Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 732 Dragon Blood Secret Book

Hogg looked at Xiao Linlei with excitement on his face in shock.

Lin Lei said impromptuly: "My uncle just told me!"


Hogg turned to look at Lin Zhongtian and frowned: "How did you know?"

The little boy said calmly: "I saw it from the family book collection..."

"Family collection of books?" Hogg asked in surprise, "Which one?"

"It's the one about the four ultimate warriors!"

Lin Zhongtian said in surprise: "It is clearly written in it that the first generation of dragon blood warriors is called Baruch!"

Hogg said helplessly: "So you connected that Baruch with our family?"

Lin Zhongtian nodded matter-of-factly: "Yes, is there any problem..."

Theoretically, there is nothing wrong with Lin Zhongtian's reasoning, but now that the Baruch family has declined, even if someone finds out that their last name is the same as the first-generation dragon-blooded warrior, they will most likely think it is a coincidence.

It turns out that it was just the child's simple thinking and logic that made a fuss...

Hogg sighed helplessly, and then looked at the two of them with a headache.

In the Baruch family's family education, this link was originally used to cultivate children's sense of honor and belonging to the family. Now that Lin Zhongtian has done this, the shock of revealing the secret is less.

But fortunately, the later links are enough to make up for the shock of this missing part.

Thinking of this, Hogg looked solemn, and immediately pointed to the names on the memorial tablets in the ancestral hall, telling the two of them the glorious deeds of their ancestors back then.

"Baruch, the first dragon-blooded warrior in the Magnolia Continent. In the year 4560 of the Magnolia Calendar, Baruch faced the sanctuary-level black dragon and the frost dragon at the gate of Linnan City. He finally killed the two sanctuary-level dragons and committed suicide. This reputation shocks the world..."

"Ryan Baruch, the second dragon-blooded warrior in the Magnolia Continent, defeated and subdued a sacred-level golden dragon in the Warcraft Mountains in the year 4690 of the Magnolia Calendar, and became a golden dragon knight..."

"Hazard Baruch, the third dragon-blooded warrior in Magnolia Continent, Magnolia Calendar..."

As Hogg spoke with pride and pride, little Lin Lei, who was only six years old, was filled with excitement.

In contrast, Lin Zhongtian's reaction next to him was a little indifferent, and he did not seem to have any emotional fluctuations due to this.

Seeing the calm expression on Lin Zhongtian's face, Hogg's originally high interest gradually seemed to be extinguished.

Finally, he stopped talking, sighed helplessly, looked at Lin Zhongtian and said, "Hai Wen, what's wrong with you?"

Lin Zhongtian frowned and said, "What's wrong?"

Hogg also frowned and said, "Aren't you proud of your origin?"

Lin Zhongtian nodded and said: "Of course I am proud, but I have known about this kind of thing for a long time. Even if I am proud, I have been proud for a long time. Now I just want to know how this matter has anything to do with what happened to me. …”


Hogg stared blankly at the little boy in front of him.

After a moment, he sighed and raised his hand to stroke the boy's head.

This child has been a freak since he was a child. Hogg thought that putting him in the circle of children of the same age over the years would make him normal, but he did not expect that he would gradually reveal his differences.

In comparison, his eldest son Lin Lei is more in line with his image of a good boy.

Seeing Xiao Linlei next to him with an expectant look on his face, Hogg gained confidence again.

"Okay, then I'll tell you!"

Hogg smiled slightly, looked at Lin Zhongtian and said seriously: "As descendants of dragon-blooded warriors, we have both advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is that no matter whether your bloodline concentration can become a dragon-blooded warrior, your physical talent will be far behind. Super ordinary people, even if they simply train their bodies, can easily be promoted to a sixth-level warrior, and even break through the limits of the human body and reach the level of a high-level warrior."

"Back then, my grandfather, Lin Lei's grandpa Zeng, became a seventh-level warrior with his body alone. This is our advantage."

"As for the disadvantages, the descendants of the Dragon Blood Warrior cannot practice other Dou Qi Secret Codes. The Dragon Blood Warrior bloodline in your body is only suitable for practicing the "Dragon Blood Secret Code" passed down by our family. Other Dou Qi Secret Codes will be affected by the blood. conflict."

"This is why you can't practice with your own Dou Qi secret book!"

"...So that's it!" Lin Zhongtian looked astonished, and then asked expectantly, "Then can I read the "Dragon Blood Codex"?"

Finally, I look like a child!

Looking at the anticipation on Lin Zhongtian's face, Hogg couldn't help but smile.

"Don't worry." Hogg said with a smile, "Linley, Haiwen, you two are already six years old this year."

"According to the rules, when the children of my Dragon Blood Warrior family reach the age of six, the detected blood concentration of the Dragon Blood Warrior will be more accurate. I called you two back today just to test the blood concentration for you."

"Only when the concentration reaches a certain level can you practice the "Dragon Blood Secret Book"!"

Lin Zhongtian said without hesitation: "Then what are you waiting for? Let's start now!"

Hogg smiled and asked the two children to stay here while he went to get the 'Dragon Blood Needle' specially used to test blood concentration.

While waiting, Xiao Linlei looked nervous and uneasy, as if he was worried that he would disappoint his father because his bloodline was not strong enough to become a dragon-blooded warrior.

