Linlei didn't understand what it meant to create a high-level Dou Qi secret code, he also knew that it must be a great thing.

Therefore, Xiao Linlei looked at his uncle with wonder and admiration, and said sincerely: "As expected of my uncle!"

At this moment, Hogg, who was standing in front of the spiritual throne, finally turned around, looked at the two six-year-old children and said solemnly: "Today, in the name of the patriarch of the Baruch family, I want to reveal the secrets of the Baruch family. Tell you!"

After speaking, he observed the expressions of the two children and found that both children had calm faces and seemed not to care about the secret. This made Hogg frown and feel an inexplicable sense of frustration in his heart.

After gathering his mood, Hogg emphasized his tone and said seriously: "Have you ever heard of the four ultimate warriors?"

Lin Zhongtian and Xiao Linlei looked at each other. The former knew what he meant, while the latter smiled and asked impatiently: "Father, our Baruch family is one of the four ultimate warriors, the family of dragon-blooded warriors, right?"

"The four ultimate battles...huh? How do you know?!"

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