Out of a child's desire for resonance, he subconsciously turned to look at his uncle.

Then he noticed that his uncle still looked calm, as if he didn't care at all.

Seeing this scene, Lin Lei couldn't help but ask: "Uncle, aren't you nervous?"

"Why are you nervous?"

"Because the blood concentration test is about to happen!"

"So what, can being nervous make the blood concentration higher?"

"...Uh, I can't."

"Then why are you still nervous?"


Xiao Linlei's face turned red and he was speechless.

Lin Zhongtian glanced at him and said, "Look, I can't tell you anymore!"

Xiao Linlei was a little discouraged, and at the same time, the tension in his heart also faded a bit.

Outside the universe, Hongmeng space.

The middle-aged Taoist sat at the stone table, looked at the water mirror in front of him and smiled: "This child's personality seems to be a little different from yours!"

On the other side of the stone table, Lin Zhongtian also sat on the stone bench and explained with a smile: "Well, it is indeed a little different. His personality has a higher proportion of curiosity, which is more suitable for this than my original personality. The magical world.”

Hongmeng nodded thoughtfully, and then suddenly asked: "Fellow Taoist, did you really not instill any memories in him?"

Lin Zhongtian shook his head: "Of course not."

Hongmeng showed a smile on his face and asked with interest: "A soul that is completely blank except for the personality is reincarnated. In this case, is he your clone or your heir?"


Lin Zhongtian was slightly startled.

Hongmeng raised his hand, and a cell suddenly appeared out of thin air in his empty palm, and then continued to divide in front of their eyes.

"The most basic way of asexual reproduction is division!"

"Fellow Taoist, what is the difference between what you are doing and asexual splitting?"

Lin Zhongtian frowned and said, "What exactly do you want to say?"

Hongmeng smiled: "Nothing, I just want to know how fellow Taoist will treat this child in the future. After all, he will be on the Hongmeng Golden List in the future and will walk side by side with me."


Lin Zhongtian understood what Hongmeng meant and couldn't help but look at him speechlessly.

This guy is quite protective of his shortcomings, and now he is starting to separate his relatives far and wide!

After thinking for a moment, Lin Zhongtian said calmly: "As fellow Taoist said before, I split my soul into the calamity in order to use your universe to perfect my foundation. If he can really break the shackles of the universe and help me go further, I will naturally Give him complete freedom and let him become my independent clone."

" independent clone?"

Hongmeng looked at Lin Zhongtian with some confusion.

Lin Zhongtian smiled slightly and did not explain. He just chuckled and said, "I will let you meet the other two of me when you have time."

Hongmeng asked thoughtfully: "What are their names?"

Lin Zhongtian smiled and replied: "Zuo Yu, Lin Zizhu..."

Not long after, Hogg walked out of the secret room at the back of the ancestral hall, with two 20-centimeter-long transparent needles in his hand.

The moment he saw the transparent needle, Xiao Linlei's heart, which had been relieved, became stronger again.

"Is this... so long?"

Looking at the nervous expression on Xiao Linlei's face, Hogg couldn't help but comfort him: "Don't be afraid, as long as it pierces the skin. If you don't believe me, just look at your uncle. He's not afraid. You can do it too!"

Hogg looked encouraging.

Haiwen, the narrator, said calmly: "Who says I'm not afraid? I just didn't show it."

Hogg was slightly startled when he heard this, and his eyes moved downwards, and then he realized that Haven's arms were really shaking.

...It turns out you also know what fear is!

Hogg gave him a funny look, and then said warmly: "Come on, Lin Lei, you are older, you come first..."

Not long after, the two of them took the dragon blood needle test one after another.

Hogg looked at the two dragon blood needles in his hand in silence, and did not speak for a long time.

"Alas..." With a sigh, Hogg placed two dragon blood needles on the table.

Lin Lei, who had been waiting anxiously for a long time, saw this scene, his psychological defense collapsed immediately, and he burst into tears.

Hogg quickly leaned over and hugged him, comforting the crying boy in his arms.

Haiwen next to him was also a little disappointed, but he did not cry like Xiao Linlei. Instead, he looked up at Hogg and asked: "Cousin Hogg, you just said that only when the blood concentration reaches a certain level can one practice " "Dragon's Blood Code", right?"

Hogg was slightly startled and nodded subconsciously.

"Then is there any way to increase the blood concentration?"

"Indeed, but that method..."

Hogg sighed and shook his head, obviously not thinking that they could awaken through this method.

Hai Wen frowned and said: "It's still a hope after all. Moreover, since the blood concentration can be improved, can the "Dragon Blood Secret Code" itself continue to be improved, such as improving it into a secret code that can be practiced even if the blood concentration is not enough..."

"How can this be!"

Hogg subconsciously retorted.

Haiwen said seriously: "Cousin, before today, do you think it was possible for me to create a high-level Dou Qi secret book?"


Hogg stared blankly at the half-grown child in front of him, seemingly shocked by the meaning of his words.

Even little Lin Lei in his arms stopped crying and looked at his uncle with wide eyes.

...If it were this child, maybe it would be possible!

Hogg had to admit shamefully that he was really moved.

He hesitated for a moment and said firmly: "Just wait, I'll get it for you right away!"

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